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Should I??2303

Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
Curious what people's thoughts are on this, as i am becoming more & more confused. Anyone who knows me I have an insanely unhealthy obsession with Roxy "Freefall" from the comic Gen 13. Well..... I have the chance to meet actress EG Daily at an upcoming con. For those of us that are actually old enough to remember...... Daily voiced Roxy in the unreleased animated Gen 13 movie that was shelved due to Jim lee selling Windstorm to DC.

So now I'm going back & forth & wondering... should I get one of my Gen 13 books or piece of OA signed by her?? Normally I would go all in, but the fact that the movie was never actually released ..... "officially" (Yeah I have a bootleg copy. lol) has me questioning whether or not i should.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector Revelations private msg quote post Address this user
I say go for it. I recently had a Supergirl rebirth #1 signed by Helen Slater. It's not going to increase the value of the book, but as a fan, it's worth it to me. If you're a fan of the character and the actress, why not? The opportunity may not come again. I will always regret not making the 6 hr drive to meet Carrie Fischer.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector RyanHicks private msg quote post Address this user
If it is something that will make you happy to have in your collection then yea, i would definitely do it. If you are purely looking at it for resale, then no, i would not do it.

If you are going to do it, i would do a book over OA....personally i don't ever have anyone sign OA except for the artist
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector VaComicsGuy private msg quote post Address this user
I would. As a collector, I especially enjoy getting my hands on one of a kind items, even if they aren't valuable. I doubt any other Roxy, Gen 13 or EG Daily fans would have an autographed copy of an unreleased movie. Bring a book as a back up in case she declines to sign the movie.

As an aside, I agree with @RyanHicks. I wouldn't mess with OA.

Good Luck.
Post 4 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Yes. If the movie had never been made, I'd say no, but since it actually got produced enough for a bootleg to exist go for it.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
@Sirtoddington wow another Gen 13 fan, I thought i was the only one left. Go for it! 😀
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Sirtoddington
Curious what people's thoughts are on this, as i am becoming more & more confused. Anyone who knows me I have an insanely unhealthy obsession with Roxy "Freefall" from the comic Gen 13. Well..... I have the chance to meet actress EG Daily at an upcoming con. For those of us that are actually old enough to remember...... Daily voiced Roxy in the unreleased animated Gen 13 movie that was shelved due to Jim lee selling Windstorm to DC.

So now I'm going back & forth & wondering... should I get one of my Gen 13 books or piece of OA signed by her?? Normally I would go all in, but the fact that the movie was never actually released ..... "officially" (Yeah I have a bootleg copy. lol) has me questioning whether or not i should.


I woukd have to think there are not many CBCS or CGC slabs with her signature on them.

I would have her a handful of comics if a CBCS AW or CGC SS witness will be present.If not, I'd narrow the stack down to 2 to 3 books.

If there are any covers that her character is prominently featured on, have her sign those books.

I would also suggest a Gen 13 #1, first series.

Most people consider this book the 1st app of Gen 13, Deathmate Black never caught on like Gen 13 #1 did.

Deathmate Black is still certainly a book I'd have her sign.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
Have her sign #14. That would look awesome.

Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
Have her sign #14. That would look awesome.

OMG! That is LITERALLY my Grail! I want the original art to that cover SO BAD! I have no idea where it is or who owns it but i would love to track it down...... well... if i could afford it. lol. I sadly don't make enough to spend the multi thousands it takes now to get JSC's OA.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by Sirtoddington
Curious what people's thoughts are on this, as i am becoming more & more confused. Anyone who knows me I have an insanely unhealthy obsession with Roxy "Freefall" from the comic Gen 13. Well..... I have the chance to meet actress EG Daily at an upcoming con. For those of us that are actually old enough to remember...... Daily voiced Roxy in the unreleased animated Gen 13 movie that was shelved due to Jim lee selling Windstorm to DC.

So now I'm going back & forth & wondering... should I get one of my Gen 13 books or piece of OA signed by her?? Normally I would go all in, but the fact that the movie was never actually released ..... "officially" (Yeah I have a bootleg copy. lol) has me questioning whether or not i should.


