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CGC says "GOOD MORTY" is 1st appearance now.4564

I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
take lots of pics
Post 376 IP   flag post
Collector joephizz private msg quote post Address this user
I will and hopefully it'll help get to the bottom of all this.

Seems like we might be getting close!
Post 377 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user
It's like a slowly evolving mystery novel!!!😎
Post 378 IP   flag post
Collector IntoAnother private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
Still no response from Justin yet. (Bump) This is an active current investigation!

Post 379 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user

Post 380 IP   flag post

Collector AdamBomb private msg quote post Address this user
Deleted. Posting on this thread has just caused more question and doubt. I think the best way to determine the authenticity is to submit and let the graders decide for you. There have been copies of sold by online sellers for hard earned money. Keep that in mind and good luck everyone!
Post 381 IP   flag post
Collector AdamBomb private msg quote post Address this user
Post 382 IP   flag post
Collector AdamBomb private msg quote post Address this user
Post 383 IP   flag post
Collector AdamBomb private msg quote post Address this user
Post 384 IP   flag post
Collector AdamBomb private msg quote post Address this user
Post 385 IP   flag post
Collector AdamBomb private msg quote post Address this user
Post 386 IP   flag post
Collector AdamBomb private msg quote post Address this user
deleted. Thank you CBCS
Post 387 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Nice pictures. What is your methodology for determining which is real and which is "counterfeit"?

I don't mean the specific details you've already discussed, I mean what leads you to say without question that one is real and the other is not?

Not saying you're wrong, but it's very important to not call something fake or counterfeit if it's not proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

If it's just because it's in a counterfeit DVD, I don't think that's good enough.

The biggest problem with calling any of the Good Mortys fake is this: before last week, there was no financial motive to do so. They weren't worth anything.

The next biggest problem is that, while bootlegging DVDs is easy, counterfeiting printed material is not so easy.

I see the differences you discuss...but the effort and cost it would have taken, as earlier posters have pointed out, would not have been worth it for a $20 DVD. These are good clues, but that's all they are as of yet: clues...and these differences CAN be explained by a different, authorized print run.

After all...ASM #129 has two distinctly different cover paper stocks, a "glossy" and a "matte", which is common for this era.
Post 388 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
For example: on known counterfeits, like CFD #1, TMNT #1 and #2, Cerebus #1, etc...there are issues that immediately identify a copy as a counterfeit, even if these things weren't confirmed by the creators themselves (which they were.)

On Cerebus #1, the interior covers are obviously glossy; the original is obviously matte.

On TMNT #1 and #2, the interior pages are bright white...they used cheapo newsprint on the originals, which was never bright white when it was new.

On CFD #1, because they scanned a book, you have 2nd generation decay, in the form of moire patterns on the cover and obvious differences in the interior art.

And, of course, all these counterfeits were made after each of these books became quite valuable on the back issue market.

The differences you've described so far aren't dead giveaways.
Post 389 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Disclosure: I have none of these books, nor do I intend to, though that might change for scholarly reasons. I just want it known that I have no financial stake in declaring every copy genuine.
Post 390 IP   flag post
Collector joephizz private msg quote post Address this user
@DocBrown I have been thinking the same thing as more info about the actual comics comes to light. I wouldn't be surprised if there were multiple sources for printing, each with a slight difference.

Another thing I've noticed about almost all the comics is how precise and straight the staples are. I'm perhaps being naive but I imagine anyone bootlegging the comics (back when they were thought to be worthless) would be stapling the books by hand and therefore we'd see at least some books with wonky staples.
Post 391 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
@AdamBomb none of that makes sense, given the information we have so far lol

Can you provide a picture of the DVD and bluray dust jackets?

No feet should equate to fake (the bootleggeers copied the bluray and removed all evidence of the digital uv, thus cutting off the feet)

This is also the first single stapled book that supposedly came from a fake bluray.

If what you are saying is true, the "fell off the back of a truck", or a manager making an extra print run for himself could very well be true.

Regardless of whether these are "legit" or not fake, there ARE clear differences, enough to show multiple print runs, and there must be a way to tell which was the original authorized print run. Anything after that, no matter where it was printed, or how obtained, is not authentic.

@DocBrown, Claiming "authorized" printed books in illegally printed media is laughable. Are you saying someone "authorized" a print run for fake dvds? Even if they did, said authorization is not legitimate as it was done illegaly; thus the books are fakes.
Post 392 IP   flag post
Collector joephizz private msg quote post Address this user
@shrewbeer I believe DocBrown was just suggesting there could have been more than one authorized print run, perhaps from multiple printers.

