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Comic book speculation4098

Collector Krazywan private msg quote post Address this user
How do you all speculate on what modern comics buy for investment purposes. I understand looking for special covers and first apperences, but i always find out about them when its to late. Do you guys have anywhere special you watch out for this stuff or do you rely on word of mouth? With the success of the supergirl 12 thread, i would like to see more of that speculation going on so the slow to catch on people like me can get a heads up.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector mattness private msg quote post Address this user
I watch @darthlego lol I didn't follow the super girl but that's just because I don't like CG art. But I did pick up several copies of Batman that Darth recommended.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector VaComicsGuy private msg quote post Address this user
If you have a LCS that you trust, that's a good place to start. Reading a lot of websites and Previews helps. Rarely go wrong with established (current) artists. (Artgerm, Hughes, Conner and the like).
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector neyko private msg quote post Address this user
Don't buy Image #1 issues thinking they will go up in value for more than 2 months.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector OrbitCityComics private msg quote post Address this user
It depends on what you want. If it's a quick flip, then look around the forum and watch for pre-orders of modern variants.

If you want a long term investment, then you should do your homework and study the previews guide and look for new characters or major story arcs.

What people collect runs in cycles. Just a couple decades ago it was the stories that made books valuable. The decade before that it was hologram covers, before that it was first appearances.

We are now back to the point of first appearances driving up market prices on certain books, and flavor of the month cover.

I will be the first to admit, I collect tons of variant covers. I am, also, well aware that I am overpaying for many of these variants at their current values. I have found several variants that I bought at a premium price to be less than what I paid for them when they first appeared, and I have also found many variants that are currently in my collection in $1 bins. Some variants will be worth money, most will fall by the wayside in the decades to come. I've seen variants sell for $50 on presale, and be worth half that a month later. On the flip-side I've seen variants sell for $20 and be worth $200 a month later, although this is few and far between.

Personally, I am hoping that the next cycle will be the demand of the great stories.

Best advice: collect what you like, and once ten years goes by go back through your collection and look those hidden gems you never realized you had.
Post 5 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by mattness
I watch @darthlego lol I didn't follow the super girl but that's just because I don't like CG art. But I did pick up several copies of Batman that Darth recommended.

Joke's on you. Stanely Lau draws all his art by hand. Now go back and look at his covers and let that sink in.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector Rafel private msg quote post Address this user
I stopped collecting in 1982. The prices were too high for me. I was making $5.00/hr, gas was $1.33/gal and a comic book was 60ยข. Plus the biggest reason was the art work. I didn't like it and in todays world only rarely do I see a cover that looks interesting to me. What I've seen at least in this FORUM are a lot of speculators of VARIANTS which if they are betting on the long hull and can be very costly (the comic book, grading, mailing, insurance, autographs and storage). 40 years ago I tried that and after buying about 200 comic books, bag, boarding and storage I have Dare Devil 158 (CBCS 9.8 and 9.6) 159 (CBCS 9.6) and some very nice X-Men (101-121) which are being graded by CBCS. The rest are all under $10.00 and they're 40 year old comic books in beautiful condition. So I understand the concept of speculating (because I've done it). What do I do know? I buy golden, silver and bronze age comic books that have higher value. I would rather spend $300-400 for a HULK #102 (9.0 or higher) knowing it will only go up in value rather than speculate on 20-25 VARIANTS. 1) It's a gamble and 2) I'm 60 and don't want to wait 40 years to see if I hit a home run or popped up for the out. One more thing, collectors pay BIG money key comic books even in poor condition because there are very few around. Todays VARIANTS have to be 9.6 or better to even be considered and the worst part of todays VARIANTS is everybody is speculating on them. This reminds me of the BEANIE BABY craze. In my opinion.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector zosocane private msg quote post Address this user
Modern books are very risky. My opinion. Stick with pre-1975 books.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector Krazywan private msg quote post Address this user
The variant cover craze will hopefully pass as it hurts my wallet and I do wish that they would focus on story content more and character development. What made me start thinking about this was seeing totally awesome hulk 22 hitting second print and 1st print selling for $20 on eBay. Never heard about it in untill it was to late. And I'm not a flipper looking for 15 or 20 copies I just want to be able to grab a couple of these book so later I can sell some off when I need to buy kids a car or money for college. I'm looking to invest for the future, and to have a butt kicking collection. I'll start grabbing a previews and checking it out. Does anyone have any upcoming speculations?
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector Krazywan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by zosocane
Modern books are very risky. My opinion. Stick with pre-1975 books.
I like to do a mix myself. I have a few modern series I follow for the story. I like getting bronze age and also have a few silver when money allows. Most back issues I buy are ones I had in the past that I'm trying to rebuild from the late 80s and early 90s
Post 10 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Don't speculate....Buy what you like in full knowledge you may have it forever - but at least it is something you liked. If it goes up - great!!. If not it is still something you like
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Don't speculate....Buy what you like in full knowledge you may have it forever - but at least it is something you liked. If it goes up - great!!. If not it is still something you like

