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Please pre-order from your comic shops!4626

Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Hey all! Could you please check out these books and pre-order them from your local shops? I wrote all of them and they're available now in Diamond Previews. Dominatrix was in Previews last month, but they're keeping the ordering cycle open longer to pull in more orders. The Steam Engines of Oz might look familiar to some... It was released up through a couple of years ago (even a FCBD issue one year), but this is a hardcover collection of everything put out from 2012(?) to current.


CREATED BY: Gene Simmons
WRITTEN BY: Erik Hendrix
ART BY: Kewber Baal
COVER ART BY: Fernando Goni
DESCRIPTION: From the mind of Gene Simmons, rock legend and media icon, be prepared to turn another cheek with Dominatrix. When an asset goes missing in Hawaii, Dominique is enlisted to go undercover into the world illegal arms and aloha. When investigating thugs and guns, the last thing she expects to find are extra-dimensional threats! Polish the vinyl, pucker up, and get ready for a butt kicking. You'll thank us later.

CREATED BY: Gene Simmons
WRITTEN BY: Erik Hendrix
ART BY: Alex Aguilar
DESCRIPTION: From the mind of the iconic Gene Simmons! Return to the world of Zipper - an alien trapped on Earth fights his way home to Etheria. In his absence, he has become a symbol of hope for a group of freedom fighters, fleeing the global Collective. Is Zipper ready to play savior to these dissidents against the tyrannical Old Ones and threats from outside their very universe? His life depends on it.

WRITTEN BY: Erik Hendrix & Sean O’Reilly
ART BY: Yannis Roumboulias
DESCRIPTION: Collecting the complete, two-volume SteamPunk epic future of the World of Oz! A century after the Wicked Witch was killed, The Emerald City is ruled by a once-revered hero, an ice-witch rules over the north, the Lions overrun the forests, evil twins approach from the West, and secrets hide in every shadow. Salvation for Oz comes from the unlikely young Victoria Wright. She comes to find that the smallest of actions can have much larger implications, and the most insignificant of us can change the world. Collects The Steam Engines of Oz FCBD, The Steam Engines of Oz #1-3, and The Steam Engines of Oz: The Geared Leviathan #1-3.



The Steam Engines of Oz Samples:

Post 1 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
That Oz one sounds interesting, I just may add that one. Good timing, I have to turn in my form today 👍🏻
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
By the way, if I get enough requests to do so, if people have copies of Kewber Baal's Kiss books from Dynamite and his Arcana Dominatrix books, I can work out to send him books to sign, remark, do sketch covers, etc, for CBCS yellow label. Yes, I am a witness, too, bwa ha ha!

Yannis Roumboulias, the artist for The Steam Engines of Oz, is available to do the same for anything I've done with him, but obviously hardcovers can't be slabbed, so it would be sketch covers of other books and such. Just PM me to discuss. It would need to be a chunk of books, because both people are international, but they're both game to "play".
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
@thelastbard thanks. Will take a look
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@shrewbeer Thanks! Oz was a blast to write and I put a lot into it through the experience... It's actually two different storylines that thread into one... put's a nice bow on it in the end. I was at a Steampunk convention a couple of weekends ago and did a panel on the series (do that from time to time), talking about themes, where the ideas came from, yadda yadda yadda.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
...and cool that we have a comic writer on the board
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@poka Comics are the third love of my life behind my wife and son... Before they came around, comics were the first, ha ha. Writing, understanding the mechanics of them, and everything came very naturally when I started writing because of how much I've read them through my life. And, I know what I like to read, so I hope it comes across in my writing!
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector Doc_Cop private msg quote post Address this user
Erik, Wow! I'm impressed, well written and terrific art. I will be sure to order. Thanks and best of luck with this venture. nuff said.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@Doc_Cop thanks!! I appreciate it! Been at it in the comic world since early 2009, so just plugging along. With the Gene books, this is my second "dip" into his brain, which has been fantastic. Really cool guy, honestly... Take away the make-up, the cameras, etc, and you have this smart, comic-loving person who can talk about what he loves about comics, old movies, books, etc, and my goal is to infuse what he loves and what I love into HIS main characters, Zipper and Dominatrix, and add a lot of fun elements to it. Been having a blast in both settings and want to do more!

