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NJ Comic Expo Mail Call and Experience2167

Collector EddiePaxil private msg quote post Address this user
I introduced myself on this board last year after doing tons of research and choosing CBCS as my grading company of choice as I take my Hulk collection to the level of an investment. I had some wonderful conversations behind the scenes especially with Earthshaker01.

Now I have 5 CBCS slabs, but bought those already slabbed. I waited for the New Jersey Comic Expo to send out my first batch because my man Peter David was going to be there and I wanted him to sign some, Ok alot of stuff I could send out. The convention was November 19-20. I asked for some guidance here on how to approach things and that advice was awesome guys. I got my bronze membership the morning of the 19th and we were on our way.

Let me just say this. If you live close enough to Edison to attend this convention next year do it. I know it was my first, but I asked patrons, vendors, and artists where this ranked they all said it was an awesome convention and Robert Bruce of comic book men fame said it's almost the best one in New Jersey now and it's only existed for two years. My wife was going to bail on me that morning before we left. I convinced her to come. As that first day ended and we were walking towards the car she said, "That's the most fun we've had in years, I can't wait to come back tomorrow."

My CBCS experience was great. we went straight to their area on arrival. We had stuff to be signed that we could slab, some we couldn't (Peter David's novels and the Dark Tower comic series bound like a hardcover book), and we had stuff we were sending unsigned. So we decided to send the Peter David stuff and unsigned stuff on day 1. Then on day 2 a book signed by Bob Layton, one by Fabian Nicieza, and anything new we found we wanted signed. The CBCS guys treated us wonderfully. I said I'm submitting some straight away today but I'd like to get Peter David to sign about 11 that I'm sending your way. They had the witness situation taken care of quickly and we were on our way. Peter was nice and gracious. Signed about 17 things for me in all. He does not charge but has a tip jar. I took care of him because his work brought me much comfort and joy as a child for many reasons. We went back to CBCS with everything and the guys explained everything I had to do step by step. They checked on me regularly as I filled out the paperwork, and more importantly were personable and friendly. They didn't talk to me as a customer and I mean that as a compliment. They talked to me as a fellow collector. They took great care of my books when I was done. We got to the convention at 10am. We were done with all of this by just before 12 which we did not expect.

We were free of that "business" portion and had a blast the rest of the day. We found trinkets, new up and coming artists and writers, my wife found old horror comics she loved, we bought Iron Man 132 for Bob Layton to sign they next day because Hulk, and we bought the 2nd appearance of Deadpool for Fabian Nicieza to sign. The two coolest experiences of the first day though hands down were bumping into an old co-worker who I didn't know was interested let alone in the hobby. He had inked and done the cover for a wonderful kids book called A Cat Named Haiku He and the main artist/ writer signed it and then..... my friend Jenaro penciled and inked the main character inside the cover of the book for us. Great experience. The other was at a vendor and this leads us towards a bit of suspense as we waited for our grades. My wife and I were scouring a vendor's comic clearance area when I found something in the $5 area that I showed my wife and almost put back had she not noticed something. (I have monocular vision so my depth perception stinks) I found a Mickey Mantle Magnum comic from 1991. We're huge baseball fans, big Yankees fans, I'm trying to get into the baseball business, and we love the Mick. (We watch 61* four times a year.) I was about to put it back when my wife says, "Is it signed?" I said, "I think that signature is just printed on the cover." She takes it and says, "No hon, that's marker." So I looked carefully and she was right. But was it real? I said well it's only $5, $16 to grade and slab, and $25 to verify the signature if CBCS has the Mick in the database. We could end up with a real nice piece with crossover appeal. In the sports world it's memorabilia and there they typically only deal in signature authenticity, having that and a graded and slabbed book would give it uniqueness. So we said why the hell not.

The next day we went right back to the CBCS got the witness situation taken care of and got the one book signed by Layton the other by Nicieza. Then we went back to the CBCS booth and asked if Mickey Mantle's signature was something they would have on file. They said yes. So we presented what we'd just gotten signed, and the Mantle comic. Everyone couldn't gush enough as to what a wonderful find that could turn into. A gentleman in line behind us saw it and said, "This could be great. Do you mind if I look closer, I have three balls signed by Mickey?" I said sure. He believed it to be real. So we crossed our fingers. Sent everything off and once again the guys at CBCS couldn't have been nicer. The day before one of them was looking for a Harley Quinn book and my wife wished him luck finding it. 5 minutes later a vendor passed by and they got talking and he had the book. In the 2nd day he was looking towards my wife for luck, and found another book he was looking for.

