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Marvel Show Misses18252

I award you no points! stanley_1883 private msg quote post Address this user
What are your thoughts on the marvel shows?

Personally some are awesome I liked Hawkeye, and others…eh I’m not liking Ms Marvel. Couldn’t sit through it.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
I've been enjoying them, especially when they're experimenting with new storytelling techniques. WandaVison, Ms. Marvel, and What If...? are clearly different from the movies as far as storytelling goes and that's helping to make things fresh. While Hawkeye and Falcon & the Winter Soldier are more of the standard fare, they are still good - very enjoyable. I have a slight issue with Moon Knight in that it barely had any Moon Knight in it, but I did still like it. I can see why it needed to be a TV series, though, because there's no way everything in the series could have been crammed into a movie. Far too much going on to digest in one sitting.
Post 2 IP   flag post
"Forum Overlord" bah ha ha ha... JustThatGuy private msg quote post Address this user
I liked What If, and I’ll eventually finish Ms. Marvel episode 1.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Apparently, I am easily annoyed. Rbolton private msg quote post Address this user
I was disappointed in Moon Knight
Post 4 IP   flag post
I award you no points! stanley_1883 private msg quote post Address this user
Wanda Vision was good, moon knight was decent. I’m looking forward to Daredevil coming back.
Post 5 IP   flag post
How do I know this? Because I've done it myself. lawguy1977 private msg quote post Address this user
Loved Loki and Falcon and Winter Soldier. Enjoyed WandaVision (but I was disappointed by Dr. Strange 2), and I thought Moon Knight was trippy and cool (I'm a huge Oscar Isaac fan). I would have liked a little more action in Moon Knight. I enjoyed What If. Haven't watched Ms. Marvel yet, just saw the first episode of She-Hulk, and I thought it was fun.

I might be in the minority, but I think the tv shows are way better than the movies for Phase 4. Only movies I thought were "home runs" were Spider-Man: No Way Home and Shang-Chi. Doubt I'll ever re-watch Eternals, Thor 4 or Dr. Strange 2.

Totally agree about Daredevil. Super excited.
Post 6 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
We were excited about Loki and initially enjoyed it. It gradually (but consistently) got worse. Will likely keep watching assuming we keep Disney+. 6/10.

Started Hawkeye but wasn’t worth watching so dropped it three or four episodes in. 4/10.

Started Moon Knight but dropped it by the third episode. 3/10.

Watched What If (can’t remember how many) and dropped it.

From what I’ve seen the quality of the shows is pretty poor. Similar to the latest movie phase. Unfortunate.

Edit: was a big fan of Netflix’s DD series. However, it consisted of a handful of great actors and some extremely weak supporting actors. But the direction of the show was good overall… disappointed when it was cancelled. Honestly not expecting the same quality under new “ownership.”
Post 7 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
I like most of the movies and shows being made. I don't take these shows too seriously but I do like them more when they resemble the characters I grew up with. I liked smart Hulk for 20 minutes but I do want the real Hulk back. I don't imagine we'll get the real Hulk back for any substantial period of time as the actor playing him wouldn't be "challenged" as an actor.

I'm still in the happy phase of seeing these projects get made. I would like to see more straight forward action movies...less convoluted plots...less interconnectedness...more like comics from the silver/bronzeage....more one-off storylines. But again, I'm happy they're all being made as I have a choice to watch or not...if they aren't getting made then the choice is made for you.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector KeepItClunky private msg quote post Address this user
Wanda - solid enough. I enjoyed it. Internet hype killed the show as everyone was expecting some big payoff/character reveal which of course didn't happen (i.e. Mephisto).

Falcon - didn't like it much. Winter Soldier has been neutered. Became too preachy, with lame villains/plot.

What If - for me, unwatchable. Boring.

Loki - enjoyed it overall.

Hawkeye - the tone was all over the place - serious, goofy, etc. The LARPers were as dumb as a box of rocks & unnecessary. The show couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Hurt it overall. But I do like the actress that played Kate.

Moon Knight - the pace was glacial. Felt they wasted Hawke as a sub-par villain. Moon Knight does not have a great rogue's gallery unlike say Spidey and Daredevil.

Ms. Marvel - didn't watch.

She-Hulk - the first episode was ok. I'm glad they got all the origin bs out of the way and did not drag it out over 6 episodes as they did in MK.
Post 9 IP   flag post
PLOD theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user
They all suck, except for Loki (which the finale sucked). Oscar Isaac put in a great performance for Moon Knight, but it still sucked via bad writing and poor pacing. I have not seen What If...?
Post 10 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus
They all suck, except for Loki (which the finale sucked).

Wait, are we in agreement again?

Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user

Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user
Loki was best so far, by a big margin. WandaVision was also good.

The best part of Hawkeye was Black Widow's sister. I would watch a show about her. Otherwise, meh.

Thumbs down on Falcon & Winter Soldier.

I've watched a few episodes of both What If? and Moon Knight. Can't say I very interested in either. Might finish at some point, but then again, I might not.

Haven't started Ms Marvel or She Hulk yet. Probably will give both a try at some point.
Post 13 IP   flag post
I award you no points! stanley_1883 private msg quote post Address this user
Would say the biggest misses for me are Ms Marvel and Eternals. Can’t sit through either. The other material out there, I at least finished the movie/show.

And I sat through Wandavision,
The first episodes were like
Pulling teeth but it finished very strong imo
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector classicaaron private msg quote post Address this user
Wanda - the best of all the shows which is surprising for me because i thought it would be awful before actually watching it.

Falcon - was ok, took a while to get started but ended up finishing pretty strong.

What If - some episodes were forgettable others were pretty damn good. overall could take it or leave it.

Loki - just absolutely awful. so boring and was all over the place

Hawkeye - the second best show so far. was a fun show and felt more like the movies compared to any other show

Moon Knight - the worst show by far. could barely watch it and only did watch it while doing other things. just nonsensical mess and really really boring. moon knight i hope they never revisit.

Ms. Marvel - was pretty bad. i liked the first episode and the character seems good but just seems way to drawn out. just having her in the movie i think would have been enough. she doesnt need a whole show.

She-Hulk - so far its really corny with horrible cgi but has been enjoyable.
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