That's not how flipping works brah
Post 12 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Don't speculate....Buy what you like in full knowledge you may have it forever - but at least it is something you liked. If it goes up - great!!. If not it is still something you like

That's not how flipping works brah

Yeah..I know....that's how you end up with 7k+ books and counting...On the plus side there is not a single book that I bought that I don't want to own and am underwater on (even my Dalgoda run!!)
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Don't speculate....Buy what you like in full knowledge you may have it forever - but at least it is something you liked. If it goes up - great!!. If not it is still something you like

That's not how flipping works brah

Yeah..I know....that's how you end up with 7k+ books and counting...On the plus side there is not a single book that I bought that I don't want to own and am underwater on (even my Dalgoda run!!)

The books I buy for myself I don't care what they're worth or if they go up or down in value. Sure, it's kind of neat to know a book I bought new off the stands in the late 1970's is worth several hundred dollars now, but I'll never sell it so it doesn't matter to me.

The books I buy for flipping are specifically for that purpose. There are smart ways to speculate, like when people scooped up copies of New Mutants #26 for $10 each and then sold them for $250+ each once the TV show started.

Then there are the people stuck with several copies of X-Force #1 and Jim Lee's X-Men #1.
Post 14 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Krazywan
The variant cover craze will hopefully pass as it hurts my wallet

If you hope it ends then why are you spending money on them? And if you don't want to spend money on them, why not just stop spending money on them? And if you like them enough to continue spending money on them, why do you want them to end? You've created your own personal paradox cycle.
Post 15 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Don't speculate....Buy what you like in full knowledge you may have it forever - but at least it is something you liked. If it goes up - great!!. If not it is still something you like

That's not how flipping works brah

Yeah..I know....that's how you end up with 7k+ books and counting...On the plus side there is not a single book that I bought that I don't want to own and am underwater on (even my Dalgoda run!!)

The books I buy for myself I don't care what they're worth or if they go up or down in value. Sure, it's kind of neat to know a book I bought new off the stands in the late 1970's is worth several hundred dollars now, but I'll never sell it so it doesn't matter to me.

The books I buy for flipping are specifically for that purpose. There are smart ways to speculate, like when people scooped up copies of New Mutants #26 for $10 each and then sold them for $250+ each once the TV show started.

Then there are the people stuck with several copies of X-Force #1 and Jim Lee's X-Men #1.

X-Force #1s will have a small window of bankability in 9.8 when the movie buzz heats up.
Post 16 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe something will come out of this thread - maybe there really is a good way to speculate.

Would be nice

Just need to be cautious - many more ways to get burnt and sink money into something that you will never see the return on
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Don't speculate....Buy what you like in full knowledge you may have it forever - but at least it is something you liked. If it goes up - great!!. If not it is still something you like

That's not how flipping works brah

Yeah..I know....that's how you end up with 7k+ books and counting...On the plus side there is not a single book that I bought that I don't want to own and am underwater on (even my Dalgoda run!!)

The books I buy for myself I don't care what they're worth or if they go up or down in value. Sure, it's kind of neat to know a book I bought new off the stands in the late 1970's is worth several hundred dollars now, but I'll never sell it so it doesn't matter to me.

The books I buy for flipping are specifically for that purpose. There are smart ways to speculate, like when people scooped up copies of New Mutants #26 for $10 each and then sold them for $250+ each once the TV show started.

Then there are the people stuck with several copies of X-Force #1 and Jim Lee's X-Men #1.

X-Force #1s will have a small window of bankability in 9.8 when the movie buzz heats up.

Last recorded GPA sale of a 9.8 was for $70 in May of 2016. Lets say the book peaks at $100...if you bought a bunch of 9.8 candidates when they came out and subbed enough of them and were able to actually sell them I guess it could be worth your while.

Wouldn't the better bet be New Mutants #100?
Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Buy low and sell high. If you do that as a flipper you will never be burned.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector Krazywan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Maybe something will come out of this thread - maybe there really is a good way to speculate.

Would be nice

Just need to be cautious - many more ways to get burnt and sink money into something that you will never see the return on
Well that's what I hoping for, we all speculate for different reasons but the question is what do you look at and how do you come to your speculation decisions
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Krazywan
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Maybe something will come out of this thread - maybe there really is a good way to speculate.

