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Computer power question?4872

Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by rickdod3
^^^ Agreed, for the price point, a desktop will almost always give you more for your money. That being said, they take up a lot more room compared to a laptop.

However, if the only thing you want to use it for is eBay listings, a laptop should more than suffice for that. Do you have a price range you're looking to spend? I could offer you a few suggestions in that range.

I'm pretty much open to price. Less than $500 would be nice, if possible.
Post 26 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by X51
Originally Posted by drchaos
@X51 I plan to build a gaming rig with one of Intel's new chips. 6-12 months from now I should be able to get what I want now 30-50 percent cheaper without having to cut too many corners.

A standard build does everything I need it to do, but I'm not a gamer. Good luck. It's always good to be ahead of the curve.

I bought my current computer from Computer City when they were going out of business early in 2009. It already had 8 GB and a 500MB video card. A few years ago I added a new 3 TB hard drive and moved up from Vista to Windows 8.1.

The new build is more about longevity than it is about gaming. With that said the first three years every game on the market should run super fast.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
I was squeezing life out of an XP system until this past year. I still liked it better. I jumped straight to Windows 10 at home.

I use Windows 7 at work since they scrutinize any patches and updates for years (sometimes) before they roll them out.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user
Wow guys thanks a lot!!! I have a Samsung galaxy note 5 and will probably use the ebay app for that. An iPhone would be nice tho! I'm mostly trying to add a little more back up and firepower to my comic selling experience. I'll also need to purchase an upgraded printer as well, but those are easier to sort thru.

Gotta say I've always entered a new endeavor full steam ahead. I've started new complex jobs in the past with little experience and have torn it up. This comic book selling jazz has me a bit intimidated. Probably one mistake was buying that huge Ebay for Dummies book. Should have taken my friends and family advice and just dove right in!!

I appreciate all the great responses here and will use this thread as the baseline for my search. Goal is to have it up and running within the next couple of months, end of Jan at the latest. I'll let you know what stuff I buy and progress towards the "Grand Opening"!!!😎

Thanks again, and happy gobble gobble gobble to all and families!

Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector Dalkiel private msg quote post Address this user
If you get a tower ,think about getting a second Hard Drive installed inside the tower to us as a back-up. Get an Imaging program too generate a Image of your C drive every couple of days. Very usful when your main drive gets jacked by some virus .
Post 30 IP   flag post

I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
man my internets went out this morning and i realized very quickly you can't do jack on the ebay app. I had to cancel and refund an order using my phone in browser because you can't void labels or cancel anything with the app. What a frustrating time when you have to print labels or cancel something. You have to use a desktop for all that if you sell a large number of items on ebay or online.
Post 31 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user

Good advice. I do have an external hard drive that I've used to back up my primitive computer system. Plus the 'cloud' should help.

With an andriod phone I'm also wondering if I should just use my current Verizon tower Wi-Fi for my new computer/tablet or have satellite Wi-Fi piped into my house. The computer/tablet is not just for ebay. I'll be playing online poker on it and using it for ah uh computing!!😎
Post 32 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
man my internets went out this morning and i realized very quickly you can't do jack on the ebay app. I had to cancel and refund an order using my phone in browser because you can't void labels or cancel anything with the app. What a frustrating time when you have to print labels or cancel something. You have to use a desktop for all that if you sell a large number of items on ebay or online.

Agreed. I only use the app for super basic stuff. I need the full functionality of the website on my desktop or even my iPad to get most things done.
Post 33 IP   flag post
Collector Dalkiel private msg quote post Address this user
Another good idea is the Google Chromebook.
Post 34 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Dalkiel
Another good idea is the Google Chromebook.

Thanks, more stuff to factor in. I'm about an hour away of walking into the Mad House Mall - Best Buy.... we'll see if I walk out with something in hand and a lighter wallet....💵💰💸
Post 35 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
A friend that owns a comic book store and has a lot of eBay listings uses the eBay app on his phone to list items. The eBay app and the phone's camera makes it quicker to list items. But he uses a computer tweak the ebay listings and everything else eBay. Answering questions, shipping - all done from a desktop PC.

I enjoy and consider my desktop to be my "main" computer. What I'm using now. I like multiple monitors. I've run as many as three but have settled on two. Nearly all laptops can run a second momitor as well - but once you hook up a second monitor it really needs about as much space as desktop so what's the point? I own a laptop as well since I'm something of an enthusiast as far as computers - I build my own desktops.

