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Your Top 10 Acquisitons of 20175089

COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Okay, so there's still a couple of weeks left in the year but I think we could start showing off our favorite acquisitions of 2017. This can include raw books, books that you've had graded, original art, commissions, action figures, etc. Whatever you collect, post your top 10 favorite acquisitions of 2017 here!

Witchblade 1997 Pittsburgh Comic Con Encore Edition
I'd been looking out for this book for years as it only comes up for sale very rarely and usually way overpriced. This year I finally got my copy at a reasonable price. Now I'm on the lookout for the other Pittsburgh Con Witchblade book, which comes up for sale more often, but also tends to be overpriced by sellers.

Nyx #3
My previous copy was stolen at a convention but I got this replacement copy this year,just in time to be signed by Joe Quesada. I'd been trying to get Josh Middleton on the book as well but he was a no-show at many shows he was scheduled for so I never got him.

Maximum Carnage #1
I remember the artwork for this cover from the video game box art but I'd always lamented that it wasn't used on any of the books (save for some of the collected editions) until I found this promotional issue. It took me a few months to find it at a good price but I was able to snatch a copy before too long.

Punisher #3
This book has one of my favorite Punisher/Daredevil confrontations ever. It was the basis of an excellent Daredevil Season 2 episode so I got this signed by Jon Bernthal and Charlie Cox in addition to cover artist Tim Bradstreet and inker Jimmy Palmiotti. Unfortunately I missed out on getting Garth Ennis on the book this year.

Daredevil #1 Authentix Edition - painted by Brian Woodward
Inspired by the success I had with my Spider-Woman Authentix cover last year, I found a great painter to tackle Joe Quesada's iconic Daredevil #1 cover art and he did a great job turning the art into something new. I was able to get Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti to sign the book and I've got my fingers crossed for an opportunity to get a witnessed Kevin Smith Signature sometime soon. The book is currently with the artist to paint the back cover, which is Quesda's art for Daredevil #2.

Alias #1
Jessica Jones is one of the better Netflix Marvel shows and the cover for her first appearance feels like an official part of David Mack's series of portrait covers for Daredevil: End of Days. I was able to get cover artist David Mack, writer Brian Michael Bendis, and Jessica Jones actress Krysten Ritter on this book.

Batman: Harley Quinn
One of my favorite covers of any comic, I had this signed and graded in the middle of last year. Early this year, I had the rare opportunity to get Alex Ross' signature on the book so I took the risk and had the book cracked. Fortunately, it came back a 9.8 once again.

Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special - By Chad Hardin & Alex Sinclair
One of my early commissions this year, I had the art sketched by Chad Hardin and colored by Alex Sinclair. Since then, I've gotten Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, John Timms, and Paul Mounts to add their signatures to the book and it'll be heading to CBCS very soon.

Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special - by Greg Hildebrandt
The Hildebrandts have been some of my favorite artists since seeing their art on some trading cards as a grade school kid. This year, I was finally able to get Greg Hildebrandt, an accomplished pin-up artist, to do a sketch cover for me. While I'd love to see this colored, I'm not sure I could bring myself to trust anyone to work on top of the original.

Amazing Spider-Man #129
The first appearance of my favorite comic character. I'd gotten the book graded some time ago but it went on the road last year and part of this year to get signed by John Romita Sr, Gerry Conway, and Stan Lee as part of my signed ASM 129 et.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector Darkga private msg quote post Address this user
I'll do a top 5. All of these were bought raw on eBay.

This was my proudest grail acquisition of the year.

This was my biggest flip of the year. It made up for a lot of bad buys on eBay.

This was my favorite re-buy of the year. I sold my 8.0 copy and instantly regretted it, so I was stoked to get a raw that turned out to be a 9.0.

This was my favorite original art purchase of the year.

This was my rarest purchase of the year. I already had 1 of only 2 graded, now I will have 2 of 3 graded.

Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector Themaxx35 private msg quote post Address this user
I’ll have to edit this with my others later. But these pics happened to be on my phone. My only regret is that I didn’t get Perez’s signature too:

Edit 1

Nothing too special. Found this for $5 at a LCS. I’m a big Dan Jurgens fan and this some of his early work so if figured why not. Steve pressed this one. 9.2 is nothing to write home about but pre-press I would have said 8.0-8.5

This is the first comic I ever bought specifically to collect. Pure nostalgia so don’t care too much about the grade but was hoping for 9.6

I just think this is a cool cover so I grabbed it:

Another nostalgia piece from my early collecting days:

Edit 3
And to round out the ten:

And finally this one is getting ready for submission:

Post 3 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Top 10:

1. BLUE BEETLE 1939-50 #54 5/1/2017

2. SPECIAL MARVEL EDITION 1971-74 #15 11/9/2017


4. FANTASTIC FOUR 1961-96 #67 5/2/2017

5. WONDER WOMAN #15 5/5/2017

6. GREEN LANTERN (SA) 1960-86 #1 5/3/2017

7. CEREBUS THE AARDVARK #1 6/13/2017

8. IRON FIST #14 5/3/2017

9. NELLIE THE NURSE #1 5/4/2017 Submitted to CBCS at Rhode Island last month

10. DAREDEVIL-1964 #2 6/13/2017

Honorable Mention

1. AMAZING SPIDERMAN #300 9/11/2017

2. ATOM, THE #38 5/1/2017

3. New Mutants (1983 1st Series) 87 CGC 9.8

Post 4 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
That Amazing Spider-Man #300 is sooooo nice and refreshing to see an autograph on the 1st page.

Just my personal preference for any comics in which an indicia exists on the splash page.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
I've hardly bought anything all year. I know that I bought this in October.

I bought this print...

I bought some Treasury sized publications...

I bought some low print run TPBs

Anything my girlfriend draws is worth more to me than the things I buy.

Light year for me. I don't buy online and I haven't seen anything locally that interests me.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
As we still have a few days left of the year and I am still on the look out for one of my grails I will wait a bit with sharing, but cool pieces so far - everyone!
Post 7 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user

Post 8 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
was a good year imo
Post 9 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
@kaptainmyke I like what you got.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
I obtained a number of comics off my "bucket list" of must haves (that are obtainable)...a lot of these I had to wait months for the right price as I'm budget limited. Had to sell off a decent part of my collection of toys and comics to free up the funds too...but I got them!! That's what matters!

The highlight of my years was grabbing ASM #300 in NM with white pages...#1 on my list this year!

Sorry this is more than 10...but I could not decide as I love them all!!!

Post 11 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Some runner ups, Cover prelims for Greg Hildebrandt’s Deadpool vs The Punisher cover:

Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector Watcher private msg quote post Address this user
pretty much all my keys were last year

Post 13 IP   flag post
Suckin' on a chili dog
Outside the Tastee Freez.
RexMuff private msg quote post Address this user

Good year for books, bad year for musicians, bye 2017
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector BabaLament private msg quote post Address this user
@kaptainmyke That xenomorph is outstanding! Facets in Chicago did an official/authorized HR Giger biopic in 2015. They also had a small "gallery", and I picked up a signed/numbered lithograph of Li II. Amazing piece of work, had it framed, but I can't figure out where in the house to hang it.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector Odins_Raven private msg quote post Address this user
Top 5

1. Amazing Fantasy 15 signed by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee

2. Journey Into Mystery 83 signed by Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Joe Sinnott, Larry Lieber

3. Daredevil 1 signed by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee

4. Fantastic Four 48 signed by Jack Kirby, Joe Sinnott and Stan Lee

5. Relatos Fabulosos 160 (House of Secrets 92) signed by Bernie Wrightson

*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Odyssey novel OA cover

Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector Watcher private msg quote post Address this user
@odins...christ! these books are worth more than my house ..awesome stuff
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector bige31 private msg quote post Address this user

Off all the comics I got this year this is my favorite. It’s the first comic my wife got me and man what a comic.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector Odins_Raven private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Watcher
@odins...christ! these books are worth more than my house ..awesome stuff

Thanks a lot man! If anyone needs to find me, I'll be in the poor house lol.