I woukd have to think there are not many CBCS or CGC slabs with her signature on them.

I would have her a handful of comics if a CBCS AW or CGC SS witness will be present.If not, I'd narrow the stack down to 2 to 3 books.

If there are any covers that her character is prominently featured on, have her sign those books.

I would also suggest a Gen 13 #1, first series.

Most people consider this book the 1st app of Gen 13, Deathmate Black never caught on like Gen 13 #1 did.

Deathmate Black is still certainly a book I'd have her sign.

This is at a horror con in July, so there won't be any AW's there...... That i know of. But closer to the time I may ask around & see if someone that IS an AW might be attending. They're having Michael Cudlitz & Seth Gilliam from Walking dead there. i'm sure someone would be there to witness some WD books??
Post 10 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Fun Facts: She is also the voice of Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls. She also played Dottie in PeeWee's Big Adventure.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
@DarthLego Yeah i knew that she was in those. she also was on the Voice.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Revelations
I say go for it. I recently had a Supergirl rebirth #1 signed by Helen Slater. It's not going to increase the value of the book, but as a fan, it's worth it to me. If you're a fan of the character and the actress, why not? The opportunity may not come again. I will always regret not making the 6 hr drive to meet Carrie Fischer.

Actually that's where I was having my issues. Helen Slater actually played Supergirl in a film that got made, & made many cameos in Smallville/ current Supergirl series. So Slater has that recognition already with the character since those are things that have been released. She also interestingly enough co-wrote Supergirl #50... I can't remember which volume off the top of my head but it was like within the last 5 years because I had her sign my 2 copies & she made a comment that she hadn't even seen them yet & had her agent/ handler go off & find her the copies. lol. Now, with daily, she played a voice for a character in a movie that was shelved due to ownership issues.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector SpiderTim private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by RyanHicks
If it is something that will make you happy to have in your collection then yea, i would definitely do it. If you are purely looking at it for resale, then no, i would not do it.

If you are going to do it, i would do a book over OA....personally i don't ever have anyone sign OA except for the artist

I agree. A signature on comics would be okay especially since those books aren't worth that much. But OA, I'd never have an actress sign OA maybe if the OA was featured in a released movie that the actor held in their hands.

I disagree on the artist part of having OA signed because I love to get the writer, artist, inker and letterer if the letters are in the OA.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Revelations private msg quote post Address this user
Just get the signature on one of the comics. You'll be happy you did if you are a fan of hers. I wouldn't dwell on what makes it "legit" because it's your book. She would probably be happy that you have recognized her work as a fan too.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
@Sirtoddington You might appreciate this one as a fellow Gen 13 collector. Finally got all these back from CBCS. Complete set of all 5 Puzzle Chromium #1's (1995). Verified Sig
The blue label is unsigned from the rare red box set (Artist Proof).

Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector OrbitCityComics private msg quote post Address this user
Totally worth it. She might even get a laugh out of it.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
@KingNampa AWESOME! Those are the only #1's i don't have. i have every Gen 13 book otherwise. well... till the 3rd volume anyhow. lol. I still have my invoice paperwork from when i pre ordered all 13 #1's from Another Universe way back when! God..... they were like $20 a piece in today's money! lol. I'm STILL holding out hope that I'll be able to meet JSC & somehow by some miracle of nature am able to persuade him to sketch Roxy on my Gen 13 #1 blank I've been holding for that exact purpose!
Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
@OrbitCityComics I wonder if she remembers how she did the voice!? Because.... Yeah... I'm SO asking her to try! lol.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector Sirtoddington private msg quote post Address this user
I'm seriously thinking about maybe having her sign one of my Gen 13's from the original miniseries. Possibly my Ashcan? The animated movie was pretty much the word for word the miniseries san's Pitt.... due to copywriter issues obviously. So it would only seam appropriate to have her sign one or all of my issues from the miniseries the movie she was in followed.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector cseale0223 private msg quote post Address this user
I say go for it. As a fan you would be disappointed if you didnt do it and look back on this chance. And yes I would do one of the miniseries that it follows probably the one with the cover that is your favorite.
Post 21 IP   flag post
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