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Adam Hughes and the $1000 sketch4753

I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
And why is the term "flipper" so derogatory?

I think the theory behind it is that "flippers" contribute to inflated prices, and in turn a future crash. If that's the case, AH! is more guilty than the flippers for driving up costs

I sell a lot of stuff, but I buy more than I sell. I need that second income stream to help support my comic book addiction

Same here but without a regular job that income stream is helping me pay my rent as well.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector Johnnylray private msg quote post Address this user
theme song:
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector Artu private msg quote post Address this user
Why is Mr Hughes not annoyed with the fact the comics stores charged 50x the price value of his work for Thor 700???
Post 28 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Artu
Why is Mr Hughes not annoyed with the fact the comics stores charged 50x the price value of his work for Thor 700???

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!
Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector Deadpoolica private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by drchaos
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
There's a BIG difference in asking price versus sold value. Why do people not understand that... especially professional artists

This! Not only do we not know what the seller paid for the sketch (he could have paid $1,200 - $2,500 if he is not the person that had Hughes draw the sketch) but what the sketch will ultimately sell for.

The seller is taking the risk and may ultimately lose money when the book is sold while Adam is free to spend the $1,000 that he was given for the sketch in good faith.

Let's say that the person who hired Adam does make $2,000. What has Adam really lost? Unless Adam has an MBA, a degree in marketing, or 20 years of sales experience what makes him think he would be so good at selling his works for higher prices instead of doing what he does best (produce fine works of art)?

Comic books stores and producers make money off of his work every day but God forbid that some regular Joe tries to make a few bucks on eBay.

Preach brother ✊🏻
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector OrbitCityComics private msg quote post Address this user
As a business guy, this doesn't phase me in the slightest.

If I can invest $1000, and get a $2000 profit, I'll keep doing it all day long.

US automakers only make about $800 per car they produce, this is a bargain.
Post 31 IP   flag post
Collector MarcJ private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OrbitCityComics
If I can invest $1000, and get a $2000 profit, I'll keep doing it all day long.

I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you on that.
Post 32 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
Isn't the main purpose of obtaining verified signatures or sketches, for resale?

I mean, if you are just a fan boy of this or that artist. Why do you need it verified or certified, if you were standing there when he signed or sketched your comic cover?

Not that there is anything wrong with any of that. 99% of the comic books I own, I bought with the hope of future financial gain.

At least I admit it and don't give the ole "I've always been a huge fan of so and so and just wanted this for my collection" BS.

Always, always, always follow the money.
Post 33 IP   flag post
Collector Deadpoolica private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by conditionfreak
Isn't the main purpose of obtaining verified signatures or sketches, for resale?

I mean, if you are just a fan boy of this or that artist. Why do you need it verified or certified, if you were standing there when he signed or sketched your comic cover?

Not that there is anything wrong with any of that. 99% of the comic books I own, I bought with the hope of future financial gain.

At least I admit it and don't give the ole "I've always been a huge fan of so and so and just wanted this for my collection" BS.

Always, always, always follow the money.

Not all of us buy comics hoping to sell them one day, some of us just like them for the stories/art/character. I like the look of slabs so, ones I really like I get slabbed & some I want yellow labels for. I'm sure I'm not alone in this thinking
Post 34 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
@Deadpoolica They do tend to pile up. Even if you do not intend to sell them who is to say you won't change your mind later?

You can bet that your loved ones will sell them when you are gone.
Post 35 IP   flag post
Collector Deadpoolica private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by drchaos
@Deadpoolica They do tend to pile up. Even if you do not intend to sell them who is to say you won't change your mind later?

You can bet that your loved ones will sell them when you are gone.

Yeah, someone will sell them one day I'm sure lol
Probably should've just stated I don't think gettin yellow labels & sketches are just purely for resale...we all have our reasons though right
Post 36 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Deadpoolica
Originally Posted by conditionfreak
Isn't the main purpose of obtaining verified signatures or sketches, for resale?

I mean, if you are just a fan boy of this or that artist. Why do you need it verified or certified, if you were standing there when he signed or sketched your comic cover?

Not that there is anything wrong with any of that. 99% of the comic books I own, I bought with the hope of future financial gain.

At least I admit it and don't give the ole "I've always been a huge fan of so and so and just wanted this for my collection" BS.

Always, always, always follow the money.

Not all of us buy comics hoping to sell them one day, some of us just like them for the stories/art/character. I like the look of slabs so, ones I really like I get slabbed & some I want yellow labels for. I'm sure I'm not alone in this thinking

Of course there are exceptions to every rule. But the vast majority of signature series or sketches encapsulated, are for monetary gain. Today or tomorrow.
Post 37 IP   flag post
Collector Deadpoolica private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by conditionfreak
Originally Posted by Deadpoolica
Originally Posted by conditionfreak
Isn't the main purpose of obtaining verified signatures or sketches, for resale?