You are telling me though, you came up this year, congratulations on those beauts!
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
By now should know that I am collecting the old Walt Disney's Comics & Stories. Over the past 6 months the top grades have increased significantly in value. I think there is a collector with deep pockets who is putting together a collection at any price!

Anyway - here we go

#1 WDCS #31 (1943) - First Carl Barks in the series

#2 WDCS #43 (1943) - 2nd Carl Barks in the series

#3 WDCS #15 (1941) - rare in high grade

#4 WDCS #24 (1942) - rare in high grade

#5 WDCS #19 (1942) - rare in high grade

#6 WDCS #10 (1941) - rare in this grade or higher

#7 WDCS #190 (1956) - highest graded and first 9.8 in my WDCS collection (just purchased another one )

#8 Wonder Woman Chadwick sketch - currently with CBCS after the inclusion of a Gadot signature

#9 Rogue Chadwick sketch - actually getting another x-men sketch done

#10 Dark Nights Metal 3 Virgin CGC 9.8 - one of my contacts skrewed up one of my purchase orders so he offered me this one - not complaining - considered variant of the Year by some

Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector JustABitEvil private msg quote post Address this user
This is probably my favorite of the year, Gold Key Star Trek #33, signed by William Shatner. The unholy alchemy of all my expensive nerdy habits in one artifact. I should have it back from CBCS in April.

One of my favorite covers from the Silver Age. I dug this out of a bin at Big Apple Comic-Con this past year, I think it might hit a 7 if I send it in for the red label.

My main goal as a collecter right now is every issue of Uncanny X-Men v1, but I'm also trying to collect every Silver Age appearance of the X-Men and since Stan Lee was in Boston this year I decided to treat myself. It's beat but I got a good deal on this FF 28 for my Stan Lee collection, this one's going to be a candidate for a clean/press before submission for the VSP.

I have an ASM #33 signed by Stan Lee, I picked up this and #32 online with the intent of getting them all signed but I ended up getting my X-Men 14 signed instead of the ASM #32. But you better believe I had Stan tag my first Gwen Stacy appearance.

I bought this at my LCS for my birthday, Roy Thomas signed it for me at Big Apple Comic-Con and Neal Adams signed at Boston.

I was looking for #1 but this one kind of called out from the bin. It looks worse than it is, I bet it will grade well with a cleaning and pressing. Roy Thomas and Jim Steranko signed this for me at Big Apple Comic-Con.

I found this at a flea market, I was looking to buy DrChaos' copy but I got a really good deal on this beat but complete copy.

Got this at the same flea market, paid a little more than I wanted to for it but it was a fair price, especially with the deal he gave me on the Strange Tales.

This was a Christmas present from my wife, it's a very nice copy.

This was an impulse buy. I saw it on the wall at my LCS and thought to myself "I don't own any Silver Age DC..."

Post 21 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
For a guy that supposedly retired from collecting around 25 years ago, I had a hard time limiting this list to ten! Special thanks to all the forum users who helped me out with some of these.

I made it a priority to work on my X-Men collection and was able to purchase over a dozen issues that were on my want list. Here are a few:

Here are some other pick-ups with more help from friends:

And it seems everybody is getting bit by the GA bug (or at least Atomic Age), so I finally pulled the trigger on a couple of EC’s.

Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector DJC_II private msg quote post Address this user

Here are 5 that I have on my phone. I have 5 more I'm sure. Nothing insane like some of these big scores though... wow
Post 23 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
good stuff guys
Post 24 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
@esaravo Nice books. Glad I could help you.
Post 25 IP   flag post
Collector VillageIdiot private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
Okay, so there's still a couple of weeks left in the year but I think we could start showing off our favorite acquisitions of 2017. This can include raw books, books that you've had graded, original art, commissions, action figures, etc. Whatever you collect, post your top 10 favorite acquisitions of 2017 here!

Witchblade 1997 Pittsburgh Comic Con Encore Edition
I'd been looking out for this book for years as it only comes up for sale very rarely and usually way overpriced. This year I finally got my copy at a reasonable price. Now I'm on the lookout for the other Pittsburgh Con Witchblade book, which comes up for sale more often, but also tends to be overpriced by sellers.