Seriously, though, the stuff gets NUTS along the way in both Dominatrix and Zipper. Zipper is full-throttle, while Dominatrix is a snowball of action and "wait, wha?!?" The artists are having a blast.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector ComicHaulics private msg quote post Address this user
Sweet! Will pick it up )
Post 10 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
@thelastbard did dominatrix get cancelled (or maybe it just skips a month for issue #2?) Arcana has only these two in my previews order form, the next page starts Archie Pub.

Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@shrewbeer Dom issue 1 is in Sept previews, but still available. Issue 2 will be in November previews... Issue 2 of Zipper will be in Jan previews. As you said, staggered, definitely not cancelled!

Oh, here's what happens when you can letter and start playing around too much...

Post 12 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Lol that's great right there
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Lol that's great right there

I'm a dork...
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector NilesPaine private msg quote post Address this user
This is you!?!? I was already all in with that Zipper. Congrats! Keep at it.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@NilesPaine yep, that's me... I'm the writer type guy... Alex Aguilar is the artist! He's a freaking dynamo, but so is Kewber Baal, the artist from Dominatrix. He's doing his best work EVER on issues 2 and 3. Hard to tell in the early pages, since we're setting everything up.

Check out this random page from Dom. I won't tell you which issue or page. Just wanted you to see what Kewber is doing, since I'm so freaking Jazzed.

On Alex, he made his US debut last month in Millarworld Annual 2017. CRAZY. Met him through Gene... Pretty random, actually. Alex sent Gene a message on Twitter, Gene responded, they got talking, then Gene emailed me and said, "hey, why don't you talk to Alex," and we started working together. That simple. Now, we're friends.

Here's that Dom image, though. I think Kewber will smack me around if he knew I was sharing it, ha ha...

Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector NilesPaine private msg quote post Address this user
WoWoW! I might be all in for that too. His framing is really good. Which was your favorite to write??
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by NilesPaine
WoWoW! I might be all in for that too. His framing is really good. Which was your favorite to write??

Honestly, I couldn't pick a favorite... I plotted them both out at the same time and went back and forth. I planned out a "Simmonsverse" for the whole thing. A few years ago, I wrote "Zipper vs Dominatrix: The Slave Trade", which was my first book with the two characters, so this was my first chance to write them separately. I'm really into character moments as much as smacking characters into each other and seeing what happens... Zipper has been more of a challenge from the pacing standpoint, because I have a LOT of story to tell, but don't want to lose the characters along the way, while I felt I had a tiny bit more room to breathe in Dominatrix, but a lot of unexpected things happened along the way, which surprised me... Pesky characters doing things they weren't intended to do.

I'd put it this way, though... There's a truth, immediacy, grounding, and rawness to Dominatrix I'm hoping that people will be surprised by, despite the insanity that happens, while Zipper is absolutely insane, but has veins of heart and character moments that will also, again hopefully, resonate with people. A lot of what brings those elements, too, is the art!!!
Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
If you guys want to see some other work from either Kewber or Alex... Both are on Instagram, but Alex hasn't been updating his feed (I need to tell him to). <-- He posted a CRAZY Aquaman yesterday, WHAAAAAAAA?????

This is me... I post geek stuff mostly. Comic images (like a lenticular video the other day, ha ha), records, my kid, etc...
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Even though order sheets on Previews say otherwise, comic shops still have a couple of days to get orders in to Diamond. If you didn't get an order in for any of these books, it's not too late! Help a geek creator-type out!

Geeks of the world, UNITE!!!
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Here's the cover for Dominatrix issue 2 and Zipper vs Dominatrix: The Slave Trade, which are both available for Pre-Order in November Previews.

CREATED BY: Gene Simmons
WRITTEN BY: Erik Hendrix
ART BY: Kewber Baal
DESCRIPTION: Trapped on an island with the rich and powerful, each with their own reasons for buying illegal and exotic weapons, what can go wrong? Assassinations, escorts, brawls, gunfights, and living weapons for starters! As the trouble for Dominique escalates, she learns the mysterious origins of some powerful new friends. But, can she save them before they hit the auction block and are unleashed on an unsuspecting world? Be prepared; you won't see the last issue coming!

