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Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
Reviews not looking good. I had doubts as well. I think they should have done solo movies for each of the heroes before justice league. That way people would be more invested in Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, etc.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector Artu private msg quote post Address this user
Got free tickets and will see it in 1 hr. Will let you know my thoughts.
I am still hopefull....
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
That review is way too critical, I’m optimistic, but keeping expectations in check.

I liked Suicide Squad; it is certainly flawed and B movie fair, but it is fun, too. Harley deserved better, but whatever...Margot Robbie was great.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Captain Corrector CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
Reviews not looking good. I had doubts as well. I think they should have done solo movies for each of the heroes before justice league. That way people would be more invested in Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, etc.


Post 4 IP   flag post
Why just the women? I like bears. Gaard private msg quote post Address this user
Is Superman going to make an appearance?
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
They have to basically introduce Flash, Cyborg & Aquaman's backstory while also telling the main story and also introducing whatever bad guy all in like 2 hours. I can imagine it is going to be a mess.
Post 6 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
lol wow that review went IN on the movie. Common themes among multiple reviews I've read are thin plot, 2 dimensional villain with weak CGI but a FUN time with the heroes themselves
Post 7 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
It's tracking for a $100M domestic opening weekend performance. As a comparison, Ragnarok pulled in $122.7M d/o/w.
Post 8 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Gaard
Is Superman going to make an appearance?

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they all fight and lose, and the kryptonian comes back to life in the end to save the day.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector det_tobor private msg quote post Address this user
How many people don't know Flash cause of the TV show? Will they mind the difference of characters?
Batman vs Superman was not only bad, it showed Lex knows their IDs & those who became the League. POTENTIALS for destruction!!
If WW proved WB/DC can do a good action movie with character, can they afford to do a movie lacking character? If the AUDIENCE doesn't come back 2 or 3 times, that is going to be a BIG message.
AQUAMAN + Cyborg have been on Smallville and the animated shows. Hopefully, most of the audiences won't need to be starting from scratch for them.
Post 10 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
The key was the Rotten Tomatoes embargo until today/tomorrow. That shows a jittery studio.
I know I'll get "oh that's not what that means"... but it seems to happen every single time
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector 1243782365 private msg quote post Address this user
I had a ticket but didn't go on monday. I just wasn't interested.

But every review I have heard from people who saw it at the fan screening was positive.

Comic Fans are enjoying the movie.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector det_tobor private msg quote post Address this user
Hey,,,,,,,instead of Darkside or Joker or a live action version of New Frontier. You know Superman....have him & Batman research these new heroes, meet them and then have this giant menace before Starro. They screw up at first, learn to work with each other and then take on something like Starro. REAL DEVELOPMENT on all levels. Done right, that movie franchise could go on forever. New people could come and go, close ups could be done on lives, and "familiar with new" could work together. thoughts?
Post 13 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by det_tobor
Hey,,,,,,,instead of Darkside or Joker or a live action version of New Frontier. You know Superman....have him & Batman research these new heroes, meet them and then have this giant menace before Starro. They screw up at first, learn to work with each other and then take on something like Starro. REAL DEVELOPMENT on all levels. Done right, that movie franchise could go on forever. New people could come and go, close ups could be done on lives, and "familiar with new" could work together. thoughts?

100% agreed. Marvel movies are guilty of it too lately. No character development or drama with involved, complex stories. After this Thanos/Infinity War closes out; they need to begin cracking down - both studios.. and provide something that folks outside the comic world will look at and say.. sheesh... that was actually a really good movie. Not "awww man.... cosmic carnage wasn't in the movie so it sucked"
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Artu private msg quote post Address this user
I saw the movie last night and personally I am a bit dissapointed, its better than Batman vs Superman but not as good as Wonder Woman. For me the highlights of the movie were Flash's one liners and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot is a lovely actress). Aquaman has a very marginal role same as Steppenwolf I feel both characters have not been developed very well and all felt a bit rushed. I was really hoping in something better overall but I am now looking forward to a solo Flash movie as Ezra Miller was great.
No spoilers but wait until the very end before leaving.
Post 15 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR Foghorn_Sam private msg quote post Address this user
Aww come on, spill it. It's going to be at least a few more days before I will have the opportunity to see it.😉
Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector Artu private msg quote post Address this user
@det_tobor what you are proposing would be a great movie franchise legacy. Justice League is Quote:
Originally Posted by det_tobor
Hey,,,,,,,instead of Darkside or Joker or a live action version of New Frontier. You know Superman....have him & Batman research these new heroes, meet them and then have this giant menace before Starro. They screw up at first, learn to work with each other and then take on something like Starro. REAL DEVELOPMENT on all levels. Done right, that movie franchise could go on forever. New people could come and go, close ups could be done on lives, and "familiar with new" could work together. thoughts?

That would be a great movie franshise I would buy tickets for without any second thoughts. Unfortuanetly JL is just a decent movie not even remotley close to the Avengers #1 level. I am still hopeful for the future though espescially if Zac Snyder is given a restraing order and stays away from DC movies.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
This is from bosslogic’s IG, his only real negative was about Steppenwolf.

Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
I don't understand how these folks can't get it right. Yes, the problem is too many chefs, and always has been, but it's not beyond someone at WB's grasp to have guided the whole effort. For crying out loud, this is the company that published Watchmen, Swamp Thing, and Dark Knight.

