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CBCS Graded X-men #1 SS Stan Lee, 99 Cents!4528

Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
@Homer Ya I agree. Also I didn't mention this before I had a promo from ebay. Sell 10 items with NO Final Value Fees. So I sold that X-men with ZERO ebay fees.

Theoretically, if I sold it for $4k. The ebay+paypal fees would have been $520 on a normal ebay sale, $3480 net.
Post 51 IP   flag post
Collector Homer private msg quote post Address this user
No final value fee on a big book, that’s great timing to sell during that promotion.
Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
@Homer Looks like this, wasn't an email but at the bottom of myebay, had to accept it that way.
Had to list by 10/12. Anything of that group sold is Zero Fees.

Post 53 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
Bump xmen ends in 1 hour. Someone about to get it cheap for $3.1k. Has been going for $4k+

Anyone know why I can't find either of these on gocollect?
Post 54 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Are they recorded in GPA?

I can check, if you haven't already looked them up in GPA.

If they are not recorded in GPA or GC, that generally means the top bidder on the auction, and the buy it now listing, did not PAY for the books.
Post 55 IP   flag post

Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@Homer Ya I agree. Also I didn't mention this before I had a promo from ebay. Sell 10 items with NO Final Value Fees. So I sold that X-men with ZERO ebay fees.

Theoretically, if I sold it for $4k. The ebay+paypal fees would have been $520 on a normal ebay sale, $3480 net.

KingNampa, it would have been nice of you to post up that promo, BEFORE, the fact.Not after the promo ended.

Just sayin.
Post 56 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Franklin Delano Roosevelt demonstrated this by abolishing monopolies during his tenure as our President, this is historical fact.

Good thing there aren't any more monopolies around. ...Diamond?
Post 57 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids

KingNampa, it would have been nice of you to post up that promo, BEFORE, the fact.Not after the promo ended.

Just sayin.

Everyone gets different offers in their "my ebay" page. Not everyone gets the same offers. Brah.
Post 58 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids

Franklin Delano Roosevelt demonstrated this by abolishing monopolies during his tenure as our President, this is historical fact.

FDR didn't "abolish" monopolies. Monopolies have cropped up, and been taken down, since before he was born.

FDR's policies made the Great Depression the Great Depression, as his Treas Sec Henry Morgenthau famously testified to in front of Congress in 1939.

FDR was a terrible president, who had the very great fortune of being president prior to and during most of WWII. As a war president, he was fantastic...except for, you know, the interment of US citizens of asian descent...but he was otherwise fantastic.

But as a domestic leader, he was one of the very worst in our history, setting us up for a great many of the welfare problems and unfunded liabilities that we have now.

He was another person who was "the smartest guy in the room." That was TRUE...but the smartest guy in the room doesn't know how to run a gas station in Des Moines, IA, better than the guy who's run that gas station in Des Moines, IA for 20 years.
Post 59 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@Homer Ya I agree. Also I didn't mention this before I had a promo from ebay. Sell 10 items with NO Final Value Fees. So I sold that X-men with ZERO ebay fees.

Theoretically, if I sold it for $4k. The ebay+paypal fees would have been $520 on a normal ebay sale, $3480 net.

KingNampa, it would have been nice of you to post up that promo, BEFORE, the fact.Not after the promo ended.

Just sayin.

Why? If it was to take advantage of it, as km said, everyone gets different promos. That's why the "this promo is worth so and so!!" threads aren't very useful: everyone's promos are different.
Post 60 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Franklin Delano Roosevelt demonstrated this by abolishing monopolies during his tenure as our President, this is historical fact.

Good thing there aren't any more monopolies around. ...Diamond?

Monopolies came back in full swing, starting with deregulation of campaign finance laws, in 1976's via U.S. Supreme Court decision in Buckley vs. Cameo.

This decision deregulated campaign finance laws, which FDR , and his cabinet, were chiefly responsible for putting into place via anti-trust laws.

FDR broke up the monopolies in all industries.

FDR, was so popular that he held THREE four year terms as President, which prompted conservatives to introduce a bill to restrict presidential term limits to two 4 year terms.
..because they knew they would never regain a majority of the public's votes, if Democratic socialism, which is a system of government designed to favor the working class and the poor, was allowed to grow.

FDR, was the Bernie Sanders, of his time.

Eisenhower, a Republican, was next elected as President.

He was nearly as progressive as FDR.

Due to the overwhelming majority of Americans favoring liberal (progressive) economic policies.

Democratic socialism, is what brought our country out of the Great Depression, and allowed the working poor and middle class to actually prosper.If you worked hard, you earned a decent living.

If it was not for FDR, there would be no 40 hour work week, today. There would be no Social Security, today.He put child labor laws into place.He was responsible for instituting those policies.

The social climate in the U.S, of the time, was still anti-immigrant and racism was much more prevalent than it is today.

FDR and his cabinet, did as much as could be done, in that period of history, to help immigrants.

He also fought against discrimination against blacks, which segregation laws,which the south held onto like grim death, made very difficult ....intil Kennedy reversed segregation laws, along with Dr. Martin Luther King and all other Americans who wanted equal rights for blacks.Kennedy was not a bigot himself, but the civil rights movement surely forced his hand.Kennedy was in favor of the Vietnam War, he was no saint.

But he was not a corrupt scumbag, like Nixon.

Things chiefly started to go downhill for this country with Nixon's election as President.

Nixon's selection for a US Supreme Court judge, and the subsequent appointment of Nixon's pick to the US Supreme Court, was distinctly what almostly entirely reversed FDR's anti-trust laws, this was made possible in the US Supreme Court 1972 ruling n Buckley v. Valeo.

Nixon made crony capitalism possible again, through deregulation of the key campaign finance laws , visa via the role he played in Buckley v Valeo.

This opened the valve for wide spread corruption in U.S. politics.

After Jimmy Carter, who was the last uncorrupted Democrat to hold the office of President, our country has declined, overall.

Reagon came along , things got worse.
We had more of the same with Bush (Sr.)

Bill Clinton came along and as a bought and paid for candidate, he repealed Glass-Stegal whuch deregulated Wall Street.

Bill Clinton did what Reagon and Bush Sr., could not accomplish.

This repealment of Glas-Steagal by a corporate funded Democratic president , along with Reagon's trickle down economic theories (not to mentiin Reagon's) despicable use of the blatantly racist "southern strategy" to win his first election, along with both Gerge Bush Sr. and G.B. Jr's terms in office....these 4 Presudents, is what caused the crash of 2007.

The only U.S. President within a century, who did not want America involved in unnecessary wars,after WWE 2 and the Korean war, both of which were neccesary wars, was Jimmy Carter.

Carter was the last truly decent President that we had.

