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New Project!: Commissioning The Raven2542

COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
So I was watching some old Simpsons dvds and I rewatched the first Treehouse of Horror and finally got to the final segment, the reading of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven by James Ear Jones:

Then inspiration struck. The Raven has long been my favorite poem; entraced by it's bleak imagery and rhythmic meter. I've been commissioning art on blank covers and I thought it might be awesome to marry the two and dedicate some commissions to illustrate passages from the poem.

What really clicked it for me is that I could ask Stuart Sayger to illustrate the key image, the raven perched on the bust of Pallas Athena with the word "nevermore" subtly echoing all around. I think Stuart's style can perfectly capture the tortured narrator's instability and fear.

From there, I'll find other artists, preferably working in paints, to illustrate several other key passages. Not adhering to any one art style but maintaining that feeling of paranoia and unrest the poem projects.

Reference will mostly come from Gustave Dore's woodcuts, which I feel is the difinitive, classical interpretation of the poem

I'll be commissioning these on blank covers of the recent Penny Dreadful series, as Poe himself was a key figure in that medium, and they'll all be going into CBCS ART labels.

It might take me a couple of years but I think it'd be great to, once they are finished, have them bound into a hardcover for myself and the artists.

Anyways, inspiration struck and I had to get that written down while the passion was still hot.
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Collector Johnny_B private msg quote post Address this user
That sounds incredible! I, for one, would be completely interested in how this project progresses. Keep us informed!
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks! It's certainly not something I'm in a hurry to complete. More like something that I can work towards little by little for a couple of years.

I haven't done any real planning but I have bought 8 copies of the Penny Dreadful blank to use but once I start figuring out exactly how many illustrations and of what each illustration should be, I might need to make some adjustments.

The first real update will probably come with SDCC where I'll hopefully be able to talk to Stuart and get the first commission done.

Also, if anyone has suggestions for artists, I'd love to hear them!
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I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user

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Collector no1lufcfan private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite Nice post good luck with your project…… I loved the Penny Dreadful TV series shame it was only ever written for the 3 series.
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@no1lufcfan Thank you!
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Collector ThorneArt private msg quote post Address this user
I love this idea!
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