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CBCS Signature ASPSignatures

Marvel BS @ C2E22667

COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Towmater There's plenty of legitimate reasons for a fan to not want a signature personalized, beyond the fact that it would cause the line wait time to increase significantly
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@Towmater There's plenty of legitimate reasons for a fan to not want a signature personalized, beyond the fact that it would cause the line wait time to increase significantly

I'm viewing it from the person who is signing the item. If they want the line to move faster they can set rules on how many, it being personalized, whatever. It is their autograph. People will either continue to pay, e.g., Adam West, or they won't.

I good with limit 2 of whatever item and it has to be personalized. The lines would be much shorter. Oh, and another example is Jim Lee doing sketches now. If he does one at a show they are personalized now.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector Kanaloa private msg quote post Address this user
limiting # seems so much easier/smarter than pissing off fans who took the time to protect the comic.

Although I don't know why I comment about Marvel. I haven't bought a modern Marvel comic in my life. Stir the pot a little I guess. Valiant all the way
Post 28 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Whoever made that call at Marvel is asinine, but that is starting to be par for the course at Marvel.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user
Here is an example of a signing in ABQ this past Jan.

George Perez had a personal representative at his booth. And what her job was, was to take your name and qty of books to sign, and then handed me a "number in line" to wait until I was called.

Limit was three signatures, and/or one sketch per person.

My number wasn't for about an hour and a half, so I was able to roam the convention at leisure and when my number was within ten of the "call up", I would go and get CBCS and do the verification.

It was pretty painless.

Oh yeah....I did have him sign IG #1....hehehe.....
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ZosoRocks
Here is an example of a signing in ABQ this past Jan.

George Perez had a personal representative at his booth. And what her job was, was to take your name and qty of books to sign, and then handed me a "number in line" to wait until I was called.

Limit was three signatures, and/or one sketch per person.

My number wasn't for about an hour and a half, so I was able to roam the convention at leisure and when my number was within ten of the "call up", I would go and get CBCS and do the verification.

It was pretty painless.

Oh yeah....I did have him sign IG #1....hehehe.....

He's done that for years. It is his way of being nice to the fans and allowing their dollars to go to other vendors instead of being locked in your pocket if you were waiting in line.
Post 31 IP   flag post
Collector ZosoRocks private msg quote post Address this user
I thought it was a great way to move the line and still get what you want signed.

He is one of the many artists I found to be very personable and friendly to the fan base.

*thumbs up*

Post 32 IP   flag post
Collector Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user
I agree with limits on number of signatures. 3 sounds good to me.

Dislike the idea of personalizing them. I would pass on any that make that a requirement. Just my personal preference.
Post 33 IP   flag post
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