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New Comic Releases Dec 20-Bank Breaker5065

Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Seems like the Comic book industry would like us to go broke right before Christmas, OR they're trying to get a nice push of books out before things get REALLY sluggish for a couple of weeks. I won't speculate... Either way, though, there are a whole lot of things hitting the shelves this week to go and pick up (or not), so get ready for the pain. CAN YOU FEEL IT????

Backways 1 - I missed this one with the pre-orders for December, but it does look like it could be a good one! Justin Jordan (Green Lantern) and Eleonora Carlini (Batgirl, Doctor Who) bring a magic and mystery book about what's going on in "your basement, your attic, the haunted house down the street..." and "a nation of magic and madness, one that exists in all the forgotten spaces." It describes itself as a book that will appeal to fans of Harry Potter and Narnia, but reads a bit darker!

Check out the two cover options - Eleonora Carlina and Ben Templesmith.

Antarctic Press
How the Trump Stole Christmas - I don't normally go for the gimmick books, but the cover is a pretty good homage to How The Grinch Stole Christmas... could be a fun / funny book. I will not end up picking up this book, but I'm listing it here for those who may be curious. There's a regular and gold foil version.

BOOM! Studios

Jim Henson Storyteller Fairies 1 - I picked up the Giants series, which was beautiful, and if Fairies follows in the line of that, this should be a nice series to follow. This is all about folklore from around the world "in the spirit of Jim Henson's beloved television series."

The first issue has three cover options - Matt Smith, Sas Milledge, and Stan Sakai.

Dark Horse Comics:

Hellboy Krampusnacht 1 - Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes teaming up for a Hellboy special? What?!?!? This has to be good, right? A Satanic spin on Santa, amazing covers, and interior art by the crazy talented Adam Hughes make this a must-have for the season...

There are three covers - Standard Adam Hughes and Mike Mignola, plus a sketch variant for Adam Hughes.

Joe Golem: Occult Detective - Flesh and Blood 1 - A double shot of the dark and occult this week from Mike Mignola. We return to the world of Joe Golem with his partner Christopher Golden and a new story arc. What can go wrong?

DC Comics:

Aquaman 31 - Arthur starts out a new storyline this week, "Take Back The Throne", side by side with Mera, Dolphin, and Vulko, ready to "rally the underworld of Atlantis end the reign of the nefarious King Rath!" It's never that simple, though, with new enemies coming from "unexpected places..." Poor Aquaman...

Two cover options this week - Stepan Sejic and Joshua Middleton (conflicting reports list this as a Liam Sharp cover).

Batman 37 - Part two of "Superfriends" hits this week, which is is a page-turner digging into the dynamic of Batman and Superman through the lens of a double-date! Tom King and Clay Mann are bringing us quite an amazing read... If you haven't picked up part one, do!

Two cover options this week - Mikel Janin and Olivier Coipel.

Batwoman 10 - "Home Horrors" kicks off this issue as Kate returns to "the site of her most brutal losses and memories.... [and] mist overcome her haunted past to ensure her terrorist foes don't begin the new year with a bang!" With some dark times coming for the character in the pages of Detective Comics (check out the recent solicits!), I'm curious where her solo series is heading!

There are two cover options - Fernando Blanco and Michael Cho.

Dark Nights Metal 4 - Welcome to the poor house! We're finally hitting the fourth chapter in the best DC Event in a LONG time... If you've seen the covers, you know Dream has something to do with this issue as the JLA has been scattered to the wind.

Four cover options for this issue (not counting the countless "boutique" variants out there) - Greg Capullo, Andy Kubert, Jim Lee, and Tony Daniel.

Green Lanterns 37 - "Peacekeepers" kicks off, taking Cruz and Baz "to a distant world on the brink of war to investigate the death of an alien official." This is yet another jumping on point for this Lantern book, so if you've been curious, check it out!

Two cover options - one from Mike McKone and the other from Brandon Peterson.

Superman 37 - "Super Sons of Tomorrow" kicks off this week in Superman, continues in this week's Super Sons 11, and then into Teen Titans... "The Batman of Tomorrow travels to the present to prevent a cataclysmic disaster before it happens, revealing that Superboy will soon be responsible for the death of millions..."

Superman 37 has two cover options - Patrick Gleason and Jonboy Meyers.

Super Sons 11 has two cover options - Francis Manapul and Dustin Nguyen.

Trinity 16 - A Special one-shot issue, bringing the Trinity together to save Deadshoot under the snowfall of New York City... The creative team combined with some amazing cover work make this a great holiday pickup.

Two cover options - Philip Tan and Jason Fabok.

Wonder Woman The True Amazon TP - A week ahead of the book store release, you should be able to find this one in comic shops... A slight "tweak" on Diana's origin story, this fully painted original graphic novel from Jill Thompson looks GORGEOUS... I'm going to hopefully snag a copy for my wife for Christmas, though I may get to reading it before her.

