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Are These Actually Double Covers or a Label Error?19006

If I could, I would. I swear. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

We know a high value golden age captain America book iwned by batman66 was deemed missing stuff. I think borock said an xmen 1 had massive issues. So people do send valuable stuff in. Even if it's just to get a "pseudo" grade

We had an Amazing Fantasy #15 graded by PGX that had a big chunk missing from the interior once it was cracked out.
Post 76 IP   flag post
being an ass and being a clown are two very different things. HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user
Fun Fact of the Day:
Post 77 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Anybody can sue anybody for anything. All you need is a perceived grievance and a lawyer willing to take your case. The moment this happens, the defendant incurs defence costs. How much cost depends how severe the grievance and how far both parties are will to take it. Some lawyers will take cases solely based on the belief they can settle out of court and would never take the case if they believed it would go to court. I bet all the grading companies have lawyers that fire off letters stating their Terms and Conditions to plaintiffs, almost on a regular basis....PGX is probably busier than others. If it moves past this point it's likely because the plaintiffs believe they have a case even knowing their T&C.
Post 78 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Anybody can sue anybody for anything. All you need is a perceived grievance and a lawyer willing to take your case. The moment this happens, the defendant incurs defence costs. How much cost depends how severe the grievance and how far both parties are will to take it. Some lawyers will take cases solely based on the belief they can settle out of court and would never take the case if they believed it would go to court. I bet all the grading companies have lawyers that fire off letters stating their Terms and Conditions to plaintiffs, almost on a regular basis....PGX is probably busier than others. If it moves past this point it's likely because the plaintiffs believe they have a case even knowing their T&C.

Funny, I tend to consider the other side. The individual who tries to get a lawyer to take a case that will likely fail on merits (contract law, absent other factors) is going to shell out big bucks… of course if you get someone buying an AC#1 PGX…

I raise the question on highest PGX sale because I am curious if anyone has relied on PGX at the extreme price points. $500k, $1M etc… without the recourse through a certification guarantee you rely on provenance or the auction house bearing liability.
Post 79 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
It's a fascinating topic and I appreciate everyones contribution to it. cheers!!
Post 80 IP   flag post

Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
Originally Posted by Bronte

We know a high value golden age captain America book iwned by batman66 was deemed missing stuff. I think borock said an xmen 1 had massive issues. So people do send valuable stuff in. Even if it's just to get a "pseudo" grade

We had an Amazing Fantasy #15 graded by PGX that had a big chunk missing from the interior once it was cracked out.

Post 81 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
It's a fascinating topic and I appreciate everyones contribution to it. cheers!!

It is a fascinating subject and it's true that technically anyone can sue for anything. But lawsuits do also get thrown out for lack of merit or lack of standing from what I understand. My best guess is that an after-market buyer of PGX graded comics would have no standing against PGX as there was never any contractual relationship between the two parties. Unless there was some claim of fraud or intentional misrepresentation by PGX in an attempt to benefit their customer, the original submitter (which many suspect was the case in the past).
Post 82 IP   flag post
Collector trademarkcomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
Originally Posted by Davethebrave

Maybe I missed it but how long since you messaged? I think giving 24 hrs is fine. After that, agree… a bit fishy. But then time to move on… not enough to suggest anything beyond ignorance or sloth.

Been nearly 24 hours now. I realize some sellers don't respond within 24 hours(they technically have 48), but I would never wait that long to get back. I have my phone on me at all times. This is a world where not many need be on their computer to access the internet. If someone doesn't check email and/or facebook every few minutes to an hour they're probably a Baby Boomer. Either I respond within a few minutes to at most a couple hours. Seems reasonable in this day and age.

But, I agree about moving on even if it's more than just ignorance or sloth. My issue isn't with the seller as much as it is with CBCS.

Your expectations are unreasonable.

OK. So now it's been nearly 72 hours since I sent that message with nary a response. The auction ends soon. Should I wait longer?

And this continues to prove my belief that if a seller doesn't get back to someone the afternoon you ask a question or the morning after(about 12 hours or so), they rarely if ever reply. So it's either "sloth", "ignorance" as you suggested or purposeful avoidance. Since it would be in his best interest that I add to the bidding, I tend to lean toward the latter.
Post 83 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
Originally Posted by Davethebrave

Maybe I missed it but how long since you messaged? I think giving 24 hrs is fine. After that, agree… a bit fishy. But then time to move on… not enough to suggest anything beyond ignorance or sloth.