I don't have colored pages available at the moment, but check out some pencils. W00T!

CREATED BY: Gene Simmons
WRITTEN BY: Erik Hendrix
ART BY: Yannis Roumboulias & Casey Maloney
COVER ART: Jim Balent
DESCRIPTION: Arcana Comics and Simmons Comics Group Presents Zipper Vs Dominatrix: The Slave Trade, collecting the three exciting chapters in one volume. Zipper and Dominatrix, two creations straight out of the mind of Gene Simmons, get wrapped in a world of sex slaves and conspiracy. Can the alien and the T&A agent work together long enough to save innocent lives?

If you guys are fans of Jim Balent's work, his cover is AWESOME... But, check out the interior art! Yannis Roumboulias has worked with me on several projects, including The Steam Engines of Oz and Deadly Harvest. LOVE HIM. He lives in Greece and we talk at least once per week. Full on bromance action, seriously. :P

I just think all of these things go well together... :P So what if only one of them is family friendly? Ha ha ha...

By the way, if anyone is interested in Kewber Baal OR Yannis Roumboulis for sketch cover blanks OR Kewber Baal for Dominatrix remarks and sigs on Dominatrix issues, I'm trying to get something worked out for them, am an authorized CBCS witness, etc... I have been talking with them about it for a while. Just let me know. Gauging interest. m/
Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector jrs private msg quote post Address this user
The artwork is pretty awesome.
Post 22 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Good stuff! Very cool to see creators on the boards!
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah - we should support so ordered some
Post 24 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
@thelastbard did ensure that dominatrix #1 is now sold out from TFAW
Post 25 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@poka They should be able to get more... If they try! But who knows if they will, ha ha...

Here are some quotes coming in...

One I got this morning. If you've read some of my comments in other threads, you know I'm a bit of a Deodato fan, so this first one made me pretty happy, duh.

"Dominatrix has sex, drugs, rock 'n roll and everything you would expect in a Gene Simmons book! It is hotter than hell!" - Mike Deodato (Marvel's Old Man Logan & Astonishing X-Men)

And some others... Yeah, writers track these things, good and bad. Luckily, nothing bad so far. Phew!

Dominatrix's "characters crackle with personality, ranging from sassy to slightly creepy, and the dialogue is polished," and, "it takes skill and courage to write a story about a dominatrix which is more than mere titillation for a male audience, and Mr Hendrix... demonstrates his trade craft... with skill and nuance." Read the full review here -

"The talent of writer Erik Hendrix is evident. The story moves at a good, fast pace and never lost my interest... There has truly been some very good character development and quite a bit of time building the world we’re reading about."

"It's fitting that a book from the mind of Gene Simmons would be as candid and outrageous as Dominatrix: Hellbent in Heels #1 is. Dominatrix is a no-holds barred character who doesn't take guff from anyone. Hendrix writes a great story that effectively establishes the character and her current mission. Baal's artwork is solid and doesn't take itself too seriously all things considered. Dominatrix: Hellbent in Heels #1 is a pretty fun first issue that has a lot going for it and should be a fun ride."

"Writer Erik Hendrix is putting his fingerprint on another Gene Simmons created character with the first of three issues in the new Zipper: Cosmic Jungle story. Aguilar and Ponnusamy have created a visual feast to be cherished. This is a beautiful book that brings the Hendrix penned story to life. Crisp artwork and brilliant color pop off the page as readers follow the action that is presented at a breakneck pace. Looking over the book for the fourth time, I’m in awe of the quality of the artwork we’re presented with. Very professional."
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Honestly, though, thanks to all who have commented and are trying to pre-order. This becomes a BIG uphill battle trying to get the book seen, press coverage, and, most importantly, retailers to order so people can see it on the shelf. I'm convinced if the books are on the shelf, people will pick them up. But, retailers think in terms of this book versus X copies of Saga or Walking Dead... In that battle? I'm screwed.
Post 27 IP   flag post
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