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Kickstarter for my first comic...18506

CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Hi, everyone. For those who don't know I am publishing my first comic book in a few months, titled RIPPED. The comic will be crowd-funded through Kickstarter. The link to sign up to be notified when the event launches is HERE!

RIPPED is a Superhero Comedy based in a world I have been constructing over the last few years. The complete story arc will be ten issues, though each issue will be a self-contained piece of the much larger picture. RIPPED is set in a world similar to our own but containing some very powerful beings.

RIPPED is the story of Gary Growler. A young man who idolizes Friendlyman, the greatest hero the world has ever known. Gary has long dreamed of being a "Unique," (those who are gifted with a remarkable abilities.) Nobody completely understands how or even when Uniques acquire their abilities. These powers can range from incredible to bizarre, but with proper training they can be all be formidable. Or at least...entertaining.

My story will be told over ten issues. RIPPED will have a sizable, and often bizarre, rogues' gallery. Each issue will have a standard cover, as well as one variant cover with an homage from a popular comic book from the past. I plan to offer a few variations of each cover that will be limited. I also plan to offer one of those variations that will only be available for the first 48 hours of the campaign, so be on your toes when it launches! Go to the link above and get on the list to be notified when it starts!

I am giving the CBCS message board an early preview of the two covers, as well as the first ten pages of the first issue. Issue #1 will be 32 pages of story trying to capture a feel for superhero comics from the '80s. I hope you all enjoy my story. I have big plans for this comic.

Issue #1 standard cover...

Issue #1 variant cover...

First ten interior pages...

Post 1 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Post 2 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Well ... THAT'S an intro!!!!
Post 3 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
@SteveRicketts Looks good, your art is reminiscent of some Underground and independent '80s stuff. Looking forward to seeing more!
Post 4 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
I like it! Keep it up!!
Post 5 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@SteveRicketts Looks great!! I will donate when it becomes open.

Will we be able to get a graded copy through CBCS? Maybe a Witneesed signature book? I'd buy a copy.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Apparently, I am easily annoyed. Rbolton private msg quote post Address this user
2nd what GAC said, that would be awesome!!! Congrats!!
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector Madman private msg quote post Address this user
Count me in on that! Good luck
Post 8 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
@GAC I don't know if I can make that happen through the Kickstarter or not. I might offer something where we can do a private signing at a later date after the books are printed.
Post 9 IP   flag post
HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user


Is El Monte from EspaΓ±a?
Post 10 IP   flag post
Feel free to use my post as a checklist. multi007 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
@SteveRicketts Looks great!! I will donate when it becomes open.

Will we be able to get a graded copy through CBCS? Maybe a Witneesed signature book? I'd buy a copy.


Get some pre-graded pre-signed-pre remarqued books through CBCS. I'm a buyer.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Feel free to use my post as a checklist. multi007 private msg quote post Address this user
@SteveRicketts please and thank you. signed and remarques... PLEASE.

Good luck - may your future be blessed with a tv show!
Post 12 IP   flag post
You can't get good wood on the ball every time. HotKeyComics private msg quote post Address this user
Looks great! Any options for doing an exclusive cover?
Post 13 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by multi007
Originally Posted by GAC
@SteveRicketts Looks great!! I will donate when it becomes open.

Will we be able to get a graded copy through CBCS? Maybe a Witneesed signature book? I'd buy a copy.


Get some pre-graded pre-signed-pre remarqued books through CBCS. I'm a buyer.

Let's skip the stapled-on acetate cover, though, okay?
Post 14 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
@WMorse This information will be uncovered as the story progresses.

@multi007 I'll see what I can do. I planned to offer a signed/remarqued option, but not a graded option.

@HotKeyComics I've not thought about this option before. I have a friend who does this in his Kickstarters, I'll ask him how it works.

@Byrdibyrd I will not offer an acetate cover variant. πŸ˜†
Post 15 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
@Byrdibyrd I will not offer an acetate cover variant.

We're already off to a great start!
Post 16 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
looks cool. I always love those indy...unknown comics
Post 17 IP   flag post
Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
@GAC I don't know if I can make that happen through the Kickstarter or not. I might offer something where we can do a private signing at a later date after the books are printed.
If we send send them in for pressing you can sign them thenπŸ‘πŸ» jk

Also following. Looks very interesting.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Doodoo doodoo! Mind blowing stuff, right? Caffeine_Kid private msg quote post Address this user
Color me intrigued. I'm in.
Post 19 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the kind words. I am having fun with this. I hope everyone enjoys it.
Post 20 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Post 21 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Update: Right now the plan is to begin the Kickstarter for my comic on the weekend of November 4th. As we get closer I'll announce an exact time and date. It could change, but right now I am aiming for that weekend and I'm determined to make that happen.

The art and lettering for my comic has been completed and I have a few leads on colorists. I would love to have it printed and shipped before Christmas but it might be better for me to wait until early January being a high volume time of year for both industries.

Please sign up to be notified when it launches. I'm going to make the base comic as inexpensive as I can at the entry level price. I also plan to have a few options that will be extremely limited, if that's your thing. Issue #1 is a healthy beast at 32 pages plus cover. 30 pages of that are actual story.


Also another update, I am adding a third cover variant. It is a second homage cover and will have a much lower print run than the Action 1 homage.

Thanks for the interest. For those who missed it, I posted the first 10 pages of the book above as a teaser.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Signed up! Interested to see the finished product.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Apparently, I am easily annoyed. Rbolton private msg quote post Address this user
Post 24 IP   flag post
Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
Colorist? My crayons are at your service!

Post 25 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
@HulkSmash πŸ˜‚
Post 26 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Update! I have a colorist who is hard at work. I'm still targeting the Kickstarter launch this Saturday. Please sign up for notifications by clicking here!

I am adding an additional cover variant because I like threes better than twos. The third cover is an homage of another legendary golden age cover, though one I've never seen used before. Three words...Ell Bee Cole

More details as we get closer to the launch.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
Three words...Ell Bee Cole

Attention acquired.
Post 28 IP   flag post
The Fifth Golden Girl sborock private msg quote post Address this user
Saved the Kickstarter! I am really looking forward to this Steve! I hope the KS blows away expectations for ya brother!
Post 29 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, I'm in the grind to get everything finished to launch the Kickstarter on Saturday. Looks like I'll make it, however...amateur it may look. Being my first time I certainly am learning with the pressure on me. lol

I thought I'd share the third and final variant with you guys. I'm pretty happy with this one. An homage to LB Cole's Mask #2. The young whipper-snappers may not appreciate it, but this project is for me. Hopefully some of you comic nerds enjoy the story I'm going to tell.

Anyway, here's the cover. I'll update once the campaign starts. Here's the link!

Post 30 IP   flag post
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