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Ask questions here without starting a new thread 2023 - part V20621

It gets old smelling it everytime I go outside my door. Nearmint67 private msg quote post Address this user
@flanders His insurance company has attorneys on staff that will gladly generate a letter....
Post 676 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
I have an attorney from when I was sued by an ADA tester, but I don't have one on retainer. I'm thinking if this guy forces me to get an attorney, I'll sue him to pay for the attorney fees. I haven't seen the footage but the camera is literally right next to the impact point of the truck. I told the tenant to keep footage because the company might be an ass and we might need to show it in court. He said ok. By the way, if you own your own business make sure your ada compliant. Testers are assholes suing everyone and their brothers. The amount of people being sued has apparently skyrocketed in my area.
Post 677 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by flanders
@DrWatson @Nearmint67 if he has an attorney that'll do it for free, then that sounds like a good option. If not, there's no need to pay some outrageous attorney cost.

I don't know how much attorney letters cost where you are, but I can get one for about $150. This is small change compared to a full blown lawsuit. Plus it starts the machine by creating a paper trail if it does go to litigation.
Post 678 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
I have two different tiers on my latest order; will these ship together or separate like the cgc??

Thank you.
Post 679 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
They will ship together but the entire order will move at the speed of the slowest tier.
Post 680 IP   flag post

I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
They will ship together but the entire order will move at the speed of the slowest tier.

Ty my good man! So at .modern tier speed I belive, since most are modern books.
Post 681 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
Ways to gwt bends out of comics other than pressing??
Post 682 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
I have a couple of CGC books I cracked out of the case waiting on sending them here. They're still in the inner well, are these okay just like this or should they be in a bag?
Post 683 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@ComicNinja0215 - I would leave them as in to send in.
Post 684 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by esaravo
@ComicNinja0215 - I would leave them as in to send in.

Thanks Ed!

I went on a cgc cracking spree after banana gate and haven't looked back. I'm going to try and get them here soon .
Post 685 IP   flag post
My Chihuahua is watching me in case I do something cool. ICConquest private msg quote post Address this user
I picked this up from MCS recently. They had it graded at a 7.5 which I was hoping after a clean and press I might get 8.5. This version came with two pairs of 3-D glasses. A different version came with no glasses. My question is does not having the original pair of glasses affect the grade, or do they just list on the label no glasses included? I really wanted Dave Stevens signed version of this book, but I really don’t want a restored or qualified book from the 80s if I send this in to the authenticated and encapsulated what should I be expecting?
I checked on eBay for listings and sold and could not find this version graded and encapsulated without the glasses included.

Post 686 IP   flag post
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