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New Comics for Wed Oct 11-Legacy, Oz, & More4553

Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Getting a head start on the week... What are you guys looking forward to this week? For me, there are quite a few things, especially after seeing the Marvel lenticulars last week. Now, I agree that the DC's were higher quality, but some of the covers do look stellar, right? Some of the art on the Marvel ones are kind of "meh" to me and I won't bother. One of the selling points has been the ORIGINAL covers as the secondary images. If they're so hard to see, what's the point, and if they're obscured by half-cocked new art, well, no fun.

Anyway, digging in!

Aspen - They look to be doing a big event Aspen Universe: Decimation. Could be interesting if you're into the universe. Not on my pull list personally, since I haven't been keeping up. Not familiar with the team involved.

Dark Horse - I usually go after the David Mack covers on American Gods: Shadows, but for Issue 8, I'm actually loving the Glenn Fabry.

DC Comics

Action Comics 989 - Of course I'm picking this one up. Lenticular? Yep... This goes between ol' Clark and his pop. I'm waiting for the twist ending, if there is one. We'll see! Image goes between the two of them over Earth and an exploding Krypton. If you look at the non-lenticular version, you get an idea of what it will be...

Dark Nights Metal 3 - This one is getting pulled for me... I think I'm getting the regular cover, but I'm going to pick up the Jim Lee cover, too. Come on, all of the various Batmen? Looks awesome!

Detective Comics 966 - If you missed the last issue, shame on you! No spoilers, but who is Tim Drake running around with on the cover... Which Batman is that? And, who did they let out of the cage? Oh crap...

Mister Miracle 3 - Not posting a cover, but you should be reading this... Amazing book, period.

Ragman 1 - I don't know if this will be another Mister Miracle situation, but the art looks amazing (Inaki Miranda), and I'm reading great things about the writing from Ray Fawkes. Worth a shot!

Gotham City Garage 1 - I took a bit of a gamble on this one. It's based on their statue series, so not sure what to make on it, but the premise is sound regardless. Could be a fun series. I'm picking up the WW Cover (B) instead of the Harley cover, personally.

Lots of other DC, depending on what you're into...

IDW - The most interesting book I saw for the week was Wormwood Goes To Washington 1, because I love the art of Ben Templesmith... have since 30 Days of Night. Will I get it? I'm not sure!!!

Image - Honestly, nothing this week is on my pull list!

Marvel - Here's where things get interesting. A LOT of lenticular covers coming out, but are they worth the trouble in all cases. Jumping on points, regular covers have the value stamp things, and, in many cases, the regular covers are REALLY nice! So, up to you folks... I'm not going to post covers of everything, because we've all seen them a billion times by this point, but I'm curious - what will you be picking up?

All-New Wolverine 25 - Daken and Laura, together. Terry Dodson regular cover!

Amazing Spider-Man 789 - I love both the Alex Ross (regular) and Lenticular in this case. I'm probably getting both. Really interested to see the direction the book goes from now, even if it's just a slight refocus. I have loved SM for around 30 years! Keep in mind, if you're into blank covers, there's a double-sided blank available this week. Pick it up while you can!

Uncanny Avengers 28 - Beast and Wonder Man together again... This could be a fun one. In this case, the Lenticular looks better than the regular, IMO.

X-Men Blue 13 - This is the other half of the connecting Art Adams cover... Yes please! Check out the image in all of its glory. WOW!!!! I had a good conversation with Art at SDCC this year. Loved his work since I was a kid! Nice guy, and I seriously want something like THIS on my wall. I'd love to get both of the covers signed, sketched, and 9.8's... I should probably buy a couple, right. :P

Titan Publishing - Fighting American is back! I was reading about this just a few weeks ago, so I may give it a try! They are putting some serious effort into the series, and its a direct continuation of the Simon and Kirby series from the pre-Marvel days. Nice! Lots of cover options, but here's a Terry Dodson and, of course, a Kirby!

Like I said, a lot of other books coming out this week, but, you know, we all have budgets and can't possibly buy everything, no matter how good they look. What looks good to you? What am I missing that I should be buying? What should we all be picking up that may not be Big 5, Big 10, Big 20? Lay it on us!!!
Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector NilesPaine private msg quote post Address this user
You stole my story 😎
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by NilesPaine
You stole my story 😎

Sorry!!! So.... uhh... what are you picking up this week @NilesPaine ?
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector NilesPaine private msg quote post Address this user
LOL Its all good, Im just teasin. Probably about the same as you minus Wolverine. Something about that cover just doesn’t do it for me. Probably pick up Deadpool just because my other guys in it! I'm also trying not to go too nuts with the Legacy covers. Though I do regret not getting the A covers bc I do like those stamps!!!!!!!! I’m curious which one Venom and Ghost Rider are in. . .

God Complex #1 is my only one for Image. Cheers!
Post 4 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
DC is eating everyone else's lunch right now. Really good stuff coming out of their corner, and they're doing it with cheaper prices!
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector NilesPaine private msg quote post Address this user
Ye Marvels killing me with these $4 and $5 books AND with less pages/content I might add. 2.99 sounds just right honestly. Always been a Marvel guy but lately each week or so I add a new DC pull and drop a Marvel one. A buck adds up over a couple books!
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
DC is eating everyone else's lunch right now. Really good stuff coming out of their corner, and they're doing it with cheaper prices!

Pricing is a sore point for me.... I know the pricing of publishers has a lot to do with infrastructure and market tolerance... less to do with printing costs and paying creators. I get making a profit, but it gets silly with the pricing at $4 and $5 as @NilesPaine points out. I'm not asking for $0.75, but I have printed my own books, and at 1000 copies, I know what they can be driven down to per copy, which means that at 10k, 20k, 100k, the per unit cost is LOW. Add in what they get in ad sales, and the per unit is even lower. Why do we have to pay so much? Makes... no.... sense...