Fast forward, and you have President Obama, who I voted for in 2008.I was duped, like most of the country by his rhetoric of breaking up the banks and his apparent, fairly progressive platform towards wall street regulations.He did at least tighten up environmental regulations , but ultimately, he was nothing more than a City Bank funded hack, who let Steve Menuchin and all of the others who profited off of America's recession, off the hook.

Fast forward to 2010, Obama effectively (by not appointing a progressive judge to the US Supreme Court) allows the U.S. Supreme Court to rule in favor of Citizens United in 2010.

This blew the floodgates wide open for even greater, and deeply entrenched systemic corruption of how our government operates today.

During Obama's tenure,and by the end, he basically handed the keys over to conservatives, to the Senate and Congress.

That is what corporate funded Democrats do. They are paid to lose.

To end this goddamn treatise, 93% of Americans want money out of politics.

Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician, by far....even among Republicans.

This indicates that the majority of Americans believe in a government system of Democratic socialism.

The Democratic primary was rigged in Hillary Clinton's favor.

The DNC virtually admitted this.

With more and more Trump voters realizing that the Populist platform that Trump ran on, with all of his carnival barking about draining the swamp is a lie...progressives have a better chance in 2018, and Sanders will win in 2020, wether it is against Trump, if he lasts intil 2020.

Or Pence ,or any other jagoff, that the wins the Republican nomination.

Sanders will crush any Republican in a debate about policy, just like he crushed Hilary Clinton.
Post 61 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
DB, regarding FDR's civil rights record, you and I both know, that he did as much as he could, to oppose lunching of blacks, and the other atrocities, our country underwent, during that time.
Post 62 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚
Post 63 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

Couple of things in response:

1. I am not a member of the "far right." Most people in the US who use that term have no real conception of what "far right" actually means, because of the corruption of its use by the Left and its "mainstream" media spokesmen. The political spectrum is not a is a circle. The "far left" and the "far right" meet at the top, advancing the same goals...Statism...through different means. At the bottom is the INDIVIDUALIST, those who recognize that freedom works best when INDIVIDUAL...NOT majority and minority...rights are preserved and defended.

2. FDR was a terrible president. He was an elitist who thought that having compassion for people meant forcing the rest of the people, at gunpoint (because that is what taxation is) to pay for them, creating a welfare state with implications that echo down the decades. And, if people didn't agree with them, he'd simply pack the courts to get his way. He threatened to expand the Supremes from 9 to 13, something no other president before him had done, just so he could pick as many of them as possible. Before FDR...really, before his cousin, Teddy...the Presidency did NOT have the power it has now. FDR seized that power, and all presidents since, to one degree or another, have maintained it.

Read what I said again, and absorb it: FDR put people of asian, specifically Japanese, descent IN CAMPS for the duration of the war. That fact ALONE...usually ignored...puts him in the position of a "terrible president who abused and expanded his power to take away the rights of US CITIZENS."

Let me say that again: FDR put US CITIZENS of Japanese descent INTO PRISON CAMPS for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

Let me say it one more time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt put UNITED STATES CITIZENS into PRISON CAMPS because of their RACE.

That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Put down the books we all read in grade school, and pick up books that offer a critical analysis of the man. He's not a god. He was just as flawed as the rest of us.

Measured responses, SB.
Post 64 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
DB, regarding FDR's civil rights record, you and I both know, that he did as much as he could, to oppose lunching of blacks, and the other atrocities, our country underwent, during that time.

I oppose the lunching of blacks, too. Cannibalism is not to be tolerated...unless you're a zombie, and then it's ok.

In all seriousness, however, see: forced relocation of US citizens by FDR for being of Japanese heritage.

So, no.
Post 65 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
And CAK...regardless of your ideological views, the fact is, the presidency and the federal gov't have far, far, far too much power...power that was NEVER intended by the Founders, and was SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSED by them in the Constitution...which is now ignored, because, hey, if they can abuse power against me, I can abuse power in my favor, right...?

I don't trust you. I don't trust SB. I don't trust any of you to run my life better than I can. And you ought not trust me to run YOUR lives.

And yet, that's the situation we have now, where the citizenry has freely handed over their rights in favor of "security"...economic "security", social "security", religious "security", etc...and told politicians...every one of whom is corrupt..."you deal with it, I just want to play my Call of Duty."

The US will fall from within, not from without.
Post 66 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
"Democratic socialism" harmed the country, and greatly lengthened the Great Depression. It did not, under any understanding of economics, bring the country out of the Great Depression, by any measure, no matter what perspective.

"Democratic socialism"...aka "socialism"...saps human will, creates a serf class, and allows the Bernie maintain power and control over "the masses."
Post 67 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
The "Southern Strategy" is a myth, despite what Pat Robertson believes:

Note the source: the NY Times, bastion of Leftism.

It didn't happen.

Maybe, CAK, you can tone down the rhetoric...?
Post 68 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

While the ongoing exchanges between DocBrown and myself, existing on a comic book forum, do interest me and I have no problem engaging with those who hold opposing views, but little is accomplished , when political views are posted ,within threads thst no one will knowingly click on, to see a duscussiin about politics.

This is not really the place to have such discussions, but sometimes, I do so regardless.

Case in point would be that no one commented on how much $500 or so, with the 2 posts I started off in this thread, which involved politics

So yeah, most of these posts of mine are , productively speaking, probably a waste.

Political activism is a beautiful thing, our "founding fathers" were revolutionaries.

If not for political activism,
such as the activism that led to The Civil Rights Act and desegration of public schools, well yeah, this country would be in much worse shape than it is now.But any form of political activism via a comic book forum, is not the best use of anyone's time.

I will say that while I do not agree with DocBrown, far as politic views he and I have went back and forth on, I do respect him.

And regarding the comic book market, DB is one of the most well informed CGC & CBCS boardies, he is one of the few posters,who offers substantial value, to the boards via his posting on print runs etc.

I appreciate the mother loving effing Hell, out of his posts....the dude is a scholar on comics.

But yeah, political debates on here, are largely missallocated time, mostly because, no more than a handful of people likely read our exchanges on this board.

The discussions are usually had towards the end of a thread, that has a thread title that has nothing to do with political discussion i.e. this thread is an example.

A town hall meeting would be the ideal place to have these discussions, kust as publically viewable Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram. posts woukd be better/ideal.

That all said:

Bernie Sanders is not a far left wing or an extremist, you are misinformed.I woukd identify myself as a Democratic socialist and I am registered to vote as a Democrat.

The economic platform that Bernie Sender's that Bernie ran under the 2016 DNC primary, is mislabeled by the mass media as "far left".

Mass media does their best to paint Sanders as a "left wing Socialist" or having "Pie in the sky policy agendas".

