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Comic Book Series with Respect to Comic Book Ages.21106

I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Just a discussion to see where other collectors think certain issues of a given comic book series fall with the given comic book ages; Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, and so on. Everyone has different opinions.

For example, I'm most familiar with the Uncanny X-Men run. For me, the Silver age contains issues 1-66. the reprints fall within the Bronze age, but are an entity all unto themselves. The definite Bronze age run would be Giant-Size X-Men 1 to issue 143. The last Bryne issue. Issue 144 starts the Copper run which lasts until about issue 312, Joe Madureira's first work on the title, which starts the Modern era. I stop collecting the run at issue 175 with is the last Paul Smith book and John Romita, Jr. (yuck) beginning with issue 176. I don't collect the reprint issues either.

Another example would be the Fantastic Four. Again, for me, the silver age runs from issues 1 to 102, with 102 being the last Kirby issue. The Bronze age would then run from issue 103 to 231. The Copper age would start with issue 232, the first Bryne issue and runs until issue 305, with the departure of Reed and Sue leaving the Thing in charge. An argument can also be made that the last Copper issue is 295, the last Byrne issue.

Thast's just a couple of ideas. I'm sure other folks have other ideas where the divisions occur.
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I'm not a plagiarist. I'm also not illiterate. drmccoy74 private msg quote post Address this user
for me
Golden Age

Silver Age

Bronze Age

Dark Age

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Collector DoorCntyComicColl private msg quote post Address this user
My thinking was the price of the book... As a kid I collected any book with a $0.12 cover price to say $0.20 was silver age. From 0.25 to $0.35 bronze... $0.40 to $0.75 copper... after that books got ridiculous with multiple variant covers to try and force collectors to buy god knows how many variants.. I stopped collecting at $0.75... or as my friends and I used to call it modern day ripoff... This was in the late 80s...

I agree where you were at with FF, Spider-man, X-Men, etc... those were the best stories and artwork hands down!!
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If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
I'm not going to pretend to feel strongly about it, but I would go more by industry-wide years than periods within a particular book. Especially with how writers and artists are cycled currently, and frequent reboots/renumbering, I think at some point it would be untenable to go by issue number.
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