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“Newsstand” VS “Direct Edition”19082

Collector Puckster private msg quote post Address this user
When Image came out and focused on high quality paper and no UPC code on the cover, I tended not to like the Newsstand versions very much. Not for those books anyway. I've had to go through my collection and re-designate a lot of books that I have logged in databases. I'm realizing that it appears the main LCS I purchased many of my books from in the late 80's and early 90's got most of their books from a newsstand distributer instead of Diamond or whoever at the time. Reason being is I'm noticing how many of my books from back then are Newsstand variants.
Always good to know for the later resale down the road knowing how some people are more than willing to pay a premium for them. I'm not one of those, though.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Luckily, I don't suffer over a mix of barcodes and Marvel's art-filled boxes in my collection, but I prefer art over barcodes.

What I really don't like, and might actually be a factor in purchasing, are the barcodes with the line through it combined with the diamond price box. Those just look OFF to me- Like they're reprints or later prints.

I don't know the reasoning behind it, but Marvel (and maybe DC?) have some Direct Edition books with no box on the cover at all.

If this were a universal difference between NS & DE, I probably would make a stronger effort at keeping to DE, because there's no denying it looks SO much better with no box at all.

I'm glad my collecting focus was heavier in the pre-UPC era.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
@Siggy The line through the barcode is actually known as a “Strike Through”. Strike Throughs were the early designation for Direct copies in an attempt to eliminate false no sale returns. Newsstand distributors could return unsold copies for credit and Direct dealers were responsible for whatever quantity they ordered. The Direct market came along, shenanigans ensued, and (in a nutshell) someone figured out that unsold copies being returned did not add up to vendor orders and sales. Somewhere the unsold copies were exchanging hands and being returned for credit thus the Direct market started receiving non returnable copies designated by the Strike Through Barcode and later by whatever the publisher put in its place.

Edit: Direct dealers were given a discount on orders in exchange for not being able to return unsold copies.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by HulkSmash
@Siggy The line through the barcode is actually known as a “Strike Through”. Strike Throughs were the early designation for Direct copies in an attempt to eliminate false no sale returns. Newsstand distributors could return unsold copies for credit and Direct dealers were responsible for whatever quantity they ordered. The Direct market came along, shenanigans ensued, and (in a nutshell) someone figured out that unsold copies being returned did not add up to vendor orders and sales. Somewhere the unsold copies were exchanging hands and being returned for credit thus the Direct market started receiving non returnable copies designated by the Strike Through Barcode and later by whatever the publisher put in its place.

Edit: Direct dealers were given a discount on orders in exchange for not being able to return unsold copies.

And they're fugly as hell.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
I think Newsies are fun to collect and if given the choice for about the same price I’ll go for the newsy.

But I don’t “have to have” a newsy or CPV. I’m good with what I can get for the right price when it comes to the PC.
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector CatCovers private msg quote post Address this user
I don't much care whether any given issue in my personal collection is direct or newsstand. If I'm looking for items for resale, then yeah I get excited when I find high-grade newsstand, just because I know someone is gonna pay more for them. Cashed in a while back when I came upon a stack of newsstand Spider-Man 2099 #1s that all graded at 9.8.
Post 31 IP   flag post
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