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I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
@flanders it is but wasn't sure if the book would need it so I opted for the screen.

It was pressed previously by CCS but even still.
Post 276 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
I just scheduled it for regular grading but I thought maybe Steve could put his two cents in .
Post 277 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
Well, CS added it anyway! Woo-Hoo! It still might drop a grade but I'm better prepared for it.
Post 278 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
@Wade_Story About the signings ar the booth, I want to drop off for joe quesada. Do I just show up there with my book? I only have one. Ty
Post 279 IP   flag post
Collector KCBatmanFan private msg quote post Address this user
@Wade_Story I was wondering if you could give me an update on the status of my latest order (24-3CF2A1C) when you get a chance?

Tracking shows it was delivered on 11/01 and it does show as arrived and in invoicing on the tracker, but it has never moved from Submitted to "Received" status on my dashboard. Any help appreciated!
Post 280 IP   flag post

past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
had two orders that were moving nicely together from received to pressing and back to received - one moved onto grading and now heat seal where the other has been left in received for 20 like 3 weeks?

Any way to check what's up??

stuck at received after return from pressed

Post 281 IP   flag post
I like bean sprouts. James42 private msg quote post Address this user
@Wade_Story Could someone check on order 24-371AA5A? I got an email back on 7 October that it was in pressing, and nothing but radio silence since then. No change on my dashboard or the tracker.
Post 282 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Just a shout out to whomever fixed a little pet peeve of mine at CBCS!!

Recently received an order back from CBCS and for the first time ever FedEx did not try to charge me brokerage fees etc.

I think it's because CBCS changed how they describe the return of my own books and that they took a $ value off the paper work??

Whatever it is - THANKS!!!

Normally I either have to eat an additional ~$50 or spend time calling and arguing up the chain to get the fees waived - not having to pay the extra or to have the hassle is much appreciated!!!!
Post 283 IP   flag post
CBCS Finalizer Wade_Story private msg quote post Address this user
@James42 @KatKomics @KCBatmanFan Sorry I missed your posts! I will check into these tomorrow morning and send you DMs once I have an update.
Post 284 IP   flag post
Collector KCBatmanFan private msg quote post Address this user
@Wade_Story - I emailed customer support and there was an engineering bug (a false negative credit on my account) that was holding up the process. They said it should be in the queue for invoicing now (which they said is fairly large right now). Thanks very much for checking in!
Post 285 IP   flag post
Collector Silversorrow private msg quote post Address this user
@Wade_Story I recently received a submission back (24-3346D05) and have had some issues with the shipping. Originally it had sat in "Shipping" status for almost 2 weeks so I inquired with Customer Service to find out why. I have a Fedex account number linked to my CBCS account, and the CBCS Customer Service agent (Anthony) said that he needed to know if I wanted it shipped back as International "Priority", "Economy" or "Ground". I knew Priority sounded expensive but couldn't remember which of the other 2 was cheaper, so I said "Ground or Economy, whichever is cheaper please".

After receiving my submission back I found out that he had shipped it as Economy, which is about 4-5 times more expensive than Ground, and I was charged almost $400 CAD instead of the usual $80-100 CAD. I talked with Fedex and they say that they can rebill the shipping charges to the shipper (CBCS) because it was their mistake, but they can only rebill the full amount. I have no problem paying the amount that I would have paid for Ground shipping but do not believe that I should be held responsible for the amount above that, as a company that ships thousands of packages every year should know which option is the cheapest and send it that way when requested.

Unfortunately, Anthony has not responded to any of my emails since last Friday. Fedex wants me to confirm that I want them to rebill CBCS. I would prefer to work things out with you guys if at all possible, but to do that I need someone to respond to me. I love CBCS and this is the only company I have ever sent my comics for grading. But if no one responds to me to work this out by Friday I will be sending an email to Fedex to confirm the rebill request.
Post 286 IP   flag post
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
@Silversorrow Don't you think you should bear some of the responsibility yourself?

Instead of researching which option was the cheapest, you left it for a third part to decide. It seems to me that Anthony works in Customer Service and not the shipping department. I wouldn't assume that he knows which rates are the cheapest.

Hopefully, CBCS will be benevolent and work out an amiable resolution. However, to say all of it is on CBCS' (Anthony's) head isn't right.

