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Beckett / BGS4657

Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by Symbiote
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by conditionfreak
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Props to all of you who are staying positive about it, you're handling this much better than I 🍺

+1 I don't blame Borock for chasing the money (again). It is why he has done what he has done, and what everyone does usually. But it does not bode well for the base of CBCS fans here. In my mind anyway.

Time will tell. Early 2017 I think.

Early 2017 is past. You have a time machine?

Obviously a typo

Maybe not. Maybe he has a time machine.

I have's broken right now though otherwise I would totally show it to you

You showed it to me in earlier this year didn't you?
Post 51 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector SpiderTim private msg quote post Address this user
Hopefully good things! I wouldn't want CBCS to go away for a Becket grading Service for comics. Very fearful! I am attending LACC this weekend and this will make me think about my CBCS submissions (if I make any).
Post 53 IP   flag post
Collector moodswing private msg quote post Address this user
Not seeing any positives from this. Usually with a takeover employees get shuffled and prices are changed.
Post 54 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by moodswing
Not seeing any positives from this. Usually with a takeover employees get shuffled and prices are changed.

Employees for sure - district reps gone (overlapping areas) - AP/AR/IT/HR/Finance gone (shared services) the list goes one - takes a while, couple of years but it happens - I've lived through it 3 times now - been lucky to either jump ship while the getting was good or just hung on through it - not fun
Post 55 IP   flag post

COLLECTOR Foghorn_Sam private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by mattness
@Foghorn_Sam CBCS announced it on their Facebook page one hour ago

Well, that dashed that thought.
I created a glimmer of hope that I had briefly crossed into an alternate universe for a few seconds anyway.
Post 56 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
I appreciate the support, as well as the concern for what this will mean for CBCS, so let me just say this…

In almost four years CBCS has created huge changes in the hobby. We’ve had good ideas and brought on many innovations (many of which were executed better than others), but we have never been satisfied without trying something new and pushing the envelope a little further every time. It has not only made CBCS better, but it has created a drastic change in our competition. In the end it has given our hobby better products and more options.

And we did this with just a handful of people and very limited capital and resources.

The labels will not be changing. The same faces, and probably many new ones, will be involved. What this will give us is access to resources to get things done, and to push the envelope even beyond what we originally thought possible.

Now imagine what that handful of people can do with resources.
Fasten your seatbelts. I can assure you that the Beckett/CBCS crew is very excited about this!
Post 57 IP   flag post
Captain Corrector CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user

So we won't see a name change on the labels, Beckett Comic Grading (BCG), perhaps?
Post 58 IP   flag post
Collector jrs private msg quote post Address this user
Let's be optimistic and wish CBCS well. If this deal improves CBCS, it's great for consumers.
Post 59 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by conditionfreak
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Props to all of you who are staying positive about it, you're handling this much better than I 🍺

+1 I don't blame Borock for chasing the money (again). It is why he has done what he has done, and what everyone does usually. But it does not bode well for the base of CBCS fans here. In my mind anyway.

Time will tell. Early 2017 I think.

Early 2017 is past. You have a time machine?

Sorry. Early 2018. And yea I do. I can close my eyes and go back to 1973 in seconds.
Post 60 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user

Post 61 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
@SteveRicketts Thanks for adding your two cents. Like many here I am hopeful that we get some welcome changes (like magazine grading, etc.) without losing other things like the high level of customer service we have been spoiled with.

My fingers are crossed.
Post 62 IP   flag post
Collector Symbiote private msg quote post Address this user
@Towmater Quote:
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by Symbiote
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by conditionfreak
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Props to all of you who are staying positive about it, you're handling this much better than I 🍺

+1 I don't blame Borock for chasing the money (again). It is why he has done what he has done, and what everyone does usually. But it does not bode well for the base of CBCS fans here. In my mind anyway.

Time will tell. Early 2017 I think.

Early 2017 is past. You have a time machine?

Obviously a typo

Maybe not. Maybe he has a time machine.

If he does, he should of went back and fixed the typo before you saw it, then sped ahead to early 2018 to see how this all plays out.
Post 63 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR Foghorn_Sam private msg quote post Address this user

Prepare to be blown away, CBCS is on the move again.
Post 64 IP   flag post
Collector 50AE_DE private msg quote post Address this user
Will they be printing their own comic book price guides with values for graded books?
Post 65 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Yikes - just read some reviews of Beckett - now taken with a grain of salt but not good.
Might send in a few for verification then everything else back to CGC untill the dust settles - 2 to 3 years

Oh my!!! I keep reading - Better Business Bureau - holy crap!


You are glossing over the fact that Beckett will have absolutely nothing to do with how CBCS operates as a business.

Beckett has it's own parent company, to boot.

CGC has it's own parent company, for that matter, if I am not mistaken.

In any event, the acquisition of Beckett will change absolutely nothing WRT CBCS's business model.