That 2nd day was even better. We went to a panel about villians where the host couldn't stand how much I liked the Governor from Walking Dead. We went to another even better panel with my man Peter David, Fabian Nicieza, and Sean Chen. Sean Chen was so quiet compared to the two bombastic personaties that flanked him I would've liked to hear more from him.Now I know all about Peter as I've followed his blog silently. I did not know the truth that is Fabian Nicieza. Now I know that more of Deadpool comes from that fellow Jersey boy than people realize. Also their responses to a question I asked both of them turned me on to two Kirby creations I wasn't familiar with. Demon and Kamandi. (I've always been a Marvel guy and this was before the challenge was known) Fabian spoke with such passion about Kamandi I wanted to check him out. Which leads to the awesome last 10 minutes or so we were there before they closed up. We were on our way to the vintage vendor we got the Iron Man from. We bumped into a young artist/writer named Christopher Lopez my wife really liked and bought his book Vantablack. The best description I can give is it's a dark hero story, but the art has a very basic fun newspaper comics feel. It appealed to my wife. We decided to also buy some of his art. We were on a budget though. So we had to choose between a print she really liked and an original drawing he did right there. She chose the drawing thinking it made a better talking piece for the house. When we bumped into him he gave my wife the print free of charge. He appreciated how much she liked his work and no one else bought the print. We thanked him. Then went to that vintage vendor and asked about Kamandi telling him the story. He said he had the whole run. He said the later ones weren't very expensive. I said, "That's not how you read a comic. If you can, you start from #1 and I'm a go big or go home guy." So I bought number one. As I was signing the IPad and putting in my email in for the receipt he walked away. When he came back he gave me #2-4 right there for free. He handed me his card and said if you like it buy more from me. I did like it and intend to buy that and more from that wonderful guy. That was the New Jersey Comic Expo the best weekend my wife and I had in a long time.

Now the big reveal, but first upon getting their first newsletter I contacted CBCS in hopes that my books would have the new labels and they do.

So what grades did I get...

First where I took a bath:

Avengers #17 (1965) 0.5
I had two Incredible Hulk #340s signed by Peter David, one came back 5.5
I had three Incredible Hulk #330s (First McFarlane) one came back 7.5
I had 2-4 of the Wolverine 1982 limited series #4 came back 7.0.
I had three Incredible Hulk 377s signed Peter David one came back 7.0

Those that came back as expected:

Incredible Hulk 102 (Factory missing a Staple) 4.5
Incredible Hulk 330 another one 9.0
A second Incredible Hulk 377 signed Peter David came back 8.0
Iron Man 132 signed by Bob Layton 6.0
Wolverine #1 1988 full series three of them: 8.0, 9.4, & 9.6

Fully and Pleasantly Surprised:

Incredible Hulk 328 first Peter David signed by him 9.4
The third Incredible Hulk 330 9.2
The other Incredible Hulk 340 signed by Peter David 9.2
The third Incredible Hulk 377 signed by Peter David 9.0
Incredible Hulk #449 (First Thunderbolts) signed by Peter Davis 9.2
Hulk: Future Imperfect #1 signed by Peter David 9.8
Hulk Future Imperfect #2 signed Peter David 9.8
Incredible Hulk: The End signed Peter David 9.6
X-Force 2 signed by Fabian Nicieza 9.8

And the moment you've been waiting for.......

Mickey Mantle #1 from Magnum Comics unexpectedly got a wonderful 9.6 grade and the signature was..... REAL it has a red label!!! It's also the only one CBCS included a picture of with the grader notes which is why I can share that today even though the box arrives Tuesday:

Really excited to send more out and for next year's New Jersey Comic Expo. CBCS better be there.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector VaComicsGuy private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the info and congratulations on your books.
I met Peter David a few years ago and he was very nice to everyone and very generous with his time.
Post 2 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for sharing your con experience with us!! I always enjoy hearing peoples experiences, especially when they are good ones!!

Great job on the Mick!!! I'm not a huge baseball fan, but it's Mickey Mantle!! He's an American Icon!! I think any comic collector (well, any that aren't opposed to signatures on covers) would be excited to have that in their collection. As a Yankees fan, I'm sure you are even more floored!!

And just a guess, but if CBCS provided you with a free picture of the slab, I think it's safe to assume it will show up in the gallery once it is up again!!

Thanks again for sharing!!
Post 3 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
I saw that book pop into our gallery folder the other day. I thought, "someone will be happy with that for sure."

