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Are These Actually Double Covers or a Label Error?19006

Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Sigur_Ros
If your scenario were realistic, every book I submit would be an Action Comics #1.

Post 51 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DrWatson
In a nutshell, none of the grading companies can be held liable or responsible for mistakes or omissions made during grading. About the only thing they hold liability for is damage while in their possession, if you can prove it.

This is incorrect. The most important service they provide is authentication. If the book is a forgery there is liability. At least for CGC.
Post 52 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
I would think they'd have a waiver and with grading companies it's their opinion.

If you don't agree with their opinion you crack it out of their case.

As @DrWatson mentioned.

Damages and loss in their care is where the big liabilities are so they probably have insurance.
Post 53 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
If a counterfeit Action Comics #1 (or any other high value book) was slabbed as authentic and then sold as authentic and then later discovered as a forgery....I'd bet good money that whose ever label was on that slab would be talking to lawyers.
Post 54 IP   flag post
being an ass and being a clown are two very different things. HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user

Post 55 IP   flag post

If I could, I would. I swear. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
There used to be legal mumbo jumbo on the back of the cgc label that absolved them from just about any wrong doing. A half dozen Hail Marys and they were good to go.

I haven't paid attention to the back of their label in years to see if all that was still there.

However, if someone set out to intentionally deceive a grading company with a counterfeit book, I don't know. It would be like an art expert verifying a reproduction as an original.

I do know that fear of counterfeits is one reason CBCS doesn't grade underground comics.
Post 56 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

In my opinion the company might get railed publicly, but in my opinion they give you a best guess. Beyond that it's your problem. If it truly was an issue, don't you think PGX would have been sued out of existence already?
Post 57 IP   flag post
If I could, I would. I swear. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
If it truly was an issue, don't you think PGX would have been sued out of existence already?

I thought about the same thing. Even with all the bad news surrounding that organization, people still send them books because they get them back quickly.
Post 58 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by southerncross
I would think they'd have a waiver and with grading companies it's their opinion.

If you don't agree with their opinion you crack it out of their case.

As @DrWatson mentioned.

Damages and loss in their care is where the big liabilities are so they probably have insurance.

No, the big potential liability is a forgery of a big book that gets sold and discovered…
Post 59 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
If a counterfeit Action Comics #1 (or any other high value book) was slabbed as authentic and then sold as authentic and then later discovered as a forgery....I'd bet good money that whose ever label was on that slab would be talking to lawyers.

CGC would likely pay out and do what they can to reduce publicity… they may then go after the submitter.
Post 60 IP   flag post
being an ass and being a clown are two very different things. HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user
I have rescued a PGX book before, it reminded me of the first time I tasted a Mounds bar...
Post 61 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

Did it give you the runs and racing stripes?
Post 62 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

In my opinion the company might get railed publicly, but in my opinion they give you a best guess. Beyond that it's your problem. If it truly was an issue, don't you think PGX would have been sued out of existence already?

Depends what their terms and conditions look like. CGC terms… well, there is a reason they have their seasoned graders reviewing big books.
Post 63 IP   flag post
being an ass and being a clown are two very different things. HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

Did it give you the runs and racing stripes?

The Mounds bar?
Post 64 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

From the link posted anything on tbe label is not guaranteed. That being tbe case. The only thing they guarantee is that the book is authentic.

Information listed on a label that originates from a third party (including, without limitation, any information from the manufacturer) and any attributions (including variant attributions, reference attributions and pedigree attributions) are NOT guaranteed
Post 65 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

I was kidding. Pgx usually yields a mess. It was my poor attempt at humor.
Post 66 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

From the link posted anything on tbe label is not guaranteed. That being tbe case. The only thing they guarantee is that the book is authentic.

Information listed on a label that originates from a third party (including, without limitation, any information from the manufacturer) and any attributions (including variant attributions, reference attributions and pedigree attributions) are NOT guaranteed

That is what I said above. The authentication part is key.

Now, a savvy lawyer could also make an argument if significant restoration is discovered (with some other factors involved)… but the authentication is what is critical for old (valuable) books.

Condition is an opinion. Auction houses (Sotheby’s, Christies) are aggressive and protective with authenticity but condition… they have a long disclaimer.
Post 67 IP   flag post
being an ass and being a clown are two very different things. HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

I was kidding. Pgx usually yields a mess. It was my poor attempt at humor.

Well I took a hit in both cases but I wouldn't trade either for the world.
Post 68 IP   flag post
being an ass and being a clown are two very different things. HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user
Has anyone ever been to Hershey PA?
Post 69 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

In my opinion the company might get railed publicly, but in my opinion they give you a best guess. Beyond that it's your problem. If it truly was an issue, don't you think PGX would have been sued out of existence already?

Lawyers and lawsuits are expensive. I dont know for certain but I would guess PGX does not get the high value books that CGC/CBCS get due to their poor rep. That being said, PGX has been sued for sure but with insurance there to defend them and revenues being what they are makes it worth continuing the operations.
Post 70 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
Saying a book is authentic to me leaves a lot to be desired. Basically you are saying the book exists but everything on the label is not guaranteed. Including purple green or yellow labels and all wording on tbe label.
Post 71 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

We know a high value golden age captain America book iwned by batman66 was deemed missing stuff. I think borock said an xmen 1 had massive issues. So people do send valuable stuff in. Even if it's just to get a "pseudo" grade
Post 72 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by Bronte

In my opinion the company might get railed publicly, but in my opinion they give you a best guess. Beyond that it's your problem. If it truly was an issue, don't you think PGX would have been sued out of existence already?

