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As If I Didn't Need More Proof That Wizard3000

Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OrbitCityComics
Originally Posted by Towmater
It is so funny to read the response that threads about Liefeld generate. Love him or hate him in the 1990's the guy sold a ton of comics. The guy helped create Deadpool, Cable, and Domino. He's one of the founders of Image which changed the comic industry and built it into what it is today. He's an artist, writer, and helped build the industry which is what Wizard is honoring.

When you look at their choice, they picked him because he is relevant in today's world due to Deadpool. People in all demographics know who he is or if they don't they know Deadpool. In other words, he moves the needle for a lot of reasons (good, or bad) which means that people will be talking about Wizard.

I'm not sure what their criteria are, but there are better choices out there.

Even though I find him a bit of a self promoting diva, Stan Lee would have been a good choice.

Jack Kirby, Schuster, Bob Kane, Will Eisner etc...

If you want more modern artists, then there is Jim Lee, even Todd MacFarlane would have been a better choice.

I guess you like the others missed the point of my post. The pick isn't about who is a better choice. It looks to me that it is about a name people inside and outside the industry know, different age demographics knowing the name, and controversy. It all adds up to people talking about Wizard. Sure looks like it worked.
Post 26 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Go out on the street and interview 1000 random people about who the following names are: Stan Lee, Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld. I guarantee you that Liefeld is voted most likely to be "who the F is he?"
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DarthLego
Go out on the street and interview 1000 random people about who the following names are: Stan Lee, Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld. I guarantee you that Liefeld is voted most likely to be "who the F is he?"

Of those names, I think only Stan Lee would be recognizable to people who don't collect comics.

Rob Liefeld is the only one of those people that I've seen in a nationally distributed TV ad. It was a Levi's ad if I recall correctly.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector OrbitCityComics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Towmater
Originally Posted by OrbitCityComics
Originally Posted by Towmater
It is so funny to read the response that threads about Liefeld generate. Love him or hate him in the 1990's the guy sold a ton of comics. The guy helped create Deadpool, Cable, and Domino. He's one of the founders of Image which changed the comic industry and built it into what it is today. He's an artist, writer, and helped build the industry which is what Wizard is honoring.

When you look at their choice, they picked him because he is relevant in today's world due to Deadpool. People in all demographics know who he is or if they don't they know Deadpool. In other words, he moves the needle for a lot of reasons (good, or bad) which means that people will be talking about Wizard.

I'm not sure what their criteria are, but there are better choices out there.

Even though I find him a bit of a self promoting diva, Stan Lee would have been a good choice.

Jack Kirby, Schuster, Bob Kane, Will Eisner etc...

If you want more modern artists, then there is Jim Lee, even Todd MacFarlane would have been a better choice.

I guess you like the others missed the point of my post. The pick isn't about who is a better choice. It looks to me that it is about a name people inside and outside the industry know, different age demographics knowing the name, and controversy. It all adds up to people talking about Wizard. Sure looks like it worked.

The old adage of "any publicity is good publicity" is pure BS.

Yes, I'll talk about Wizard, but they will not like what I have to say. It's a company that is wondering why the majority of their cons are losing money; I'll give them a hint, stop doing stupid crap like this.
Post 29 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector VillageIdiot private msg quote post Address this user
For what it was, Wizard was awesome back in the day. Certainly they did some @#$%ed up crap along the way. However, the magazine will be remember for perpetuity!
Post 31 IP   flag post
Collector KiloGraham private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe they called around and Rob was the first one who actually answered to "Wizards" on caller ID.
Post 32 IP   flag post
Collector jrs private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by X51
Originally Posted by jrs
Originally Posted by X51

Compare and contrast the following images.

I don't particularly like either picture.

But it's really, really good inking!

I can agree with that. Also, I will say that I've generally liked Liefeld's work.
Post 33 IP   flag post
Collector jrs private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JLS_Comics

This video is waaaaay too long!

Edit: not this one, the one that came up after it. It's about RL's 40 worst drawings or something. Not worth a view. The jeans commercial is, however!

Sorry JLS.
Post 34 IP   flag post
Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
Sad as it is... I'm trying to complete a collection of OA from all 7 image cocreatorrs & that sadly includes Lifield. He & Portico are the only 2 left of the 7 I'm still needing a piece from. lol.
Post 35 IP   flag post
Collector infinityG private msg quote post Address this user
I pondered a bit on this b/c there’s a love/hate affair with him. There’s no middle ground lol.

I worked in a comic book store for 8 years during my teen/college years and i can see why the choice was accurate. Accurate for Wizard in that Liefeld and Wizard were 90s staples (a long w/ others). On top of Deadpool and re-inventing Cable, he pretty much started the 3rd biggest comic company (sorry Dark Horse, i still love you!) that not only was creator-focused but gave a chance to a lot of outliers to get their stories and creations to the mainstream public. We wouldn’t have Walking Dead, Spawn, Saga and many other books a lot of us are enjoying today.

I’m not fan of his art but i do respect the fact he brought a lot to the industry for other artists and creators to have an opportunity.

A very close 2nd would be Todd McFarlane.
Post 36 IP   flag post
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