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Adam West / Burt Ward Autographs2663

Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
Has anyone been to a comicon this year thus far where Adam West and/or Burt Ward have appeared? I'm thinking of going to Terrificon where they will both be, willing to pay for one of the "Bat-ur-Day Night Special" ticket packages...but it doesn't mention either of the two signing autographs. I was wondering if anyone has seen them signing or gotten one of their autographs this year. I'm ok not having a CGC or CBCS witness...I just want them to sign my Batman '66 issue #1 photo cover.
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Collector mattness private msg quote post Address this user
I met Adam West at SVCC where he signed a photo for me. It was announced at SVCC that Adam West would only sign an item if it was personalized. No dealers stocking up on signed merchandise allowed.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector VaComicsGuy private msg quote post Address this user
I met Adam West a few times and got autographs. One, I saw him in a hallway at a con and he signed a book for me. Once I was at a talk he was giving. He saw a comic I had and asked if I wanted it signed. Another I got at a show. Every time, he has been exceptionally nice. I think he actually enjoys meeting and talking with fans. I do know that he enjoys when fans ask him about more than just his Batman work.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector Ginosdad private msg quote post Address this user
Adam West would love to talk, given the chance. I saw him and Burt Ward a few years ago at a Hollywood show. His "handler" wouldn't let him have any conversation, and everything had to be personalized.....meanwhile this guy was stuffing $100 bills in his fanny pack like he was working at build-a-bear.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector VaComicsGuy private msg quote post Address this user
The sigs I have, I didn't pay anything for but that might be because of how I got them. I don't think any of mine are personalized but again, that might be because of how/where I obtained them.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
What Is considered personalized? Does he have to put a personal message on it? I'm not interested in resale value, just a big fan. I did meet him back in 1989 right when the first Tim burton movie was coming out. He did a speech of which I cannot recall anything about, but found him to be very sincere and personable, connecticting with the audience. Knowing his convention days are winding down I wanted one last chance for an autograph, even better if I can get burt too. Didn't know if he even offers to sign anything at his appearances these days.

Maybe if I bring the comic I had him sign then plus the original ticket stub, which I kept with it, he would give me the benefit of the doubt and sign my latest comic. If anything, it would be an ice breaker!
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector mattness private msg quote post Address this user
In my experience personalized usually means it has the fans name on the item. For instance my photo has "To Matt Adam West" It can also have a note or message but I believe it always contains the fans name. Here is a fun personalized note from Rick Parker too

Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector Eggman private msg quote post Address this user
@ the SVCC last week, they were both there. I got B&B #200 (newsstand) autographed by both, high grade. Witnessed and graded by CBCS. Anyhow, the lines were fairly long. Adam's moved pretty fast; almost no talking. His handler was stuffing wads of cash as people approached, asked for your name, and handed the item to Adam. He personalized it "To X, Adam West". Burt was practically the exact same, but he moved really, really slow. Like to talk about some animal rescue stuff/whatnot with people.

Anyhow, for items you bring to Adam it was a whopping $120/item cash, $100/item for Burt. I probably would have rethought it had I known beforehand, but I was committed at that point. Plus, I'll probably never get the opportunity again.

They were minting $$$.
Post 8 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
It's annoying when they don't publicize prices beforehand.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
So they were charging $100 and still personalizing it? That's a bit much. I'd rather get Stan lees auto on a comic he actually had some artistic input for that price and have a future investment.
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