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Mail call April 27, 20172689

Collector Millvilleresident private msg quote post Address this user
I've been waiting for these for 21 months and really love how they turned out.
Both are done by Mark Sparacio , through his rep.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector Crunkpostit private msg quote post Address this user
Those copic markers
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user
let's see....."21 months".....??????

- signed and sketched on 3/5/17???

Are you saying that the "line" to submit commissions for this guy is already 20 months long?

If grading by CGC is only at a MAX of four months (120 days), then IMO - you had waited much longer than I am willing to even submit for.
+ the delay could also mean that this artist has a long following of people submitted for commissions....or he is just lazy and finally 'got around to doing this'.

If 21 months is a normal time elapse for this type of work, you count me out of these types of ventures. I can't wrap my mind around waiting for something that should take no longer than two weeks to complete. Others seem to be willing to wait. I find it to be BS.

Especially when we know that DC has moved to a bi-monthly issue rate.....and those artists have deadlines for the publishers of less than two-weeks, but they won't do that for the fans?

That is so not what I would have liked to hear.

Clearly, you the fan was not even thought of when you initially submitted for the work to be done.

And to be honest....the work above....well, it really isn't all that great.

Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector Millvilleresident private msg quote post Address this user
When I approached the rep, I was told 4 months till completion. During that time the artist had many health issues and his wife also had health issues. I'm not defending the wait as I was strung along while the artist kept showing up at cons and announcing that he had room for new commissions. It was very irritating. If i had known that the wait would have been 5X longer than I was told, I would have passed. Or if the wait was initially 21 months, I would have passed as well.

That being said, I like the art so now the wait is a
Post 4 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
4 months + grading is a typical turn around. That said, life does happen, and it never happens at convenient times.

I don't think comparing an artists day job turn around is fair at all. The publisher is paying their salaries, keeping food on their tables. Publisher deadlines will always take precedence.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user
I guess we can give a pass, in some measure, huh....illness and all.....but still showing up at cons....hmmmmm....the mulligan should be revoked...*winks*....

Your point taken, as the wait is over....but the memory lingers...,.

Moral of the story...don't do what that guy did or still does.

:o) are the one who likes it...and in truth, that is all that matters.

Cheers sir!
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DarthLego
4 months + grading is a typical turn around. That said, life does happen, and it never happens at convenient times.

I don't think comparing an artists day job turn around is fair at all. The publisher is paying their salaries, keeping food on their tables. Publisher deadlines will always take precedence.

Come on DL...are you seriously "supporting" 21 months wait time?

Not to be disrespectful or anything like that...but I only should the comparison in that the artist knows what a deadline is, and if he/rep is saying 4 it that hard to achieve ....let's say 6 months, including publishers deadlines? What wait time are you happy with and do you think it should be extended for so long?

I have a current example that I am part of right now.

2016 HW Red line Club - paid for last Jan, maybe Feb...Enrollment car were delayed and delayed...and still delayed to this day. Last Sept I spoke with and rcvd confirmation that they would ship in Mar 2017 and membership for 2017 will be included at no addl charge.

I'm thinking great...,yet hold on....

I've yet to rcv any emails or phone calls to let me know the current status of why it is still delayed.

Thus, I've now waited over 14 months for this limited car. Is it worth it to me?

Not anymore. I won't enroll again, if they are going to treat their premium members like that.

It is sad that people can't own responsibility and be honest with us fans, especially how much we contribute to their lives.

21 months? Bad move on the artist part AND the company rep. 14 months for HW, bad move as well.

Communication with the fans is why certain artists/companies excel. Clearly, there really was a shortage in both my case and the original poster's situation.

Now you can better understand my frustration. We fans do everything to keep these people in business.

They need to be much more fair with us fans.

Cheers bud!
Post 7 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
I'm not "supporting" anything. All I said was "life happens."

I said 4 months is a normal turnaround for commissions.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user

No worries DL....*hands you a beer*

I get your meaning....

I'm done ranting for the is what passing kidney stones do to me....*smiles*...

*drops mike*

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