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For Sale: Copper/Modern Raw Comics---Massive Collection!!!18783

I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman #207 (direct), Jim Lee/Scott Williams cover. This issue features an appearance by Equus.

VF+, or better. You guessed it...the back cover shows very light ink rubs near the staples. A good pressing candidate.


Post 126 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman #208 (direct), Jim Lee/Scott Williams. This issue features the 1st appearance of Halcyon, as well as an appearance by the JLA.

VF+, or better. The back cover shows very light ink rubs near the staples...again. Press it!!!


Post 127 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
That's all for now, folks. I'll be back soon to finish listing the series.
Post 128 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman #1,000,000 (direct). This issue features Superman in the 853rd Century.

VF+, or better. The back cover shows very light ink rubs near the staples. Unfortunately, the front cover has ink-removing fingerprints in spots on Lois Lane. There are a couple on the back as well. Not sure if I did this...I was always careful. So....

FREE, with any purchase

Post 129 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman Annual #5 (direct). This issue is Bloodlines: Outbreak, and it features appearances by Superboy and Eradicator.

VF+, or better; off-white to white pages. The back cover shows very light ink rubs in spots along the spine.


Post 130 IP   flag post

I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman Annual #6 (direct). This issue is an Elseworlds story, featuring an appearance by Rudyard Kipling.

VF, or better; off-white to white pages. The back cover shows very light ink rubs in spots along the spine, as well as a bit of surface paper missing at the bottom spine corner.


Post 131 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman Annual #7 (direct). This issue is a Year One story, featuring an appearance by Doctor Occult.

VF/NM, or better. The back cover shows one or two spots of extremely light rubs to the gloss, as well as a few very mild finger bends/indentations. I think a press will get this one into NM- territory...maybe more.


Post 132 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman Annual #8 (direct). This issue is a Legends of the Dead Earth story.

VF/NM, or better. A mild spine/stacking roll that will press out.


Post 133 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman Annual #9 (direct). This issue is a Pulp Heroes story.

VF/NM, or better; off-white to white pages. The bottom spine corner shows more blunting than normal, with a bit of edge wear on the back near the same corner.


Post 134 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman Annual #10 (direct), with cover art by Bernie Wrightson. This issue is a Ghosts: Phantoms of the Zone story.

VF/NM, or better. I wanted to give this one a NM- estimate, but I went conservative because of the few spine creases and a couple of very light scratches on the front cover near the spine.


Post 135 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
That's it for all of my Superman-titled series. Next, I'll be listing stuff that came out around the same timeframe as all the raws I finished listing, to include one-shots, TPB's, odds & ends, etc.
Post 136 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman #28 (direct). This issue is from the 2016 series, and it features an appearance by Superboy (Jon Kent).

VF-, or better. Plenty of spine creases here.


Post 137 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
The Death of Superman Platinum Edition trade paperback, 1st print. This TPB reprints the entire Death of Superman story-line. Only 4500 of this version were printed (I believe).

This book is hard to find, and it was never read. I have seen this book in a slab, in case anyone is curious. This listing deserves a more lengthy writeup.

VF, or better; off-white to white pages. There are a couple spots of very light wear on the spine. There is light blunting of the spine corners, especially the top corner. The front cover shows some very small, and mild, edge bends at the bottom, as well as on the bottom left corner…which is very lightly bent. That corner shows a bit of wear, but the bend doesn’t break the ink. The front cover also shows a very light ink-breaking crease near the upper right corner, as well as a couple of edge bends/blunting near the top spine corner. The back cover is in great shape except for very light ink wear near the bottom left page corner. The spine binding on both covers do not break ink.

I do have photos of specific areas of the book. Just message me with a request.

$50, or best offer

Post 138 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, 1st print. This one-shot book won the 1996 Squiddy Award for Reprint Collection because it reprints Superman #423 and Action Comics #583.

VF+, or better. The front cover shows a couple of surface scratches in the upper right quadrant of the that barely break the ink, if at all. The back cover shows some mild cosmetic scratches/scuffs to the gloss.


Post 139 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman: At Earth’s End, one-shot Elseworlds story. This book tells a story of Superman after the Apocalypse.

VF, or better. The entire bottom right corner of the book suffers from a bend through it, which may or may not break the ink on either cover. It’s difficult to tell because the creases are mild and small. A solid press should fix it.


Post 140 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
More to come soon....
Post 141 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman: Distant Fires, one-shot. This book is an Elseworlds story in which Superman and other heroes try to rebuild the world after a nuclear war.

VF, or better. The front cover shows a very mild scratch to the gloss at the top spine corner, while the back cover shows a few mild scuffs in spots around the page. The back cover spine binding shows some very light ink breakage.


