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I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
@power_struggle55 Processing is not a status. Your submission will be in Processing the whole time CBCS has your books....from Received to Shipped and everything in between.

ah ok. the tracking update said the same as it did way before email. but Ill take what the email said as its grading as a good sign. ill still think it will be worth the wait when it comes. plan on displaying with a pop figure. as i said before its mighty morphin power rangers #9 which is first appearance of Lord Drakkon. have the pop figure of him
Post 451 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@power_struggle55 - have you clicked the “Print Invoice” hyperlink?
Post 452 IP   flag post
Collector PhantomStranger271 private msg quote post Address this user
Haven't posted in about 2-3 months. Has anything significant changed? Are things still taking about a year?

Cheers to the patient people.
Post 453 IP   flag post
Collector WalkinWillie private msg quote post Address this user
Update on my status - I'm the one that had 2,443 modern pre-screen books over several overs that asked CBCS to return my books back in September of 2022. Well they didn't do that but now they are processing my orders at breakneck speed (for them anyway) and out of order. Usually my submissions are around six weeks apart but now I am getting two of them shipped this week.

The big concern for me is on the last three orders CBCS has shipped, the reject rate is uncommonly high. Usually I get around a 15% to 20% reject rate but the last four orders have been 24%, 43%, 39% and 30%

This is upsetting as I am sending the same quality books that I always do and that have had much lower reject rates for books I have been submitting since 2014.

What are the reasons for the high reject rates? Some potential reasons are:

1. CBCS is rushing through orders.
2. CBCS has changed their grading criteria
3. New graders are overly strict
4. They are tired of me even though I rarely contact them and didn't raise a ruckus over their ignoring my request to return my books.
5. Something I am forgetting - looking for input here from our noble cadre of posters.

I think #1 above is the main culprit for my high reject rates but who knows?

I've received or am going to receive six orders in an 8 week period stretching back to the first of December. That is a cash flow crunch for me but still holding up. Storage room is one of the big deals here.

There is no order to what they are processing. The order I will receive this week was the very last one I submitted from my backlog back on 6/19/2022. The one I will be getting at the beginning of next week is from 4/1/2022. I still have one from 3/4/2022 that is still "Received". I have three more orders from May and June 2022 which are still "Received".

Regardless, after I receive next week's shipment, I will be down to only 586 books left for CBCS to process.

The last complaint I have is either with their case or the way they are handling books once graded. I have to polish scuffs or remove scratches for about one in every six to seven books. That is a pain. I have a stack of books where I couldn't get the scuffs/scratches out - and I use various polishing compounds, etc. - that I will have to submit for re-holders. I don't have this problem with the other grading outfit.

Like nearly everyone on here, I wasn't happy with the TATs but now I am unhappy with the quality of CBCS' work.
Post 454 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by WalkinWillie
I have to polish scuffs or remove scratches for about one in every six to seven books. That is a pain. I have a stack of books where I couldn't get the scuffs/scratches out - and I use various polishing compounds

Me and this guy have been tied to the hip for years now

I will say; however, that for me - the other guys have (from a percentage standpoint) been significantly worse. And lately it's been in the inside of the case which is infuriating. It's one thing to be able to fix the incoming raw material inspection incompetence from these 2 companies when it's on the outside; but it's totally another case when the scuffs are in the inside.

Post 455 IP   flag post

Collector WalkinWillie private msg quote post Address this user
That Meguiar's PlastX is what I use for the really easy to remove scuffs. Great stuff.

Most of the time I use the NOVUS #2 Fine Scratch Remover then the Meguiar's product as the #2 will leave it slightly cloudy. I also use the NOVUS #3 Heavy Scratch Remover for really tough ones, then the #2, then Meguiar's.

I also have some micro-mesh sanding pads for ones that are too much to get out easily. Start coarse (1500 or 1800) and go through each one until the finest (12000). Then use the NOVUS and Meguiar's products.