Lawyers and lawsuits are expensive. I dont know for certain but I would guess PGX does not get the high value books that CGC/CBCS get due to their poor rep. That being said, PGX has been sued for sure but with insurance there to defend them and revenues being what they are makes it worth continuing the operations.

I doubt insurance is needed (or, more accurately, would cover) as I see no evidence of any contract terms implied, just exclusions and waivers of liability (at least in their public disclosure). They reference “certification” but leave it undefined. Meaningless. I only took a cursory look so not certain but doesn’t look similar to CGC’s guarantee.
Post 73 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by Bronte

In my opinion the company might get railed publicly, but in my opinion they give you a best guess. Beyond that it's your problem. If it truly was an issue, don't you think PGX would have been sued out of existence already?

Lawyers and lawsuits are expensive. I dont know for certain but I would guess PGX does not get the high value books that CGC/CBCS get due to their poor rep. That being said, PGX has been sued for sure but with insurance there to defend them and revenues being what they are makes it worth continuing the operations.

I doubt insurance is needed (or, more accurately, would cover) as I see no evidence of any contract terms implied, just exclusions and waivers of liability (at least in their public disclosure). They reference “certification” but leave it undefined. Meaningless. I only took a cursory look so not certain but doesn’t look similar to CGC’s guarantee.

Guaranteed CGC/CBCS/PGX/EGS have Errors and Omissions or Professional Liability coverage....minimum $2,000,000 limit per occurrence but likely higher limits like $5M maybe $10M...this coverage comes into play the moment they are named in a lawsuit, frivolous or otherwise. Their insurance company is obligated to defend even if the lawsuit is without merit.
Post 74 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by Bronte

In my opinion the company might get railed publicly, but in my opinion they give you a best guess. Beyond that it's your problem. If it truly was an issue, don't you think PGX would have been sued out of existence already?

Lawyers and lawsuits are expensive. I dont know for certain but I would guess PGX does not get the high value books that CGC/CBCS get due to their poor rep. That being said, PGX has been sued for sure but with insurance there to defend them and revenues being what they are makes it worth continuing the operations.

I doubt insurance is needed (or, more accurately, would cover) as I see no evidence of any contract terms implied, just exclusions and waivers of liability (at least in their public disclosure). They reference “certification” but leave it undefined. Meaningless. I only took a cursory look so not certain but doesn’t look similar to CGC’s guarantee.

Guaranteed CGC/CBCS/PGX/EGS have Errors and Omissions or Professional Liability coverage....minimum $2,000,000 limit per occurrence but likely higher limits like $5M...this coverage comes into play the moment they are named in a lawsuit, frivolous or otherwise. Their insurance company is obligated to defend even if the lawsuit is without merit.

Of course but not for this purpose (the guarantee). In other words, if they don’t form a contract for reliance, any insurance is just general coverage.

If on the other hand the contractual risk is created (like CGC) it is a different deal altogether.

I see zero evidence that PGX guarantees anything but a piece of plastic.

Edit: CGC enters into a contract that specifies compensation if the item is a forgery. PGX seems to say they are providing an opinion and only an opinion. The degree of risk is an order of magnitude different. Including for buyers of PGX slabs at high price points. Anyone know the highest sale price of a PGX book at auction?
Post 75 IP   flag post
If I could, I would. I swear. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

We know a high value golden age captain America book iwned by batman66 was deemed missing stuff. I think borock said an xmen 1 had massive issues. So people do send valuable stuff in. Even if it's just to get a "pseudo" grade

We had an Amazing Fantasy #15 graded by PGX that had a big chunk missing from the interior once it was cracked out.
Post 76 IP   flag post
being an ass and being a clown are two very different things. HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user
Fun Fact of the Day:
Post 77 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Anybody can sue anybody for anything. All you need is a perceived grievance and a lawyer willing to take your case. The moment this happens, the defendant incurs defence costs. How much cost depends how severe the grievance and how far both parties are will to take it. Some lawyers will take cases solely based on the belief they can settle out of court and would never take the case if they believed it would go to court. I bet all the grading companies have lawyers that fire off letters stating their Terms and Conditions to plaintiffs, almost on a regular basis....PGX is probably busier than others. If it moves past this point it's likely because the plaintiffs believe they have a case even knowing their T&C.
Post 78 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Anybody can sue anybody for anything. All you need is a perceived grievance and a lawyer willing to take your case. The moment this happens, the defendant incurs defence costs. How much cost depends how severe the grievance and how far both parties are will to take it. Some lawyers will take cases solely based on the belief they can settle out of court and would never take the case if they believed it would go to court. I bet all the grading companies have lawyers that fire off letters stating their Terms and Conditions to plaintiffs, almost on a regular basis....PGX is probably busier than others. If it moves past this point it's likely because the plaintiffs believe they have a case even knowing their T&C.

Funny, I tend to consider the other side. The individual who tries to get a lawyer to take a case that will likely fail on merits (contract law, absent other factors) is going to shell out big bucks… of course if you get someone buying an AC#1 PGX…

I raise the question on highest PGX sale because I am curious if anyone has relied on PGX at the extreme price points. $500k, $1M etc… without the recourse through a certification guarantee you rely on provenance or the auction house bearing liability.
Post 79 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
It's a fascinating topic and I appreciate everyones contribution to it. cheers!!
Post 80 IP   flag post
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