It is in the interests of the multinational corporations, Comcast, NBC, CNN, ABC, both MSNBC and Fox and so on, who are against the policy proposals put forth by progressives like Sanders, because they want to keep on pillaging the poor and middle class.

Sanders has been consistently fighting for the same progressive ideologies, and rallying against, for the past 40 years.

He is one of the very small handful of sitting Senator/Congressmen , who does not accept any PAC or SUPER-PAC money.

He outraised Hilary Clinton and Trump in 2016 by multitudes, if you Google the amount of donations made by private citizens.

This shows that Americans overwhelmingly support progressive ideology and that is is possible for a qualified individual, to run for any position of government, through grass roots activism.

Campaign finance reform can be achieved via the 28th amendment.Read more at this site....

and if you want money out of politics, read and sign the petition,on the home page. urging the US House and Senate to do so

If anyone wants to learn more about this,and if anyone is interested in voting for candidates , both Democrat and Republican candidates, who do not accept PAC or SUPER-PAC donations.there are a few groups who out there:

Justice Democrats is partnered with Justice Republicans.

The principle requirement to run as a JD or JR candidate in the upcoming 2018 electiin cycles, is that all of the Justice Democrat and Justice Republican candidates is that they do not take PAC and/or SUPER-PAC money.
Post 69 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DocBrown
And CAK...regardless of your ideological views, the fact is, the presidency and the federal gov't have far, far, far too much power...power that was NEVER intended by the Founders, and was SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSED by them in the Constitution...which is now ignored, because, hey, if they can abuse power against me, I can abuse power in my favor, right...?

I don't trust you. I don't trust SB. I don't trust any of you to run my life better than I can. And you ought not trust me to run YOUR lives.

And yet, that's the situation we have now, where the citizenry has freely handed over their rights in favor of "security"...economic "security", social "security", religious "security", etc...and told politicians...every one of whom is corrupt..."you deal with it, I just want to play my Call of Duty."

The US will fall from within, not from without.

The U.S. has been falling from within, for the past 40 years.

The founding fathers HAD the foresight to prevent systematic corruption, via the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Free and fair elections, is what can be accomplished via the 28th amendment.

93% of Americans want money out of politics, the majority of this 93% are not VOCAL.

That is why our country is now ranked well below all other major countries, in terms of education, health care and technology.

The only thing the U.S. kicks ass on, is our military industrial complex.

This shows that your position on "what is best for yourself", paraphrased, is inherently flawed.

America is still the biggest super power in the world, but that equates to entirely nothing of benefit, to the overwhelming majority of Americans.

In fact, it is to our collective detriment.
Post 70 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
@DocBrown Quote:
Originally Posted by DocBrown
He was just as flawed as the rest of us


Originally Posted by DocBrown

I don't trust you. I don't trust SB. I don't trust any of you to run my life better than I can. And you ought not trust me to run YOUR lives.


My point simply was, the right hate FDR for exactly what the Left love him for. He did bad things. He did good things. Neither side seems to ever want to admit both.

SS is ruined because of both sides raping it. Yes, both sides.

Socialism is not the answer. Absolute freedom is not the answer either. Trump was the first candidate I've seen who walked the midddle; its too bad he's got mental problems, he could have done great things.
Post 71 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

Couple of things in response:

1. I am not a member of the "far right." Most people in the US who use that term have no real conception of what "far right" actually means, because of the corruption of its use by the Left and its "mainstream" media spokesmen. The political spectrum is not a is a circle. The "far left" and the "far right" meet at the top, advancing the same goals...Statism...through different means. At the bottom is the INDIVIDUALIST, those who recognize that freedom works best when INDIVIDUAL...NOT majority and minority...rights are preserved and defended.

2. FDR was a terrible president. He was an elitist who thought that having compassion for people meant forcing the rest of the people, at gunpoint (because that is what taxation is) to pay for them, creating a welfare state with implications that echo down the decades. And, if people didn't agree with them, he'd simply pack the courts to get his way. He threatened to expand the Supremes from 9 to 13, something no other president before him had done, just so he could pick as many of them as possible. Before FDR...really, before his cousin, Teddy...the Presidency did NOT have the power it has now. FDR seized that power, and all presidents since, to one degree or another, have maintained it.

Read what I said again, and absorb it: FDR put people of asian, specifically Japanese, descent IN CAMPS for the duration of the war. That fact ALONE...usually ignored...puts him in the position of a "terrible president who abused and expanded his power to take away the rights of US CITIZENS."

Let me say that again: FDR put US CITIZENS of Japanese descent INTO PRISON CAMPS for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

Let me say it one more time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt put UNITED STATES CITIZENS into PRISON CAMPS because of their RACE.

That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Put down the books we all read in grade school, and pick up books that offer a critical analysis of the man. He's not a god. He was just as flawed as the rest of us.

Measured responses, SB.

You and I obviously disagree with FDR's anti-trust and his New Deal.

No point in going back and forth on that.

FDR was SEVERELY LIMITED in regard to what he coukd do with the rights of blacks and Asians, because of the social climate of the 1940's.

Again, this link explains his actions, which were obviously NOT GOOD, but it was due to political pressure.

FDR's hand was forced on these issues, he had no little to no power to help the plight of non-white US citizens and immigrants.

Post 72 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
And CAK...regardless of your ideological views, the fact is, the presidency and the federal gov't have far, far, far too much power...power that was NEVER intended by the Founders, and was SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSED by them in the Constitution...which is now ignored, because, hey, if they can abuse power against me, I can abuse power in my favor, right...?

I don't trust you. I don't trust SB. I don't trust any of you to run my life better than I can. And you ought not trust me to run YOUR lives.

And yet, that's the situation we have now, where the citizenry has freely handed over their rights in favor of "security"...economic "security", social "security", religious "security", etc...and told politicians...every one of whom is corrupt..."you deal with it, I just want to play my Call of Duty."

The US will fall from within, not from without.

The U.S. has been falling from within, for the past 40 years.

The founding fathers HAD the foresight to prevent systematic corruption, via the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Free and fair elections, is what can be accomplished via the 28th amendment.

93% of Americans want money out of politics, the majority of this 93% are not VOCAL.

That is why our country is now ranked well below all other major countries, in terms of education, health care and technology.

The only thing the U.S. kicks ass on, is our military industrial complex.

This shows that your position on "what is best for yourself", paraphrased, is inherently flawed.

America is still the biggest super power in the world, but that equates to entirely nothing of benefit, to the overwhelming majority of Americans.

In fact, it is to our collective detriment.

It's difficult to have these conversations without people being offended, incapable of separating that which is critical from that which is "insulting." Almost everything you write is the Left's talking points, that could be taken directly from the DNC's website...or even Das Kapital.