Nyx #3
My previous copy was stolen at a convention but I got this replacement copy this year,just in time to be signed by Joe Quesada. I'd been trying to get Josh Middleton on the book as well but he was a no-show at many shows he was scheduled for so I never got him.

Maximum Carnage #1
I remember the artwork for this cover from the video game box art but I'd always lamented that it wasn't used on any of the books (save for some of the collected editions) until I found this promotional issue. It took me a few months to find it at a good price but I was able to snatch a copy before too long.

Punisher #3
This book has one of my favorite Punisher/Daredevil confrontations ever. It was the basis of an excellent Daredevil Season 2 episode so I got this signed by Jon Bernthal and Charlie Cox in addition to cover artist Tim Bradstreet and inker Jimmy Palmiotti. Unfortunately I missed out on getting Garth Ennis on the book this year.

Daredevil #1 Authentix Edition - painted by Brian Woodward
Inspired by the success I had with my Spider-Woman Authentix cover last year, I found a great painter to tackle Joe Quesada's iconic Daredevil #1 cover art and he did a great job turning the art into something new. I was able to get Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti to sign the book and I've got my fingers crossed for an opportunity to get a witnessed Kevin Smith Signature sometime soon. The book is currently with the artist to paint the back cover, which is Quesda's art for Daredevil #2.

Alias #1
Jessica Jones is one of the better Netflix Marvel shows and the cover for her first appearance feels like an official part of David Mack's series of portrait covers for Daredevil: End of Days. I was able to get cover artist David Mack, writer Brian Michael Bendis, and Jessica Jones actress Krysten Ritter on this book.

Batman: Harley Quinn
One of my favorite covers of any comic, I had this signed and graded in the middle of last year. Early this year, I had the rare opportunity to get Alex Ross' signature on the book so I took the risk and had the book cracked. Fortunately, it came back a 9.8 once again.

Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special - By Chad Hardin & Alex Sinclair
One of my early commissions this year, I had the art sketched by Chad Hardin and colored by Alex Sinclair. Since then, I've gotten Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, John Timms, and Paul Mounts to add their signatures to the book and it'll be heading to CBCS very soon.

Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special - by Greg Hildebrandt
The Hildebrandts have been some of my favorite artists since seeing their art on some trading cards as a grade school kid. This year, I was finally able to get Greg Hildebrandt, an accomplished pin-up artist, to do a sketch cover for me. While I'd love to see this colored, I'm not sure I could bring myself to trust anyone to work on top of the original.

Amazing Spider-Man #129
The first appearance of my favorite comic character. I'd gotten the book graded some time ago but it went on the road last year and part of this year to get signed by John Romita Sr, Gerry Conway, and Stan Lee as part of my signed ASM 129 et.

I own about every Witchblade variant that has been produced Got them all in a Bronze Age collection I bought years back. Message me. I'm certain I have the book you need!
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector Thanatos private msg quote post Address this user
In no particular order...

Last pick up of 2017 was this GSX#1 CBCS 3.0, not a big Marvel guy but I grew up watching the TV show and have wanted one of these for awhile. Nice entry level copy

GL #76 in CGC 4.5, this comic needs no introduction! Neal Adams signed on the first page, considering breaking this out and subbing for CBCS VSP.

GL #87 in CGC 6.5. Got this raw for a steal, another great Neal Adams cover and 1st app of John Stewart!

Zatanna #16 CBCS 9.6 signed by AH, my favorite of his covers and my favorite female comic book character. What's not to like?

Rick and Morty #1 CBCS 9.6, this comic escalated quickly. Couldn't believe how fast these shot up in value, luckily I made back all my costs for this book by selling an identical 9.6. I plan to keep this one for awhile

Four Color #596 CGC 4.5! 1st app of Turok! This was in my top 5 biggest wants for 2017 and boy am I happy I won this auction. I had this comic pressed and graded and it came back a very solid 4.5, originally had water damage and waves all over the comic. CGC has a little over 100 of these on the census, not an easy book to find. This one is in the PC for the long haul!

