CGC knowingly damaging books?20972
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ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I don't think I'll send them any books because I believe psa might be the most expensive of the companies. However, they picked the most perfect time to jump into the grading game lol . Cgc is taking themselves out of the conversation | ||
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PhilCoulson private msg quote post Address this user | |
If you send them books now they will probably be fine. What you have to be careful with is purchasing books online or via auction as almost no one takes side pics. My rule of thumb is that when looking online I will look up the cert and see when it was graded. I'm not buying anything graded between July 2023 - all of 2024. Completely avoiding them. Also, I rarely send books in to be graded. Maybe only 6-7 total of my collection but I'll be sending them all to CBCS moving forward. CGC just has too many issues and it's "when" not "if" the next one will come up. Why even get involved with it. I'll let others take that risk and buy what I want tonline. |
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ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I just did a CGC purge. They will be going to cbcs | ||
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PalmBeachPresser private msg quote post Address this user | |
I believe CGC has severely, and possibly permanently, damaged their brand and reputation with their most recent BananaGate statement. However, it must be acknowledged that CBCS does not appear to have the ability to gain market share primarily for one reason - the lack of desirability for their cases by the secondary market and therefore a lower value on the market even though it is unquestionably an equal or better product (even before the bent wells). CBCS is unlikely to get another opportunity to change their fate before either 1) CGC recovers and/or 2) PSA enters the market, and, if they don't they will be even less relevant in six months than they are today! Every effort to capitalize on this should be made right now! People want to get books graded and are now holding back from sending to CGC en masse but they are still unwilling to send to CBCS - believe me, as someone in the center of the sounding the CGC alarm, I know! CBCS should reduce prices below CGC prices to gain market share on Monday morning! They must immediately reach out to large auction facilitators, dealers, and influencers to promote their product. A 15 second Instagram post or two - although a step in the right direction - is an insufficient effort. CBCS, I want you to succeed, and this is the best opportunity for your books to begin to obtain price parity with CGC on the resale market! I will send books wherever customers want but the fact of the matter is I have sent several hundred of customer's submissions to CGC and only one to CBCS over the last two years! My customers are now asking about CBCS for the first time! LET'S GO!!! |
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ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by PalmBeachPresser Welcome to the forum!! LFG!!! |
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HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user | |
Hopeful for a CBCS SoFlo satellite office... |
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ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Mam, I hate defending against cgc shills talking about value. Cbcs is the best option for me and thats all that matters. If you want to send books there go ahead but don't complain or get mad when the books are curved. |
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by PalmBeachPresser It's shocking..I know of pressers who will not send to CBCS because of issues in the past - it's like CBCS has been shooting themselves in the foot over and over. I'm sick of dealing with FedEx and getting books back from USA so my next order I will try a local presser with decent reviews and he even interviewed our pal Steve....thing is he also no longer sends to CBCS - no idea why but that's his business..but it also means I'll likely be sending to CGC through him for lower total press/grade fees and lower return shipping/insurance and FedEx BS (which I only get when dealing with CBCS returns) I'll still send to CBCS so that MCS can pickup and sell my books directly because then the value proposition works (no return shipping/insurance or FedEx BS) but I think PC books might end up CGC...or more likely will remain in boxes |
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B3Chandler private msg quote post Address this user | |
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DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics And CGC hasn't?? |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
....and this is why CGC can and do give their client's the finger by acting the way they do because the clients keep coming back anyway....they deserve the CGC they're getting. | ||
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DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
It's not my job to convince anyone as to where to send their books. The cgc may currently be cheaper in some areas, but with most things, it seems as though you get what you pay for. That's said, I'm not buying anything graded by the cgc from 2023 onwards. They only exceptions would be pedigree books and then those would go to CBCS for regrade. I'm not spending any money on a potential comic book death trap. |
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ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DrWatson This right here! |
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poka private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by PalmBeachPresser except for the first couple of years - cbcs’s weak spots have always been 1) customer service 2) misplacing orders. no replies to emails / no one accepting calls. promises to call back and never does etc. reducing prices / approaching dealers will not help a bit if that is not fixed. there is a reason a number of pressers / dealers are not sending books to cbcs. |
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KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DWeeB1967 true...very true....but CGC appears to be a millipede or something...endless feet to shoot with apparently no harm... |
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DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics Yea, I don't get that, either. I mean, I don't necessarily want one company to have a monopoly on comic grading. However, I also don't understand the seemingly blind devotion that some have to CGC. I suppose others would say the same thing about folks who strongly favor CBCS. |
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DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KatKomics Yes, and the feet are made up of idiots who continue to take the path of least resistance. |
