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Certified Comics For Sale

What is the BEST way to sell ? MCS/HERITAGE/EBAY20704

Collector JC600 private msg quote post Address this user
I am simply going to speak from my experiences, and include some screenshots/pictures but please provide any advice that you can about selling comics. I took up collecting only about a year ago. I bought 600 books out in CA and brought them home to TX. I expected to keep maybe 50 percent of them, and then sell the rest. I took around 50 books to CBCS right away (WITHOUT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT CLEANING OR PRESSING), and I took about 20 of those 50 graded books to MCS as it is fairly close to CBCS in Plano.
Here is a screenshot of the books that are at MCS, and as you can see by the number of days they have been at MCS, I may never get them sold.

Then I went to WonderCon in Anaheim CA and spoke to a guy from HERITAGE, and I had several books that were signed by Kirby and verified by CBCS that he viewed and went through. He gave me his card and told me I should submit an Inquiry to HERITAGE. Fast Forward to last August and I went ahead and submitted several (Inquirys) at HERITAGE's site so that I could reach out to them the next time I was in Plano picking up a bunch of Magazine size books that CBCS graded for me. At that time I had an email contact at HERITAGE but no phone contact. I emailed the contact with a picture of my truck sitting at a Whataburger across the freeway from HERITAGE in Dallas and let him know that it was "NOW OR NEVER" for me to actually drop off about 30 to 40 comics for HERITAGE to sell for me. He called me back right then and went through my lists of books, and we came up with 36 to consign with HERITAGE. He called over there and got me a contact I could ask for at the front office. So, I drove over and took a bin of books into a consignment room and signed the books away. Well, they put them into 2 different auctions that didn't happen until the end of November, and I didn't get paid until January of this year. Beyond that, I learned that they don't put reserves and if they feel like it then they will put 4 or even 8 of your books into one LOT if they think they will sell better that way. I guess the only thing I enjoyed was the live auction part where you get to see the live bids, but as they fell way short of what they had recently sold the same comics for with the same grades I was very discouraged. I did make money though, and it was just over $1600 for 36 books, maybe 12 were Magazine size.



Now, more recently, as of this past Saturday I have started listing books on EBAY. I will attach a screenshot of the 3 Auctions I have listed there, and I hope that none of these pictures I am posting are a problem on this forum, if so I plead the fifth as I just don't know. And, to follow up about cleaning/pressing and so on, I have since bought and read the CPR book and I do have my own press, and I have cracked cases to fix issues on about 15 of the first 50 books I ever had graded at CBCS and every one that I have sent back in so far have received a better grade. So, I understand that the books at MCS, and the ones that went through HERITAGE may not have had the best grades, but there were several 9.8, 9.6, and 9.4s that went through HERITAGE without me pressing or cleaning them and they just didnt bring the same money as they have for others.

Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector Rafel private msg quote post Address this user
From my experience, I like mycomicshop and comiclink. I hear (from the FORUM guys) horror stories about ebay and fraud and HERITAGE (I believe) charges 20% commission. Twice as much as mycomicshop and comiclink. Good luck with your sales.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector SpiderTim private msg quote post Address this user
I wouldn't use Heritage for low value book the buyer's premium will just end up afecting you and how much money you het from them. ComicLink on the other hand only charges 10% commission to the seller and no BP. Steve Borock is currently working at ComicLink and he can help you with the items you wish to consign. Also I would recommend using GoCollect to get sold values on any CBCS books and for the low value ones I would just list them on ebay with a BIN price tag on them in order not to have an auction and get even lower results.
Post 3 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
My head hurts
Post 4 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
My best success and experiences have been with MCS and ComicLink. For me, the cost of getting comics from the southwest to market is far less by having MCS pick up my CBCS submissions than having to ship them to ComicLink. MCS also has a better consignment setup. Comiclink is great, but MCS is much better for me. Wish Mr. Borock was still affiliated with MCS.

Heritage, ComicConnect, and eBay are not worth the effort and I have had poor experiences with all three.
Post 5 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
I like My Comic Shop.

I like to sell books at fixed price instead of auctions.

My good friend who worked at Comic Link for quite some time has told me on several occasions that they would be less patient than MCS with books that might take a bit longer to sell.

Having a lot of signed books and some golden age books with few comparables wouldn't make Comic Link a good match for my consignment sales.

I do like to buy from both companies as they have frequent auctions.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector sborock_ComicLink private msg quote post Address this user
I happen to like 😁

COMICLINK site: clickable text

No, really. It's why I joined them when I had a ton a places and gigs to choose from.

You also get:

Straight 10% commission, no hidden fees!
No fee and no interest heavy advances.
Record setting prices!!!
We pass along all our savings/discounts to you! Our CGC, CBCS, postage, insurance, materials, etc...
1000's of heavy bidders that will only use CL
No nonsense accounting and payment sent 30 days after that round of auctions end, like clockwork!
Honesty and integrity.