IDW Publishing:

30 Days of Night - I for one have been looking forward to this! Steve Niles told a COLD tale of Terror when 30 Days of Night came out originally with Ben Templesmith. I'm hoping his re-imagining of the world can do the same, and bring something new to the world, and maybe even slow down the evolution of the tale with more stories in-between.

Four cover options - Ben Templesmith, Piotr Kowalski / Aurore Fonly, Ashey Wood, and another Ben Templesmith. The last couple look like they're going to be a little harder to find.

Wormwood Gentean Corpse Christmas Special - Ben Templesmith is bringing back his Gentleman Corpse for a Christmas Special, because it seems like everyone wants a morbid Christmas. I'm kind of loving it... The final quote for the solicit sells me. "I saw Wormwood killing Santa Clause! Underneath the mistletoe last night! ... It's a corpse-mas miracle!" ha ha...

There are three cover options, all from Ben Templesmith. The third appears to be a 1:10 variant.

Image Comics:

Curse Words Holiday Special - Let's see how the characters of Curse Words celebrate Christmas. Well, how the "Hole World" celebrate the holidays in general. Should be lively, right?

Two cover options - Ryan Browne and Mike Norton.

Marvel Comics:

Lenticular Covers - If you're looking for lenticular covers this week, you can find them with Generation X 85, Marvel Two-In-One 1, and Ms. Marvel 25... My two favorites this week are Generation X and Marvel Two-In One...

Phoenix Covers - You can find those in Champions 16, Incredible Hulk 711, Mighty Thor 702, Old Man Logan 32, Spider-Gwen 27, and Venom 159.

Cute and quality - Champions 15 Torque variant:

Good cover - Old Man Logan 32 Burnham variant:

Great cover - Spider-Gwen 27 Yasmine Putri:

Best of the best - Venom 159 Tyler Crook Variant:

Jumping into the regular books for the week....

Generation X 85 - A new jumping on point with legacy numbering, this is "OG Gen X Part 1" with the original Generation X meeting up with the new... Should be quite the match-up!!!

Regular covers, lenticular, and a headshot... Here's the regular cover, though, from Terry Dodson.

Marvel Two-in-One 1 - One of the biggest launches of the year, we may finally get an idea of what is going on with the Fantastic Four... "The Fate of the Four" starts here...

LOTS of cover options... Regulars, headshot, lenticular, remastered, t-shirt, Kirby birthday, trading card... have fun.

Ms Marvel 25 - "Teenage Wasteland Pt 1" If you've been waiting to jump in to Ms Marvel, because you didn't know when a good time was... Now is it! Legacy re-numbering hits now... New storyline, new focus, primer pages at the tail end of the book, etc... Go for it! Kamala Khan AKA Ms. Marvel welcomes you to the fold.

Five cover options, including the lenticular I mentioned already, but here's the main...

Tales of Suspense 100 - "Red Ledger" Kicks off this week with Hawkeye and Winter Soldier investigating assassinations happening in the name of Black Widow. This could be a GREAT read, and it's great that they're bringing this book back after so many years. Teaming Winter Solider and the "retooled" Hawkeye could be an outstanding move. We have five issues in this storyline to see.

There are four covers to choose from for this release, but here's the main from Marco Checchetto to whet your appetite...

Venom 159 - If you're following Venom Inc, be sure to pick up this issue for Venom Inc Part 3... Not counting the Venomized cover, there's also a Stegman variant available.

X-Men Grand Design 1 - If you didn't already read about this, Ed Piskor (Hip Hop Family Tree) has THE book for any fan of X-Men or for anyone who has been wanting to catch up on the full history of X-Men, but wasn't sure how. In two issues, he is working to dissect the history in his own style. MUST READ.... Unique style and I think people will feel like they dropped the ball if they don't pick it up.

Three cover options - Regular, Corner Box, and Character Variant...

Valiant Comics:

Quantum & Woody 1 - With all of the advertising leading up to this, I hope it's good... and funny... and... good... I said that, right? There's one variant, "The Most Variant Cover of All Time". have fun with that one.... Here's the main cover!

Post 1 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Action is getting better, but Supes is getting worse. I hardly read that one any more, it goes straight to the kid nowadays.

Interesting that marvel is EVERYTHING phoenix these days as well..
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Action is getting better, but Supes is getting worse. I hardly read that one any more, it goes straight to the kid nowadays.

Interesting that marvel is EVERYTHING phoenix these days as well..

Supes I haven't been picking up (except Action Comics leading into Doomsday clock), but the latest one crossing over with the Wonder Twins... I mean Super Sons... looks like it might be interesting.

Phoenix is just because of Resurrection leading in to X-Men: Red. It's the "flavor of the month" cover set.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Not from this week, but delivered today... Waiting for a bunch of stuff coming in the next few days! Fairyland is a gift for the wife... Scottie Young was too busy and couldn't get something in hand and shipped in time for Christmas, so I resorted to the signed/numbered. I'm good with that!