Just my opinion. Hopefully CBCS' will differ. I know yours does. 🤷
Post 287 IP   flag post
You do know that the new guy brings the donuts, right? DWeeB1967 private msg quote post Address this user
I would have thought that "Economy" was the cheapest option just based on the name. Go figure.
Post 288 IP   flag post
Collector RRO private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
@Silversorrow Don't you think you should bear some of the responsibility yourself?

Instead of researching which option was the cheapest, you left it for a third part to decide. It seems to me that Anthony works in Customer Service and not the shipping department. I wouldn't assume that he knows which rates are the cheapest.

Hopefully, CBCS will be benevolent and work out an amiable resolution. However, to say all of it is on CBCS' (Anthony's) head isn't right.

Just my opinion. Hopefully CBCS' will differ. I know yours does. 🤷

I disagree. Anthony asked the customer which of the three options he wanted, the customer clearly stated "...whichever is cheaper" and then Anthony--being the conduit for this information--did not follow through with the customer's request. It's on Anthony(and/or the shipping dept. by extension).
Post 289 IP   flag post
Collector Silversorrow private msg quote post Address this user
@Wade_Story I finally got through to someone at customer service. No longer need you to give them a nudge for me, thank you.

Not all heroes wear capes, but you're my hero Courtenay! (Apologies if you do wear a cape and I have made that part of the statement in error, I do hear that they are coming back into style.)
Post 290 IP   flag post
Collector GothamBridge private msg quote post Address this user

I'm told you might be able to help me with a customer service request I had. I have emailed, used teh portal and called 2 different numbers to no end.

help please
Post 291 IP   flag post
CBCS Finalizer Wade_Story private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GothamBridge

I'm told you might be able to help me with a customer service request I had. I have emailed, used teh portal and called 2 different numbers to no end.

help please

Sent DM
Post 292 IP   flag post
Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
When Wade replies

Post 293 IP   flag post
CBCS Finalizer Wade_Story private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by HulkSmash
When Wade replies

😂 I find that I can add the more personal touch in DM conversation. Not sure who all wants their order # publicized and all that.
Post 294 IP   flag post
Collector GothamBridge private msg quote post Address this user
You're a gem Sir. Thank you.
Post 295 IP   flag post
Collector JCDiaz private msg quote post Address this user
@wade_story I hate to be impatient, but could you help me with the status of 24-43C2E59? It was marked Received on 12/11 and billed the same day, but I have not seen any changes on the tracker or invoice. Any assistance would be appreciated!
Post 296 IP   flag post
CBCS Finalizer Wade_Story private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JCDiaz
@wade_story I hate to be impatient, but could you help me with the status of 24-43C2E59? It was marked Received on 12/11 and billed the same day, but I have not seen any changes on the tracker or invoice. Any assistance would be appreciated!

Sent DM
Post 297 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
On order 24-4560AEE I paid the bill online twice but it says I need to pay invoice still. Can you see if the payment went through? If multiple payments show up can you cancel the extra payments?

Thank you


NM i figured it out. Apparently you have to use desktop
Post 298 IP   flag post
Collector Squack private msg quote post Address this user
Greetings! Any way I can get an update on 24-3241F08? It is a single modern book, no pressing with witnessed signatures that has been sitting since September. Thanks!
Post 299 IP   flag post
Collector wolfy112 private msg quote post Address this user

Hello! I'm writing in regards to my order 24-39F2AB9

Apparently there's an issue with billing and the order has been stuck for weeks until the return shipping invoice of 20 dollars is paid. I have repeatedly attempted to pay the bill but the website issue with payment has this order on deadlock. I have tried the old workaround of deleting my card information and putting it back in but this is not working.

I spoke with Cody Lockwood about this a couple of weeks ago and he said he would talk to billing to push this thru but it hasn't happened. I have sent numerous emails to customer service but with no replies back.

My customers are getting impatient and it's starting to ruin my relationship with them as I can't give them any sort of update on books and services they've paid for but can't get back yet due to a website error.

Can I get some sort of update on what is going on and how to fix this issue so we can get our books back? Thank you so much!
Post 300 IP   flag post
CBCS Finalizer Wade_Story private msg quote post Address this user
@Bronte @Squack @wolfy112 sent you each a DM!
Post 301 IP   flag post
Collector 913ComicGuy private msg quote post Address this user
Hello! I'm writing about my order 24-3F28F53. I submitted the book back in early November. I was hoping to get an update?
Post 302 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
I paid the balance on my press screen for order number 24-38219DB. Any reason it still says billing?
Post 303 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
Post 304 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@ComicNinja0215 send him a DM.
Post 305 IP   flag post
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