But as usual in Hollywood, everybody wants *their* vision on film, which makes these things such a mess.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector det_tobor private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DocBrown
I don't understand how these folks can't get it right. Yes, the problem is too many chefs, and always has been, but it's not beyond someone at WB's grasp to have guided the whole effort. For crying out loud, this is the company that published Watchmen, Swamp Thing, and Dark Knight.

But as usual in Hollywood, everybody wants *their* vision on film, which makes these things such a mess.
DOC, you know that ain't right. There is
*I want my girlfriend in it
*they don't know the "product", but they "know" audiences
*it needs THIS STAR to be in it to SUCCEED
and there is probably a few more I don't recall right now. It's never as simple as you're saying it is.
Post 20 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Part of the problem is editorial and c-suites at Warner Brothers wanting to influence the movie. "We need this movie under 2 hours run time so we can play this more often and get more tickets sold" has definitely affected the movie as in nearly every review talks about how it feels sort of rushed and cramped and some characters are not well fleshed out.

Sure Zack and Joss and Geoff and the multitude of EP's (Affleck being one of them) have a hand in the outcome but WB exec's need to shoulder a large part of the blame, as they have needed to for the past few movies
Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, when you make product based on metrics, you turn out schlock. That's how widgets work...not art.

When you make art, it may not work, but at least it's art.

These fools at WB should spend some time walking a couple blocks down the street and talk to someone at Disney.

Look at LOTR. As much hash of the original story and themes that Jackson made of the source material...and he made it HASH...he still knew how to turn 9+ hours of IN THEATRE runtime into nearly $3 Billion in gross revenue.

He did it because he knows how to tell a story, the way it relates to people.
Post 22 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Yes, when you make product based on metrics, you turn out schlock. That's how widgets work...not art.

When you make art, it may not work, but at least it's art.

These fools at WB should spend some time walking a couple blocks down the street and talk to someone at Disney.

Look at LOTR. As much hash of the original story and themes that Jackson made of the source material...and he made it HASH...he still knew how to turn 9+ hours of IN THEATRE runtime into nearly $3 Billion in gross revenue.

He did it because he knows how to tell a story, the way it relates to people.

And the theatrical release of LOTR was horrible. The director's cut was SO much better.
As much as I love the DC of LOTR, they had to cut out SOOOOOOOO much of the books just to squeeze them into 13 hours.
I wouldn't have argued if they'd done a trilogy of 4 hour movies for each book, so they could have put in all that wonderful content they left out.
Even the DC is like a bastardized reader's digest of the books.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user

Post 24 IP   flag post
Collector det_tobor private msg quote post Address this user
OK, saw it & liked it a lot. In some ways, it's like DC rebirth. The movie uses humor like never before and pieces of music from John Williams' Superman and Danny Elfman's Batman. YES!! I really appreciated that. There are 2 scenes in the commercials that wasn't in this version....more for the future extended cut.
Diana had a great "telling" line: Children, I'm dealing with children. It felt like the old Earth 1 was really here. Growth potential - STRONG!
Post 25 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
This just in, more drama with Justice League reviews.

1. Washington Post accuses Rotten Tomatoes of suppressing bad reviews. Raising questions about the objectivity of Rotten Tomato. But, if you remember, Rotten Tomato, was purchased last year by Fandango. Also, Warner Brothers is a minority owner of Rotten Tomoato. Surprise! Company that makes/sells movies/tickets, doesn't want bad reviews released of said movie.

Washington Post Article

2. Even weirder, Mark Hughes (Movie Critic for Forbes), says his Rotten Tomato account was hijacked and a review was posted on Justice League with that hacked account.

Mark Hughes
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector det_tobor private msg quote post Address this user
Industrial Espionage at its most modern.
Post 27 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
This just in, more drama with Justice League reviews.

1. Washington Post accuses Rotten Tomatoes of suppressing bad reviews. Raising questions about the objectivity of Rotten Tomato. But, if you remember, Rotten Tomato, was purchased last year by Fandango. Also, Warner Brothers is a minority owner of Rotten Tomoato. Surprise! Company that makes/sells movies/tickets, doesn't want bad reviews released of said movie.

Washington Post Article

2. Even weirder, Mark Hughes (Movie Critic for Forbes), says his Rotten Tomato account was hijacked and a review was posted on Justice League with that hacked account.

Mark Hughes

It was Ryan Reynolds and Stan Lee.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Joined The Club Steverogers11 private msg quote post Address this user
Hero interaction was great. Super villain thought could have been more BA. Overall better than I thought it would b
Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector Themaxx35 private msg quote post Address this user
I just saw it with my 8 year old. I really liked it. If I were king there would be some things I would change but overall I thought it did exactly what it needed to do. It brought the team together and made me want to see each of these characters in their own movies and another team up.

As for the critics, I wish DC could stop worrying about them. It seems like they keep moving the goal posts. BvS was too long, too dark, and incoherent. Justice is a tight 2 hours, it’s so light it feels like and episode of Super Friends, and the story is about as basic as you can distill it down to. And, it stills get dumped on. So f?$k ‘em, just make the movies at this point. Just my 2 cents anyway.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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