I mean, if you are just a fan boy of this or that artist. Why do you need it verified or certified, if you were standing there when he signed or sketched your comic cover?

Not that there is anything wrong with any of that. 99% of the comic books I own, I bought with the hope of future financial gain.

At least I admit it and don't give the ole "I've always been a huge fan of so and so and just wanted this for my collection" BS.

Always, always, always follow the money.

Not all of us buy comics hoping to sell them one day, some of us just like them for the stories/art/character. I like the look of slabs so, ones I really like I get slabbed & some I want yellow labels for. I'm sure I'm not alone in this thinking

Of course there are exceptions to every rule. But the vast majority of signature series or sketches encapsulated, are for monetary gain. Today or tomorrow.

Post 38 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
I would love to get several signatures at Rhode Island comicon but It's not worth my time anymore, prices being what they are...pretty disappointing. I can count the artists I'd pay for a signature on one hand at the moment.

As for Adam Hughes's comment, It's his responsibility how to balance his asking price versus the demand for his sketches. Feel out the market and adjust prices accordingly. Act like you own a business.
Post 39 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Not that I disagree with what has been said, but there is another side to this. I know Adam a bit and have actually gotten 5 commissions from him dating back to the early 90's. He used to do them at cons by listing your name on paper via lottery at the con. He was always trying to be "fan friendly" and give his fans an opportunity for a beautiful commission at a very affordable price. He would do these commissions early on in his career for $60, then $100 and then along came Ebay. And he saw what his so called fans were doing. Then the fateful day when an individual literally begged him as the biggest Hughes fan of all to do a wonder woman commission. Adam being nice did this wonder woman for him and this guy immediately put it up for sale on Ebay. This guy essentially lied big time to Adam and that ended the affordable commissions.

Now he's still doing a commission facebook lottery which is where these 1000 dollar commissions come from... also for his "fans"... And then folks turn around and immediately sell them. It's a scenario that plays itself out over and over and over. It's a personal piece from an artist to a fan. Step outside your box for a minute and think how he might feel.
I'm not here to say who is wrong or right or "market rules" or "what the market will bear... tough crap Adam"... or "I have health problems so I will do what I want".
I'm just trying to enlighten with a different perspective.... the artist's perspective; not our own capitalistic perspective.
Post 40 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
This is because far too many of these creators think with their emotions, and not with their reason. Adam Hughes is offended, because he thinks HE deserves that money...deny it all he wants...and is jealous that other people A. ask more than he would, and B. actually get it occasionally.

That's real, actual greed: thinking that someone else doesn't deserve what (you think) they get. That's the heart and soul of greed, not the "I want more!!!" nonsense that many have been spoonfed. No, it's "I don't think so and so deserves what they have!" that's actual greed.

And what right of it is anyone's to determine what someone else does, or does not, deserve...?

And, of course, Adam Hughes doesn't make the distinction between asking price and sale, no! Critical thinking is for the birds! We must EMOTE!

If customers stopped treating creators like gods, and started treating them like business peers, these things would happen less and less. If people took the time to explain these things to them, instead of fearing being "cut off", things might get better.
Post 41 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
No aspect of this discussion really stirs me emotionally or mentally one way or another. Artists price their work at whatever price they chose. I and other would be fans/customers can buy, pass or offer less.

The Zatanna sketch doesn't much impress me and I'd wouldn't be interested in at at $1K... But then art and what you like is a personal thing .

Romitaman - along with as near as I can tell all of the big comic art dealers prices are all over inflated. I'm no expert on original art, I have dozen or so pieces. But it appears to me that all the dealers and many collectors selling price their stuff very high - with an expectation that a lot of deals will actually be a little bit of cash and a whole lot of trade. It's hard to figure out what comic art is really worth in cash. Which is why almost all of my art I have bought at auction.
Post 42 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Artu
Why is Mr Hughes not annoyed with the fact the comics stores charged 50x the price value of his work for Thor 700???

Good question, right...?

Why isn't he annoyed with the fact that publishers pay him the equivalent of 25 cents a copy (or less; seldom more) for books that they sell for $1.75-$2.00 a copy...?

Aren't the publishers (GASP!!) profiting off of his work...?

What about the distributors...? Printers...? Retailers...?

All (GASP!!!!) profiting off of HIS work!

If HE wants all the money, HE should self-publish, self-print, self-distribute, and self-sell his own work.

What...? He can't do that, and hope to get his work seen by the largest possible audience...?

