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Gal Gadot Salary4811

I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Speculate and sell comics - regardless of salary
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by drchaos
Originally Posted by Foghorn_Sam
Food for thought.
At $15 an hour working full time (2,000 hours a year), it would take you 10 years to make $300,000.

Unless you buy a house, invest in your 401K, or make any other investment which allows you to make more than just your salary.

All of which is very much unlikely, when you are making $15/hour.

As is speculating and buying comics, to flip, or sit on.

I make more than $15/hour, but not all that much more.

Nearly all of my savings is tied up in raw books....that have to be pressed, slabbed before I attempt to sell them, otherwise I will get a fraction of FMV.

I rent, don't own a home.

If I had a mortgage, I would have to be much more proactive with actually subbing raws and selling them.
Post 27 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
While it may be more difficult to save for a rainy day on $15 per hour anyone is free to invest their money in productive investments (including comic books, stocks, or even a home). We reap what we sow.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user
Topics aren't always linear in any subject forum across the web. It's more interesting to have various views and sometimes a new interesting topic or two can evolve out of the original post. The problem comes when namecalling, anger, trolling, accusations etc start to creep into the conversation.

As far as the topic on hand, I'm of the view that being paid over a quarter of a million dollars is pretty good chump change to run around playing 'cops N robbers' for a few months. Plus now Gadot is well set up for even larger paydays in the near future.
Post 29 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Gal Gadot could have made zero dollars on the first Wonder Woman movie and still would have been compensated well.

The movie turned her into a star, Any contract she signs from here on out is for millions.

I’m still a bit upset I missed her at last year’s Rhode Island con, the opportunity to meet her will likely never present itself again 😢😭😭
Post 30 IP   flag post

COLLECTOR Foghorn_Sam private msg quote post Address this user
You're right. She has invested and invented herself into something bigger than herself. She has pulled off being Wonder Woman. She will from now on be identified with the character and that will pay dividends for her as long as she wants to play the character and open countless other doors as well.
Her facial expressions alone are worth the price of admission. She has a "melt your heart smile" to an "angry grimace" that is just amazing and plays perfectly to the part.
Post 31 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah, I have to admit, other than not having those beautiful blue eyes, this "Gal" is the perfect WW for the 21st century...
Post 32 IP   flag post
Collector teacha777 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
Did you all know that she only got paid $300k for Wonder Woman? I was suprised to hear that.

The movie grossed $800+ million worldwide.


She must have gotten paid way less than that for her appearance in Batman Vs Superman. After taxes $300k isn't much.

I can see why she's charging $250 for autographs now, she needs the money, lol!

I'm not trying to start a women vs men thing. It's just sad how greedy movie studios are. New actors get screwed. I hope she hired a good agent to negotiate WW 2.

At ace con LI it says $175 for autograph.
Post 33 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
@teacha777 They are sold out on the pre-sales so $250 may be the price in person.
Post 34 IP   flag post
Collector teacha777 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by drchaos
@teacha777 They are sold out on the pre-sales so $250 may be the price in person.

doh!..I was leaning more towards Superman anyway since I have a better book and Dan Jurgens will be there....but a hug from Gal would be
Post 35 IP   flag post
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