So, all I will say for now is this:

The Founders had nothing to do with a 28th Amendment. There is no 28th Amendment, and if there ever is, there's no guarantee what it will be about. The "28th Amendment movement" is only agitation from the Left.

There's no such thing as "getting money out of politics." You might as well try and "get oxygen out of air." Those things are just slogans; they have no practical meaning. Running campaigns costs money. The answer is not to "get money out of politics", but to let people spend their money the way they want.

And, who cares how the US is "ranked" compared to other nations? Seriously, why is this even a "thing" to ANYONE? Envy? Do Americans suffer from having Greeks look down their noses at us?
Post 73 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Franklin Delano Roosevelt demonstrated this by abolishing monopolies during his tenure as our President, this is historical fact.

Good thing there aren't any more monopolies around. ...Diamond?

Monopolies came back in full swing, starting with deregulation of campaign finance laws, in 1976's via U.S. Supreme Court decision in Buckley vs. Cameo.

This decision deregulated campaign finance laws, which FDR , and his cabinet, were chiefly responsible for putting into place via anti-trust laws.

FDR broke up the monopolies in all industries.

FDR, was so popular that he held THREE four year terms as President, which prompted conservatives to introduce a bill to restrict presidential term limits to two 4 year terms.
..because they knew they would never regain a majority of the public's votes, if Democratic socialism, which is a system of government designed to favor the working class and the poor, was allowed to grow.

FDR, was the Bernie Sanders, of his time.

Eisenhower, a Republican, was next elected as President.

He was nearly as progressive as FDR.

Due to the overwhelming majority of Americans favoring liberal (progressive) economic policies.

Democratic socialism, is what brought our country out of the Great Depression, and allowed the working poor and middle class to actually prosper.If you worked hard, you earned a decent living.

If it was not for FDR, there would be no 40 hour work week, today. There would be no Social Security, today.He put child labor laws into place.He was responsible for instituting those policies.

The social climate in the U.S, of the time, was still anti-immigrant and racism was much more prevalent than it is today.

FDR and his cabinet, did as much as could be done, in that period of history, to help immigrants.

He also fought against discrimination against blacks, which segregation laws,which the south held onto like grim death, made very difficult ....intil Kennedy reversed segregation laws, along with Dr. Martin Luther King and all other Americans who wanted equal rights for blacks.Kennedy was not a bigot himself, but the civil rights movement surely forced his hand.Kennedy was in favor of the Vietnam War, he was no saint.

But he was not a corrupt scumbag, like Nixon.

Things chiefly started to go downhill for this country with Nixon's election as President.

Nixon's selection for a US Supreme Court judge, and the subsequent appointment of Nixon's pick to the US Supreme Court, was distinctly what almostly entirely reversed FDR's anti-trust laws, this was made possible in the US Supreme Court 1972 ruling n Buckley v. Valeo.

Nixon made crony capitalism possible again, through deregulation of the key campaign finance laws , visa via the role he played in Buckley v Valeo.

This opened the valve for wide spread corruption in U.S. politics.

After Jimmy Carter, who was the last uncorrupted Democrat to hold the office of President, our country has declined, overall.

Reagon came along , things got worse.
We had more of the same with Bush (Sr.)

Bill Clinton came along and as a bought and paid for candidate, he repealed Glass-Stegal whuch deregulated Wall Street.

Bill Clinton did what Reagon and Bush Sr., could not accomplish.

This repealment of Glas-Steagal by a corporate funded Democratic president , along with Reagon's trickle down economic theories (not to mentiin Reagon's) despicable use of the blatantly racist "southern strategy" to win his first election, along with both Gerge Bush Sr. and G.B. Jr's terms in office....these 4 Presudents, is what caused the crash of 2007.

The only U.S. President within a century, who did not want America involved in unnecessary wars,after WWE 2 and the Korean war, both of which were neccesary wars, was Jimmy Carter.

Carter was the last truly decent President that we had.

Fast forward, and you have President Obama, who I voted for in 2008.I was duped, like most of the country by his rhetoric of breaking up the banks and his apparent, fairly progressive platform towards wall street regulations.He did at least tighten up environmental regulations , but ultimately, he was nothing more than a City Bank funded hack, who let Steve Menuchin and all of the others who profited off of America's recession, off the hook.

Fast forward to 2010, Obama effectively (by not appointing a progressive judge to the US Supreme Court) allows the U.S. Supreme Court to rule in favor of Citizens United in 2010.

This blew the floodgates wide open for even greater, and deeply entrenched systemic corruption of how our government operates today.

During Obama's tenure,and by the end, he basically handed the keys over to conservatives, to the Senate and Congress.

That is what corporate funded Democrats do. They are paid to lose.

To end this goddamn treatise, 93% of Americans want money out of politics.

Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician, by far....even among Republicans.

This indicates that the majority of Americans believe in a government system of Democratic socialism.

The Democratic primary was rigged in Hillary Clinton's favor.

The DNC virtually admitted this.

With more and more Trump voters realizing that the Populist platform that Trump ran on, with all of his carnival barking about draining the swamp is a lie...progressives have a better chance in 2018, and Sanders will win in 2020, wether it is against Trump, if he lasts intil 2020.

Or Pence ,or any other jagoff, that the wins the Republican nomination.

Sanders will crush any Republican in a debate about policy, just like he crushed Hilary Clinton.

Spoken like a true Democratic Socialist.

I was trying my best to stay with you through this diatribe. But the first part bolded by me made me gag. And the second part bolded by me made me laugh.
Post 74 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@Homer Ya I agree. Also I didn't mention this before I had a promo from ebay. Sell 10 items with NO Final Value Fees. So I sold that X-men with ZERO ebay fees.

Theoretically, if I sold it for $4k. The ebay+paypal fees would have been $520 on a normal ebay sale, $3480 net.

KingNampa, it would have been nice of you to post up that promo, BEFORE, the fact.Not after the promo ended.

Just sayin.

Why? If it was to take advantage of it, as km said, everyone gets different promos. That's why the "this promo is worth so and so!!" threads aren't very useful: everyone's promos are different.

My apologies to King Nampa, I waa wrong.
Post 75 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

Couple of things in response:

1. I am not a member of the "far right." Most people in the US who use that term have no real conception of what "far right" actually means, because of the corruption of its use by the Left and its "mainstream" media spokesmen. The political spectrum is not a is a circle. The "far left" and the "far right" meet at the top, advancing the same goals...Statism...through different means. At the bottom is the INDIVIDUALIST, those who recognize that freedom works best when INDIVIDUAL...NOT majority and minority...rights are preserved and defended.