If I can't remove the scratches with reasonable effort then to the re-holder pile they go.
Post 456 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@power_struggle55 - have you clicked the “Print Invoice” hyperlink?

ok looking, what am I looking for?
Post 457 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@power_struggle55 - Yes, when you click on your submission hyperlink, you will see a "Print Invoice" button on the right hand side. Click that as it is a hyperlink to your submission invoice and will typically bring up a more current status on your submission, like Pressing, Grading, Labels, HeatSeal, QC, Encasement, Imaging, Billing, Shipping, and Complete.
Post 458 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@power_struggle55 - Yes, when you click on your submission hyperlink, you will see a "Print Invoice" button on the right hand side. Click that as it is a hyperlink to your submission invoice and will typically bring up a more current status on your submission, like Pressing, Grading, Labels, HeatSeal, QC, Encasement, Imaging, Billing, Shipping, and Complete.

yeah see nothing. just see title, insured for, total paid, only status I see is recieved, now Im thinking they lied to me about "its grading" like they didnt fully check
Post 459 IP   flag post
I blame the forum gremlins. figment private msg quote post Address this user
Signature Series is currently all we send to CGC. Here's the last four orders...

#1 Steve Englehart - 112 total days
#2 Gerhard - 122 total days
#3 Gerhard w/press - 179 total days
#4 Mark Waid - 145 total days so far, the order is just now at G/E/I
Post 460 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by WalkinWillie
That Meguiar's PlastX is what I use for the really easy to remove scuffs. Great stuff.

Most of the time I use the NOVUS #2 Fine Scratch Remover then the Meguiar's product as the #2 will leave it slightly cloudy. I also use the NOVUS #3 Heavy Scratch Remover for really tough ones, then the #2, then Meguiar's.

I also have some micro-mesh sanding pads for ones that are too much to get out easily. Start coarse (1500 or 1800) and go through each one until the finest (12000). Then use the NOVUS and Meguiar's products.

If I can't remove the scratches with reasonable effort then to the re-holder pile they go.

Sorta like car headlight refinishing.
Except the car headlight refinishing is after ... like 10 years; not immediately upon receipt.
Post 461 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by power_struggle55
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@power_struggle55 - Yes, when you click on your submission hyperlink, you will see a "Print Invoice" button on the right hand side. Click that as it is a hyperlink to your submission invoice and will typically bring up a more current status on your submission, like Pressing, Grading, Labels, HeatSeal, QC, Encasement, Imaging, Billing, Shipping, and Complete.

yeah see nothing. just see title, insured for, total paid, only status I see is recieved, now Im thinking they lied to me about "its grading" like they didnt fully check

@power_struggle55 - I get the sense that you may not be looking in the right spot. When you click the Print Invoice hyperlink button, a CBCS Invoice should pop up towards the top on the right hand side, just above the listing of comics and the total you should see a status. The example below is of one of my submissions from this month and it reflects that it is in Pressing room.

To get to the invoice above, again, you need to click the blue "Print Invoice" hyperlink button which you can see below on the right hand side directly above the payment information.

Post 462 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
no, was doing it right.
Post 463 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
May wantvto delete your address
Post 464 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
best i could do. but deleted it. spoke to jesse. he says if they say it is. but im not sure.
Post 465 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
@power_struggle55 - Ok, so based on that you are correct in that they are acknowledging receipt. Your submission may be in the grading queue. On occasion, i have had submissions revert back to a previous status when moving through the process. You may want to hit that print invoice button every week or so to see status updates.

Post 466 IP   flag post
I don't want to brag, but cashiers are always checking me out. power_struggle55 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Scifinator
@power_struggle55 - Ok, so based on that you are correct in that they are acknowledging receipt. Your submission may be in the grading queue. On occasion, i have had submissions revert back to a previous status when moving through the process. You may want to hit that print invoice button every week or so to see status updates.


yeah nothing else to do but wait. hopefully its all true. jesse was very straight forward. so will leave him be. i still think once i get it graded and shipped back. will be worth all the headache
Post 467 IP   flag post
I blame the forum gremlins. figment private msg quote post Address this user
Modern Movement?!? Guess it's time to start the updates again.

