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Star Wars: The Last Jedi - The Thread4874

I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Just saw it. Better than 7 & I liked it a lot. The second half was much better than the first half which took too long to get rolling.

There are scenes I want to see again, but it's not a movie I see myself rewatching too many times. Definitely a nice theatrical experience, though.
Post 51 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
Originally Posted by moodswing
The audience score on rotten tomatoes isn't very good. After seeing it, I am pretty sure I can figure out why.

I saw that, too. I don't have a theory, though. What's yours?

Not sure we can add spoilers yet so I will hold off on that but I can list a lot of of problems with the movie. I honestly have no idea how some viewers think this movie was as good as Empire.
Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by moodswing
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
Originally Posted by moodswing
The audience score on rotten tomatoes isn't very good. After seeing it, I am pretty sure I can figure out why.

I saw that, too. I don't have a theory, though. What's yours?

Not sure we can add spoilers yet so I will hold off on that but I can list a lot of of problems with the movie. I honestly have no idea how some viewers think this movie was as good as Empire.
Oh man. Not even close to Empire.
Post 53 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by BrianGreensnips
Originally Posted by moodswing
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
Originally Posted by moodswing
The audience score on rotten tomatoes isn't very good. After seeing it, I am pretty sure I can figure out why.

I saw that, too. I don't have a theory, though. What's yours?

Not sure we can add spoilers yet so I will hold off on that but I can list a lot of of problems with the movie. I honestly have no idea how some viewers think this movie was as good as Empire.
Oh man. Not even close to Empire.

Pretty close, IMO.
Post 54 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
If you mean close to spaceballs then yeah I agree.
Post 55 IP   flag post

Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by moodswing
If you mean close to spaceballs then yeah I agree.

I wasn't going to see it, but you are making me think it might be pretty good.
Post 56 IP   flag post
Collector Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user
I finally saw it on Christmas Day. I've been a big Star Wars fan since seeing the original.

WARNING: Spoilers below!!!

I give this one a B-. I liked some scenes, but overall, it's just OK. I agree with the complaints about Luke and how he was portrayed/used.

My biggest complaint about this one (episode VIII) and the last one (episode VII) is that it now seems to be shaping up to be basically the same story as the original trilogy.

Force Awakens & Last Jedi (New) vs. the original trilogy (Old)

New Republic fighting the First Order (NEW) VS (OLD) rebels fighting the empire
Vital info is stored in a droid BB8 (NEW) VS (OLD) data plans to death star stored in droid R2D2
Rey, a young nobody from nowhere (NEW)VS (OLD) Luke a young nobody from nowhere
both get sucked into a fight they didn't really want
both end up being powerful with the force
First Order has a Starkiller Base (NEW) VS (OLD) Empire has the Death Star
SK base destroys Republics capital system (NEW) VS (OLD) Death Star destroys Alderran
Rey leads an assualt & destroys SK base (NEW) VS (OLD) Luke leads attack and destroys Death Star
First Order now tries to find Rey & rebels (NEW) VS (OLD) Empire hunts Luke & the rebels
First Order vs. rebels on salt planet Crait (NEW) VS (OLD) Empire vs. rebels on Ice planet Hoth
Old Jedi Luke dies (NEW) VS (OLD) Old Jedi Yoda dies
Kylo Ren vs his old master Luke (NEW) VS (OLD) Darth Vader vs his old Master Obi Wan
Kylo Ren emotions lead him to kill Snoke (NEW VS (OLD) Darth Vader emotions lead him to kill the Emperor
Even those penguin like creatures on the Jedi temple island reminded me of Ewoks.

Sorry to be a downer, but I just wished that they had done something more original than to basically copy the original trilogy.
Post 57 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
That was my biggest problem with the last movie. The second problem being that I don't find any of the new characters endearing or enjoyable to watch for 2 hours. I'm definitely skipping this one.
Post 58 IP   flag post
Collector Odins_Raven private msg quote post Address this user
Going to watch it a third and probably a fourth time. Best new Star Wars film so far.
Post 59 IP   flag post
Collector Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Odins_Raven
Going to watch it a third and probably a fourth time. Best new Star Wars film so far.
Wow. Couldn't disagree more. I like Rogue One better than either Force Awakens or Last Jedi. To each his own. Great thing about opinions is that we are both right!
Post 60 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
I honestly thought the movie was terrible. I can't think of too many things that I thought were good in the movie. Movie felt like a franchise killer to me ha. The writing was so bad.
Post 61 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
The more I think about 'Last Jedi', the less I like it.

The entire secondary plot with the Code Breaker goes nowhere.
Post 62 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
The more I think about 'Last Jedi', the less I like it.

The entire secondary plot with the Code Breaker goes nowhere.

That is only one of the many problems. You could literally remove this entire subplot and have no effect on the movie.
Post 63 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Also, all the mysteries teased in 'Force Awakens' are thrown out the window. Though I think (and hope) the reveal about Rey's parents was a misdirect.
Post 64 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
Also, all the mysteries teased in 'Force Awakens' are thrown out the window. Though I think (and hope) the reveal about Rey's parents was a misdirect.

Unless JJ actually changes it, it wasn't a misdirect. Nothing was planned. JJ gave the director some mysteries and themes to explore. The result was Johnson just ignoring them and doing whatever he wanted. When one of your main cast (Hamill) publicly dislikes the direction of his character, you know you have a problem.
Post 65 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
JJ had an unbelievable level of depth and mystery behind the movie Cloverfield. If you started investigating who registered domain names, you could find hidden videos of the characters and a whole range of mysteries that had nothing to do with the plot of the movie. Then he came out with the sequel that wasn't a sequel. He has demonstrated that he likes things with depth.
Post 66 IP   flag post
Collector TheImmortalGI private msg quote post Address this user
The Last Jedi was an awful film. It's 2 hours and 40 minutes of wasted potential and lazy nonsensical plotlines. I grew up in the 90's in love with Star Wars just like every other kid. I saw the re-releases in theaters, I wore out the VHS tapes, etc.

