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Comics Golden AgeQuestions

[Q]First Appearance Info on a Label4610

Collector Drahcir private msg quote post Address this user
So I have a question regarding what information would be on the label of a golden age book I recently picked up if I were to have it graded.

Flash Comics #64 is the first appearance of the villain Monocle (made appearances in the 80s, Identity Crisis, and other mid to late 2000 books). I noticed, however, that other grading companies don't seem to list his first appearance on the label.

I was wondering if anyone knew if CBCS did list his appearance on there and if not why?
Trying to make a decision on whether or not to have this book graded and this was something that was on my mind.
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Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Interesting question. CGC census only shows they have graded 11 of them. Couldn't find a single CBCS copy. Sorry, couldn't help more.
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Collector Rafel private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OGJackster
Interesting question. CGC census only shows they have graded 11 of them. Couldn't find a single CBCS copy. Sorry, couldn't help more.

How did you check CBCS??
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Collector Drahcir private msg quote post Address this user
I figured it was scarce graded, but hadn't realized it was that scarce.
I may just have to get it graded to see what happens.
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Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Drahcir
I figured it was scarce graded, but hadn't realized it was that scarce.
I may just have to get it graded to see what happens.

They may not catch it, if it's an obscure/uncommon GA book.

Does the latest Overstreet Price Guide notate this book as the 1st App of Monocle?

I haven't bought an Overstreet guide since the 2014-2015 update came out.

The newest Overstreet may have made note of that, but it may not.

I would suggest that, before you sub the Flash Comics 64 to CBCS for grading that you email CBCS Customer Service, and provide proof of FC #64 being Monacle's 1st Appearance.

A pic of the cover, if it has anything like "Introducing a new villian in this issue", like some GA/SA books well as taking a few pictures of the first few story and/or text, with Monocle shown.

That is in your best interest, as well as CBCS's best interest. 😊

You will be the first kid on the block to have a slabbed book with "1st Appearance Of Monocle" on the label , and CBCS would get the jump on CGC, with that notation, on their label.

I would do that after explicitly emailing CBCS's customer service or calling them, to ask how they would label that book.

The CBCS Rep will check CBCS's database, and be able to tell you.

But it is the guys like Borock, Ricketts, Wes Stephan,Mark Roman and Steve Paulus, who make those decisions.
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Collector Drahcir private msg quote post Address this user
I haven't had an up to date Overstreet Guide in a few years - so I'm unsure if it's noted in there or not.

He isn't featured on the cover, but he does have a whole "Meet The Monocle" spread inside the book for the Hawkman story. He's also featured in DC's Who's Who where they mention the specific Flash Comics issue. Really helpful message though! I'll contact everyone and see what happens.
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CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Send the book in with a note stuck to it requesting the notation. The graders will research it, if it is true they will put it on the label. If not they won't.

An email will be useless because we've never graded a copy. They can only tell you what's in the database. It's not there until we've graded a copy.
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Collector Drahcir private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Steve
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