Modern w/Press

Received: 1/12/22, Pressing: 1/12/22, Grading: 1/26/23
Received: 2/15/22, Pressing: 2/16/22
Received: 3/12/22, Pressing: 3/21/22
Received: 3/31/22, Pressing: 4/4/22

There has been ZERO notification or visibility as to when a book completes pressing and is placed back in the grading queue.
Post 468 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Order with 9 books received 3/14/2022

1 Consumer tier entered grading 1/24/23, Entered Production 1/26/23

7 Expanded tier w/ press screen entered grading 1/24/23, entered Production 1/26/23
Post 469 IP   flag post
Collector WalkinWillie private msg quote post Address this user
CBCS just sent a third modern pre-screen order to Billing within a week's time. Not sure my credit card will accept this one just yet - we'll see. Wish they would complete these orders in the same time frame as their submittals - i.e. submittal dates are approximately six weeks apart so it would be nice if CBCS would bill and ship orders six weeks apart. Again, this was the last one submitted of the five orders left outstanding with CBCS. Submittal date was 6/14/2022.

This one had a reject rate of 36%, which if you read my previous post from this week, is still very high. Got a pretty big cache of rejects (my wife says, "Don't call them that - say they have challenges" as if they have feelings) that I will go through sooner than later to see which ones are pressing candidates economically speaking.

But at least I am down to 486 books from the all time high of 2,443 so that's something.
Post 470 IP   flag post
I blame the forum gremlins. figment private msg quote post Address this user
Modern w/Press

Received: 1/12/22, Pressing: 1/12/22, Grading: 1/26/23, Heat Seal: 1/27/23
Received: 2/15/22, Pressing: 2/16/22
Received: 3/12/22, Pressing: 3/21/22
Received: 3/31/22, Pressing: 4/4/22
Post 471 IP   flag post
Collector Travis private msg quote post Address this user
2243 books you sent in to get graded what’s the grand total price tag you paid for that. Dose it cost anything for the rejects what are your pre screening 9.8 why so many books
Post 472 IP   flag post
Collector WalkinWillie private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Travis
2243 books you sent in to get graded what’s the grand total price tag you paid for that. Dose it cost anything for the rejects what are your pre screening 9.8 why so many books

It was 17 orders from August 23, 2021 through June 18. 2022 - I'm a dealer so I submit to sell which is why there are so many books submitted. All of these are modern books. Haven't totaled up the cost yet of all of these invoices.

When my reject rate was 15% to 20%, there was no cost for rejects. However with these high reject rates, the cost is $4.00 per book.
Post 473 IP   flag post
I blame the forum gremlins. figment private msg quote post Address this user
Modern & New (grade only)

Received: 5/24/22, Processing: 5/27/22, Grading: 1/24/23, Labels: 1/27/23
Received: 5/27/22, Processing: 6/1/22
Received: 6/15/22, Processing: 7/14/22
Received: 7/18/22, Processing: 7/20/22
Received: 8/16/22, Processing: 8/17/22
Post 474 IP   flag post
Collector cbusch1 private msg quote post Address this user
Hey all, I had a prescreen order that was sent in early may that moved to production yesterday. Just in case anyone else had an order from that time frame
Post 475 IP   flag post
I blame the forum gremlins. figment private msg quote post Address this user
Modern w/Press

Received: 1/12/22, Pressing: 1/12/22, Grading: 1/26/23, Labels: 1/27/23, Production: 1/28/23
Received: 2/15/22, Pressing: 2/16/22
Received: 3/12/22, Pressing: 3/21/22
Received: 3/31/22, Pressing: 4/4/22

Modern & New (grade only)

Received: 5/24/22, Processing: 5/27/22, Grading: 1/24/23, Labels: 1/27/23
Received: 5/27/22, Processing: 6/1/22
Received: 6/15/22, Processing: 7/14/22
Received: 7/18/22, Processing: 7/20/22
Received: 8/16/22, Processing: 8/17/22
Post 476 IP   flag post
Collector MarvelousComics private msg quote post Address this user
I had one from June go into grading yesterday, but one from February that still hasn't moved.
Post 477 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
For those coming to this thread for actual information which may give you an idea of Grade only and Press & Grade TATs, with a couple of VSP thrown in, below is a detail of my 32 Non-Express Tier submissions from June 2021 through August of 2022.

Doing a quick check of the "Print Invoice" hyperlink button in my submissions, I discovered movement to Labels in "Bold" below.