Glad you had a good experience at the show, and the great ending for your story.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector Absolute_Zero private msg quote post Address this user
Wow what a great story and some great books. I am took young to have seen the Mickey play ball but i love the game and know who the Man was. Probably my 2nd favorite play behind Shoeless Joe Jackson. Thanks for sharing your first comic experience and hope you get to wnjoy orther con. Hoping to meet the CBCS guys at Denver Comic Con this year. Peter David is a great guy
Post 5 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
I went to NJ expo on the second day as Zapp! Comics had their half price sale the day before.

I was mostly there for signatures (Zeck, Finch, Nicenza, Layton, Linser, both Moraleses, etc.) but also found some bargains on books I bought in the hour or so I had left after getting the sigs I wanted.

Not sure I would have much use for a second day there but wss very happy with the day I did attend. I would recommend this show to anyone that is on the fence.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector jrs private msg quote post Address this user
@EddiePaxil, this is a great summary. Happy to hear everything worked out, and it sounds like that Mickey Mantle find could have made your day even without all of the other great things you bought, did, and experienced.
Post 7 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user
Looks like you had a Nice show. Lots of cool books and a super cherry on top with that Mantle book.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector EddiePaxil private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks guys. It was a great experience. Just saw the gallery, kinda cool that in my first submission batch I got one up there.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EddiePaxil

Now the big reveal, but first upon getting their first newsletter I contacted CBCS in hopes that my books would have the new labels and they do.

So what grades did I get...

First where I took a bath:

Avengers #17 (1965) 0.5
I had two Incredible Hulk #340s signed by Peter David, one came back 5.5
I had three Incredible Hulk #330s (First McFarlane) one came back 7.5
I had 2-4 of the Wolverine 1982 limited series #4 came back 7.0.
I had three Incredible Hulk 377s signed Peter David one came back 7.0

Those that came back as expected:

Incredible Hulk 102 (Factory missing a Staple) 4.5
Incredible Hulk 330 another one 9.0
A second Incredible Hulk 377 signed Peter David came back 8.0
Iron Man 132 signed by Bob Layton 6.0
Wolverine #1 1988 full series three of them: 8.0, 9.4, & 9.6

Fully and Pleasantly Surprised:

Incredible Hulk 328 first Peter David signed by him 9.4
The third Incredible Hulk 330 9.2
The other Incredible Hulk 340 signed by Peter David 9.2
The third Incredible Hulk 377 signed by Peter David 9.0
Incredible Hulk #449 (First Thunderbolts) signed by Peter Davis 9.2
Hulk: Future Imperfect #1 signed by Peter David 9.8
Hulk Future Imperfect #2 signed Peter David 9.8
Incredible Hulk: The End signed Peter David 9.6
X-Force 2 signed by Fabian Nicieza 9.8

And the moment you've been waiting for.......

Mickey Mantle #1 from Magnum Comics unexpectedly got a wonderful 9.6 grade and the signature was..... REAL it has a red label!!! It's also the only one CBCS included a picture of with the grader notes which is why I can share that today even though the box arrives Tuesday:

Really excited to send more out and for next year's New Jersey Comic Expo. CBCS better be there.

CBCS will be at the Big Apple Con in less than 3 weeks....

FYI, the Big Apple Con blows the NJ Comic Expo out of the water.They are also about 45 minutes apart from one another...

I set up at the first NJ Comic Expo, wasn't impressed by the amount of comics available at the show, nor the attendance.I didn't come back to the second NJCE in 2016...the majority feedback I read from attendees and dealers about the show on the CGC Forums who attended the 2016 NJCE was not positive, either.

Way more dealers and guests at the Big Apple Con...Stan Lee will be there for one.

Next time around, I'd suggest having all of your books pressed by CBCS, before they are graded....that 9.6 Mickey Mantle could have had a couple non color breaking spine ticks and whammo-o , pressed out you'd have a 9.8.

Virtually all comics will improve from dry cleaning & pressing.An actual grade of the book may not improve sometimes, but as far as preventing further damage and conserving the book, I press virtually all of the books I sub to both companies.Whenever I don't press books, I 99% of the time will regret it because I'll get back 9.4/9.6's when I could have otherwise gotten back a 9.8.

That aside, hats off to you on the verified mantle signature....super jealous off that book, be still my beating heart
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector EddiePaxil private msg quote post Address this user
@CopperAgeKids CBCS wasn't offering pressing yet at rhe time or I might have for the Mantle because we were sending it from right there. Otherwise I have a guy.
Post 11 IP   flag post
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