Would be nice

Just need to be cautious - many more ways to get burnt and sink money into something that you will never see the return on
Well that's what I hoping for, we all speculate for different reasons but the question is what do you look at and how do you come to your speculation decisions

Are you looking to buy new books to speculate on? Silver / Bronze / Copper keys?
Post 21 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Same rules apply to comic books as the stock market. You do research and keep an eye on hot news stories. In the end it's really closer to gambling than investing.
Post 22 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by DrWatson
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Don't speculate....Buy what you like in full knowledge you may have it forever - but at least it is something you liked. If it goes up - great!!. If not it is still something you like

That's not how flipping works brah

Yeah..I know....that's how you end up with 7k+ books and counting...On the plus side there is not a single book that I bought that I don't want to own and am underwater on (even my Dalgoda run!!)

The books I buy for myself I don't care what they're worth or if they go up or down in value. Sure, it's kind of neat to know a book I bought new off the stands in the late 1970's is worth several hundred dollars now, but I'll never sell it so it doesn't matter to me.

The books I buy for flipping are specifically for that purpose. There are smart ways to speculate, like when people scooped up copies of New Mutants #26 for $10 each and then sold them for $250+ each once the TV show started.

Then there are the people stuck with several copies of X-Force #1 and Jim Lee's X-Men #1.

X-Force #1s will have a small window of bankability in 9.8 when the movie buzz heats up.

Last recorded GPA sale of a 9.8 was for $70 in May of 2016. Lets say the book peaks at $100...if you bought a bunch of 9.8 candidates when they came out and subbed enough of them and were able to actually sell them I guess it could be worth your while.

Wouldn't the better bet be New Mutants #100?

If I bought it for a $1 and can sell it for $50, then I would call that a success.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by DrWatson
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Don't speculate....Buy what you like in full knowledge you may have it forever - but at least it is something you liked. If it goes up - great!!. If not it is still something you like

That's not how flipping works brah

Yeah..I know....that's how you end up with 7k+ books and counting...On the plus side there is not a single book that I bought that I don't want to own and am underwater on (even my Dalgoda run!!)

The books I buy for myself I don't care what they're worth or if they go up or down in value. Sure, it's kind of neat to know a book I bought new off the stands in the late 1970's is worth several hundred dollars now, but I'll never sell it so it doesn't matter to me.

The books I buy for flipping are specifically for that purpose. There are smart ways to speculate, like when people scooped up copies of New Mutants #26 for $10 each and then sold them for $250+ each once the TV show started.

Then there are the people stuck with several copies of X-Force #1 and Jim Lee's X-Men #1.

X-Force #1s will have a small window of bankability in 9.8 when the movie buzz heats up.

Last recorded GPA sale of a 9.8 was for $70 in May of 2016. Lets say the book peaks at $100...if you bought a bunch of 9.8 candidates when they came out and subbed enough of them and were able to actually sell them I guess it could be worth your while.

Wouldn't the better bet be New Mutants #100?

If I bought it for a $1 and can sell it for $50, then I would call that a success.

Sell it for $50 raw or slabbed?
Post 24 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Logan510
Sell it for $50 raw or slabbed?

Graded. It would probably never pull that amount of money if it weren't a 9.8.
Post 25 IP   flag post
Collector 50AE_DE private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Krazywan
I just want to be able to grab a couple of these book so later I can sell some off when I need to buy kids a car or money for college

Good luck with that. It reminds me of the guy that spent $100K on Beanie Babies expecting it to pay for his kids college fund.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector Krazywan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DarthLego
Originally Posted by Krazywan
The variant cover craze will hopefully pass as it hurts my wallet

If you hope it ends then why are you spending money on them? And if you don't want to spend money on them, why not just stop spending money on them? And if you like them enough to continue spending money on them, why do you want them to end? You've created your own personal paradox cycle.
They are there so I buy, although I do not buy a lot of them, because of the craziness of the market, and my wallet. What I would like is to be able to pick them better, like with the call you made on the Supergirl
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector Krazywan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by Krazywan
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Maybe something will come out of this thread - maybe there really is a good way to speculate.

Would be nice

Just need to be cautious - many more ways to get burnt and sink money into something that you will never see the return on
Well that's what I hoping for, we all speculate for different reasons but the question is what do you look at and how do you come to your speculation decisions

Are you looking to buy new books to speculate on? Silver / Bronze / Copper keys?
when I thought of this topic I had modern age in mind
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Krazywan
Originally Posted by Logan510
Originally Posted by Krazywan
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Maybe something will come out of this thread - maybe there really is a good way to speculate.

Would be nice

Just need to be cautious - many more ways to get burnt and sink money into something that you will never see the return on
Well that's what I hoping for, we all speculate for different reasons but the question is what do you look at and how do you come to your speculation decisions

Are you looking to buy new books to speculate on? Silver / Bronze / Copper keys?
when I thought of this topic I had modern age in mind

So, like buying multiple copies of new #1's, variant covers..that kind of stuff?
Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
Originally Posted by Logan510
Sell it for $50 raw or slabbed?

Graded. It would probably never pull that amount of money if it weren't a 9.8.

I was going to say if you could sell X-Force #1's raw for $50 that you would be my hero
Post 30 IP   flag post
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