2. FDR was a terrible president. He was an elitist who thought that having compassion for people meant forcing the rest of the people, at gunpoint (because that is what taxation is) to pay for them, creating a welfare state with implications that echo down the decades. And, if people didn't agree with them, he'd simply pack the courts to get his way. He threatened to expand the Supremes from 9 to 13, something no other president before him had done, just so he could pick as many of them as possible. Before FDR...really, before his cousin, Teddy...the Presidency did NOT have the power it has now. FDR seized that power, and all presidents since, to one degree or another, have maintained it.

Read what I said again, and absorb it: FDR put people of asian, specifically Japanese, descent IN CAMPS for the duration of the war. That fact ALONE...usually ignored...puts him in the position of a "terrible president who abused and expanded his power to take away the rights of US CITIZENS."

Let me say that again: FDR put US CITIZENS of Japanese descent INTO PRISON CAMPS for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

Let me say it one more time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt put UNITED STATES CITIZENS into PRISON CAMPS because of their RACE.

That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Put down the books we all read in grade school, and pick up books that offer a critical analysis of the man. He's not a god. He was just as flawed as the rest of us.

Measured responses, SB.

You and I obviously disagree with FDR's anti-trust and his New Deal.

No point in going back and forth on that.

FDR was SEVERELY LIMITED in regard to what he coukd do with the rights of blacks and Asians, because of the social climate of the 1940's.

Again, this link explains his actions, which were obviously NOT GOOD, but it was due to political pressure.

FDR's hand was forced on these issues, he had no little to no power to help the plight of non-white US citizens and immigrants.


Oh stop. You can't claim the guy was able to do wonderful and marvelous things on the one hand, and then claim he was completely powerless to do anything about atrocity on the other.

It's double-speak.

Since when has political "pressure" ever forced anyone to do ANYTHING against which they, themselves, are morally opposed...? Especially since you claim FDR was a great crusader for minority rights...?

You can't claim that, and then put UNITED STATES CITIZENS in PRISON CAMPS because they or their ancestors are of a certain race/ethnicity/nationality.

Post 76 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer

My point simply was, the right hate FDR for exactly what the Left love him for. He did bad things. He did good things. Neither side seems to ever want to admit both.

Here are just my quotes from this very thread, posts made very recently. You tell me if "neither side seems to ever want to admit both" is a fair charge, as far as my comments have been concerned.

Originally Posted by DB
That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Originally Posted by DB
He was another person who was "the smartest guy in the room." That was TRUE...

Originally Posted by DB
As a war president, he was fantastic

If you are going to participate in these discussions, you need to show THE ENTIRE FORUM the respect and courtesy of paying very close attention to what people say and not make statements like the above, which clearly demonstrate that you weren't.

I don't classify myself as part of "the right", but I don't "hate" FDR. That's the type of inflammatory rhetoric that makes these discussions so volatile. It's an emotional reaction, and leads to charges of emotional reactions. Just because you disagree with someone, and think their policies were bad, doesn't mean you "hate" them. Not everything needs to be reduced to an emotional response.

Originally Posted by SB

SS is ruined because of both sides raping it. Yes, both sides.

Socialism is not the answer. Absolute freedom is not the answer either. Trump was the first candidate I've seen who walked the midddle; its too bad he's got mental problems, he could have done great things.

No one, at any time, has said anything about "Absolute freedom" being the answer.

That is an example of a "straw man argument": inventing something that someone else said, then arguing against it as if that other person said it.

If you don't understand, or are unclear about, the position of someone, it's far superior to ask questions, rather than "assign" them a position based on your own opinions.

"Absolute freedom" is anarchy, and anarchy doesn't exist except for very short periods of time (think days, at most, if not hours), whereby the stronger flex their power and restore their own control over things.

INDIVIDUALISM...which respects the rights of the INDIVIDUAL over any group, minority, plurality, or the key to human success, and always has been. INDIVIDUALISM is neither Left NOR is CONSERVATISM.

Group think, or "Statism", as repeated by CAK, is what leads to human suffering, always.

As for Trump...he's not "walking the middle"; he's a moderate leftist, and always has been, regardless of what he calls himself. That is why the Left's screeching about him is so hilarious AND disturbing: he's one of them.
Post 77 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer

My point simply was, the right hate FDR for exactly what the Left love him for. He did bad things. He did good things. Neither side seems to ever want to admit both.

Here are just my quotes from this very thread, posts made very recently. You tell me if "neither side seems to ever want to admit both" is a fair charge, as far as my comments have been concerned.

Originally Posted by DB
That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Originally Posted by DB
He was another person who was "the smartest guy in the room." That was TRUE...

Originally Posted by DB
As a war president, he was fantastic

If you are going to participate in these discussions, you need to show THE ENTIRE FORUM the respect and courtesy of paying very close attention to what people say and not make statements like the above, which clearly demonstrate that you weren't.

I don't classify myself as part of "the right", but I don't "hate" FDR. That's the type of inflammatory rhetoric that makes these discussions so volatile. It's an emotional reaction, and leads to charges of emotional reactions. Just because you disagree with someone, and think their policies were bad, doesn't mean you "hate" them. Not everything needs to be reduced to an emotional response.

Originally Posted by SB

SS is ruined because of both sides raping it. Yes, both sides.

Socialism is not the answer. Absolute freedom is not the answer either. Trump was the first candidate I've seen who walked the midddle; its too bad he's got mental problems, he could have done great things.

No one, at any time, has said anything about "Absolute freedom" being the answer.

That is an example of a "straw man argument": inventing something that someone else said, then arguing against it as if that other person said it.

If you don't understand, or are unclear about, the position of someone, it's far superior to ask questions, rather than "assign" them a position based on your own opinions.

"Absolute freedom" is anarchy, and anarchy doesn't exist except for very short periods of time (think days, at most, if not hours), whereby the stronger flex their power and restore their own control over things.

INDIVIDUALISM...which respects the rights of the INDIVIDUAL over any group, minority, plurality, or the key to human success, and always has been. INDIVIDUALISM is neither Left NOR is CONSERVATISM.

Group think, or "Statism", as repeated by CAK, is what leads to human suffering, always.

As for Trump...he's not "walking the middle"; he's a moderate leftist, and always has been, regardless of what he calls himself. That is why the Left's screeching about him is so hilarious AND disturbing: he's one of them.
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

Couple of things in response:

1. I am not a member of the "far right." Most people in the US who use that term have no real conception of what "far right" actually means, because of the corruption of its use by the Left and its "mainstream" media spokesmen. The political spectrum is not a is a circle. The "far left" and the "far right" meet at the top, advancing the same goals...Statism...through different means. At the bottom is the INDIVIDUALIST, those who recognize that freedom works best when INDIVIDUAL...NOT majority and minority...rights are preserved and defended.