Well, I'll be!
Post 43 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111
Not that I disagree with what has been said, but there is another side to this. I know Adam a bit and have actually gotten 5 commissions from him dating back to the early 90's. He used to do them at cons by listing your name on paper via lottery at the con. He was always trying to be "fan friendly" and give his fans an opportunity for a beautiful commission at a very affordable price. He would do these commissions early on in his career for $60, then $100 and then along came Ebay. And he saw what his so called fans were doing. Then the fateful day when an individual literally begged him as the biggest Hughes fan of all to do a wonder woman commission. Adam being nice did this wonder woman for him and this guy immediately put it up for sale on Ebay. This guy essentially lied big time to Adam and that ended the affordable commissions.

Now he's still doing a commission facebook lottery which is where these 1000 dollar commissions come from... also for his "fans"... And then folks turn around and immediately sell them. It's a scenario that plays itself out over and over and over. It's a personal piece from an artist to a fan. Step outside your box for a minute and think how he might feel.
I'm not here to say who is wrong or right or "market rules" or "what the market will bear... tough crap Adam"... or "I have health problems so I will do what I want".
I'm just trying to enlighten with a different perspective.... the artist's perspective; not our own capitalistic perspective.

If Adam Hughes treated these situations as business transactions, he wouldn't....for his sake, mind you...get so upset at what people do afterwards.

Is it nice to "do something nice for a fan"...? Of course. But this is a stranger in front of Hughes. Why is Hughes getting upset that some jagoff lied to him, but worse, choosing to take it out on everybody else...? After all...what ARE his "so called fans" doing...? Don't the circumstances matter...? And does Hughes know the circumstances...?

This argument is an appeal to emotion, not reason. It's the reason why the vast, vast majority of the law-abiding have to suffer for the crimes of the very, very few. "This is why we can't have nice things", because Hughes...emotionally overreact to single incidents, rather than realizing that there are crappy people who do crappy things, including lying to you about the disposition of an item. What evidence did Hughes have that the stranger standing in front of him was "the biggest Hughes fan of all time"...? Did he write letters of comment? Show Hughes pictures of his collection? Or did Hughes just take his word for it...? If so, who is to blame, the liar for lying, or Hughes for falling for it...? Hughes isn't stupid, and neither is his wife.

There are ways for Hughes to shortcut this, and the healthiest is to simply have a price that he is comfortable with, that everyone has to pay, all the time. That way, when the transaction is over, it's over, and he doesn't have to agonize over whether people are telling him the truth or not.

And, of course, if he wants to sell to "true fans" (whatever that nonsensical phrase means to him), then do things that only "true fans" would do: like having a minimum donation to a Hughes' favorite charity(ies), or a variety of other Hughes products that one must buy to qualify for the "free/discounted" sketch. A "true fan" wouldn't mind that...I know I wouldn't; I love Hughes art, and have since Justice League #40 (1990)...but the flippers will be naturally weeded out, because it no longer makes economic sense to them.

After all...Hughes sells his own work for profit to the publishers. Why is he upset that others value his work so highly...? Why isn't he honored? (some people will find that question "offensive"; that proves their myopia.) I would be THRILLED if someone thought a quick sketch of mine was worth $3,000.

His reaction is no different than me getting upset when someone buys something from me and then turns around and flips it for more money. I say "more power to them." They accomplished what I could not, for whatever reason.
Post 44 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
In the "you're not a REAL fan" category:

I have no intentions of selling this. Ever, for any reason.

And I've had offers.

It is one of the crown jewels of my collection. Someone would have to offer me ridiculous $5,000-up get me to even consider it.

I got SIX Sandman #1s signed that weekend in 2013 at SDCC.

I've long since sold the other 5, to pay for the ones I kept.

This hobby is expensive, and I am an addict.

But it's MY addiction, and I neither expect anyone to make allowances for it, NOR punish me for it. My circumstances are none of their concern, just like their circumstances are none of mine. I don't tell them what they should do with their property...they ought not be telling me what I can do with mine.
Post 45 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Adam Hughes is offended, because he thinks HE deserves that money...deny it all he wants...and is jealous that other people A. ask more than he would, and B. actually get it occasionally

Wondering, is there any factual data (that pertains specifically to Adam) you are basing this presumption on, or is it purely emotional?

I would be inclined to think quite the opposite (not about the money) based on what Adam's people have said, and the experience shared by @Nuffsaid111
Post 46 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Adam Hughes is offended, because he thinks HE deserves that money...deny it all he wants...and is jealous that other people A. ask more than he would, and B. actually get it occasionally

Wondering, is there any factual data (that pertains specifically to Adam) you are basing this presumption on, or is it purely emotional?


There you go. That says it all, right there.

I have no idea what the second half of your sentence means.