Post 142 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Giant Superman Annual #1, Replica edition (1st print). This one-shot comic reprints important Golden and Silver Age stories. The front cover is a foldout.

VF/NM, or better. The back cover shows a very mild finger bend near the bottom edge of the page that doesn’t break the ink. It can be pressed out.

$15, or best offer

Post 143 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman: Kal. In this Elseworlds one-shot story, Superman’s rocket lands in Medieval England.

FN/VF, or better. You can pretty much see the problems with this book, although minor. The problem is the spine binding on the front cover shows some light ink-breakage, while the back binding shows less.


Post 144 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman #8, Italian copy. This comic features reprints of Legion of Superheroes #37, Superman #8, and Action Comics #591 in Italian. I picked this one up off an outdoor newsstand in Naples, Italy many years ago.

VF, or better. The front cover shows some very mild ink rubs near the top spine corner, along with a couple of mild finger bends. Both covers show a few mild cosmetic scratches in the gloss of the paper. A press will help here.

$10, or best offer

Post 145 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman Plus #1. This issue features an appearance by the Legion of Superheroes.

VF/NM, or better. This one is in really good shape, except for the mild spine/stacking roll. Press it out for a NM-, or better.


Post 146 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman: Speeding Bullets, one-shot. The cover is an homage to Superman #1, and it is an Elseworlds story where Kal-El (Batman) is adopted by the Waynes.

VF-, or better. This comic shows a couple spots of wear on the spine. Both covers some very light wear along the top edge, which I believe to be partly from the production cut. The back cover shows some light wear/cracks along the bottom of the spine, as well as an ink-breaking ‘crease’ on the bottom edge near the spine corner. I'm dinging the grade hard because of the latter defect.


Post 147 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman’s Metropolis, one-shot. This is an Elseworlds story that is based on a fictional movie called ‘Metropolis’.

VF-, or better. This comic shows some very light ink ‘cracks’ on the spine (back cover). The back cover shows a couple of small spots of ink breakage in the spine binding, while the bottom left corner shows a very small bend that only affects the last few pages of the book.


Post 148 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman: The Earth Stealers, one-shot (1st print). This story features Superman fighting aliens that stole the Moon and the Earth to another galaxy.

FN/VF, or better. There are plenty of defects here, but the main concern is the back cover. Cosmetic scratches/scuffs, finger prints, and general light wear. I purchased this book second-hand. Too bad....


Post 149 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
The Legacy of Superman #1, one-shot (direct). This issue features appearances by Waverider, Sinbad, Guardian, and Gangbuster.

VF+, or better; off-white to white pages. Both covers show light ink wear in spots along the spine, along with a mild spine/stacking roll.


Post 150 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman/Toyman #1, one-shot. This comic features appearances by Doomsday and Conduit.

VF+, or better. The front cover shows a production wrinkle between Doomsday’s chest and left arm…it doesn’t appear to break the ink. The entire bottom right corner of the book has a mild bend through it that may break the ink on the back cover.


Post 151 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Superman: Under A Yellow Sun, ‘A Novel By Clark Kent’. The cover of this book has embossed/raised lettering.

FN/VF, or better. The back cover is the problem again, even though the front has it's defects too. Again, I'm dinging the grade estimate because of the spine binding ink breakage.


Post 152 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
Gang, I'm going to stop here. I have more Superman stuff, including other titles, but this particular series isn't getting the attention I had hoped. That's quite alright though!!! I know how these things work. It's all good.

I'm going to take the weekend to figure out where to go from here....more Superman, maybe Batman, some Marvel stuff? Lots to choose from. Lol

Thanks for looking!! Again, please message me with questions, concerns, requests, name it. A bad question is one that isn't asked.

A shameless plug here...I also have a Modern CGC slab thread going as well. I know some of you have seen that's all the same because I don't sub anymore. Lol.

Have a great weekend!! We're going to look for a Christmas tree in the mountains to cut down. Only $10!!!
Post 153 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Galen130
We're going to look for a Christmas tree in the mountains to cut down. Only $10!!!

Have fun!!!!
Post 154 IP   flag post
I haven't aired it out. It's part of the provenance. Galen130 private msg quote post Address this user
I'm going to change it up a bit. I don't want to overwhelm this thread with Superman comics...and I have a lot. I'll list more at a later date, if the thread gets any traction.

I'm going to switch over to everything I have left in my Spider-Man titles. I've sold off a good deal of ASM, Spider-Man, etc., but there might still be a few gems left in what I have remaining.

I'll start off with the only Silver Age Spidey I have left...

*REMINDER* Prices do NOT reflect shipping, which I changed a while back. Media Mail shipping up to 70lbs is free. Any other type of shipping, message me and we'll hash it out.
Post 155 IP   flag post
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