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Comics Golden Age


Collector Sagii private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by martymann
I don't remember ever seeing PETUNIA in any of the Cartoons...
I only remember her from the comic books.


She was in some of the EARLY black and white Porky shorts. She made an appearance in recent years in 'The Looney Tunes Show' series(2011-2014) on Cartoon Network.
Post 1026 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user


Post 1027 IP   flag post
Collector Jimmers private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by martymann
While sorting through some boxes I ran across some items, not comics,
that I saved from my years in the NAVY. This is one from December 30, 1956.


That's real nifty Marty!
Happy New Year.
Post 1028 IP   flag post
Collector Sagii private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by martymann


Happy New Year Marty!
Post 1029 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Something different on the newsstand.


Post 1030 IP   flag post

PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
While adding this image to my list on Nostomania, I thought I'd
share it here again.


Post 1031 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Another one to be added to my list on Nostomania.


Post 1032 IP   flag post
Collector Badger private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by martymann
Another one to be added to my list on Nostomania.


I always liked this one. Seems to truly be from a different time.
Post 1033 IP   flag post
Collector Badger private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by martymann
This might be the last SUB-MARINER wartime cover...Fall 1945.


It is indeed the last Subby war cover! man, that looks like a nice copy, Marty! <drool emoticon>
Post 1034 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
One of my "forgotten favorites".


Post 1035 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
The DOC STRANGE story about a plan to destroy the Panama Canal
with a submarine, is one that for some reason I never forgot.


Post 1036 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@martymann - Another great Alex Schomburg cover, Marty! That one is pretty rare, only 9 copies of that issue are on the CGC Census.
Post 1037 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
This issue contains a Full-Page ad for EDUCATIONAL COMICS PICTURE
STORIES FROM THE BIBLE, both Old Testament and New Testament.
Also a two page "Picture Story from American History" about Benedict
Arnold and Nathan Hale and a four page "Picture Story from Mythology
The Story of King Cronus And Young Jupiter".
The American History story contained the note "Copyright 1945 by
M.C. Gaines.
Plus it's a great cover!


Post 1038 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Overstreet lists it as "Classic Schomburg Hooded Bondage Cover'.
I always took it as a Halloween cover.


Post 1039 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by martymann
This issue contains a Full-Page ad for EDUCATIONAL COMICS PICTURE
STORIES FROM THE BIBLE, both Old Testament and New Testament.
Also a two page "Picture Story from American History" about Benedict
Arnold and Nathan Hale and a four page "Picture Story from Mythology
The Story of King Cronus And Young Jupiter".
The American History story contained the note "Copyright 1945 by
M.C. Gaines.
Plus it's a great cover!



Marty -

This book is an amazing piece of comic history. We identify Wonder Woman as a DC character, but she was first an All-American Publication, which eventually merged with National Periodical Publications. M. C. Gaines is a legendary figure in the birth of comics as we know them. The Educational Comics you refer to would eventually be taken over by his son, Bill, and become the EC comics that are so sought after today for their still controversial covers. Thanks so much for sharing!

Here’s a picture of a few of the people that were involved in creating that comic. Can you name them? Here’s a hint, they say that Gaines (the senior) resembled a character from the Wizard of Oz.

Post 1040 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by esaravo
Originally Posted by martymann
This issue contains a Full-Page ad for EDUCATIONAL COMICS PICTURE
STORIES FROM THE BIBLE, both Old Testament and New Testament.
Also a two page "Picture Story from American History" about Benedict
Arnold and Nathan Hale and a four page "Picture Story from Mythology
The Story of King Cronus And Young Jupiter".
The American History story contained the note "Copyright 1945 by
M.C. Gaines.
Plus it's a great cover!



Marty -

This book is an amazing piece of comic history. We identify Wonder Woman as a DC character, but she was first an All-American Publication, which eventually merged with National Periodical Publications. M. C. Gaines is a legendary figure in the birth of comics as we know them. The Educational Comics you refer to would eventually be taken over by his son, Bill, and become the EC comics that are so sought after today for their still controversial covers. Thanks so much for sharing!