2. FDR was a terrible president. He was an elitist who thought that having compassion for people meant forcing the rest of the people, at gunpoint (because that is what taxation is) to pay for them, creating a welfare state with implications that echo down the decades. And, if people didn't agree with them, he'd simply pack the courts to get his way. He threatened to expand the Supremes from 9 to 13, something no other president before him had done, just so he could pick as many of them as possible. Before FDR...really, before his cousin, Teddy...the Presidency did NOT have the power it has now. FDR seized that power, and all presidents since, to one degree or another, have maintained it.

Read what I said again, and absorb it: FDR put people of asian, specifically Japanese, descent IN CAMPS for the duration of the war. That fact ALONE...usually ignored...puts him in the position of a "terrible president who abused and expanded his power to take away the rights of US CITIZENS."

Let me say that again: FDR put US CITIZENS of Japanese descent INTO PRISON CAMPS for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

Let me say it one more time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt put UNITED STATES CITIZENS into PRISON CAMPS because of their RACE.

That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Put down the books we all read in grade school, and pick up books that offer a critical analysis of the man. He's not a god. He was just as flawed as the rest of us.

Measured responses, SB.

You and I obviously disagree with FDR's anti-trust and his New Deal.

No point in going back and forth on that.

FDR was SEVERELY LIMITED in regard to what he coukd do with the rights of blacks and Asians, because of the social climate of the 1940's.

Again, this link explains his actions, which were obviously NOT GOOD, but it was due to political pressure.

FDR's hand was forced on these issues, he had no little to no power to help the plight of non-white US citizens and immigrants.


Oh stop. You can't claim the guy was able to do wonderful and marvelous things on the one hand, and then claim he was completely powerless to do anything about atrocity on the other.

It's double-speak.

Since when has political "pressure" ever forced anyone to do ANYTHING against which they, themselves, are morally opposed...? Especially since you claim FDR was a great crusader for minority rights...?

You can't claim that, and then put UNITED STATES CITIZENS in PRISON CAMPS because they or their ancestors are of a certain race/ethnicity/nationality.

Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@Homer Ya I agree. Also I didn't mention this before I had a promo from ebay. Sell 10 items with NO Final Value Fees. So I sold that X-men with ZERO ebay fees.

Theoretically, if I sold it for $4k. The ebay+paypal fees would have been $520 on a normal ebay sale, $3480 net.

KingNampa, it would have been nice of you to post up that promo, BEFORE, the fact.Not after the promo ended.

Just sayin.

Why? If it was to take advantage of it, as km said, everyone gets different promos. That's why the "this promo is worth so and so!!" threads aren't very useful: everyone's promos are different.

My apologies to King Nampa, I waa wrong.
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

Couple of things in response:

1. I am not a member of the "far right." Most people in the US who use that term have no real conception of what "far right" actually means, because of the corruption of its use by the Left and its "mainstream" media spokesmen. The political spectrum is not a is a circle. The "far left" and the "far right" meet at the top, advancing the same goals...Statism...through different means. At the bottom is the INDIVIDUALIST, those who recognize that freedom works best when INDIVIDUAL...NOT majority and minority...rights are preserved and defended.

2. FDR was a terrible president. He was an elitist who thought that having compassion for people meant forcing the rest of the people, at gunpoint (because that is what taxation is) to pay for them, creating a welfare state with implications that echo down the decades. And, if people didn't agree with them, he'd simply pack the courts to get his way. He threatened to expand the Supremes from 9 to 13, something no other president before him had done, just so he could pick as many of them as possible. Before FDR...really, before his cousin, Teddy...the Presidency did NOT have the power it has now. FDR seized that power, and all presidents since, to one degree or another, have maintained it.

Read what I said again, and absorb it: FDR put people of asian, specifically Japanese, descent IN CAMPS for the duration of the war. That fact ALONE...usually ignored...puts him in the position of a "terrible president who abused and expanded his power to take away the rights of US CITIZENS."

Let me say that again: FDR put US CITIZENS of Japanese descent INTO PRISON CAMPS for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

Let me say it one more time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt put UNITED STATES CITIZENS into PRISON CAMPS because of their RACE.

That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Put down the books we all read in grade school, and pick up books that offer a critical analysis of the man. He's not a god. He was just as flawed as the rest of us.

Measured responses, SB.

You and I obviously disagree with FDR's anti-trust and his New Deal.

No point in going back and forth on that.

FDR was SEVERELY LIMITED in regard to what he coukd do with the rights of blacks and Asians, because of the social climate of the 1940's.

Again, this link explains his actions, which were obviously NOT GOOD, but it was due to political pressure.

FDR's hand was forced on these issues, he had no little to no power to help the plight of non-white US citizens and immigrants.

Post 78 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer

SS is ruined because of both sides raping it. Yes, both sides.

By the way...there's no such thing as "both sides" as far as Washington politics is concerned. There is only The Left, as expressed by Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and the like, and then there is the Slightly Less Left, as expressed by Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Trump, and the like.

There are very, very, VERY few conservatives in Washington, mostly because it takes balls of steel to stand up to the political Establishment...which Trump has found out...which seeks nothing but to preserve its power, and so, will aggressively and persistently paint ANYONE who threatens their power in ANY way as evil, bad, wrong, evil, deplorable, vicious, uncaring, evil, mean, and evil.

The rest of these people are committed Statists, committed to doing one thing, and one thing only: expanding the power of the central government, and, by extension, their own power.

The Founders understood human nature. They fought hard to make their compatriots and descendants understand it, too. Most Americans don't understand that now, and think that central control is the solution to all of man's problems.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
Post 79 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer

My point simply was, the right hate FDR for exactly what the Left love him for. He did bad things. He did good things. Neither side seems to ever want to admit both.

Originally Posted by KingNampa
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer

My point simply was, the right hate FDR for exactly what the Left love him for. He did bad things. He did good things. Neither side seems to ever want to admit both.

Here are just my quotes from this very thread, posts made very recently. You tell me if "neither side seems to ever want to admit both" is a fair charge, as far as my comments have been concerned.

Originally Posted by DB
That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Originally Posted by DB
He was another person who was "the smartest guy in the room." That was TRUE...

Originally Posted by DB
As a war president, he was fantastic

If you are going to participate in these discussions, you need to show THE ENTIRE FORUM the respect and courtesy of paying very close attention to what people say and not make statements like the above, which clearly demonstrate that you weren't.

I don't classify myself as part of "the right", but I don't "hate" FDR. That's the type of inflammatory rhetoric that makes these discussions so volatile. It's an emotional reaction, and leads to charges of emotional reactions. Just because you disagree with someone, and think their policies were bad, doesn't mean you "hate" them. Not everything needs to be reduced to an emotional response.

Originally Posted by SB

SS is ruined because of both sides raping it. Yes, both sides.

Socialism is not the answer. Absolute freedom is not the answer either. Trump was the first candidate I've seen who walked the midddle; its too bad he's got mental problems, he could have done great things.