Hawkman #4 CGC 5.0! 1st appearance and origin of my comic book love Zatanna! This was another comic in my top 5 wants of 2017 and I struggled to find a nice low-mid grade copy for a good price but this came to me from the UK (ink pence stamp) and I couldn't be more happy to have it in my PC!

Showcase #22 CBCS 3.0! The Holy Grail. 1st appearance of Silver Age Green Lantern Hal Jordan! I still look at this comic with awe, hardly believing that I own such a cool piece of comic book history! One of the best 1st app covers in all comic book history IMO. A Green Lantern fans dream come true!

These last 2 aren't comic related but also my favorite pick ups of the year. I found this hardcover first edition first printing of Ready Player One at a used book store for $10. The book hasn't been out long but the cult following has made the 1st/1st ridiculously valuable. I assume this is what it feels like to find a gem key issue digging through long boxes at a thrift shop hahaha

Lastly, I went to Nebraska for Christmas to see my wife's family and stopped in to see my always booked tattoo artist Dave Koenig @ Tenth Sanctum. I've got his artwork all over my house and body and love the guy to death. He hooked me up with #1/200 of this sold out print and I was thrilled! One of the coolest pieces he's done and it'll be going into a nice frame and on the wall here pretty soon.

There you have it. My top 10 of 2017. I don't know how 2018 will beat it!
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by VillageIdiot
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
Okay, so there's still a couple of weeks left in the year but I think we could start showing off our favorite acquisitions of 2017. This can include raw books, books that you've had graded, original art, commissions, action figures, etc. Whatever you collect, post your top 10 favorite acquisitions of 2017 here!

Witchblade 1997 Pittsburgh Comic Con Encore Edition
I'd been looking out for this book for years as it only comes up for sale very rarely and usually way overpriced. This year I finally got my copy at a reasonable price. Now I'm on the lookout for the other Pittsburgh Con Witchblade book, which comes up for sale more often, but also tends to be overpriced by sellers.

Nyx #3
My previous copy was stolen at a convention but I got this replacement copy this year,just in time to be signed by Joe Quesada. I'd been trying to get Josh Middleton on the book as well but he was a no-show at many shows he was scheduled for so I never got him.

Maximum Carnage #1
I remember the artwork for this cover from the video game box art but I'd always lamented that it wasn't used on any of the books (save for some of the collected editions) until I found this promotional issue. It took me a few months to find it at a good price but I was able to snatch a copy before too long.

Punisher #3
This book has one of my favorite Punisher/Daredevil confrontations ever. It was the basis of an excellent Daredevil Season 2 episode so I got this signed by Jon Bernthal and Charlie Cox in addition to cover artist Tim Bradstreet and inker Jimmy Palmiotti. Unfortunately I missed out on getting Garth Ennis on the book this year.

Daredevil #1 Authentix Edition - painted by Brian Woodward
Inspired by the success I had with my Spider-Woman Authentix cover last year, I found a great painter to tackle Joe Quesada's iconic Daredevil #1 cover art and he did a great job turning the art into something new. I was able to get Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti to sign the book and I've got my fingers crossed for an opportunity to get a witnessed Kevin Smith Signature sometime soon. The book is currently with the artist to paint the back cover, which is Quesda's art for Daredevil #2.

Alias #1
Jessica Jones is one of the better Netflix Marvel shows and the cover for her first appearance feels like an official part of David Mack's series of portrait covers for Daredevil: End of Days. I was able to get cover artist David Mack, writer Brian Michael Bendis, and Jessica Jones actress Krysten Ritter on this book.

Batman: Harley Quinn
One of my favorite covers of any comic, I had this signed and graded in the middle of last year. Early this year, I had the rare opportunity to get Alex Ross' signature on the book so I took the risk and had the book cracked. Fortunately, it came back a 9.8 once again.

Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special - By Chad Hardin & Alex Sinclair
One of my early commissions this year, I had the art sketched by Chad Hardin and colored by Alex Sinclair. Since then, I've gotten Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, John Timms, and Paul Mounts to add their signatures to the book and it'll be heading to CBCS very soon.

Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special - by Greg Hildebrandt
The Hildebrandts have been some of my favorite artists since seeing their art on some trading cards as a grade school kid. This year, I was finally able to get Greg Hildebrandt, an accomplished pin-up artist, to do a sketch cover for me. While I'd love to see this colored, I'm not sure I could bring myself to trust anyone to work on top of the original.

Amazing Spider-Man #129
The first appearance of my favorite comic character. I'd gotten the book graded some time ago but it went on the road last year and part of this year to get signed by John Romita Sr, Gerry Conway, and Stan Lee as part of my signed ASM 129 et.

I own about every Witchblade variant that has been produced Got them all in a Bronze Age collection I bought years back. Message me. I'm certain I have the book you need!
Originally Posted by Thanatos
In no particular order...

Last pick up of 2017 was this GSX#1 CBCS 3.0, not a big Marvel guy but I grew up watching the TV show and have wanted one of these for awhile. Nice entry level copy

GL #76 in CGC 4.5, this comic needs no introduction! Neal Adams signed on the first page, considering breaking this out and subbing for CBCS VSP.

GL #87 in CGC 6.5. Got this raw for a steal, another great Neal Adams cover and 1st app of John Stewart!

Zatanna #16 CBCS 9.6 signed by AH, my favorite of his covers and my favorite female comic book character. What's not to like?

Rick and Morty #1 CBCS 9.6, this comic escalated quickly. Couldn't believe how fast these shot up in value, luckily I made back all my costs for this book by selling an identical 9.6. I plan to keep this one for awhile

Four Color #596 CGC 4.5! 1st app of Turok! This was in my top 5 biggest wants for 2017 and boy am I happy I won this auction. I had this comic pressed and graded and it came back a very solid 4.5, originally had water damage and waves all over the comic. CGC has a little over 100 of these on the census, not an easy book to find. This one is in the PC for the long haul!

Hawkman #4 CGC 5.0! 1st appearance and origin of my comic book love Zatanna! This was another comic in my top 5 wants of 2017 and I struggled to find a nice low-mid grade copy for a good price but this came to me from the UK (ink pence stamp) and I couldn't be more happy to have it in my PC!

Showcase #22 CBCS 3.0! The Holy Grail. 1st appearance of Silver Age Green Lantern Hal Jordan! I still look at this comic with awe, hardly believing that I own such a cool piece of comic book history! One of the best 1st app covers in all comic book history IMO. A Green Lantern fans dream come true!

These last 2 aren't comic related but also my favorite pick ups of the year. I found this hardcover first edition first printing of Ready Player One at a used book store for $10. The book hasn't been out long but the cult following has made the 1st/1st ridiculously valuable. I assume this is what it feels like to find a gem key issue digging through long boxes at a thrift shop hahaha

Lastly, I went to Nebraska for Christmas to see my wife's family and stopped in to see my always booked tattoo artist Dave Koenig @ Tenth Sanctum. I've got his artwork all over my house and body and love the guy to death. He hooked me up with #1/200 of this sold out print and I was thrilled! One of the coolest pieces he's done and it'll be going into a nice frame and on the wall here pretty soon.

There you have it. My top 10 of 2017. I don't know how 2018 will beat it!
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector Themaxx35 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Thanatos
Zatanna #16 CBCS 9.6 signed by AH, my favorite of his covers and my favorite female comic book character. What's not to like?

Nice job on the 9.6. My copy is on the way to Avery for pressing this week. Hoping I can hit 9.6, but a 9.4 might be more realistic.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector Thanatos private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Themaxx35
Originally Posted by Thanatos
Zatanna #16 CBCS 9.6 signed by AH, my favorite of his covers and my favorite female comic book character. What's not to like?

Nice job on the 9.6. My copy is on the way to Avery for pressing this week. Hoping I can hit 9.6, but a 9.4 might be more realistic.

It's ridiculous how difficult it is to find a copy of Zatanna #16 raw in ~9.8 condition. I still look at every copy that shows up on eBay just in case. That Hawkman 4, Four Color 596 and GL 87 were all pressed by Avery, he does great work. Getting two RaM #1 BAM variants signed by Roiland back this week that he pressed and both got 9.8s.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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