I don't want to derail the new comics releases with that kind of rant, but it's very true. I still love me some Marvel, but it eats into the budget.

Oh, God Complex had me curious, but I wish they had gone with a different title, since it has been used, hasn't it?
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user
Will the lenticulars be fairly easy to buy or will they sell out fast? Also which of them stand out quality/artwork wise above the others?
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Savage_Spawn
Will the lenticulars be fairly easy to buy or will they sell out fast? Also which of them stand out quality/artwork wise above the others?


I've seen posts online from retailers that some of the lenticulars are sitting on the shelves, while others boycotted the premise entirely... Others weren't able to meet the order thresholds to get them, so they are only carrying some of the books, not all of them. So, it's going to be hit and miss on getting them depending on your shop, I think. Online, sky's the limit, but I would recommend NOT going to eBay until other sources are exhausted and don't pay above cover price (compared to the normal cover or $1 more or something) until you've done some research.

As for which ones have better covers? This ComicXposure link has all of them in one spot, and the pricing is all at retail. Midtown is all at retail, too. You'll find them on some other sites still...

Going through them, some of my favorites:
Venom - Mattina!
Mighty Thor - Homage to the Death of Captain Marvel - Just looks slick and they've been hinting at the death of the Jane Foster Thor for a while, so it seems appropriate. She won't die here, but it kicks of the storyline. Love it.
Iron Fist
Black Panther
Incredible Hulk - Deodato! Can't go wrong there....
Spirits of Vengeance
Amazing Spider-Man - Ross did a great job here, IMO, and can't wait to get this in my hands.
Spectacular Spider-Man
Captain America

Low Points:
While the lenticulars themselves might look nice, switching between the two covers, I think the artwork could have been cranked up a notch.

All-New Wolverine - Something off about the poses. Like the regular cover better.
Royals - Just doesn't hit on all cylinders.
X-Men Blue - Nooooo! This one kills me.
X-Men Gold - I love the homage, X-Men 100, but something about this one doesn't sit well with me.

I'm sure others will find they love some of the other covers more / less and might find things endearing about ones I don't like at all... I am picking up Avengers 672, for example, because of the homage and because it's Allred... I do think it could be a bit better. Doesn't FEEL Allred to me! Could have something to do with the confines of the Lenticular structure.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector NilesPaine private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Savage_Spawn
Will the lenticulars be fairly easy to buy or will they sell out fast? Also which of them stand out quality/artwork wise above the others?

Some are better than others. As bard said I find the busier the artwork, the worse the effect looks. The Venom one is nice. The Spirits one is cool. But honestly some of the main covers are even better. Some that come to mind would be last weeks Iron Fist, Venom, Guardians. They come with the stamp too, which I guess the real thing is, which book has the hot stamp with the hot character now. Soon we’ll be collecting staples! 😎
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user

The first ever etched, lenticular, holofoil staples! Limited to 20000 copies! Re-Re-Rebirth Legacy Relaunch with Original Numbering! Hold in the right light and you'll go blind!
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the replies guys. I have been making a run once a week to 3 or 4 LCS and picking up new releases. I'll keep a look out for the good ones. Great thread btw.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Savage_Spawn
Thanks for the replies guys. I have been making a run once a week to 3 or 4 LCS and picking up new releases. I'll keep a look out for the good ones. Great thread btw.

My "trick" is pre-ordering in advance through an online retailer and still going to a local shop to pick up things I may have missed, variant covers, and... well... I love comic shops. Been frequenting them since 1986, so it's in the blood. Only thing I miss is traveling with one of my old shop owners up to the local Diamond warehouse.
Post 13 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Other good ones not mentioned yet:

Supergirl # 14 Artgerm variant
Atomohawk # 0
Babyteeth # 5
Eleanor and the Egret # 4
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector NilesPaine private msg quote post Address this user
Also I'll be grabbing a Mister Miracle if I can find one!
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user

Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector NilesPaine private msg quote post Address this user
Can I say Im already over the lenticular hype as they are sort of meh??? Half of them you can’t get a clear shot of either side its just mish mosh and mess. They should have just straight up done the homage covers like the inside page and have been done with it. Or done the homage and show the real one inside cover. The stacks of books in my LCS from last weeks run were astounding. :/
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
I really like the Iron Fist lenticular. It is true that they could have been executed better.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Agreed, a lot of them could have been better. The kickoff, Legacy, should have been advertised as something else, NOT a lenticular. Holofoil or something... It's the same material, sure, and it looks nice, but it's not like the others ("one of these things is not like the other".

We're going to burn out on these REALLY quick!!! Just pick up the few that really call to you and get the regular covers of others if you must. I'm not trying to get all of the stamps, personally, just getting my normal books and giving some others a shot based on the adjusted direction of the books and/or the homage covers.

The DC specialty covers, I'm only buying if I feel like it - just tied to something I already want to buy. Action Comics this week, for example.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector NilesPaine private msg quote post Address this user
I will say I did open every book to see which stamp was inside and then made my choice ASM had Wolverine so ehhhhhh had to grab one of those!
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by NilesPaine
I will say I did open every book to see which stamp was inside and then made my choice ASM had Wolverine so ehhhhhh had to grab one of those!

Darn, and I was thinking about buying a regular cover, too... Maybe I still should. Again, not like I'm going to take the stamp out, but if collectors are going to stamp hunt, that could help the value. I mean, uh, not like we buy comics for their later value, right? Cough cough...
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