It's not beyond comprehension that a proportion of one specific batch could have fallen into the wrong hands, prompting the idea to create a knock-off blu-ray with case, covers etc. and then inserting the stolen (authorized) copies of the comic.

Potentially far fetched but not impossible!
Post 393 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
@joephizz yeah lol I had the same far fetched idea; we went through that on page 6. I offered up the "back of a truck" theory prompting the creation of the bootlegs (chicken or egg?" ). We've gone full circle 🍺

Good evidence seems to be getting harder to come by, this may not be solved for a while. I wonder if either of the grading companies will simply hold these books without grade until it is solved 🤔

Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
It really doesnt make any sense at all that they would insert real comics into fake DVDs lol... Especially given that we have yet to see a single-staple book come out of a fake case, but have seen the doubles do so.

Unless someone working at the print factory managed to make a run for themselves off-hours or a few big boxes of them "fell off the back of a truck". Lol chicken or egg, that could have given someone shady the motivation to make the fakes.

** We have yet to hear from anyone who has compared a real one to one that came out of a fake box.... they could be more different than just the staples

It makes even less sense that they...whoever "they" are...would go to the expense and effort to professionally print "fake" copies of this book. Bootleg DVDs, not difficult. Bootleg comics, much more so.

No one at the "print factory" would have made a run for themselves off-hours, because R&M wasn't a cultural "thing" when this was made, and the first issue was a year in the future. As sci-fi intriguing as it is to imagine surreptitious printing going on after hours, the reality is much more boring. That's a good way to lose your job on the spot. Impossible, no. So unlikely as to be completely improbable, yes.

Didn't Jimmy Linguini compare multiple copies?
Post 394 IP   flag post
Collector joephizz private msg quote post Address this user
@shrewbeer It'd be great to get something concrete back from one of the grading companies. Even a note on a graded copy's label like "Single Staple Version" or "First print run" would be helpful.
Post 395 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
It's interesting the photos provided. Now, I do remember specifically before sending mine off to cgc I did measure the book. It was exactly 3x5. Pages were cut sharp. Pages appeared bright and crisp. Remember, my set is a white dvd set that had both discs mounted to doors, not with disc one mounted on a insert mount. Both of my discs are silver. I do agree that the bluray is a copy because it's black. I'm still seeing differences to other photos provided in previous posts. But, I'm not convinced.
Post 396 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by AdamBomb
And finally the meat you've been waiting for. All these photos go without explanation; some was already covered before. The printing on the inside of the genuine 'The Good Morty' will be more crisp and not so dull again. You can see this in the lines if you have access to the real thing. I haven't included a pic because I did not want to handle the book more. **Note: See that the counterfeit cover, Morty has a totally different skin tone. The Genuine is just over an 1/8th of an inch longer as well**

Which one are you saying is the real one and which is fake? You should be more concise on your posts when displaying 2 photos. Also you didn't line them up so to me they look the same length.
Post 397 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
They are all fakes. Every one of them.

Except mine.
Post 398 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by joephizz
@DocBrown I have been thinking the same thing as more info about the actual comics comes to light. I wouldn't be surprised if there were multiple sources for printing, each with a slight difference.

Another thing I've noticed about almost all the comics is how precise and straight the staples are. I'm perhaps being naive but I imagine anyone bootlegging the comics (back when they were thought to be worthless) would be stapling the books by hand and therefore we'd see at least some books with wonky staples.

Anyone bootlegging the DVD or Blu-Ray would have access to equipment that would staple the books via a machine.

Basically, anyone who works at a print shop, who is an experienced 1st or even 2nd Press Operator ( the trade term is 1st or 2nd Pressman) could produce the apparently bootlegged DVD/Blu-Ray sets with the apparently bbootlegged Good Morty.
Post 399 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Also, the apparently bootlegged sets ( blue plastic inside of the book with a re-writable DVD (which has a black background)...and a lighter tone of inks on The Good Morty book included....could just be that Roland was trying to save money on production costs on a percentage of the 1st pressing in 2014, after charging a premium on the first part of the run, which he promoted as randomly inserted signed copies of Good Morty.

This would make good business sense on Roland's part.

Using rewritable discs and cheaper paper stock/lower ink quality, saves money.


I have a good friend who worked/wirks as a 1st pressman for the past 15+ years.