BUT - everyone else in the family prefers and has their own laptop. And being honest, there is NOTHING I can do on my desktop that I can't do with a real, full size (14" or larger)laptop. They have DVD burners, they run the current version of Windows. they have hard drives starting at 500GB and are powerful enough to run any software I care to use. For less than $500. Less than $400 sometimes.

Also being honest, I could do 90% of what I do on my desktop or my full featured laptop on a Chromebook. I use Word and Excel a lot, but could probably learn and make do with Google Docs. The one thing that comes immediately to mind that I'd be losing with a Chromebook is the ability to copy movies (make a DVD) I also don't care for the idea of paying for cloud storage every year.

If you only need a new computer to do listings on eBay, you frankly don't need much. Any of the above would suffice. Your old computer would probably suffice. The only thing I would recommend you avoid are the super cheap Windows computers that have 32/64 GB of non upgrade-able storage and very low end processors. They are Microsoft's answers to the Chromebook - in price only. But the limited storage makes them almost unusable. A few Windows updates - which occur automatically with Windows 10 - and you find yourself with hardly any remaining storage space. Since that don't actually have a hard or solid state drive but instead have memory soldered onto the motherboard, you can't even upgrade the storage drive.
Post 36 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks Iron. More great stuff which to factor in. I am so out of date technically at this point I might be a caveman accidentally time warped into todays technological World. I walked into Best Buy friday and thought I was in an alien World. The array of gidgets and gadgets was humbling to say the least. Trust me when I say my old computer rhymes with rAbucus. Even TV wise I have an old 32" Sony Flat screen Triniton that weighs in at a solid 200lbs with no satellite or cable. I could go on but you get the picture. I lost interest in tech far more than 10 years ago and ironically am a lifelong electronics tech by trade!!!

You guys don't know how much I appreciate the top notch baseline info you've generously provided. Basically I'm starting from scratch. Tonight I had the chance to do a deep research on this. Desktops, laptops, tablets, 2 in ones, chromes, cellular vs wifi, my propensity to over think things, etc. I think the addition of one of these items would simply solve the ebay aspect. But I'm ready to do an upgrade that will solve multiple issues going forward. I'm looking for a solid compromise of tech somewhere between bare bones cheap and the highest end toys out there. The good news is it's starting to come into focus since I first posted this puzzle and you guys are a great aid in that direction. I knew this day would eventually come and kick me in the butt. But I'm enjoying it and intend to make it a fun and eventually rewarding experience.

Thanks again and I'll post updates on my progress and will most likely ask a few more questions along the way.👍🥂😎
Post 37 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user
BTW, since deciding to do a more complete upgrade/overhaul, the original price point in my original post is obviously unrealistic>>>> 💰💵💸
Post 38 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Savage_Spawn
BTW, since deciding to do a more complete upgrade/overhaul, the original price point in my original post is obviously unrealistic>>>> 💰💵💸

You could spend a couple of weeks researching and come to the same conclusion I will post below. I purchased this laptop for my daughter - heading for Grad School - back in March of this year. It's a fantastic deal for $350. At the time a couple of laptop review sites rated this as the best overall budget laptop. Eight months later, a couple of laptop review sites still rate this as the best overall budget laptop. Just a lot of nice features (lighted keyboard for instance), the latest generation Intel processor, plenty of storage, LONG battery life.

Early on there were some complaints on quality control. In fact the first we purchased I returned (no hassle) as it froze up several times. I purchased the laptop within a few weeks of it's release. The second one has had not a hiccup. I liked it so well I bought one for myself, even though I didn't need another laptop It too has been flawless in performance.

Amazon listing

Review from - a part of Tom's Hardware which is one of the top and most followed hardware review sites... This is their best overall budget laptop pick - as of Nov 19, 2017. Ten days ago.
Post 39 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks Iron, I had looked at different Acer tablets/laptops using various reviews but had missed that particular model. That would cover a lot of ground freeing up cash for various other upgrades. At first I was leaning towards a 2 in 1 but the price, reviews, and 15" screen makes your choice the leading contender!!!😎👍🍺
Post 40 IP   flag post
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