Originally Posted by sb
I would be inclined to think quite the opposite (not about the money) based on what Adam's people have said, and the experience shared by @Nuffsaid111

Read the above quote from Adam; it will clear up any confusion.
Post 47 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Going back to his original statement, I think he's just making sure he's telling all his facebook followers that he is going to have to raise his prices based on what he has observed; and please do not complain about that. I view this as informational. It seems as if he received complaints from followers when he raised prices to $1K.
Post 48 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by IronMan
No aspect of this discussion really stirs me emotionally or mentally one way or another. Artists price their work at whatever price they chose. I and other would be fans/customers can buy, pass or offer less.

The Zatanna sketch doesn't much impress me and I'd wouldn't be interested in at at $1K... But then art and what you like is a personal thing .

Romitaman - along with as near as I can tell all of the big comic art dealers prices are all over inflated. I'm no expert on original art, I have dozen or so pieces. But it appears to me that all the dealers and many collectors selling price their stuff very high - with an expectation that a lot of deals will actually be a little bit of cash and a whole lot of trade. It's hard to figure out what comic art is really worth in cash. Which is why almost all of my art I have bought at auction.

I mostly agree with this. I will always side with the artist in these situations. They can charge whatever they want, for whatever reason they want and people will either buy it or they won’t and the artist can / will adjust accordingly.
Post 49 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by IronMan
No aspect of this discussion really stirs me emotionally or mentally one way or another. Artists price their work at whatever price they chose. I and other would be fans/customers can buy, pass or offer less.

The Zatanna sketch doesn't much impress me and I'd wouldn't be interested in at at $1K... But then art and what you like is a personal thing .

Romitaman - along with as near as I can tell all of the big comic art dealers prices are all over inflated. I'm no expert on original art, I have dozen or so pieces. But it appears to me that all the dealers and many collectors selling price their stuff very high - with an expectation that a lot of deals will actually be a little bit of cash and a whole lot of trade. It's hard to figure out what comic art is really worth in cash. Which is why almost all of my art I have bought at auction.

I mostly agree with this. I will always side with the artist in these situations. They can charge whatever they want, for whatever reason they want and people will either buy it or they won’t and the artist can / will adjust accordingly.

He doesn't really care about the fans. He cares about the amount of money he can sell a sketch for... the bottom line. That's quite evident.
Post 50 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111
Going back to his original statement, I think he's just making sure he's telling all his facebook followers that he is going to have to raise his prices based on what he has observed; and please do not complain about that. I view this as informational. It seems as if he received complaints from followers when he raised prices to $1K.

He doesn't have to.

He chooses to.

There's a gulf of difference between the two.

"Have to" is weasel language (; the same type of language customer service reps use to placate angry customers: appealing to anonymous authority. "I would love to refund that charge you claim isn't legitimate, but I have to follow policy. I'm sure you understand."

No one is forcing him to raise his prices. He chooses to, because he thinks the people reselling (or trying to resell) his work don't deserve the money he thinks they're getting. He spells it out in his post.

Why should his customers not complain about it...? How will he know there's a problem, if no one says anything...? How will he know the extent of the problem, if people don't complain about it...?
Post 51 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
I had no idea we had mind readers in this group and know what Adam is thinking. Such a waste of talent in a Grading forum
Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by IronMan
No aspect of this discussion really stirs me emotionally or mentally one way or another. Artists price their work at whatever price they chose. I and other would be fans/customers can buy, pass or offer less.

The Zatanna sketch doesn't much impress me and I'd wouldn't be interested in at at $1K... But then art and what you like is a personal thing .

Romitaman - along with as near as I can tell all of the big comic art dealers prices are all over inflated. I'm no expert on original art, I have dozen or so pieces. But it appears to me that all the dealers and many collectors selling price their stuff very high - with an expectation that a lot of deals will actually be a little bit of cash and a whole lot of trade. It's hard to figure out what comic art is really worth in cash. Which is why almost all of my art I have bought at auction.

I mostly agree with this. I will always side with the artist in these situations. They can charge whatever they want, for whatever reason they want and people will either buy it or they won’t and the artist can / will adjust accordingly.

He doesn't really care about the fans. He cares about the amount of money he can sell a sketch for... the bottom line. That's quite evident.

For all we know he may derive a good amount of his income that way so I won’t hold it against him.
Post 53 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111
I had no idea we had mind readers in this group and know what Adam is thinking. Such a waste of talent in a Grading forum

It doesn't require mind reading.

Adam (or Mrs. Adam) spells it out:

"When I have to raise our prices to drive out the flippers..."

What are they doing?

Raising prices.

Who benefits from them raising their prices?

They do.

Who do they want making the money, them or "the flippers"?


Nothing ambiguous about it. Adam (or Mrs. Adam) is plain as day.

They can raise their prices to anything they want...but don't insult the collective intelligence of comicsdom by pretending that it's not about the money.

Of course it is. It's always been about the money.
Post 54 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
@DocBrown Kiss me
Post 55 IP   flag post
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