These are all from Midtown. My latest G-Mart box probably won't deliver until right after Christmas.

Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
looks like no more foil covers for Metal? Does anyone know if the four covers are equal distribution or incentives? Hoping to grab the Jim Lee cover for something different, and hoping not to have to order it from midtown because my lcs didn't get any....
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector BabaLament private msg quote post Address this user
Anyone know where I can find a copy of the Venom & Spider-Gwen Phoenix covers?! Two of my favorite characters, and those covers are awesome.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Drogio
looks like no more foil covers for Metal? Does anyone know if the four covers are equal distribution or incentives? Hoping to grab the Jim Lee cover for something different, and hoping not to have to order it from midtown because my lcs didn't get any....

I think they're still foil, just not listing them as such? All cover A's...

@BabaLament I was checking online and most of the "regular" sites are already sold out or overcharging. Since it's just Wednesday, eBay pricing shouldn't be high yet. I'll take a pass around on other normal sites, though, when I have a sec and see what I can find.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by BabaLament
Anyone know where I can find a copy of the Venom & Spider-Gwen Phoenix covers?! Two of my favorite characters, and those covers are awesome.

Still cover price over at Unknown...
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
Lots of stuff to read, yaaay.

Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@dpiercy How has this last run of Invincible been? I have been waiting to binge read.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
@thelastbard - it is very good; they are really closing the show nicely. I’ve enjoyed Invincible immensely over the years. Things should end; though, I must admit, I was bummed to hear the title was ending when first announced.

A shame we never got an Invincible pint glass either. 🤣🙃🍺
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dpiercy
@thelastbard - it is very good; they are really closing the show nicely. I’ve enjoyed Invincible immensely over the years. Things should end; though, I must admit, I was bummed to hear the title was ending when first announced.

A shame we never got an Invincible pint glass either. 🤣🙃🍺

I was surprised!!! I've been wanting to buy the compendiums, but haven't gotten around to it. I sold my collections of Walking Dead and Invincible a few years ago (about 18 months too soon, let's say), and promised I would keep up by trades and/or compendiums from that point, but haven't. Invincible was one of my favorites books from issue one... $$$ was really needed at the time, unfortunately, and I had three copies of issue one. Bah! Not three issues of Walking Dead issue one, however... only one of those. Still, wish I held on to that a bit longer.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@Drogio Still want the Jim Lee cover?

G-Mart has all of them for cover price for the moment... I'm surprised! Jim Lee, they have two copies left at cover price as of right.... Now... 12:50pm PST.

Gregg Capullo Cover -
Andy Kubert Cover -
Jim Lee Cover -
Tony Daniel Cover -
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
My lcs was sold out of batman 37 cover B and all Metal #4 within 45 minutes of opening...which is very odd. I'm guessing they Put all 4 covers in anyone's pull lists if they didn't specify which...they tend to do that and then copies eventually make their way back to the racks.

I ordered from midtown and also drove 35 minutes to the next lcs and grabbed both. Their last copy of the Jim Lee cover isn't the best hoping my midtown is better. Will offer my extras on eBay for cover price once I can pick the better conditioned copy.

@thelastbard thanks for the heads up though.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@Drogio No problem!

Batman cover B is definitely the better option... I wish I had snagged two of them.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user foil covers this round for metal.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@Drogio What the heck... I mean, I don't care really, but that's odd.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
Today's pick-ups...

Not a fan of the current Phoenix stuff going on...not really paying attention, but I'll grab $1 reprints of some classic stories!

Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@Drogio YES! I'm especially excited about the Bizarre Adventures, since it's the first colored version of that. I have a pretty wrecked copy of the original magazine it came from.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Attack of the G-Mart shipment! As I've brought up on previous posts, I have my G-Mart account set to manual shipping, so they only send me boxes when I want to receive them. I timed it so I would get a box right before Christmas. FUN opening it last night. It was kind of like a Christmas morning experience, ha ha...

I told someone in an interview recently that when I read comics, I'm still "chasing the high" from when I was an eleven-year-old reading the first issue of Uncanny X-Men I ever stumbled on... Things like this? This is when I get close to that. Some of these books are recapturing the magic again. It has been a while since comics managed to tap into it.

I go to comic shops a LOT, look through new releases, enjoy picking things up, talking to the people I know who work there, the owners and such. Sometimes I meet other local collectors (not super often), but I have longtime friends who also collect. NOTHING can compare, though, to going through books, especially when you find them new and exciting.

I think the only thing that would take it over the top is if 100% of them were four-color-press, ha ha... The only ones doing that right now are Alterna. They have that old smell, too!

Post 20 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by thelastbard
@Drogio YES! I'm especially excited about the Bizarre Adventures, since it's the first colored version of that. I have a pretty wrecked copy of the original magazine it came from.

I did not know that this had been reprinted in color.

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