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End of an era: Netflix stops account sharing19587

Collector xvipah private msg quote post Address this user
I'll be keeping it for me for sure. Just not paying that $8/per household thing that's coming for them.

Originally Posted by power_struggle55

too many shows I watch. everything from cw shows, originals, power rangers, etc. I watch plenty of anime. I dont mind paying the $7 to continue with ads. hate ads but I hate paying extra to avoid.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
A company wants people to pay for its product. Shocking!

I get your point. Maybe nearly everyone does. But there are a lot of people in my situation where it will not end up a positive for Netflix.

I've used Netflix since they started in 1997, subscribing to their DVD rental program. In 2007 when they started streaming I signed up - despite the catalog for streaming being pretty thin the first year or two. I've been on the PREMIUM plan pretty much from the start as well. Not for higher quality videos - but for the four streams. Four people in the house. Wife, two kids, myself. Four streams.

Yes, two of them have moved out and live on their own (both single) Both them also went to college for 4-6 years so technically their address was still with me. But yes, both are now truly in their own places.

But it is still only four streams and profiles. Netflix is changing the definition of a family subscription - a household - to try to make more money. Not to just get paid for their product, but to get paid more for the way I and millions of others have used the service for over 15 years. A way of usage they used to be very much OK with. Netflix could have cracked down on password sharing and still allowed those customers that paid for 2 or 4 streams to have two or four locations that video could be streamed from. And extended family so to speak. And then there are the kids in college which I believe nearly everyone would agree is unreasonable to demand they have their own sub.

Netflix says that in other countries where they have done this that there was an initial drop in subscribers but a year later numbers were up. I know that won't be the situation in my family. Time will tell if American's behave like Europeans as far as subscribers go.
Post 27 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
I was also a very early adopter of Netflix. I also understand some people moving on under the new terms. That said, I know - know - it is heavily abused.

It may be the correct move in today’s environment. Short-term they may feel some pain and lose some users but the idea of giving away the service for growth is not a long-term strategy. We’ll see. Many streamers have played the “growth at all costs” game for a while. They are all rethinking it today.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
I thought they did this already?
Post 29 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by HulkSmash
I thought they did this already?

no they toyed with the idea. said they were going to in feb and then there was backlash. then said "it was a mistake. they meant another country couldnt"

another detail. you have to login to your home internet on it every 31 days
Post 30 IP   flag post

PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
That said, I know - know - it is heavily abused.

Seems to me like Netflix is abusing their own bottom line, rather than customers using features that have never been prohibited before.
Post 31 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
That said, I know - know - it is heavily abused.

Seems to me like Netflix is abusing their own bottom line, rather than customers using features that have never been prohibited before.

It was prohibited - as used widely.

It was just not enforced.
Post 32 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
It was prohibited - as used widely.

It was just not enforced.

Gonna need a source on that, especially since Netflix used to use "sharing" as an advertisement platform.

Edit: Netflix's ToS was updated in January 2023, and the oldest article (I can find) about the change to password-sharing is from October 2022*, suggesting that account-sharing was always allowed until last year.

*CBS News
Post 33 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Post 34 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
The Netflix service and any content accessed through the service are for your personal and non-commercial use only and may not be shared with individuals beyond your household unless otherwise allowed by your subscription plan.

That's their current ToS, which sharing was allowed until October 2022. Your belief belies critical thought.
Post 35 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Post 36 IP   flag post
Collector ThreeSeas private msg quote post Address this user
I logged onto my Netflix account last night, first time this year I checked, and no notes from them yet, nor thru email. But, I'll have to ask my neighbor who uses one of my spare accounts to see if they contacted him. I know this doesn't agree with their new terms, but I figure I pay for five accounts, then I should be allowed to use them on any five devices I choose.

I do know of some people who share their passwords all over and that just isn't right (in my opinion). But if Netflix will not allow me to log on outside of my house, without paying more, then I'm canceling. I think as was mentioned here already, Netflix needs to charge maybe per device, so instead of a 19.99 per account, maybe $5 per device.
Post 37 IP   flag post
No rust here... Nearmint67 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
Originally Posted by Nearmint67
I just got "MAX" very pleased with all of the Discovery channel content added from the merger.
Those crazy fellas mining for gold under the Bearing Sea ice is what I am watching lately.

Does the app interface look worse to you?

Maybe I was just in a bad mood, but the Max app seemed like 480p compared to HBO's, after I replaced and launched it yesterday.

Looks great to me. I have noticed that while streaming those crazy ice miners, it sometimes loops different scenes two or three times. Just hit ff and move on.
Otherwise I am satisfied thus far.
Post 38 IP   flag post
No rust here... Nearmint67 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
I was also a very early adopter of Netflix. I also understand some people moving on under the new terms. That said, I know - know - it is heavily abused.

It may be the correct move in today’s environment. Short-term they may feel some pain and lose some users but the idea of giving away the service for growth is not a long-term strategy. We’ll see. Many streamers have played the “growth at all costs” game for a while. They are all rethinking it today.

Whatever happened to the good ol' days of getting movies put into the que and having one mailed to you at a memories
Post 39 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
In 2017, the official Netflix account tweeted “Love is sharing a password.” And at CES in 2016, Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings said the company “loved” that people share Netflix accounts and described it as “a positive thing, not a negative thing,”
Post 40 IP   flag post
To answer your question, no, this is not where the comics go to die. MutantMania private msg quote post Address this user
I still can't believe the whole Egypt suing Netflix thing 😵💫 Never heard of it and had to look it up
Frigging hilarious 😂
Post 41 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by IronMan
In 2017, the official Netflix account tweeted “Love is sharing a password.” And at CES in 2016, Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings said the company “loved” that people share Netflix accounts and described it as “a positive thing, not a negative thing,”

The times, they are a changin.
The industry landscape has changed so much since 2017 that it would be worthy of a Watchmen style montage set to Bob Dylan.
Post 42 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
. . .
Post 43 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
. . .

Post 44 IP   flag post
Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by IronMan
In 2017, the official Netflix account tweeted “Love is sharing a password.” And at CES in 2016, Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings said the company “loved” that people share Netflix accounts and described it as “a positive thing, not a negative thing,”

The times, they are a changin.
The industry landscape has changed so much since 2017 that it would be worthy of a Watchmen style montage set to Bob Dylan.
I’ve been thinking a bit about it and it’s entirely possible that this is not a profit driven tactic. Yes they need to make money and profit growth is important for any successful business, but it may be market share driven. Maybe Netflix is moving a direction that will enable them to better understand their market share and content structure to provide a better experience for us.

A big business actually caring about how to make their platform better and possibly increase market share at the same time; Wouldn’t that be wild?

My company has always had it’s necessary growing pains both internally and externally (the customer) and when growth (or whatever the change is) is done responsibly it works without losing clientele or hurting your business. Continuous strategic improvement will keep any business relevant.
Post 45 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
its 100% fact. now you have to verify its your home network when you do. any login wont be able to watch.. if you move (which Im doing in a few days) with new internet. you can change it.

but im sure theyll catch on if you change your home internet several times a day. you will also have to watch it from home at least once every 31 days
Post 46 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
We use the account when we travel, hotel smart tvs have the app to log into your accounts while on vacation. Sometimes we are there a few days and other times just there for a night so that may change.
Post 47 IP   flag post
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