Personal service!!!

If you work with me, I give you time whenever ya need it. Always looking out for all of my consigners and bidders and I promote some of your consignments on social media and emails. We are always wanting huge pieces, but that is not all I am looking for. I also work with $100+ collectibles.

I have THE BEST references, if needed. I love helping fellow hobbyists.

You can contact me directly at:

Hope to hear from some of you! 👍
Steve ☮
Post 7 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
I've only used MCS and Ebay and now only MCS - others had fees and terms that just didn't work for me.

Ebay became a hassle - take my own photos - ship, track etc. etc. I work M-F/9-5 and have a life outside of that so finding time to ship and then deal with ebay customers was a pain in the a$$

Mostly I know what books I'm grading for my PC vs for sale and the ability to have MCS pick the books up from CBCS directly is a great option.
Even books I already have graded go to MCS as it's just a easy process to not have to deal with anything.
I find that my books get within a range that I'm comfortable with...occasionally a book goes low but then sometimes a book goes for much more than I would expect
I'm not doing this as a business and am really just selling off books I no longer want - they are literally worth nothing sitting in boxes
Post 8 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user

I freed a lot of time to dive into my boxes and dig out more books for grading and / or signatures after I delegated all of the sales related tasks to MCS.

With my inventory there never seems to be enough hours in the day.
Post 9 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
I've been using Collectors Comics auctions which occur 4 - 5x per year.

They take 5% commission and yes there are alot of eyes on the auction.
I've received AT or Near FMV each and every time I've used them.

AND, they pay out via Personal Check (if one is interested in that method of payment like myself)
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector RRO private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sborock_ComicLink
I happen to like 😁

COMICLINK site: clickable text

No, really. It's why I joined them when I had a ton a places and gigs to choose from.

You also get:

Straight 10% commission, no hidden fees!
No fee and no interest heavy advances.
Record setting prices!!!
We pass along all our savings/discounts to you! Our CGC, CBCS, postage, insurance, materials, etc...
1000's of heavy bidders that will only use CL
No nonsense accounting and payment sent 30 days after that round of auctions end, like clockwork!
Honesty and integrity.

Personal service!!!

If you work with me, I give you time whenever ya need it. Always looking out for all of my consigners and bidders and I promote some of your consignments on social media and emails. We are always wanting huge pieces, but that is not all I am looking for. I also work with $100+ collectibles.

I have THE BEST references, if needed. I love helping fellow hobbyists.

You can contact me directly at:

Hope to hear from some of you! 👍
Steve ☮

You like ComicLink eh? With this in mind, I may consider the use thereof.
Post 11 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Good luck!
Post 12 IP   flag post
Hmm... Moderated again! figment private msg quote post Address this user
I have used and recommended Comiclink (above others) for 20+ years. The addition of @sborock_ComicLink to their staff only validates that position.

However, we are DFW locals with "no cost" (hand carry) shipping to CBCS and MCS. For lower value items that can make a huge difference in margins, and the direct CBCS to MCS link allows other collectors to do the same.

As for the others, it's too expensive to sell on Heritage, too risky to sell on eBay, and I'm just not a fan of ComicConnect.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector sborock_ComicLink private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by RRO
Originally Posted by sborock_ComicLink
I happen to like 😁

COMICLINK site: clickable text

No, really. It's why I joined them when I had a ton a places and gigs to choose from.

You also get:

Straight 10% commission, no hidden fees!
No fee and no interest heavy advances.
Record setting prices!!!
We pass along all our savings/discounts to you! Our CGC, CBCS, postage, insurance, materials, etc...
1000's of heavy bidders that will only use CL
No nonsense accounting and payment sent 30 days after that round of auctions end, like clockwork!
Honesty and integrity.

Personal service!!!

If you work with me, I give you time whenever ya need it. Always looking out for all of my consigners and bidders and I promote some of your consignments on social media and emails. We are always wanting huge pieces, but that is not all I am looking for. I also work with $100+ collectibles.

I have THE BEST references, if needed. I love helping fellow hobbyists.

You can contact me directly at:

Hope to hear from some of you! 👍
Steve ☮

You like ComicLink eh? With this in mind, I may consider the use thereof.

Cool! Just email me and I will give you my personal cell and I will answer any questions you may have. Always fun talking comics, the hobby and life!
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector sborock_ComicLink private msg quote post Address this user
@figment Thanks for the kind words, brother!
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector sborock_ComicLink private msg quote post Address this user
@SpiderTim Thanks, brother!
Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector JC600 private msg quote post Address this user
I appreciate all the reply's as you have all provided me with great information as usual. Also, take note of the books I displayed at the beginning of this post that I still have listed at MCS. Each of those books could have their cases cracked, minimal cleaning with Absorene, and light pressing, and they could get much better grades. Here is an example of one that went from 9.0 to 9.4

Again, thanks for all of the helpful information. I really appreciate it.
Post 17 IP   flag post
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