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Art Sketch CoversQuestions

Thoughts on blank cover for specific sketch idea?18701

Collector Sebastsk8 private msg quote post Address this user
So I've pretty much filled my first asm 700 skyline, and looking for a second copy to continue...but also looking into other display ideas for sigs/sketches. I LOVE the idea of a cap shield for sigs, and I'm debating buying one, but also debating having a sketch cover done...or maybe both!

Idea would be to have something similar to the anniversary issues where its the border with multiple head sketches, and do all of the symbiotes(or at least the major ones, probably 11 or so?) And then in the center, I'm still debating to either do knull or venom. Venom obviously being the new king in black and the reason i collect, but knull being the creator of the symbiotes would also make sense.

These would probably be just outline head sketches with minimal color on the sketch outline just to denote which symbiote it is(for the most part they have different colors, or different look/color).

Any thoughts? Has anyone seen something similar done? I saw a blank with the sinister six and spiderman in the center which is kind of where i got the idea from.

Also, do i go with a traditional white blank like venom 1 or absolute carnage 1, or maybe do a black cover like king in black 1?(not glossy, although theyd have to use paint pens due to the black cover, but I've still seen those turn out nice)

Throw out any ideas or experiences youve had with sketch covers and perhaps tips on what would work out best. I'd most likely have this one witnessed. Other possibility is having multiple artists do the sketches, or just stick to one who has pretty much done them all - bagley or sam de la rosa come to mind as they've both been involved in the majority of them at the very least.

Any ideas help, this would be the biggest piece I've had done by far.
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I like bean sprouts. James42 private msg quote post Address this user
My main concern would be with how small the area would be for each small headshot. I have seen people do themed art boards, where they take a single art page and section it for multiple artists to do small sketches on a theme. But most of those drawing spaces are around the size of a playing card (or larger). Doing something similar on the border of a single book might be a bit much.

I would definitely do it with two artists at most; one to do the small headshots and one to do the larger center. That would allow the border artist to plan their layout without having to leave room for the next guy.
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Sebastsk8 It can definitely be done, here’s an example with space for 16. To have the space for the larger sketch you’re probably looking at little doodles for each head sketch.

One idea would be to extend the headshot border to wrap around the back to give you more space or maybe do the head shots on a grid on the back and have the full front cover for your major sketch

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Collector Sebastsk8 private msg quote post Address this user
@James42 very good point - may have to limit it to the more well known symbiotes.

@dielinfinite awesome, yeah I'm actually thinking more along the lines of remarques than sketches probably for the border as there wouldn't be much room for detail, just hopefully enough to get the point across which symbiotes they are. If I limit it to like 8 that would give a good portion of the center for a more detailed version of either venom or knull - and I can do "good" symbiotes on one side and evil on the other. Thanks!
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