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New to Your Collection #1518447

The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
Not a big scotty young fan, but this cover was so cool I think it's going to be my Xmas book stocking stuffer

Post 951 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Top row: recent purchases from Reddit.

Futurama #1 became so far, 3 members of the main voice cast will be at our local Con in July.

Ghostbusters #1 because I was a hardcore fan as a kid & it was dirt cheap & high grade.

Iron Fist #1. Low grade bargain pickup.

Bottom row are all purchases from @xkonk‘s recent sale. Happy to have them. As described of course.

And while this is a comics forum, I also collect physical media. Happy to have the Limited Run Games HD Remastered release of the Lucas Arts classic ‘Full Throttle’ for my Series X.

Post 952 IP   flag post
Why just the women? I like bears. Gaard private msg quote post Address this user
I keep adding these cheap little romance books to me pc. This one arrived this morning.

Post 953 IP   flag post
He sounds like a vegan who wants real mayonnaise to be vegan friendly. Instant_Subtitles private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by consumetheliving

Not sure that I really want to get into this side of collecting but it was cool getting my first 9.8 back.

Personally speaking, I have just left that side of collecting a few days ago. Graded games are fun to have, as I still have one I still plan to sub. But in the end it tends to be no different than me trying to collect graded toys. Which is why I pulled out in favor of giving copper age Marvel another shot.

And on a different note, congrats on your first 9.8! Great game to have, and I bet it'll look equally great wherever you display it!
Post 954 IP   flag post
Feel free to use my post as a checklist. multi007 private msg quote post Address this user
Picked up a few keys.

Post 955 IP   flag post

I showed my wife and she was so happy for me she started to cry. Batman66 private msg quote post Address this user

a couple of wins from collectors_comic's auction they have been running. Asm 700 with a ton of signatures of icons, Stan, wein, romita, buscema, McFarlane....I plan on adding more, if you have any suggestions pm me🙏, dark avengers with a Bernie wrightson sketch and sig. last upgraded my flaming carrot 1, have a 9.0 now if anyone is interested
Post 956 IP   flag post
Feel free to use my post as a checklist. multi007 private msg quote post Address this user
Two more. Armor Wars!

Post 957 IP   flag post
Captain Accident the420bandito private msg quote post Address this user
Fairytales can come true. It can happen to you
Post 958 IP   flag post
I like bean sprouts. James42 private msg quote post Address this user

I will probably never be able to afford a copy of issue 87, but I finally got an acceptable copy of 114.
Post 959 IP   flag post
HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user

Post 960 IP   flag post
I showed my wife and she was so happy for me she started to cry. Batman66 private msg quote post Address this user

Post 961 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Finally!!! I received my CGC magazines back in their new case. They are a little thicker than the old cases, much sturdier, and keep things in place.

Old case thickness...

New case thickness...

Post 962 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Here are the magazines...

Post 963 IP   flag post
Collector Retired_11B private msg quote post Address this user
I just arrived back from Tidewater Comic Con in VA Beach. Here is todays haul...

Post 964 IP   flag post
KFC does haircuts now, Wooh Hoo. zdoes10 private msg quote post Address this user
a few pickups:

Post 965 IP   flag post
I showed my wife and she was so happy for me she started to cry. Batman66 private msg quote post Address this user

picked up another 227 at a local con. Got this book for a steal, very happy with the purchase
Post 966 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
Bought some fun drek from one of my local comic shops.

I like to see White pages in 10c books.
Post 967 IP   flag post
I showed my wife and she was so happy for me she started to cry. Batman66 private msg quote post Address this user

i forgot to include these in my last mail call
Post 968 IP   flag post
You can't get good wood on the ball every time. HotKeyComics private msg quote post Address this user
I got something for the first time today at MC3, lobby cards from other countries. I couldn't pass them up, 5 from Mexico and 1 from Belgium, a set of 4, 3 Mexico and 1 belgium for "The Monolith Monsters" and a set of 2 for "Varan the Unbelievable".

Post 969 IP   flag post
Collector Retired_11B private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Batman66

picked up another 227 at a local con. Got this book for a steal, very happy with the purchase

My favorite cover of his.
Post 970 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user

Post 971 IP   flag post
Collector CoryC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Batman66

a couple of wins from collectors_comic's auction they have been running. Asm 700 with a ton of signatures of icons, Stan, wein, romita, buscema, McFarlane....I plan on adding more, if you have any suggestions pm me🙏, dark avengers with a Bernie wrightson sketch and sig. last upgraded my flaming carrot 1, have a 9.0 now if anyone is interested
@Batman66 this was a great auction and I bid on 2 of the books you won as well. Great score.
Post 972 IP   flag post
I showed my wife and she was so happy for me she started to cry. Batman66 private msg quote post Address this user
@CoryC what did you win and what two books were they. Btw, thanks for bidding them up for me, lol
Post 973 IP   flag post
I showed my wife and she was so happy for me she started to cry. Batman66 private msg quote post Address this user
@Retired_11B this is my third copy, it's a place holder until I find a tec31
Post 974 IP   flag post
Collector CoryC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Batman66
@CoryC what did you win and what two books were they. Btw, thanks for bidding them up for me, lol
@Batman66 I bid on the flaming carrot and the amazing Spider-Man. I bid on them early so I don’t think it was me running them up lol. I had a list of around 250 I was interested in and ended up snatching 12 books. Here are a few

Post 975 IP   flag post
I showed my wife and she was so happy for me she started to cry. Batman66 private msg quote post Address this user
@CoryC if you're interested I have a flaming carrot 1 9.0 will be for sale. Pm me if interested
Post 976 IP   flag post
He sounds like a vegan who wants real mayonnaise to be vegan friendly. Instant_Subtitles private msg quote post Address this user
First graded copy for my Jim Lee X-Men run.

I ended up selling my newsstand CGC 9.6 ASM 328 to pay for another issue on my list. But in the end, I had to start this with my favorite issue in his X-Men (Vol. 2) run.

Post 977 IP   flag post
Collector Retired_11B private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Batman66
@Retired_11B this is my third copy, it's a place holder until I find a tec31

My LCS has a 5.5 signed, $800. I am close to pulling the trigger on it.
Post 978 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

Post 979 IP   flag post
He sounds like a vegan who wants real mayonnaise to be vegan friendly. Instant_Subtitles private msg quote post Address this user
A +1 for my Jim Lee X-Men run.

This was a gift from a family member simply because it was below FMV. With my guess being that the comic is not perfectly flat inside the slab. (Or just because it was a CBCS 9.6 and not a CGC 9.6.)

Either way, I might get it pressed and re-slabbed once I get the heavies out of the way.

Post 980 IP   flag post
634849 999 30