Turn Around Times?4364
Collector | DavidM private msg quote post Address this user | |
I'm hoping that some people here post when they receive their comics, when they submitted them, and what level of service they ordered. This way we have some time frame to apply to our submittals. | ||
Post 76 IP flag post |
Why just the women? I like bears. | Gaard private msg quote post Address this user | |
"Would you like to be known for meeting expectations. Or, your ability to use disclaimers?" I have a feeling our expectations are vastly different. 'Quickness' doesn't factor very heavily into my expectations. |
Post 77 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DavidM Subbed 6/10 modern and consumer delivered back last friday Subbed 6/10 modern, consumer, expanded, and reholders, currently in grading. One of my expanded has a tricky request, so that may be holding me up Subbed 8/18 modern and consumer, no movement yet However, with the hurricane and all, I would expect linger TAT for stuff subbed after mine (official TAT update from Steve just posted at top of forum as well) |
Post 78 IP flag post |
CBCS Pressing | SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Gatchaman Once again, I have offered to help you. You continue to ignore me and not acknowledge that help. Where is the bad customer service here? |
Post 79 IP flag post |
Collector | chadpdodge private msg quote post Address this user | |
Update 9-27-17 Today I talked w/ CBCS Customer Service and they were very helpful. 1st submission processed May 18th: Modern & pressing. I was told they are doing early May submissions for pressing now. Once finished in pressing, will be moved along to grading/etc. 2nd submission processed June 5th: Has begun the grading & encapsulation phase. I received some helpful info here in this forum. However, I received an overwhelming amount of negative responses. When all I was looking for was how long it was taking others to receive their books. If we start updating how our submissions are moving along this thread can be very helpful to others. Furthermore, if we have infighting, bickering and negativity it does us no good! Regards Chad |
Post 80 IP flag post |
Collector | RyanHicks private msg quote post Address this user | |
There is a saying that has been around long before CBCS even existed (obviously in reference to the other guys but holds just as true with CBCS): Submit it and forget it! In all reality, the service you are paying for is the grading, not the exact amount of weeks from when your book leaves your hands to when its back in your hands. Obviously we all would like our books back as fast as possible but when you have literally thousands of books per week coming in, those TAT's are going to vary...and thats not even including multiple acts of god getting in the way. And everyone is always quick to jump on the "hire more people" train but you can't really just hire a professional grader off the street. In the same regard, you can't just hire temps when con season rolls around. I'm not posting this to say that people complaining are right or wrong in any way, I fully understand the frustration; but just trying to show some perspective. TAT's at both companies will always fluctuate and I guarantee, there will be a point in the future where CBCS is blazing fast and the competitor is behind...its been swaying back and forth like that for years. |
Post 81 IP flag post |
Collector | Revelations private msg quote post Address this user | |
@RyanHicks Look how many cons are running every year now. It's almost non-stop except for December/January when people are trying to recover from the holidays. At this point, there's no forseeable reason for cbcs to not hire an apprentice to be part of their geading/encapsulation process. 4 months for moderns? Even before the hurricane, it was 3 months. I don't ever see cbcs catching up or surpassing cgc's turn around times. Unless they do something different, like hire, i don't see how they will get back to a 4 week TAT. Although I'm always hoping. |
Post 82 IP flag post |
Collector | RyanHicks private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Revelations Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if CBCS is training a future grader or looking for a grader or two as we speak; I was mainly just trying to point out that its not like they can just post an ad for a comic grader whenever they get backed up |
Post 83 IP flag post |
Collector | Revelations private msg quote post Address this user | |
I don't think anyone is expecting them to hire an experienced grader off the street. It should be within their means to hire an apprentice at a couple bucks above minimum wage though. | ||
Post 84 IP flag post |
Collector | RyanHicks private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Revelations No offense, but I think you might be oversimplifying what it would take to hire a grader (or even an apprentice). Keep in mind, these guys/girls would have the potential to, not only have access to, but page through books from $1 in value to $1 million plus in value which means they likely would require some sort of reputation in the industry: A) for trust and B) for reliability and accuracy. I very highly doubt the graders make a few dollars over minimum wage. Plus a lot of people that would have the type of reputation and knowledge required to be a grader are likely collectors themselves...my understanding is, if you work for any of these grading companies, your ability to collect becomes severely limited due to conflict of interests (or at least perceived conflict of interest) which would then deter a lot of potential candidates from even wanting the job in the first place. |