He has ran off a couple hundred backing boards, using much thicker paper stock than regular backing boards, at the shop he works.

He still has his job.

So yeah....a press Man could do this, in quantities...say a 100, to play it safe.
Post 400 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Also, the apparently bootlegged sets ( blue plastic inside of the book with a re-writable DVD (which has a black background)...and a lighter tone of inks on The Good Morty book included....could just be that Roland was trying to save money on production costs on a percentage of the 1st pressing in 2014, after charging a premium on the first part of the run, which he promoted as randomly inserted signed copies of Good Morty.

This would make good business sense on Roland's part.

Using rewritable discs and cheaper paper stock/lower ink quality, saves money.


I have a good friend who worked/wirks as a 1st pressman for the past 15+ years.

He has ran off a couple hundred backing boards, using much thicker paper stock than regular backing boards, at the shop he works.

He still has his job.

So yeah....a press Man could do this, in quantities...say a 100, to play it safe.

Good info cak.

It's not too far fetched to think that a press shop could be in decline in this day and age as well. People do things they wouldnt normally do when presented with money problems.

I can certainly see a pressman and the shop manager collaborating on a big run to make a quick buck on thousands of bootleg DVDS... More probable than theft of the print run, and certainly not "sci-fi intriguing" or "completely improbable" lol
Post 401 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
This make Hulk's head hurt.

But even Hulk laughs at the surmise that a fake (bootlegged) DVD would have a legitimate booklet in it.

And yes, I know that anything is "possible". But c'mon.
Post 402 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by joephizz
@shrewbeer I believe DocBrown was just suggesting there could have been more than one authorized print run, perhaps from multiple printers.

It's not beyond comprehension that a proportion of one specific batch could have fallen into the wrong hands, prompting the idea to create a knock-off blu-ray with case, covers etc. and then inserting the stolen (authorized) copies of the comic.

Potentially far fetched but not impossible!

Exactly. The only people making the decision about how and where they're printed officially are the copyright holders...I don't know, someone else can say, but I imagine that would be adult swim and/or the creators. They can decide what they want to have printed, where, when, and how, with a phone call.

With the digitization of art, it's as easy as a call to order a different batch.

But remember Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation is usually the right one. While it's possible that another batch was obtained by bootleggers, is it also possible that the "bootleg" copies were simply additional

Yes, I know that re-writable DVDs and blurry print graphics on the package are nearly 100% "bootleg" giveaways. I'm not doubting that...just raising the question of "what if...?"
Post 403 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by joephizz
@DocBrown I have been thinking the same thing as more info about the actual comics comes to light. I wouldn't be surprised if there were multiple sources for printing, each with a slight difference.

Another thing I've noticed about almost all the comics is how precise and straight the staples are. I'm perhaps being naive but I imagine anyone bootlegging the comics (back when they were thought to be worthless) would be stapling the books by hand and therefore we'd see at least some books with wonky staples.

Anyone bootlegging the DVD or Blu-Ray would have access to equipment that would staple the books via a machine.

Basically, anyone who works at a print shop, who is an experienced 1st or even 2nd Press Operator ( the trade term is 1st or 2nd Pressman) could produce the apparently bootlegged DVD/Blu-Ray sets with the apparently bbootlegged Good Morty.

The problem with that scenario is who is in control of the original art? If you don't have access to the digital files of the original art...or the original art itself, if it exists in physical format...then you're going to have more problems than it's worth to "bootleg" these tracts.

Again: there was no financial motive to do so. So, those of you in the "fake copies" camp are going to have to come up with a plausible motive for why anyone would do it...and "total authenticity" isn't plausible, because it's more trouble than it's worth, just to include something that is basically a throwaway insert before last week.

Think about it: why do you think bootleg DVDs almost universally LOOK "bootlegged"?

It's because someone used 2nd generation scans of the finished DVD case, which resulted in degradation. And, in addition, they used cheap, re-writeable DVDs...not "official product" DVDs.

If that's the case with a bootleg's certainly going to be the case with a bootleg tract. If the bootleggers didn't go to the trouble of making a high quality copy of the original, enough to fool even sharp eyed observers...why on earth would they go to the much more trouble of printing off Good Mortys...?
Post 404 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer

@DocBrown, Claiming "authorized" printed books in illegally printed media is laughable. Are you saying someone "authorized" a print run for fake dvds?

No, and you could do a lot better if you didn't call the points other people make "laughable." That doesn't advance the discussion; it's just getting your digs in.
Post 405 IP   flag post
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