CBCS is not going to change a thing, with their label design.


There will never be any "personalization" on CBCS's label notes.

That is ridiculous, Beckett and CBCS both know that.That would devalue the CBCS name brand.

Beckett simply knew they could buy CBCS BECAUSE they have the capital to do so, and recognized the potential for long term profits.

In turn, CBCS would have much more capital to grow.

Beckett' s buy of CBCS will pay off financially, in the long run, for Beckett.

This will , in turn, grow CBCS's share of the graded comic book msrket.
Post 66 IP   flag post
Collector Rafel private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe I missed something here (I'm good at that). Does this mean that CBCS was sold to BECKETT or did they join them? BECKETT needs CBCS NOT the other way around. What's the story here!!
Post 67 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
@CopperAgeKids what is your source for these claims?
Post 68 IP   flag post
Collector 50AE_DE private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Rafel
Maybe I missed something here (I'm good at that). Does this mean that CBCS was sold to BECKETT or did they join them? BECKETT needs CBCS NOT the other way around. What's the store here!!

From the first post "Beckett today announced the acquisition of Comic Book Certification Service, LLC, an industry leader in grading and certification."
Post 69 IP   flag post
Collector Rafel private msg quote post Address this user
SELL OUT!!!! Why couldn't BECKETT have bought out PGX or CGC!!! Not happy here.
Post 70 IP   flag post
Collector Rafel private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@CopperAgeKids what is your source for these claims?

GOOGLE is my source:
Post 71 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@CopperAgeKids what is your source for these claims?

Have you never watched a SINGLE episode of AMC's Mad Men?

That is my source for my statements.

That, and slinging funny books for half of my life
..makes it is not too difficult to read between the lines.

This is Marketing 101.

Borock said as much, in the press release, issued by Beckett earlier today.

Read the full press release, than apply what I have said to what we know about CBCS.

Again, to reiterate.

Beckett is owned by a parent company that owns multiple businesses, in multiple industries.

When Beckett was acquired by it's parent company, Beckett grew into one of the two biggest third party sports card grading firms.

Read the full press release.

Than look at Bennett's stock price on the N.Y.S.E. , which spiked around at around 11AM- noon today i.e. when the press release of the acquisition of CBCS by Beckett, was issued.
Post 72 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
not sure about the financials but a CGC buyout is probably off the table.
Wouldn't want to but PGX due to poor industry reputation - may as well start your own rather than buy PGX.
Post 73 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user

CGC is much more entrenched in the graded collectibles market than CBCS.

CGC has sister companies that grade other collectibles i.e. coin, cars, lobby poster and so on.

CGC has about an 11 year jump on CBCS.

There is no reason for CGC to be acquired by a larger outfit.CGC and it's sister companies already control a large segment of the third party grading collectibles market (not just comics).

There is ample reason for CBCS's decision.

CBCS wants to lessen the effects of CGC's 11 year jump start over CBCS.

To do so, more effectively, they need more financial backing...which is what CBCS now has.
Post 74 IP   flag post
Captain Corrector CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user
@CopperAgeKids Quote:
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids

CBCS is not going to change a thing, with their label design.


As @KingNampa said, what are you basing this on? The earlier posting by @SteveRicketts ?
Post 75 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Rafel
SELL OUT!!!! Why couldn't BECKETT have bought out PGX or CGC!!! Not happy here.

All due respect, you clearly do not understand what any of this means.
Post 76 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
@CopperAgeKids silence is better than b.s.
Post 77 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@CopperAgeKids silence is better than b.s.

If you have a valid criticism of what I have said ...than have at it, hoss.

All I see from you is a sum total of five words, that don't add up to anything of substance.

I have no ulterior motive to say what I say.

In fact, I wish I had such a motive.

If I had the dough to invest in the stock market, I would have done so at around 3:45 P.M. today.

Disregard that link.
Post 78 IP   flag post
Collector Rafel private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by Rafel
SELL OUT!!!! Why couldn't BECKETT have bought out PGX or CGC!!! Not happy here.

All due respect, you clearly do not understand what any of this means.

No disrespect taken. I'm old school and don't like (too much) change. I see BECKETT as a sports grading company only NOT a comic book grading company. I also see higher prices and lower quality in grading. But I don't own CBCS so it's not up to me on how the business is ran. I'm not a fan of CGC nor PGX, so I'm stuck with this whether I agree with it or not. This is just my opinion.
Post 79 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CaptainCanuck
@CopperAgeKids Quote:
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids

CBCS is not going to change a thing, with their label design.


As @KingNampa said, what are you basing this on? The earlier posting by @SteveRicketts ?

CaptainCanuck, I did not see that post that Ricketts made today, intil you brought it up.

All of my statements or "claims", were based on what I have already expressed in this thread.

Ricketts' post reinforces my statements and/or "claims" opinion.
Post 80 IP   flag post
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