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Netflix Orders Punisher Series185

Collector Brubaker private msg quote post Address this user
From BC:

Entertainment Weekly reports The Punisher will get his own series after all.

Hannibal veteran Steve Lightfoot will serve as executive producer and showrunner of the series, but all other details are sketchy.

Jon Bernthal debuted as Frank Castle in the second season of Daredevil earlier this year. Prior to the season premiere, many theorized the Punisher spinoff was possible, but as recently as February, this notion was dismissed. At the time, Marvel Television executive vice president Jeph Loeb was quoted as saying, “I think that’s something that people are speculating on, as opposed to something that’s actually happening.” It seems that speculation proved correct.

Presumably, the series will air following the completion of Marvel’s original deal with Netflix, which includes the upcoming Luke Cage, Iron Fist and team-up series The Defenders.
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COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
That's great news! The Punisher is probably my favorite character and I loved Berenthal's take on the character (though I also loved Jane and Stevenson in the role) so I'm really looking forward to it!
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Collector Iago19 private msg quote post Address this user
That is great. I love what Netflix is doing.
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Collector FrankCastle private msg quote post Address this user
We knew it was coming, definitely well deserved!
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Collector RyanHicks private msg quote post Address this user
I think any new show/movie that is comic related is awesome news for us comic fans and I definitely think the debut of Berenthals Punisher was awesome in Daredevil; however, I am a little bit concerned about his own ongoing series... The Punisher is a tough character to be the main attraction of a show or movie because he really tows the line between good and evil so its hard to really get behind him as a hero. A good example of this is his two hardly successful movies and even his short run comic series...they are all fairly short lived but yet all his cameos and appearances in other series are badass because he is such an awesome character in small/medium doses (I will say, i actually did like the first Punisher movie even though I can see why alot of people didn't).

What do you guys think, any concerns at all about him having his own series?
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Collector Mio private msg quote post Address this user
He was great in a supporting role; but I think he will need a strong supporting cast himself to really bring the show together.

I never had any interest in Daredevil (comics), but I have enjoyed the series. I trust that a Punisher series would be just as well made - and quite brutal!
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Collector Designer_Toast private msg quote post Address this user
Punisher! I like Bernthal in this role and Netflix is doing great on DD
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Collector FForFake private msg quote post Address this user
I thought the Punisher was the best thing about the new season. The Hand stuff was pretty dull in comparison.
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Collector Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user

Plus I like the Marvel Netflix shows
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Collector Iago19 private msg quote post Address this user
@Mio I agree. The cast and storytelling will be key.@RyanHicks They have to stay true to what makes the Punisher a great character. If there were ever a time when a Punisher Series would work it's now. Series on Netflix or TV are gritty, aggressive and are increasing in popularity. Hope Punisher can ride that wave.
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Collector Iago19 private msg quote post Address this user
@Designer_Toast So far has been great.
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