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Collector ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user
Well....I guess my copy hasn't arrived yet.....because I just rcvd this email.....

Shipment Details:

Shipped To: Tim
Albuquerque, NM
Mailing Date: 8/18/2017
Est. Delivery: 3 days
Service: First Class (R)

Just out of did everyone else's arrive? Awesome looking I hope?
Post 26 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user

Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector neyko private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Darth Lego
an extremely strict
3,000 for Cover A,

1,500 for Cover B, and

only 1,000 for Cover C

Most are sold out.Some Variant A are left.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector neyko private msg quote post Address this user
Are those covers actually of any value as they are not serial !A 1B 1C etc.,
Post 29 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Not sure what you're asking exactly?
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Collector neyko private msg quote post Address this user
Are they variant covers put out by DC? They aren't listed and it is art by a dead artist, I think.
Post 31 IP   flag post
Collector neyko private msg quote post Address this user
Wow, every cover Aspen puts out is from the Turner Collection. Won't be getting those signed.
Post 32 IP   flag post
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