Post 85 IP flag post |
Collector | Revelations private msg quote post Address this user | |
It sounds like you're making a lot of assumptions. No offense. Why would cbcs allow an apprentice grader to page through high end books? I think you're being overly concerned. That would be like letting an apprentice mechanic work on a bugatti. Like any industry, you would start them small and allow them to build up your confidence in them. As far as conflict of interest, I don't see one. I'm pretty darn sure Steve Borock has a collection that would put most of our collections to shame. As far as wage is concerned, I threw a number out there. I have no idea how much a professional grader would make, but you seem to think that they would need to pay an apprentice the same as a pro. Why would you pay anyone who has no experience more than a few bucks over minimum wage? |
Post 86 IP flag post |
CBCS broke up with me over Facebook. | CFP_Comics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Gatchaman Hundreds? Really? |
Post 87 IP flag post |
CBCS broke up with me over Facebook. | CFP_Comics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Revelations Did. Now he collects art. |
Post 88 IP flag post |
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. | DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
And trades. | ||
Post 89 IP flag post |
Collector | shiftins6 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Hire graders that just do moderns. You could teach a chimp to find the flaws on a new book. | ||
Post 90 IP flag post |
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. | DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
Are you applying? | ||
Post 91 IP flag post |
Collector | shiftins6 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I just might. Only if you do it with me. | ||
Post 92 IP flag post |
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. | DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
I was asked, but I had just finished building a new office building where I currently live and wasn't able to move to Florida. | ||
Post 93 IP flag post |
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! | IronMan private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by shiftins6 Not often -- but every once in a while --- a post comes along that illustrates why we do need a dislike button. |
Post 94 IP flag post |
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers). Splotches is gettin old! |
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by shiftins6 Definitely a bit rough on the delivery, but the point has some significant validity. It's pretty darn easy to grade a modern. |
Post 95 IP flag post |
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. | DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
Am I the only one who reads his username as shitfins6? | ||
Post 98 IP flag post |
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. | esaravo private msg quote post Address this user | |
Update on tat's. I got an email today stating that the 20 comics that I submitted directly to CBCS at TerrifiC Con on August 19 have now been received by CBCS and will be placed in their vault to await grading. Hopefully, they will be back-dated to the Tuesday after the Con and be treated as having been received on August 21. So it is currently taking over a month (not counting days lost to holidays and hurricanes) to log in received comics. |
Post 99 IP flag post |
Collector | farseer private msg quote post Address this user | |
Mine were submitted at Fan Expo Toronto on Sept 2nd and I got the email that they were received on Sept 12th. | ||
Post 100 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | spaulus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by esaravo Submissions that are received at conventions are backdated accordingly. We do this so you are not penalized for the backlog in receiving. I totally understand that some people get frustrated because we have a sizable delay but we have a lot of books that had delayed entry due to Irma. Right now our Customer Service department is working very hard to enter the books into the system and answer all of the inquiries. Those of you that have a receive date that is significantly past the convention date you submitted, we can make adjustments. just let us know. Thank you for your understanding. |
Post 101 IP flag post |
Collector | KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user | |
@spaulus @SteveRicketts My submission was delivered to CBCS the last week of August. No confirmation of receipt yet or update on my dashboard. I've sent emails and made calls to CBCS but still no resolution. Invoice# 17-300D374 Please give me some of your customer service love, I'm feeling neglected. |
Post 102 IP flag post |
Collector | shiftins6 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Post 103 IP flag post |
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. | kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user | |
I'm legitimately worried about the TATs with books because what if I move next year? How does that work once something is shipped via FedEx? | ||
Post 104 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | spaulus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KingNampa Your submission is in the queue to be put into the system. You should see it soon. It will be backdated to appropriate date so you will not be penalized. Thank you for your patience |
Post 105 IP flag post |
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