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Collector no1lufcfan private msg quote post Address this user
@DarthLego oh go on if you must......pray tell😎
Post 301 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
In Short Stacks
Post 302 IP   flag post
Collector no1lufcfan private msg quote post Address this user
Groooaaannnnnn......I knew I shouldn't have asked 😜
Post 303 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
How do you make a pancake smile?
Post 304 IP   flag post
Collector Mef private msg quote post Address this user
@DarthLego Butter it up?
Post 305 IP   flag post

COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Post 306 IP   flag post
Collector Mef private msg quote post Address this user
@DarthLego kept my answer in QC for three days...
Post 307 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
I didn't know anyone answered, I thought everyone was ignoring my jokes.
Post 308 IP   flag post
Collector Mef private msg quote post Address this user
I find it odd you didn't sense a disturbance in the force..
Post 309 IP   flag post
Collector Kaleljll private msg quote post Address this user
I have two books in for pressing, my hulk 180 and iron fist #1. Sorry if this question has been answered already. Will my dashboard say that they are in pressing or will it just go from received status to grading?
Post 310 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
@Kaleljll they have not added pressing into the dashboard software yet, so they won't change until they leave pressing.
Post 311 IP   flag post
Collector Kaleljll private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DarthLego
@Kaleljll they have not added pressing into the dashboard software yet, so they won't change until they leave pressing.

That is what I figured. Thank you very much sir.
Post 312 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
I just posted a before and after video on the CBCS Pressing Facebook page. They really down-sampled the quality. I may upload it to YouTube and link it to the Facebook page next time.

Anyway, here's the link...
Post 313 IP   flag post
Collector Thanatos private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
I just posted a before and after video on the CBCS Pressing Facebook page. They really down-sampled the quality. I may upload it to YouTube and link it to the Facebook page next time.

Anyway, here's the link...

Thanks @SteveRicketts! Awesome video and the quality wasn't as bad as I expected from reading your post but I agree that Youtube would probably be the better option in the future. Appreciate the inside look at your pancakes!
Post 314 IP   flag post
Collector no1lufcfan private msg quote post Address this user
@SteveRicketts Nice job
Post 315 IP   flag post
Collector Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user
@SteveRicketts Any estimate on how many weeks it is currently taking for submissions to get pressed and passed over to grading? I have a submission that includes pressing that was received on April 17 and still shows as "Receiving". That's 12 weeks. Thanks in advance.
Post 316 IP   flag post
Collector farseer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Lonestar
@SteveRicketts Any estimate on how many weeks it is currently taking for submissions to get pressed and passed over to grading? I have a submission that includes pressing that was received on April 17 and still shows as "Receiving". That's 12 weeks. Thanks in advance.

Mine were received Mar 31st and went to grading on July 3rd
(qty 1) and 5th (qty 4).
Post 317 IP   flag post
Collector Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user
@farseer Thanks for the info. Hopefully mine will make it to grading in the next week or two.
Post 318 IP   flag post
Collector Mr_adam_R private msg quote post Address this user
im with you guys. received date: march 14th (showing 28th), 6 total books (4 getting pressed). still only shows as "received". Im hoping something moves soon. good luck guys!
Post 319 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Hey guys. I'm currently pressing books from April 4-5th.

@Mr_adam_R you order has already been pressed.
@Lonestar I hope to have yours done in the next week or so.

I'll be adding the turnaround for pressing on the weekly updates starting next week.
Post 320 IP   flag post
Collector Mr_adam_R private msg quote post Address this user
STEVE! this is outstanding news! thank you for the update sir.
Post 321 IP   flag post
Collector thpike private msg quote post Address this user
@SteveRicketts Thanks for the work on my Seven to Eternity Variant! I wasn't sure if it needed pressing but when I talked to my LCS he said... "I dunno... they might be able to get it out...but you're probably looking at a 9.4 or 9.6..." Shows him! Thanks!
Post 322 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by thpike
@SteveRicketts Thanks for the work on my Seven to Eternity Variant! I wasn't sure if it needed pressing but when I talked to my LCS he said... "I dunno... they might be able to get it out...but you're probably looking at a 9.4 or 9.6..." Shows him! Thanks!

That's wasn't the easiest book I've worked on, but I got it.
Glad it got the 9.8.
I wish I had time to follow up on every order I press, but sometimes it's like a blur.
Post 323 IP   flag post
Collector Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
Hey guys. I'm currently pressing books from April 4-5th.

@Mr_adam_R you order has already been pressed.
@Lonestar I hope to have yours done in the next week or so.

I'll be adding the turnaround for pressing on the weekly updates starting next week.

Thanks for the response and the news. Excited to see how they all come back. Great news that you will be adding the turnaround times to the updates.
Post 324 IP   flag post
Collector Diggitydave1 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
I just posted a before and after video on the CBCS Pressing Facebook page. They really down-sampled the quality. I may upload it to YouTube and link it to the Facebook page next time.

Anyway, here's the link...

thanks for the video wasn't really sure on the effects pressing would have. I got a couple books to send in that will need it.
Post 325 IP   flag post
Collector Pacoma7623 private msg quote post Address this user
Will the pressing show up on the label?like a restoration. A diff colored label?show up in graders notes?
Post 326 IP   flag post
Collector farseer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Pacoma7623
Will the pressing show up on the label?like a restoration. A diff colored label?show up in graders notes?

No, none of this will appear. The graders will not know that the books have been pressed prior to being graded
Post 327 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
@Pacoma7623 when pressing is done properly it's undetectable by graders, and they are not told any information about what books are pressed.
Post 328 IP   flag post
Collector DaveSammy private msg quote post Address this user
I guess it's better to inquire here, I asked on the fb site & everyone thinks you're ticked off. If I was mad, I would use the other guys, but I like cbcs. I've never used a professional pressing service and I don't sell, everything I submit I keep or if I don't like it, will give away. I've heard pressing adds a month or so to the current 12 week waiting period. I'd rather have it done correctly and well, I hate submitting high end books and wondering "what if I got it pressed?".
Post 329 IP   flag post
Collector DaveSammy private msg quote post Address this user
Also, are the pressing notes ever available? It would be fantastic to see what was and what was not able to be improved. Some of my current submission is older books, so that would be a plus, although Mr. Ricketts might never get anything done if he added that service. Moreso a question from a newer submitter to the pressing game. Thanks!
Post 330 IP   flag post
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