No one, at any time, has said anything about "Absolute freedom" being the answer.

That is an example of a "straw man argument": inventing something that someone else said, then arguing against it as if that other person said it.

If you don't understand, or are unclear about, the position of someone, it's far superior to ask questions, rather than "assign" them a position based on your own opinions.

"Absolute freedom" is anarchy, and anarchy doesn't exist except for very short periods of time (think days, at most, if not hours), whereby the stronger flex their power and restore their own control over things.

INDIVIDUALISM...which respects the rights of the INDIVIDUAL over any group, minority, plurality, or the key to human success, and always has been. INDIVIDUALISM is neither Left NOR is CONSERVATISM.

Group think, or "Statism", as repeated by CAK, is what leads to human suffering, always.

As for Trump...he's not "walking the middle"; he's a moderate leftist, and always has been, regardless of what he calls himself. That is why the Left's screeching about him is so hilarious AND disturbing: he's one of them.
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

Couple of things in response:

1. I am not a member of the "far right." Most people in the US who use that term have no real conception of what "far right" actually means, because of the corruption of its use by the Left and its "mainstream" media spokesmen. The political spectrum is not a is a circle. The "far left" and the "far right" meet at the top, advancing the same goals...Statism...through different means. At the bottom is the INDIVIDUALIST, those who recognize that freedom works best when INDIVIDUAL...NOT majority and minority...rights are preserved and defended.

2. FDR was a terrible president. He was an elitist who thought that having compassion for people meant forcing the rest of the people, at gunpoint (because that is what taxation is) to pay for them, creating a welfare state with implications that echo down the decades. And, if people didn't agree with them, he'd simply pack the courts to get his way. He threatened to expand the Supremes from 9 to 13, something no other president before him had done, just so he could pick as many of them as possible. Before FDR...really, before his cousin, Teddy...the Presidency did NOT have the power it has now. FDR seized that power, and all presidents since, to one degree or another, have maintained it.

Read what I said again, and absorb it: FDR put people of asian, specifically Japanese, descent IN CAMPS for the duration of the war. That fact ALONE...usually ignored...puts him in the position of a "terrible president who abused and expanded his power to take away the rights of US CITIZENS."

Let me say that again: FDR put US CITIZENS of Japanese descent INTO PRISON CAMPS for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

Let me say it one more time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt put UNITED STATES CITIZENS into PRISON CAMPS because of their RACE.

That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Put down the books we all read in grade school, and pick up books that offer a critical analysis of the man. He's not a god. He was just as flawed as the rest of us.

Measured responses, SB.

You and I obviously disagree with FDR's anti-trust and his New Deal.

No point in going back and forth on that.

FDR was SEVERELY LIMITED in regard to what he coukd do with the rights of blacks and Asians, because of the social climate of the 1940's.

Again, this link explains his actions, which were obviously NOT GOOD, but it was due to political pressure.

FDR's hand was forced on these issues, he had no little to no power to help the plight of non-white US citizens and immigrants.


Oh stop. You can't claim the guy was able to do wonderful and marvelous things on the one hand, and then claim he was completely powerless to do anything about atrocity on the other.

It's double-speak.

Since when has political "pressure" ever forced anyone to do ANYTHING against which they, themselves, are morally opposed...? Especially since you claim FDR was a great crusader for minority rights...?

You can't claim that, and then put UNITED STATES CITIZENS in PRISON CAMPS because they or their ancestors are of a certain race/ethnicity/nationality.

Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@Homer Ya I agree. Also I didn't mention this before I had a promo from ebay. Sell 10 items with NO Final Value Fees. So I sold that X-men with ZERO ebay fees.

Theoretically, if I sold it for $4k. The ebay+paypal fees would have been $520 on a normal ebay sale, $3480 net.

KingNampa, it would have been nice of you to post up that promo, BEFORE, the fact.Not after the promo ended.

Just sayin.

Why? If it was to take advantage of it, as km said, everyone gets different promos. That's why the "this promo is worth so and so!!" threads aren't very useful: everyone's promos are different.

My apologies to King Nampa, I waa wrong.
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

Couple of things in response:

1. I am not a member of the "far right." Most people in the US who use that term have no real conception of what "far right" actually means, because of the corruption of its use by the Left and its "mainstream" media spokesmen. The political spectrum is not a is a circle. The "far left" and the "far right" meet at the top, advancing the same goals...Statism...through different means. At the bottom is the INDIVIDUALIST, those who recognize that freedom works best when INDIVIDUAL...NOT majority and minority...rights are preserved and defended.

2. FDR was a terrible president. He was an elitist who thought that having compassion for people meant forcing the rest of the people, at gunpoint (because that is what taxation is) to pay for them, creating a welfare state with implications that echo down the decades. And, if people didn't agree with them, he'd simply pack the courts to get his way. He threatened to expand the Supremes from 9 to 13, something no other president before him had done, just so he could pick as many of them as possible. Before FDR...really, before his cousin, Teddy...the Presidency did NOT have the power it has now. FDR seized that power, and all presidents since, to one degree or another, have maintained it.

Read what I said again, and absorb it: FDR put people of asian, specifically Japanese, descent IN CAMPS for the duration of the war. That fact ALONE...usually ignored...puts him in the position of a "terrible president who abused and expanded his power to take away the rights of US CITIZENS."

Let me say that again: FDR put US CITIZENS of Japanese descent INTO PRISON CAMPS for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

Let me say it one more time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt put UNITED STATES CITIZENS into PRISON CAMPS because of their RACE.

That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Put down the books we all read in grade school, and pick up books that offer a critical analysis of the man. He's not a god. He was just as flawed as the rest of us.

Measured responses, SB.

You and I obviously disagree with FDR's anti-trust and his New Deal.

No point in going back and forth on that.

FDR was SEVERELY LIMITED in regard to what he coukd do with the rights of blacks and Asians, because of the social climate of the 1940's.

Again, this link explains his actions, which were obviously NOT GOOD, but it was due to political pressure.

FDR's hand was forced on these issues, he had no little to no power to help the plight of non-white US citizens and immigrants.


Originally Posted by DB
That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Originally Posted by DB
He was another person who was "the smartest guy in the room." That was TRUE...

Originally Posted by DB
As a war president, he was fantastic

If you are going to participate in these discussions, you need to show THE ENTIRE FORUM the respect and courtesy of paying very close attention to what people say and not make statements like the above, which clearly demonstrate that you weren't.

I don't classify myself as part of "the right", but I don't "hate" FDR. That's the type of inflammatory rhetoric that makes these discussions so volatile. It's an emotional reaction, and leads to charges of emotional reactions. Just because you disagree with someone, and think their policies were bad, doesn't mean you "hate" them. Not everything needs to be reduced to an emotional response.

