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Submitting books (packaging)2137

Collector Jellybeanbaked420 private msg quote post Address this user
Being that this will be my first time sending in books, i want to make sure i get it right. I did see a cgc tutorial video on how they prefer to recieve their books. Looked like they used just the regular sleeves with boards.

But today i got my uncanny x-men #5 venom variant and it came in a hard plastic sleeve. It was really nice. Should i use those when i ship to cbcs instead of the soft sleeves?

And when it comes to the grading screen. Should i pick a low score because id hate to get a book back not graded because i picked too high of a score.

Any advice is a noob lol
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Jellybeanbaked420 The CGC packing video is probably your best bet. You can certainly package your books however makes you feel comfortable but you should do so under the assumption that you won't get any of your packaging materials back.

If you don't want books to not be graded because of the grade screen, then don't use the feature at all. Grade screen is more for collectors that only want books above a certain grade. If you just want the book graded, don't set a grade screen and they will grade the book regardless.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user
I my self dont send the top loader. I keep those for my self. But what i normally do is pack the books between hard cardboard, and depending how many i send i flip the books to where they face each other. I use regular scotch tap and secure the books to the board. Leaving tabs. If mailing myltiple books i would place three books together with a hard board and another 3 books and sandwiching it all together with the hard cardboard. Using scotch tape with tabs to secure the books. When cutting the cardboards i make sure they are about 1/2" wider than the books cuz i bubble wrap it all and place inside a box with shreeded paper to fill the void.

Ive never done a grade screen. I leave the grade alone, and have them grade the book.
Post 3 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Grade Screening is optional, if you absolutely want it slabbed no matter what then don't select screening.

Are you talking about a top loader? Nothing wrong with sending a book in one if you are concerned about it getting damaged, but you most likely won't get it returned to you. So if you don't mind loosing the top loader forever go for it. I've just used bags and boards sandwiched between sheets of cardboard and then placed into a Gemini style comic book mailer or a box if there's a larger number of comics.
Post 4 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
I always ship books bagged and boarded. I stack them alternating spines to get a nice flat stack. When sending to CBCS I usually submit in batches of 10 to 15 (cheaper shippping costs per book) and place the entire stack inside a magazine bag to prevent any movement or shifting of the books. I also use blue painters tape because its easier to remove than regular tape or packing tape. I then put a layer of small bubble wrap around the bundle and surround that with a Gemini mailer (you could use two pieces of cardboard or even make your own). I then use larger bubble wrap around that until it fits snug inside a USPS medium-sized 2-day flat rate box (or UPS or FedEx, whatever your preference). Any voids are filled with packing peanuts, little air-pillows, bubble wrap, paper, or even crumpled plastic bags. The idea is not to let anything move around inside. And don't forget to include a printed copy of your order's invoice inside the package before you seal it up. Just in case, I always insure my packages - and that can be more expensive than the shipping cost. Good luck, and welcome to the forums.
Post 5 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
PS - CBCS does not return bags, boards, plastic cases, etc. I can only imagine the stack of mylite bags and halfbacks piled up on the table in the lunch room at CBCS (Free, please take home)! LOL
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user
@esaravo ive always wanted to see what they do with all those bags and boards at the end of the day. It just boggles my mind. I would go nuts over the mylar bags.
Post 7 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@DertyComix - it has to be one of the perks for working there, right?
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user
Oh I know. I would be like a fat kid in a twinkie factory, All the money youbwould save on bags and boards of that quality. Hell if they need a part time janitor i would do it if they paied me in mylar bags and boards.
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