Collector | Zombiebigfoot private msg quote post Address this user | |
It's been a long, LOOONG 7 months but TWD has finally returned! I won't give any spoilers for those of you who haven't watched yet, but I will say this - HURRY UP & WATCH IT WILL YOU?!? Lol! There will probably be spoilers ahead, so read with caution. Any thoughts on last night's premiere? Let's get this discussion goin'! |
Post 1 IP flag post |
Collector | DarthKribs private msg quote post Address this user | |
RICK had a good plan! | ||
Post 2 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user | |
I'm so glad the show is back! I liked the episode and its nice to see this plan coming together without wasting much time. For a season called "All Out War", it looks like we're jumping right in to that | ||
Post 3 IP flag post |
Collector | Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user | |
I still enjoy TWD TV show and really enjoyed this episode. I've actually never read the comic book. i'll probably be picking up the trades or compendiums sometime son and start reading from the beginning. I do have a questions for those who do read the comic books. 1. How do they compare to the show? Are the comics better, much better, just different? 2. I've heard that certain characters or other plot lines have changed in the show. necessary, unnecessary, good for TV? 3. Where is the TV show compared to the comic book? Like 12 issues behind, 50 issues behind? 4. How much longer do you think the TV show will run? Just curious. |
Post 4 IP flag post |
Collector | Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DarthKribs Slightly disagree. Only one thing gets you peace, or something closer to peace. You got to cut the head off the snake. While they dealt a big blow, while Negan is alive, the war continues. The plan needed to include killing or capturing Negan. |
Post 5 IP flag post |
Collector | jrs private msg quote post Address this user | |
Spoiler Alert Seemed too easy, and still very well may be set up to appear that way. But these questions come to mind: So the saviors had no way to fight back once their walls had been breached? No molotovs or anything to rain down below? And they were so lightly guarded that they appear to have had no defense to the zombies, when the saviors have arguably the largest cache of weapons available? Meanwhile, poor Rick couldn't hit even one of them when he short-counted and began shooting? And what of the traitor? Why didn't he try to switch sides when given the chance? I likes the episode but found those questions lingering as I watched, especially in light of how the saviors were portrayed in the past. |
Post 6 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Lonestar I really like both. For me it's hard to say one is better than the other although if you're "show only" I do think you're missing out by not reading the book. Of the options, I'll say "Just different" There are some deviations from the books such as the character Daryl Dixon played by Norman Reedus. The showrunners have been asked about this and even about a character unique to the video game if they'd ever cross over and they said it was a way to keep each platform and each story unique yet still part of the same world. The TV show just entered issue 115 which kicked off the 12-part "All Out War" story arc. Issue 172 was just released this month. I think the show will run for quite some time yet as popularity remain ever high. That said, Robert Kirkman did say he has an ending in mind. Not that it is ending but that he knows how it will end. |
Post 7 IP flag post |
Collector | dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Lonestar 1 - The fair answer is they are different. Having said that, I like the comics better. 2 - yes, they change things. It is necessary to keep things fresh for the comics readers. Things are, basically, similar to the comics. However, there are new/different characters, stories and plot points. I will say it is fun when they mimic a particular panel or cover exactly how it is portrayed in the comic. 3 - All Out War storyline is issues 115-126; comics are on issue 172. 4 - I could see them going another 100 episodes if everything keeps being received well. The comics are introducing younger characters which leads me to believe there are longer, far reaching plans. |
Post 8 IP flag post |
Collector | DarthKribs private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Lonestar The fact he had a plan that some what worked then.. :o) |
Post 9 IP flag post |
Collector | Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user | |
@JLS_Comics @dpiercy Thanks for the answers and input. The TV show just showed its 100th episode. That is a fairly big milestone for any TV show. Says a lot about how popular the show still is. It's very hard to keep up QUALITY this long. I hope they can keep going for a long time as I enjoy the show, but I am guarded in my optimism. Again, this only due to the fact that very few (if any) TV shows can produce this kind of quality for this long. |
Post 10 IP flag post |
Collector | dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Lonestar Yah, the fandom is still growing, too, which is why I think the show will run longer than many think is possible. They do run into issues that seem like "more of the same" on the show. Last night's episode really seemed like something we've seen before. E.g. Rick rallies the followers with a speech and goes to war. The story changes rather dramatically after this arc, so we'll see. |
Post 11 IP flag post |
Collector | DarthKribs private msg quote post Address this user | |
What do Yall think about Fear the Walking Dead and WTD crossing over? | ||
Post 12 IP flag post |
Collector | dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user | |
I'm not crazy about FTWD, but lots of people like it, so it's whatevs for me. | ||
Post 13 IP flag post |
Collector | jrs private msg quote post Address this user | |
Ftwd = so so. | ||
Post 14 IP flag post |