Been nearly 24 hours now. I realize some sellers don't respond within 24 hours(they technically have 48), but I would never wait that long to get back. I have my phone on me at all times. This is a world where not many need be on their computer to access the internet. If someone doesn't check email and/or facebook every few minutes to an hour they're probably a Baby Boomer. Either I respond within a few minutes to at most a couple hours. Seems reasonable in this day and age.

But, I agree about moving on even if it's more than just ignorance or sloth. My issue isn't with the seller as much as it is with CBCS.

Your expectations are unreasonable.

OK. So now it's been nearly 72 hours since I sent that message with nary a response. The auction ends soon. Should I wait longer?

And this continues to prove my belief that if a seller doesn't get back to someone the afternoon you ask a question or the morning after(about 12 hours or so), they rarely if ever reply. So it's either "sloth", "ignorance" as you suggested or purposeful avoidance. Since it would be in his best interest that I add to the bidding, I tend to lean toward the latter.

Yeah, you’re right. Mycomicshop (who the heck are they anyways?) customer service is trying to pull a fast one on you over a $260 book.

Post 84 IP   flag post
Collector trademarkcomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave

Yeah, you’re right. Mycomicshop (who the heck are they anyways?) customer service is trying to pull a fast one on you over a $260 book.

I was talking about the Thor #337 seller...the one with the auction. MCS already got back to me and are looking into it. It's a consignment item so I doubt anything will be done, but I just thought I'd let them know.
Post 85 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
I'm leaning toward 'sloth' and 'ignorance' myself. Also, there's another double-cover book - a Deadpool #1 - for sale, not auction, at the same time, with the same label issue, but it's not the same seller. Add to this that MCS, a VERY reliable seller, also has a book with the same problem, and this looks like a labeling issue. I can't even say 'error' because the grades for each cover are not actually required for the label to be accurate: just the statement that the double-cover book has a double cover. This means there are a few double-cover books floating around that could use a little extra info on the label. How much you wanna bet it was the same person who did the data entry on all those labels?
Post 86 IP   flag post
Collector trademarkcomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Byrdibyrd
I'm leaning toward 'sloth' and 'ignorance' myself. Also, there's another double-cover book - a Deadpool #1 - for sale, not auction, at the same time, with the same label issue, but it's not the same seller. Add to this that MCS, a VERY reliable seller, also has a book with the same problem, and this looks like a labeling issue. I can't even say 'error' because the grades for each cover are not actually required for the label to be accurate: just the statement that the double-cover book has a double cover. This means there are a few double-cover books floating around that could use a little extra info on the label. How much you wanna bet it was the same person who did the data entry on all those labels?

Once again, I feel we are missing the salient point here about how these are getting labeled as "double covers". This is done when the submitter is entering the information for the book they are submitting. They are choosing "double cover" in the pedigree section(hence why it shows up in the grading notes next to pedigree).

And as I said in my last post, the MCS issue is a consignment book, not one they sent in themselves. So their standing has nothing to do with why that Hulk book was possible mislabeled as a double cover.

And, I am not saying that all of these are purposeful acts by the submitter and/or seller when they are submitting the books, but whether by accident or not these are the actions of the submitter when they filled out the submissions and most likely not done by the graders or data entry workers.

Still, it should have been either caught by them or quality control, OR if they are truly double covers then the grades for each cover should have been included on the labels and in the grading notes.

At best, the labels are incomplete, at worst they are in error. And at best, this was a mistake when the submitter filled in their submission, and at worst they have discovered a loophole in CBCS's submission platform that needs to be fixed.
Post 87 IP   flag post
Collector trademarkcomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Byrdibyrd
I'm leaning toward 'sloth' and 'ignorance' myself. Also, there's another double-cover book - a Deadpool #1 - for sale, not auction, at the same time, with the same label issue, but it's not the same seller.

And the Deadpool #1 CBCS 8.5 you may be speaking of is from 2008 and this was a "double cover error" variant that was made that way on purpose from the factory. It's not truly a manufacturer error. That's why there is no grade for each cover. On those they just grade the front cover. CGC doesn't even call these double covers, they just call them "Error editions".
Post 88 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
Originally Posted by Byrdibyrd
I'm leaning toward 'sloth' and 'ignorance' myself. Also, there's another double-cover book - a Deadpool #1 - for sale, not auction, at the same time, with the same label issue, but it's not the same seller.

