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Swedenborg NJ Comic Con 11/10 - THIS SUNDAY 👀👀🤔🍻21304

I have not set up at a con since 2029. PolarisNuclearSS2020 private msg quote post Address this user

I will be set up with a 6 foot table at this show tomorrow, this Sunday.

This is the only solid 1 day comic con in the northeast with the exception of Carbo’s 2 day Big Apple which is a yearly or Bo-yearly show.

Always a great show ….this is the only show in the area where I always did well at…and there’s a lot of silver and gold dealers in the room.

Attendance is around 1000-1600 at this show…..this is the only show in the area where I always did well at…and there’s a lot of silver and gold dealers in the room.

I have not set up at a con since 2029, got a call from the promoter that a dealer canceled and he offered me a 6 foot table.

I will be bringing all my price point short boxes:

$3/per book

$5/per book

$10/ per book

1-2 short boxes of $20 and up raws.

A 6 foot Flex-Sell display wall.

1 box of slabs.

A box of wall books.

98% of the books in my boxes were priced around 50% of what the books were selling for on ebay, back when I priced them ….which was from 2016 thru early 2019.

IOW, there are no pandemic boom prices on any of my books.

Most of my books are SA thru copper age, some gold and a little bit of 2000’s books.

All books are bagged and double boarded. Most of my $5’s are in Mylite2’s and full backs & all the rest are in Mylite2’s and full backs.

Ideally, I would like to trade off all the boxes on my 6 foot table at 25 cents on the dollar towards raw and/or slabbed books worth $50 or more.

If you live within an hour of Camden County, I can deliver all the boxes to your property (or meet at the lobby of a bank) make the trade or sale at that time, after the show is over…or we can work out a day/time to swing the deal/trade at my home.

Or on-site at the con.

I won’t have any signage at my booth, but I will be wearing a white n95 mask.

Odds are I will be one of the only dealers in an n95 mask- if not the only person wearing a n95 mask at the con.

I take the risk of getting LongCovid multi-organ damage very seriously and always wear an n95 indoors while in public.

This is a contributing factor as to why I don’t want to set up at shows, if you are wondering why I want to get out of my show stock; lugging boxes around in a mask sucks.
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I have not set up at a con since 2029. PolarisNuclearSS2020 private msg quote post Address this user
Last minute prep was not the brightest idea… still have a few boxes of random books to file 🤣

Howzabout some solid 9.8 90’s Harley Quinn for ten bucks a book ?🤔

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I have not set up at a con since 2029. PolarisNuclearSS2020 private msg quote post Address this user
Disregard this screenshot of BBVF, it is not my book.

My copy is a mycomicshop graded 2.5, though I put it at a solid 4.0…

First appearance of the road runner in comic books.

My copy has an art back cover….all other copies I have seen have a Jyicy Fruit back cover ad, not a Bugs cut out art page.

I can’t find any info on this, @poka you would be the guy to ask….??

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Collector Pocketrevoltech private msg quote post Address this user
Those are some great looking books. There's always a nice mix of vendors there. Have a good show!
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