Here’s a picture of a few of the people that were involved in creating that comic. Can you name them? Here’s a hint, they say that Gaines (the senior) resembled a character from the Wizard of Oz.

THANK YOU!...I have no idea who they are in the picture...please
enlighten me.
This could be one of the next books I have graded.

Post 1041 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@martymann - going from left to right they are: Charles Moulton (the creator of Wonder Woman), artists H.G. Peter and Sheldon Mayer, and M.C. Gaines.
Post 1042 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
Marty - It must be very difficult to pick which books to have graded. With your wonderful collection, I look at it as preservation more than grading, trying to keep the best and rarest copies sound (and around) for future generations to enjoy.
I would start with those that are not water damaged or incomplete. Then I would look at the iconic covers, like those amazing Schomburg covers, the horrific EC’s, and the Batman/Joker ones. But they are your treasures, so you have to make the hard decisions. I’m just glad that you share them with us too!
Post 1043 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
@esaravo I was thinking that was Gaines sitting on the right.
Post 1044 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by esaravo
Marty - It must be very difficult to pick which books to have graded. With your wonderful collection, I look at it as preservation more than grading, trying to keep the best and rarest copies sound (and around) for future generations to enjoy.
I would start with those that are not water damaged or incomplete. Then I would look at the iconic covers, like those amazing Schomburg covers, the horrific EC’s, and the Batman/Joker ones. But they are your treasures, so you have to make the hard decisions. I’m just glad that you share them with us too!

Thank you again for your truly kind words!
Yes, my primary aim is preservation, trying to keep my favorites
in as good a condition as I can...after so many years of cardboard
box storage.
And also hoping that the collecting community is aware that this
collection exists.

Post 1045 IP   flag post
Collector Badger private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by martymann
Originally Posted by esaravo
Marty - It must be very difficult to pick which books to have graded. With your wonderful collection, I look at it as preservation more than grading, trying to keep the best and rarest copies sound (and around) for future generations to enjoy.
I would start with those that are not water damaged or incomplete. Then I would look at the iconic covers, like those amazing Schomburg covers, the horrific EC’s, and the Batman/Joker ones. But they are your treasures, so you have to make the hard decisions. I’m just glad that you share them with us too!

Thank you again for your truly kind words!
Yes, my primary aim is preservation, trying to keep my favorites
in as good a condition as I can...after so many years of cardboard
box storage.
And also hoping that the collecting community is aware that this
collection exists.

Oh I think its safe to say that the collecting community knows of you and your fantastic collection, Marty.
Post 1046 IP   flag post
Collector Badger private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by martymann
Overstreet lists it as "Classic Schomburg Hooded Bondage Cover'.
I always took it as a Halloween cover.


No matter what Marty, this is an excellent comic and one that's towards the top of my want lists!
Post 1047 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
This one has V-2 Rockets on the cover.


Post 1048 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
This issue of BLACK CAT #5 is an example of why I loved comic books
as a kid...along with the BLACK CAT story, there was THE DEMON, THE
SCARLET ARROW, DANNY DIXON...CADET and an incredible story by SIMON



Post 1049 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
First time I looked at this in many years...contents page lists
STAN LEE...Managing Editor and Director of Art...71 years ago.


The entire inside printing is slightly out of registration.

Post 1050 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Scanning images for posting on NOSTOMANIA has given me an
opportunity to revisit and relist some titles in my collection.

IDEAL COMICS #4 1945-46




Post 1051 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
There always appeared to be an abundance of First Issue Funny Animal
Comics on the newsstand...and of course I had to buy them when I could.


Post 1052 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
The cover says "In this issue-The strange tale of a man who returned
from a Gorilla!!"

No such story in this issue.


Post 1053 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
Well, they did warn you on the cover. That it is a "new kind of comic book".
Post 1054 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Another cover that has nothing to do with the contents of the book.


Post 1055 IP   flag post
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