Collector | Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by dpiercy I think that some of the "more of the same" in this particular episode was by design. I read a review where they said they were trying to honor or pay tribute to the shows past. But your overall point is valid and something the TV show will have to guard against moving forward. |
Post 15 IP flag post |
Collector | Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DarthKribs One of the problems I had (have) with FTWD is that I never really cared or got invested with any of the main characters. While on TWD, I do care for many of the characters. The only main character I actively root to die is Carl. For some reason, I really hate that kid. |
Post 16 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user | |
In regard to "more of the same" One of the scenes was a shot for shot remake of a scene from season one - they just swapped out Rick for Carl. TWD Shot Remake |
Post 17 IP flag post |
Collector | DarthKribs private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Lonestar I agree completely. I have no love for any of the FTWD characters. Personally I can not wait for Gabriel to DIE. I just am wondering how many people he takes down with him. |
Post 18 IP flag post |
Collector | KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user | |
In my opinion the editing was pretty bad on the premier. Felt very disjointed. Also when they attacked the factory did they not have enough budget to show the defenders as well? They were just shooting out the windows of the factory lol. | ||
Post 19 IP flag post |
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. | kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user | |
Lame. Walking Dead is getting old, more of the same. Also, the score totally ripped off "The Last of Us" video game, btw | ||
Post 20 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user | |
@kaptainmyke what if Rick had a portal gun? Would it be better | ||
Post 21 IP flag post |
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. | kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user | |
Same Rick, different time period imo. This is before Judith becomes Morty. | ||
Post 22 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user | |
SPOILER ALERT, sort of: 100th episode was not all that great. I don't understand why Rick et al, did not immediately shoot Negan when they were conversing. And I find it hard to believe THAT was all the plan Negan had, knowing they were in an all out war. How lame. And finally, as far as the "shit pants" with Father Gabriel. He had a machine gun against a baseball bat. And Negan totally dominated him. C'mon. You just shot a bunch of people. What's the problem with killing the one person that would stop all of this? I have grown tied of Negan. Skinny no ass slow guy, who could not defeat ANY of his men in hand to hand combat. Loves the sound of his own voice, and loves bending over backwards while doing so. Heck, Carol could probably whip his arse. If you were putting together a team to live in zombie land. Would there be about 149 other people on this show whom you would pick before you picked Negan? Even if you didn't know his personality or evil tendencies. |
Post 24 IP flag post |
Collector | jrs private msg quote post Address this user | |
@conditionfreak, it's not clear what happened in the trailer with Negan. He could've meant that the swarm of zombies was going to screw them both, hence his comments. | ||
Post 25 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by jrs Well, yea. Maybe. But that wouldn't make much sense as the preacher already knows all of that. He didn't just fall off of turnip truck. Negan was alluding to how bad ass he (Negan) is. As usual. Time will tell. |
Post 26 IP flag post |
Collector | jrs private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by conditionfreak Preacher knows this too. |
Post 27 IP flag post |
Collector* | Towmater private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by conditionfreak I've only watched 3 or 4 of the shows. The series is a waste of time to me. If you are a survivor in Rick's group you are supposed to whine a lot and feel bad for yourself because you survived and did bad things to... well, dead people that were trying to eat you...say what? Oh, and lets never make plans for the time around year three when all the zombies don't exist anymore because of the rate of decomposition of humans, and the rate that zombies seem to attack and make new zombies. It is better to whine and feel bad seems to be the message that the show provides. |
Post 28 IP flag post |
Collector | Zombiebigfoot private msg quote post Address this user | |
Wow! This is a great discussion you guys. To see the pros/cons from everyone really makes me smile! All the passion, the angst, the frustrations of it all, fan or not you've all voiced great points. Really, you've made my week. | ||
Post 29 IP flag post |
Collector | Captain_Aspirin private msg quote post Address this user | |
I watch TWD mostly because I have for years. It's not really for the story or the quality of the show, I guess I feel that I'm invested in it after all this time, and I'd rather find out what happens on my own instead of seeing spoilers on the web..which is almost impossible to avoid. Last night's episode fit perfectly into the show as a whole. Another hour of missed opportunities and dragging out a story that has taken far too long. There is no excuse for not taking out Negan and his lieutenants right then and there. There is no excuse for Gabriel not taking out Negan, or the fact that he was in that position to begin with. The years of poor writing has finally taken its toll on me, I don't think I'll be continuing with this show anymore. Seems like a good opportunity to pick up the TPBs because I haven't read any and I would hope they are better, as they usually are. | ||
Post 30 IP flag post |
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