Originally Posted by SB

SS is ruined because of both sides raping it. Yes, both sides.

Socialism is not the answer. Absolute freedom is not the answer either. Trump was the first candidate I've seen who walked the midddle; its too bad he's got mental problems, he could have done great things.

No one, at any time, has said anything about "Absolute freedom" being the answer.

That is an example of a "straw man argument": inventing something that someone else said, then arguing against it as if that other person said it.

If you don't understand, or are unclear about, the position of someone, it's far superior to ask questions, rather than "assign" them a position based on your own opinions.

"Absolute freedom" is anarchy, and anarchy doesn't exist except for very short periods of time (think days, at most, if not hours), whereby the stronger flex their power and restore their own control over things.

INDIVIDUALISM...which respects the rights of the INDIVIDUAL over any group, minority, plurality, or the key to human success, and always has been. INDIVIDUALISM is neither Left NOR is CONSERVATISM.

Group think, or "Statism", as repeated by CAK, is what leads to human suffering, always.

As for Trump...he's not "walking the middle"; he's a moderate leftist, and always has been, regardless of what he calls himself. That is why the Left's screeching about him is so hilarious AND disturbing: he's one of them.
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

Couple of things in response:

1. I am not a member of the "far right." Most people in the US who use that term have no real conception of what "far right" actually means, because of the corruption of its use by the Left and its "mainstream" media spokesmen. The political spectrum is not a is a circle. The "far left" and the "far right" meet at the top, advancing the same goals...Statism...through different means. At the bottom is the INDIVIDUALIST, those who recognize that freedom works best when INDIVIDUAL...NOT majority and minority...rights are preserved and defended.

2. FDR was a terrible president. He was an elitist who thought that having compassion for people meant forcing the rest of the people, at gunpoint (because that is what taxation is) to pay for them, creating a welfare state with implications that echo down the decades. And, if people didn't agree with them, he'd simply pack the courts to get his way. He threatened to expand the Supremes from 9 to 13, something no other president before him had done, just so he could pick as many of them as possible. Before FDR...really, before his cousin, Teddy...the Presidency did NOT have the power it has now. FDR seized that power, and all presidents since, to one degree or another, have maintained it.

Read what I said again, and absorb it: FDR put people of asian, specifically Japanese, descent IN CAMPS for the duration of the war. That fact ALONE...usually ignored...puts him in the position of a "terrible president who abused and expanded his power to take away the rights of US CITIZENS."

Let me say that again: FDR put US CITIZENS of Japanese descent INTO PRISON CAMPS for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

Let me say it one more time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt put UNITED STATES CITIZENS into PRISON CAMPS because of their RACE.

That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Put down the books we all read in grade school, and pick up books that offer a critical analysis of the man. He's not a god. He was just as flawed as the rest of us.

Measured responses, SB.

You and I obviously disagree with FDR's anti-trust and his New Deal.

No point in going back and forth on that.

FDR was SEVERELY LIMITED in regard to what he coukd do with the rights of blacks and Asians, because of the social climate of the 1940's.

Again, this link explains his actions, which were obviously NOT GOOD, but it was due to political pressure.

FDR's hand was forced on these issues, he had no little to no power to help the plight of non-white US citizens and immigrants.


Oh stop. You can't claim the guy was able to do wonderful and marvelous things on the one hand, and then claim he was completely powerless to do anything about atrocity on the other.

It's double-speak.

Since when has political "pressure" ever forced anyone to do ANYTHING against which they, themselves, are morally opposed...? Especially since you claim FDR was a great crusader for minority rights...?

You can't claim that, and then put UNITED STATES CITIZENS in PRISON CAMPS because they or their ancestors are of a certain race/ethnicity/nationality.

Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@Homer Ya I agree. Also I didn't mention this before I had a promo from ebay. Sell 10 items with NO Final Value Fees. So I sold that X-men with ZERO ebay fees.

Theoretically, if I sold it for $4k. The ebay+paypal fees would have been $520 on a normal ebay sale, $3480 net.

KingNampa, it would have been nice of you to post up that promo, BEFORE, the fact.Not after the promo ended.

Just sayin.

Why? If it was to take advantage of it, as km said, everyone gets different promos. That's why the "this promo is worth so and so!!" threads aren't very useful: everyone's promos are different.

My apologies to King Nampa, I waa wrong.
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Oh god. Doc calling FDR terrible, CAK calling him Bernie...

It's always interesting to see the far left and far right offer up their absolutes πŸ˜‚

Couple of things in response:

1. I am not a member of the "far right." Most people in the US who use that term have no real conception of what "far right" actually means, because of the corruption of its use by the Left and its "mainstream" media spokesmen. The political spectrum is not a is a circle. The "far left" and the "far right" meet at the top, advancing the same goals...Statism...through different means. At the bottom is the INDIVIDUALIST, those who recognize that freedom works best when INDIVIDUAL...NOT majority and minority...rights are preserved and defended.

2. FDR was a terrible president. He was an elitist who thought that having compassion for people meant forcing the rest of the people, at gunpoint (because that is what taxation is) to pay for them, creating a welfare state with implications that echo down the decades. And, if people didn't agree with them, he'd simply pack the courts to get his way. He threatened to expand the Supremes from 9 to 13, something no other president before him had done, just so he could pick as many of them as possible. Before FDR...really, before his cousin, Teddy...the Presidency did NOT have the power it has now. FDR seized that power, and all presidents since, to one degree or another, have maintained it.

Read what I said again, and absorb it: FDR put people of asian, specifically Japanese, descent IN CAMPS for the duration of the war. That fact ALONE...usually ignored...puts him in the position of a "terrible president who abused and expanded his power to take away the rights of US CITIZENS."

Let me say that again: FDR put US CITIZENS of Japanese descent INTO PRISON CAMPS for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

Let me say it one more time: Franklin Delano Roosevelt put UNITED STATES CITIZENS into PRISON CAMPS because of their RACE.

That said, it's hard to listen to his speech before Congress on Dec 8, 1941, and not feel stirred by his powerful rhetoric before the nation. It's one of the best speeches a politician has ever made.

Put down the books we all read in grade school, and pick up books that offer a critical analysis of the man. He's not a god. He was just as flawed as the rest of us.

Measured responses, SB.

You and I obviously disagree with FDR's anti-trust and his New Deal.

No point in going back and forth on that.

FDR was SEVERELY LIMITED in regard to what he coukd do with the rights of blacks and Asians, because of the social climate of the 1940's.

Again, this link explains his actions, which were obviously NOT GOOD, but it was due to political pressure.

FDR's hand was forced on these issues, he had no little to no power to help the plight of non-white US citizens and immigrants.


Is there a reason we're quoting for quoting's sake?
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