And the Deadpool #1 CBCS 8.5 you may be speaking of is from 2008 and this was a "double cover error" variant that was made that way on purpose from the factory. It's not truly a manufacturer error. That's why there is no grade for each cover. On those they just grade the front cover. CGC doesn't even call these double covers, they just call them "Error editions".

There's that mystery solved! That actually bothers me more than the others do, because a 'double cover' is a very specific manufacturing error, and not what you just described.
Post 89 IP   flag post
Collector trademarkcomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Byrdibyrd

There's that mystery solved! That actually bothers me more than the others do, because a 'double cover' is a very specific manufacturing error, and not what you just described.

Oh, I 100% agree.
Post 90 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by HAmistoso
Has anyone ever been to Hershey PA?

No, but I kind of feel like I've been there after watching Season One of The Food That Built America.
Post 91 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
This is done when the submitter is entering the information for the book they are submitting.

I question if it is really that easy. If one could get the double cover label just by choosing it, then presumably a submitter could get any pedigree they want on a label through that same option.
Post 92 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
It's a consignment item so I doubt anything will be done, but I just thought I'd let them know.

I'm a bit late to the party, but MCS will take care of it. The book being a consignment makes it even more likely they'll get it fixed.
MCS will become the owner of the book if it's sold and returned since they've already compensated the consigner.
Post 93 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by flanders
I'm a bit late to the party, but MCS will take care of it. The book being a consignment makes it even more likely they'll get it fixed.

We don't know that the books in question are actually not double covers. Both example books are 9.8. Maybe when the book is a 9.8 there is no need to put a second cover grade if both would be 9.8?
Post 94 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
@EbayMafia maybe mcs will get a response from cbcs within 2-4 weeks.
Post 95 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
This is done when the submitter is entering the information for the book they are submitting.

I question if it is really that easy. If one could get the double cover label just by choosing it, then presumably a submitter could get any pedigree they want on a label through that same option.

The submitter chooses what to enter under 'variant' - to include errors like double covers - but it gets verified by CBCS once they get their hands on it. CBCS has even corrected me when I screwed up the title of a particular variant cover.
Post 96 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by flanders
I'm a bit late to the party, but MCS will take care of it. The book being a consignment makes it even more likely they'll get it fixed.

We don't know that the books in question are actually not double covers. Both example books are 9.8. Maybe when the book is a 9.8 there is no need to put a second cover grade if both would be 9.8?

They list both covers even if they're the same grade. The question is whether that information is required in order to keep the 'double cover' claim from looking suspicious.
Post 97 IP   flag post
Collector trademarkcomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
This is done when the submitter is entering the information for the book they are submitting.

I question if it is really that easy. If one could get the double cover label just by choosing it, then presumably a submitter could get any pedigree they want on a label through that same option.

May have been only a temporary glitch...kind of like how double covers themselves are created?
Post 98 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Post 99 IP   flag post
would be nice to have a snugger fit. Sigur_Ros private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
This is done when the submitter is entering the information for the book they are submitting.

I question if it is really that easy. If one could get the double cover label just by choosing it, then presumably a submitter could get any pedigree they want on a label through that same option.

May have been only a temporary glitch...kind of like how double covers themselves are created?

Well, between glitch, and your claim of letting people randomly choose variants, pedigrees and errors for their labels....I'll go with glitch.
Post 100 IP   flag post
Collector trademarkcomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Sigur_Ros
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
Originally Posted by trademarkcomics
This is done when the submitter is entering the information for the book they are submitting.

I question if it is really that easy. If one could get the double cover label just by choosing it, then presumably a submitter could get any pedigree they want on a label through that same option.

May have been only a temporary glitch...kind of like how double covers themselves are created?

Well, between glitch, and your claim of letting people randomly choose variants, pedigrees and errors for their labels....I'll go with glitch.

I made no such claim. I've been using the term "loophole", which is a synonym of "flaw" or "glitch". I simply said it's possible people are taking advantage of the loophole/glitch not that they definitely were. Regardless, if it's just a glitch, temporary or not, hopefully it has been or will be fixed. Even if that glitch is that they failed to complete the labels and grading notes with separate grades for each cover.
Post 101 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Here's my Kamandi 1 label.

Post 102 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Even if that glitch is that they failed to complete the labels and grading notes with separate grades for each cover.

This is what I suspect is going on. Whoever does the data entry for labels has been forgetting that double covers have the little extra bit added on.
Post 103 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
DUDE! That is hilarious!
Post 104 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Byrdibyrd
DUDE! That is hilarious!

lol!! I definitely had a chuckle when I got that back.🍻
Post 105 IP   flag post
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