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PolarisNuclearSS2020 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by PalmBeachPresser With Baltimore Comic Con and CGC’s inept handling of this situation, CBCS could do well to temporarily drop prices for BCC submissions only, at least. CGC will be offering onsite grading at Baltimore….but with the banana problem unsolved and YouTubers getting increasingly vocal about holding off on subbing to CGC until they fix the issue, I think that dropping prices to undercut CGC at Baltimore and potentially pick up new ongoing submitters, is just good business sense. That said, I don’t think CGC has irreparably damaged their reputation, at this point. That would take months of complaints and submission volume drop offs. The bigger auction houses are the biggest vectors of graded books, it would take them losing bidder confidence in auctions for CGC’s standing to really take a dive. The irony is that this was all done to improve security of the cases and that wasn’t such a dire issue considering all CGC books now get scanned upon encapsulation making swapped out books virtually impossible to get over on buyers. While I am making this point, CBCS needs to start scanning all newly graded books (if they don’t already) for the same reason CGC scans all their newly graded books now. |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DrWatson I sincerely hope more people take this moronic approach. It would create an opportunity to acquire great books at bargain prices. The gap between the statements above and reality is wide enough to drive a truckload of misplaced cbcs books through… |
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Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user | |
There would be more credibility overall if people showed some objectivity. The CGC forum thread has a lot of great information, and was clearly a key piece to the puzzle for having CGC actually take action to address the issue. It eventually was overrun by one or two members repeating the same thing. A tired shtick of “CGC is the worst, the sky is falling,” which is similar to some posters here who aim to score brownie points by piling on. This isn’t a company selling carcinogenic products to kids. There are plenty of mistakes made all the time by companies that sell products (or services) for profit. The profit motive absolutely factors in but that’s also how they ultimately stay in business (which both CGC and CBCS are, businesses). Customers can and should vote with their feet but it should be based in reality. CBCS has an opportunity to improve their position vs CGC. PSA is on the horizon too. Both need to do a -better- job than CGC to take business away - because the reality is they are all flawed businesses (as all businesses are). People can post stupid memes or make idiotic pronouncements all they want. At the end of the day the trailing competitors need to improve their game if they intend to capture more of this currently-shrinking market. As of right now, the state of facts as I gather are as follows: 1) The issue was most prominent on modern age books. The % impacted is not entirely clear, nor is the typical severity. 2) CGC has apparently corrected the issue. Either completely or (at least) for SA and older books. 3) CGC is making what appear to be false claims about likelihood of damage as at least in many cases the books are in fact damaged (which is what we’d expect). 4) The damage appears to be immediate or nearly so, rather than progressive. If it is due to too-small inner wells, this makes sense as shortly after heat sealing the book is being compressed and bending to one side. 5) Personal opinion: for those impacted, there is an opportunity to launch a class action suit for damages, with some opportunity to avoid exculpatory clauses if the CGC was fully aware of the damage being caused (with some important questions of fact tbd). |
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poka private msg quote post Address this user | |
this is not the first or the last challenge which CGC faces. and it will not make a dent to their bottom line. youtubers are not the one who send in most books - all they are looking for is click bait titles which will make people watch their videos. good luck with talks about class action. not going to happen. |
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ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I can only speak for myself in this matter. If you want to send books to cgc or anywhere; that's your perogative. I can't tell you what to do with your money/comics. I'm just one guy , so cgc not getting any bussiness from me isn't going to hurt them or cause them any trouble. But, it is going to give me peace of mind. For right now, that's what matters most to me. I don't collect for value or re sale ; I collect because I love it. Yes, companies make mistakes and a lot of them at that. In my opinion, this one mistake and a long with their response I find inexcusable. Cgc won't see a dime from me and that makes me content. |
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![]() Splotches is gettin old! |
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Every company does make mistakes. I'd say, though, at some point a consumer needs to determine when consistent, persistent, continual, and repetitive problems/issues are becoming, or are already systemic. I'd say we're there. CGC has been down a path of "another issue/problem" every few months for the last 1.5 years or so. At some point it becomes unacceptable and representative of a poorly run business. I'd be willing to put down good money that another is coming in the near future. Do I really need that additional migraine and additional battle in life? Do I need a class action suit where I'm now embedded in yet another war amongst all the other life situations we have to manage and get aggravated over? Sorry - not my gig. I'll take my peace of mind instead. CGC needs to demonstrate some level and time duration of consistency to me, before I start comic subs with them again. The piling on can be excessive and annoying at times, but making a decision based on past systemic trends is about as objective as one can be in this hobby. |
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DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Davethebrave Well, all things considered, I'd rather be thought of as moronic as opposed to a pontificating twat. You know, if those were my two choices. |
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xkonk private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by PolarisNuclearSS2020 CGC is also having a 'how to grade' panel at Baltimore. I was thinking about checking it out for the lols. |
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HotKeyComics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by xkonk I bet that is going to be bananas ![]() |
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ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user | |
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Rbolton private msg quote post Address this user | |
Unfortunately, I'm not sure a lot of people even know what is going on with the CGC slab problem. I was at a convention on Saturday at this convention there are half a dozen vendors I always buy books from, while making my purchases I inquired with them on their opinion of the CGC damaging books issue, to my surprise none of these vendors had any idea there was a current issue with CGC books. My fear is that other than some forums and YouTube channels this may not be as widely known a problem that one would think it would be. | ||
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flanders private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Davethebrave 1. CBCS strictly grades comics and dealers/high volume sellers prefer to use CGC since they can get gifted higher grades and a have a greater ROI. This will only stop if the market ever changes. 2. It's too early, I'm going back to sleep 3. I am a moron. |
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![]() Splotches is gettin old! |
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by flanders Agreed! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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