CR = Comic ReHolder
EX = Expanded (now Vintage)
CN = Consumer (now Vintage Plus)
MD = Modern
NW = New
VN = Vintage
VT = Vintage Plus
PM = Premium

Some quick factoids on mid-2021 submissions:

33 Separate submissions
- 28 Press & Grade Submissions
- 1 VSP, Press & Grade Submission
- 4 Grade only Submissions

The longest TAT of my grade only was <51 wks or 244 Business days.
The longest TAT for combined Press & Grade was only 71 1/2 wks or 343 Business days.
The Shortest TAT for combined Press & Grade was 44 wks or 213 Busisness days.
The funny thing is, that both the longest and shortest TATs came from submissions that were delivered to CBCS on the same day on June 8th. [/b]

Delivered to CBCS on June 8th 2021 in two separate boxes. (All standard, w/out any FAST P's and one with VSP added).

5 of the 11 had press completed within 43wks,
1 of the 11 had press completed in 44wks,
1 of the 11 had press completed in 45wks,
1 of the 11 had press completed in 49wks,
1 of the 11 had press completed in <50wks,
1 of the 11 had press completed in <52wks.
1 of the 11 likely had press completed in ~52wks

#-----4D21-MD 30 Comics - Ready for Pickup 6/9 = 52wk/255 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In HeatSeal 5/24, In Grading Room 5/23, Just under 50 wks In Pressing Room.

#-----3BBA-MD 30 Comics - Ready for Pickup 4/20 = 45wk/217 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In Labels 4/18, 45 wks in Pressing Room.

#-----1FC5-MD 30 Comics - Ready for Pickup 6/9 = 52wk/255 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT,
In HeatSeal 5/24, In Grading Room 5/20, 49 wks in Pressing Room.

#-----0B3E-MD 60 Comics - Complete/Shipped 10/28 = 71 1/2wk/343 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In Shipping 10/28, In Billing (credit) 10/28, In HeatSeal 10/7, In Labels 10/7, Officially in Grading 10/5 but press finished 8/1 or likely earlier, In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts Pressing Post#389, this has likely been pressed, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----FD6C-MD 101 Comics - Ready for Pickup 5/13 = 48wk/237 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In Labels 5/10, In Grading Room 4/11, 44 wks in Pressing Room.

#-----DDAD-MD 31 Comics - Ready for Pickup 6/9 = 52wk/255 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT,
In HeatSeal 5/24, In Labels 5/20, In Grading Room 4/7, 43 wks in Pressing Room.

#-----943E-MD 26 Comics - Ready for Pickup 4/19 = 45wk/216 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In Labels 4/11, In Grading Room 4/4, 43 wks in Pressing Room.

#-----905B-MD 30 Comics - Shipped 4/14 = 44wk/213 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, 4/13 Shipping, In Labels 4/12, In Grading Room 4/4, 43 wks in Pressing Room.

#-----7E7E-MD 30 Comics - Shipped 4/27 = 46wk/222 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In Shipping 4/22, In Labels 4/18, In Grading Room 4/4, 43 wks in Pressing Room

#-----6C85-MD 30 Comics - Shipped 6/9 = 52wk/255 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, Shipping 6/8, In HeatSeal 5/24, In Labels 5/20, In Grading Room 4/5, 43 wks in Pressing Room.

#-----4259-MD 30 Comics w/2 VSP - Ready for Pickup 8/16 = 61 wk/291 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In HeatSeal 8/11, In Labels 8/10, In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts Pressing Post#389, this likely had press completed in May or June, just hadn't received notification or dashboard update)

Delivered to CBCS 6/21/21
#-----C148-MD - 30 comics - Ready for Pickup 9/29 = 66wk or 322 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In HeatSeal 9/27, In Labels 9/26, In Grading Room 5/31, Previously only mark Received, never marked In Pressing.

Delivered to CBCS 6/29/21
#-----6136-MD - 102 comics - Ready for Pickup 10/11 = 67wk or 324 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In HeatSeal 9/27, In Labels 9/27, In Billing 9/26, In Grading Room 6/8, Received

#-----82E4-MD - 34 comics - Ready for Pickup 9/28 = 65wk or 315 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In HeatSeal 9/27, In Labels 9/26, In Grading Room 6/7, Received

Delivered to CBCS 7/6/21
#-----C197-MD - 21 comics - Ready for Pickup 9/16 = 62wk or 301 business day combined Press & Grade TAT[/b], In HeatSeal 8/02, In Labels 7/29, In Grading Room 6/23, 50 wks / 240 Business day Press TAT.

