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Filling out the form online for drop off?2621

I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
So, a friend of mine is attending a Con this weekend, & I noticed CBCS will be there.

He's willing to drop a couple books off at the booth for me, I just want to make it easy for him.

If I fill out the form online ahead of time as if I'm going to mail the books in, & send it along with them, I understand this will speed up the process. My question is about the billing process in this instance.

If I fill out the form & mail books in, my credit card is billed when the books arrive at the CBCS office in Florida. However, at a show, I know it's standard practice to pay at the booth.

So, if my friend brings my books to the booth after I fill out the form online, my credit card information will be tied to the order through the website.

Will my card be charged when the order is received, or, should I send cash with my friend to pay at the booth?

And just to verify, if I fill out the online form, the order status updates will still be sent to my CBCS account, correct?

I hope this isn't too convoluted. Thank you for your help with this!
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Collector DLAComics private msg quote post Address this user
Billed when books get to the CBCS office after the con
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Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
sometimes i use cash but last year I had a TON of crap to get graded so i used my CC then. it's not "cash only" at cons. That's why there's the CC area o the form. As long as they have the form that you filled out online all filled out correctly there should be no issues whatsoever with any payment options. Your card info will be attatched to that invoice #. I actually fill my forms out online, print them & send them with my books when I send to Trinity comics for them to get books signed/ graded for me & i always use my card for those.
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