The prequels were a thing... Obviously everyone wanted them to be good but they weren't. moving on-

By the time Force Awakens came out I was largely indifferent to Star Wars. Force Awakens was alright, but it was too much of a re-tread of the original film (A New Hope) and it seemed to want to bait nostalgia far too much and in the wrong ways:

"There's ANOTHER Death Star and a new evil Order!" - Why? How? Where did they come from? Doesn't this undermine the Rebel victory in Return of the Jedi? Silly.

"Han and Luke and Leia and Chewie etc. are back!" - But no actual satisfying reunion scene with all of them? They are all just putzing around the galaxy or hiding for some reason? Alright.

Anyway, I didn't mind the new characters or setup for the new trilogy ahead, but I had A LOT of questions. The Force Awakens seemed to bank on the idea of "well enjoy the ride now, and we will reveal stuff in the coming films!"

THE LAST JEDI answers none of my questions. Because it is a nonsensical and horrible film.

This movie sucks so bad I don't want to type out too much of an actual critique or expend much effort because I don't believe the film deserves that. so I'll just list some points:


-The entire plot of the Rebel/New Order chase makes no sense. How is Finn and Rose not noticed escaping in a pod from the ship? Why didn't the New Order send advance ships ahead of them if they knew they were on limited fuel resources? If the tactic to light-speed kamikaze ships was an option, couldn't the New Order do it to the Rebels? Why has no one thought of this tactic? Couldn't you set the controls to manually light-speed kamikaze the enemy ships and escape in the pods?

-Who was Snoke?
-How could Rey swim if she grew up on a Desert planet her entire life?
-why did we need the 45 minute side plot of casino-land where we learn the value of rescuing space ponies?
-who was snoke?
-why did Luke immediately throw away the lightsaber as a gag joke? completely unfunny and out of character
-why did Luke, a Jedi Master who risked his life and the lives of all his loved ones on the idea that no matter what, there can always be the possibility and HOPE of goodness inside someone, no matter how evil they may seem, a man who believes in the light and good in people, almost murder Kylo Ren in cold blood while he slept?
-why are all the characters underdeveloped? Do we know anymore than we did in Ep 7 about Finn, Rey, Poe now having seen this film? They are all barebones characters with little development. Why should I be emotionally invested in them? Not enough screen-time or proper scenes to flesh out their personalities or motivations.
-who was snoke?
-How could the New Order exist after the Events of Return of the Jedi? No explanation to who they are or where they came from. Why should I care in the basic plot of the film? The Empire in the original film had no backstory but that WAS NOT NEEDED because it was the baseline. The FIRST film. We had 3 films showing the destruction of the Empire. If you bring them back, you MUST show or tell us why.-in 2 hours and 40 minutes, WHY did we need a scene of Luke slurping milk from a gross alien's phallic udders? We NEEDED this scene! haha so funny! too bad we didn't have time in the 2 HOURS 40 MINUTES to answer any of the above questions
-the Leia superman force push from space scene was silly and a terrible choice of scene to use considering Carrie's death. It looks silly and they should have thought of something else.

I could go on forever so I'll stop now

tldr; it stinks
Post 67 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
@TheImmortalGI Exactly what I was referring to about unsolved mysteries & ignored plot potential.

@X51 I don't want derail the discussion, but I actually really liked '10 Cloverfield Lane'. Goodman made that movie. The 3rd movie is supposed to tie into the original. We'll see.
Post 68 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
You guys did a REALLY good job staying spoiler free until today! I made sure not to click on the thread until today, ha ha... I was also pretty surprised how many liked the film. I had a LOT of FB friends who panned the film and was expecting the same here. Seems, overall, a mixed bag of likes/dislikes, but that goes along with the Rotten Tomatoes, right?

@TheImmortalGI I was laughing reading your questions (with not at, just the rapid fire), but the main one was about the "lightsaber gag"... I think I can say it light that without giving anything away. Just think Yoda digging through Lukes $#%@ on Degobah. Primal. Reactive. Inconsequential. And, it happens to be funny.

Also, New Order came from the remains of Joy Division. Oh wait, First Order? First Order is the remnants of the Galactic Republic, isn't it? Oh, I forget... I think they said in the scrolling at the beginning of Force Awakens. My 2 year old has seen it more times than I have now (a dozen or so times). I'll have to pay attention again!

Post 69 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
James Cameron can do a Star Wars/Avatar crossover and make everything good.
Post 70 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@X51 No, Disney is going to buy DC Comics next, and some blue guy who can't seem to bother covering his junk is going to wander around naked a long time ago in a galaxy far far away and ignore the "no disintegrations" clause.
Post 71 IP   flag post
Collector HammitChris private msg quote post Address this user

I think visually, the movie was stunning...especially the light speed scene. However, I think the plot was lacking and I feel like they wasted characters. I am now convinced that R2D2 has narcolepsy since he sleeps through everything and wakes up for like 1 minute of screen time and they did Admiral Ackbar dirty, just like Luke. I'd like to see them use more characters from the Legends material like Mara Jade, Darth Talon, more Quinlan Vos, etc. Just my opinion though.
Post 72 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
If you want to read a review I finally finished writing, which has a few spoilers, check this out...

Took me a while to find the time to get my thoughts down with a busy/short work week. The weeks are short, but the workload remains the same. :P
Post 73 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
@DarthLego still hasn't seen the Last Jedi yet.

Post 74 IP   flag post
Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
Just rewatched Rogue 1. Awesome movie.
Post 75 IP   flag post
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