#-----EB2E-MD - 30 comics - Completed/Shipped 10/24 = <68wk or 328 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In Shipping 10/24, In HeatSeal 10/19, In Labels 10/19, In Grading notification 10/19 (press completed 8/1 or likely earlier), In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----E175-MD - 34 comics - Ready for Pickup 11/2 = 69wk or 335 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In Grading (Pre-Shipping?) 11/1, In HeatSeal 10/31, In Labels 10/20, In Grading notification 10/19 (press completed 8/1 or likely earlier), In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----D6B1-MD - 32 comics - Completed/Ready for Pickup 11/10 = 70wk or 341 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, Reverted back to "Grading", so probably will be in shipping in 1-2 business days 11/8, In HeatSeal 10/31, In Labels 10/29. In Grading notification 10/24 (press completed 8/1 or likely earlier),In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

Delivered to CBCS 7/14/21
#-----19FC-MD - 30 comics - Completed/Shipped 10/28 = 67wk or 327 business day combined Press & GradeTAT, In Shipping 10/19, In QC 10/18, In HeatSeal 10/17, In Labels 10/14. In Grading notification 10/11,(press completed 8/1 or likely earlier), In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----24FC-MD - 30 comics - Completed/Shipped 10/20 = 66wk or 321 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In shipping 10/19, In HeatSeal 10/17, In Labels 10/14, In Grading notification 10/14 (press completed 8/1 or likely earlier), In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)
#-----6D64-MD - 60 comics - Completed/Shipped 11/10 = 69wk or 335 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In Shipping 11/09, Reverted back to "Grading", so probably will be in shipping in 1-2 business days 11/7, In HeatSeal 10/21, In Labels 10/20, In Grading notification 10/18 (press completed 8/1 or likely earlier), In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----7189-MD - 30 comics - Completed/Shipped 9/29 = 63wk or 304 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In Shipping 9/23, In HeatSeal 9/23, In Labels 9/22, In Grading 8/1 or likely earlier, In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----8142-MD - 68 comics - Completed/Shipped 10/25 = <68wk or 329 business day combined Press & Grade TATIn Shipping 10/24, In QC 10/24,In HeatSeal 10/19, In Labels 10/19, In Grading notification 10/18 (press completed 8/1 or likely earlier), In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----8596-MD - 30 comics - Completed/Shipped 10/10 = <65wk or 311 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, in Shipping 10/10, In HeatSeal 10/6, In Labels 10/5, Officially In Grading 10/5 but finished press 8/1 or likely earlier, In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----A44C-MD - 60 comics - Completed/Shipped 11/07 = <69wk or 332 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In Shipping 11/7In Shipping 11/7,[/b] Received another In Grading notification, so probably will be in shipping in 1-2 business days 11/3, Back to In HeatSeal 10/28, In Labels 10/24, In HeatSeal 10/22, In Labels 10/19, In Grading notification 10/18 (press completed 8/1 or likely earlier), In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----B5DA-MD - 29 comics - Completed/Shipped 10/26 = 67wk or 324 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In Shipping 10/25, In HeatSeal 10/20, In Labels 10/19, In Grading notification 10/19 (press completed 8/1 or likely earlier), In Pressing Room. (per SteveRicketts post that they are working on orders delivered Sept 2021, just haven't received notification or dashboard update)

#-----876C-EX - 30 comics - Ready for Pickup 9/16 = 61wk or 295 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In HeatSeal 8/02, In Labels 7/29, In Grading Room 6/24, Received[/b]

Delivered to CBCS 9/20/21
#-----7374-MD - 8 comics Grade only/No Press - Completed/Ready for Pickup 9/12, In Labels 9/2, In Grading 7/16, Received - Total Grade only TAT = <51 wks or 244 Business days.

