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Jumped the Shark18474

You can't get good wood on the ball every time. HotKeyComics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
It was rather obvious once we had End game, the cycle would need to restart and build like it did last time.If they take the long road and establish the new characters and storylines like they did last time, then they are right on target as before.

Black Widow, Thor, and Doctor Strange needed no introductions in Phase Bore. What's the excuse for those movies being mediocre-at-best...?

Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
All three movies were entertaining to some degree or another...I myself liked Black Widow....and the first Thor. All three pictures served as bridges to establish missing pieces and build the story arcs however.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
Iron Man (2008) Paramount Total domestic gross: $319,034,126 Total worldwide gross: $585,796,247

“Thor: Love and Thunder” took America by storm on its opening night Friday, raking in $69.5 million at the box office, according to IMDB’s Box Office Mojo.

The overall weekend sales of the Disney/Marvel collaboration, with Chris Hemsworth resuming his role as the titular character, could approach $244 million, according to Deadline.

Should the projections hold, Thor would rack up 2022’s third highest three-day domestic opening, after “Jurassic World Dominion” and Disney’s “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” Variety reported.

‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ Passes $600 Million at Global Box Office, Eyes $700 Million-Plus Finish

So L and T grossed more internationally than Iron Man 1, hmmm


Thor L&T needed to be $1bn to match Iron Man in terms of overall success. Never mind the massive built-in fandom today vs then.

A movie of Iron Man’s quality in the MCU today with all the “auto fans*” would gross $1.2-$1.5B.

* quickly dwindling in numbers based on the massive, massive week over week declines seen in MCU movies lately

Edit: also, I assume you’re using inflation adjusted figures.

Edit 2: finally, not entirely sure we need to reference box office for quality of movies (or decline thereof). Happy Days was popular well after “the jump” and the MCU is still generating big box office. On a relative basis, there is a decline ($) and for ME personally, the quality is now so poor that my expectations have sunk.

As for whether the box office numbers point to the decline in quality, they are one indicator (but lagging and still not reflecting the quality drop, yet).

Some people really enjoy the movies and that is fantastic. More power to them.

That 1bn figure you tossed out there appears to be another number you randomly chose, as has been noted in many of your posts of late. I am unsure what function it might serve or what the basis for giving that figure...but regardless it leads to the second point.

The concept of 'an auto fan base ' would seem to suggest that the demise of the marvel universe with its renting of hair and shredding of clothes has not happened, if you know, as stated above, there is still an auto fan cant be both ways which is it?

If there is a 'massive built in fandom' you cannot attempt to argue the marvel cinematic effort has hit some sort of ultimate demise. It either has fans or does not....and if they do exist and are supporting those movies, then any attempt to suggest judgement day has arrived is premature
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector* Towmater private msg quote post Address this user

Since this is a comic book forum, all to often, the fan boys here can’t grasp that the general viewing audience have started to get sick of superheroes, and that often seems like 90 percent of what Hollywood is throwing out there these days.

How anyone can think that the viewing audience wants another Eternals movie is beyond me 🤷‍♂️

The first one’s breakdown

Cost $200 million
Marketing - ? But it weren’t cheap
Box Office - $402 million world wide
= A stinker

Please Disney serve up some more of that cr-p.
Post 29 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
I'll take the actions of a multi-billion dollar corporation as evidence that people are still very much interested in superhero movies over anecodatal observations of people who are not fans of the genre.

There is no denying:

Clearly.....alot of people like this stuff.

I'm pretty confident their market research is a little more thorough.
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
and nevermind that Disney has a fairly solid history of consistently building , holding and maintaining powerful movie franchises for multiple generations across a multitude of fan base types, and styles. I dont think every movie is going to be a blockbuster, but even those that do not get the box office play that others do, still generate a cash windfall of action figures, lunch boxes, lego sets, coloring books and dart boards. If people think the box office is all there is for these franchises and movies, theyb are clearly and totally missing the point of sales outside the theater that go DIRECTLY into the Mouse's pockets and coffers
Post 31 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
All three pictures served as bridges to establish missing pieces and build the story arcs however.

Since when did teasing the future become quality storytelling?

Some seem to be focused on $$$$$, while we're discussing (lack of) quality.
Post 32 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
It seems that the negative view in this thread is "these aren't great quality movies and T.V. Shows, they are a letdown from the previous MCU".
It seems that the positive view is not so much a disagreement as it's "the quality will come eventually, they know what they are doing". I think that a part of the problem is where the bar has been set. For example, Black Panther was a surprise massive hit that became a cultural phenomenon. There now is no chance for that to happen in Black Panther II, there is only the chance that it will be a surprise failure and disappointment. Where the previous MCU was full of pleasant surprises, this one, almost by definition will be more likely to have disappointments than surprises. But I do wonder, is anyone in this thread actually arguing that this current MCU is as good or better than the previous one? In comparing box office receipts, is the argument that Thor L&T was a better movie than The Iron Man?
Post 33 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
All three pictures served as bridges to establish missing pieces and build the story arcs however.

Since when did teasing the future become quality storytelling?

Some seem to be focused on $$$$$, while we're discussing (lack of) quality.

Quality is 100% purely subjective. It is impossible (or maybe even pointless) to debate quality. If you like something and I dislike something...neither of us are going to change our opinions and no persons opinion is more valid than the other. This leaves $$$. It is the only true/valid data point to discuss popularity or what is considered "good" on the popular or mass conciousness. The masses love this stuff even if people with a higher or more refined "tastes" don't.

I'm a huge Beatles fan.....The Backstreet Boys out sold the Beatles (insert your favourite artist). To me, I know the Beatles are better than the Backstreet Boys....but to the masses (at that time), using that metric, The Backstreet Boys were better....this is an over simplication though.
Post 34 IP   flag post
Collector Travis private msg quote post Address this user
I think People get to passionate about what they like and they will start to hate the things they like if something changes from what they liked about the things they liked. I am just happy they are able to crank these movies out every year. Also keep in mind they have to make these movies where someone that dosent know a thing about comic books will still be able to somewhat enjoy the movie. I think that’s were people that are Passionate about it will start to complain about it you see it even happens everytime a new Star Wars movie comes out the hardcore fans will say it’s not as good as this one or it was the worst one ever people love to hate what they are passionate about.
Post 35 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Quality is 100% purely subjective. It is impossible (or maybe even pointless) to debate quality.

This leaves $$$. It is the only true/valid data point to discuss popularity or what is considered "good" on the popular or mass conciousness. The masses love this stuff even if people with a higher or more refined "tastes" don't.

That's not true. For example, a person with remotely 'normal' vision could easily detect the poor VFX work in much of Phase Bore. Plot and character logic are other objective measures for determining the quality of a movie, too.

Aftermarket revenue (disc/digital) may be an indicator, but considering that you must pay before seeing a movie (and refunds are not calculated), box office receipts truly don't mean much.
Post 36 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
Originally Posted by GAC
Quality is 100% purely subjective. It is impossible (or maybe even pointless) to debate quality.

This leaves $$$. It is the only true/valid data point to discuss popularity or what is considered "good" on the popular or mass conciousness. The masses love this stuff even if people with a higher or more refined "tastes" don't.

That's not true. For example, a person with remotely 'normal' vision could easily detect the poor VFX work in much of Phase Bore. Plot and character logic are other objective measures for determining the quality of a movie, too.

Aftermarket revenue (disc/digital) may be an indicator, but considering that you must pay before seeing a movie (and refunds are not calculated), box office receipts truly don't mean much.

Interesting, but I'm not sure I agree.
Post 37 IP   flag post
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