#-----6A82-MD - 18 comics - Completed/Ready for Pickup 9/11, In HeatSeal 9/1, In Grading 8/31, another case of Pressing in less than a year with 49 wk movement. CBCS changed invoice back to "Received" 8/25, In Pressing Room - Total TAT w/Press = <51 weeks or 244 business days

#-----6A82-EX - 7 comics - Completed/Ready for Pickup 9/11, In HeatSeal 9/1, In Grading 8/31, another case of Pressing in less than a year with 49 wk movement. CBCS changed invoice back to "Received" 8/25, In Pressing Room 5/27, TAT w/Press = <51 weeks or 244 business days [/b]

Delivered to CBCS 2/24/22
#-----EAC8-CN - 2 comics - In Labels 1/27, In Grading 1/24, Moved to "Received" 1/20, In Pressing Room

#-----EAC8-EX - 11 comics - In Labels 1/27, In Grading 1/24, Moved to "Received" 1/20, In Pressing Room

#-----EAC8-MD - 17 comics - In Labels 1/27, In Grading 1/24, Moved to "Received" 1/20, In Pressing Room

#-----B5B6-MD - 12 comics Grade only - Reverted back to "Grading" with Graded email 1/23, In HeatSeal 1/19(no notification), In Grading email 01/18

#-----BD64-EX - 2 comics - In Pressing Room

#-----BD64-MD - 39 comics - In Pressing Room

#-----8043-MD w/VSP - 14 comics - In Pressing Room

Delivered to CBCS Friday 08/19/22
#-----A0CC-PM - 1 comic - Completed/Ready for Pickup 11/22 = 13wk or 65 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In Labels 11/22, In Grading 11/16, In Pressing Room 8/22, Received 8/22

#-----A0CC-VT - 2 comics - Completed/Ready for Pickup 11/22 = 13wk or 65 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In Grading 11/16, In Pressing Room 8/22, Received 8/22

#-----A734-VN - 5 comics - Completed/Ready for Pickup 12/16 = 16wk or 81 business day combined Press & Grade TAT, In Grading 11/15, In Pressing Room 8/22, Received 8/22

#-----A2F1-MD - 32 comics - In Pressing Room 8/22, Received 8/22

#-----7372-MD - 10 comics - In Pressing Room 8/22, Received 8/22

#-----703D-MD - 12 comics - In Pressing Room 8/22, Received 8/22

#-----786C-MD - 20 comics / Grade only - Received 8/22

#-----7A3B-MD - 14 comics - In Pressing Room 8/23, Received 8/23

#-----A5EC-RH - 4 comics / ReHolder - Ready for Pick-up 9/6, In Labels 8/23, Received 8/23

#-----8803-RH - 4 comics / ReHolder - Completed/Shipped 9/6, In Shipping 9/2, In Labels 8/26, Received 8/23

Delivered to CBCS Friday 12/09/22
#-----79FE-MN - 32 comics - In Pressing area 12/13, Received 12/13

Delivered to CBCS Tuesday 1/03/2023
#-----C0E9-CR - 1 comic ReHolder - Completed/Shipped 1/10, Received 1/6

#-----AD21-CR - 6 comics ReHolder - Completed/Ready for Pickup 1/11, Received 1/3

#-----DBB5-VN - 6 comics - In Pressing area 1/6, Received 1/6

#-----D581-MD - 6 comics - In Pressing area 1/4, Received 1/4

#-----5F7A-MD - 15 comics - In Pressing area 1/4, Received 1/4

#-----5F7A-NW - 5 comics - In Pressing area 1/4, Received 1/4

I will continue to update until completed.
Post 478 IP   flag post
Collector BigLouComicGuru private msg quote post Address this user
@Scifinator I clicked the hyperlink (thanks for that did not know you could do that) but it just shows what i submitted and that it is paid in full but nothing else ;(
Post 479 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by BigLouComicGuru
@Scifinator I clicked the hyperlink (thanks for that did not know you could do that) but it just shows what i submitted and that it is paid in full but nothing else ;(

@BigLouComicGuru - Saw your post in the Press forum also. If you had press on your submission with no fast pass or fast press, and it was delivered to CBCS in August, you are likely several months away as Ricketts mentioned late last week that they are finishing up March press submissions.

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