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Status update17845

Collector nrvn77 private msg quote post Address this user
I submitted books in June 2021 for the James Tynion signing and there was a total of seven books that I had submitted for James Tynion and other artists to sign. Invoice /22-0EAD40C. In March 2022 I had gotten an email that there was a oversight and that my order had to be split because they did not get Martin Simmonds to sign the books. The 3 books in that invoice were shipped to me and arrived safely. They generated a 2nd invoice 21-23BDE97 and I have not gotten any response from my email from 2 weeks ago and I tried calling, but it’s an automated system. CBCS had promised to expedite the order when they emailed me back in March. I have no idea how to get someone who can look into this problem. This is the first time I have ever submitted anything to CBCS and I am very unhappy with this experience.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector sleeperbat private msg quote post Address this user
I submitted a book for the JT and JORGE J signing last June as well. They are in the void somewhere...
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user
another satisfied customer !
Post 3 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Yup, I have 4 books from that signing that I know nothing about since June last year. Before the change in how invoices are linked to the website, my Tynion signing books showed as being in 'Pressing' for months. The invoices upgrade and now they're back to being just 'Received'! What's going on!? It'd be nice to know where the books are in the process, but at least I know they're safe.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector RRO private msg quote post Address this user
Is there a correlation to a simple beginning with superb customer service and easily understood workings of the company's operation, and the unsatisfactory present pathetic customer service and a seemingly chaotic operation?
Post 5 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by RRO
Is there a correlation to a simple beginning with superb customer service and easily understood workings of the company's operation, and the unsatisfactory present pathetic customer service and a seemingly chaotic operation?

Change in ownership (beckett) and original founder left the business??
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector 50AE_DE private msg quote post Address this user
Service was always lacking even at the very beginning. Things were supposed to get better with Beckett buying the place, because it had money to pump into the operations, but that never happened. Service continued to suck and customers continued to be disappointed with the lack of communication from them.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 50AE_DE
Things were supposed to get better with Beckett buying the place, because it had money to pump into the operations, but that never happened.

WORD. I did NOT see any improvement after Beckett stepped in. I saw improvement after enough customers complained, and I have definitely seen some improvement lately. I sent a message to CS a few days ago about a submission on my dashboard stuck in 'shipping' even after I'd received it. I wanted access to grader's notes, so the status needed to be updated. I got a reply and the status was updated within hours. I was impressed.

Now if I could just get some of my books back...
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user
Beckett owns CBCS

GREG LINDBERGH INDICTED ON FEDERAL BRIBERY CHARGES (2021) in North Carolina, bribing an insurance commissioner who was an informant AND FOUND GUILTY, sentenced to 8 years in prison . There is where he currently sits .

That’s why CBCS IS not dumping money into product, do your homework guys . You’ll find that it’s much deeper then just Beckett, they are not calling the shots at CBCS at all, why do you think Steve left ? No equity anymore and nothing promised, and nothing delivered.

Unfortunately Greg Lindbergh in prison, is not going to help CBCS OR THEIR respective parent entities spend money when they are appealing the case and his defense has cost 7 figures already .
Post 9 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@Happyfacecomics What's your goal here? What's your purpose with all these posts? What positive contributions have you made here?

Clearly you hate CBCS yet you spend alot of time here. Why is that?
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user

TO educate and inform everyone of the truth and the issues at CBCS -

You seem to be on the “payroll” or live in fantasyland. People want to know the truth and not be kept in the dark like mushrooms - you do them all customers a dis service @GAC by not educating yourself in the history of ownership here . Btw - who are you to ask me anything ? I owe you nothing and this is not Russia !

By the amount of upvotes I have received , I will assume more people like my post then dis-like.

It’s a FORUM and I speak the truth . If you have any issues with the facts take them up with the president of CBCS ? Oh who is that now….. no one knows , no one even knows who is running the show from Beckett over there . SORRY @ GAC BUT FREEDOM OF OPINION IS A BURDEN I CARRY .
Post 11 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Happyfacecomics
Beckett owns CBCS

GREG LINDBERGH INDICTED ON FEDERAL BRIBERY CHARGES (2021) in North Carolina, bribing an insurance commissioner who was an informant AND FOUND GUILTY, sentenced to 8 years in prison . There is where he currently sits .

That’s why CBCS IS not dumping money into product, do your homework guys . You’ll find that it’s much deeper then just Beckett, they are not calling the shots at CBCS at all, why do you think Steve left ? No equity anymore and nothing promised, and nothing delivered.

Unfortunately Greg Lindbergh in prison, is not going to help CBCS OR THEIR respective parent entities spend money when they are appealing the case and his defense has cost 7 figures already .

cool - I knew about Beckett and Eli but must admit I did not know about Lindberg and really only looked into things when the purchase happened so did not know about the bribery etc!!!
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user
4 more upvotes on that post I n two minutes @GAC -

You are in the minority opinion here and must accept that your opinions are deemed ridiculous not mine .
Post 13 IP   flag post
We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
Status update

Three sheets to the wind is state I’m in.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user
Lindbergh bought Beckett out of Bankruptcy and then Beckett bought out (CBCS) when they were struggling but retained STEVE for his obvious REASONS, for his integrity and good name, and to protect the brand as it desperately needed a cash infusion to stay alive or go under .

So @GAC I MAY be HappyFace comics and sound cynical most of the time, but I seem to more about CBCS THEM you ever did and your supporting their ridiculous business practices.

Again you are doing dis service by showing your complacency, but you may be on the payroll and that explains your comments ….
Post 15 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Happyfacecomics
4 more upvotes on that post I n two minutes @GAC -

You are in the minority opinion here and must accept that your opinions are deemed ridiculous not mine .

to be fair I can also see @GAC point of view - CBCS gets alot of flack and gripe and while most of it is deserved possibly not all of it is.

BUT - as you say - knowing the ownership and potential funding implications that may have is something that people should know - we may not be investors but as customers we should be concerned about how those issues could affect the future well being of the "service" we use (at least until recently)
Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user

You have poked the bear


I was like you once @GAC

But “where is as first I was blind, now I can see” truth with a little time spent educating myself before I can go on forums and NOT sound IGNORANT and BIAS
Post 17 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@Happyfacecomics You're not here on any altruistic mission...give me an effing break. The content of virtually every post you make is either disparaging CBCS or in support of a post disparaging CBCS so spare me your bullshit.

Yeah, I'm on the CBCS payroll...good greif, get a grip....but maybe then again...maybe you're on the other guys payroll sent here to cause problems.

Your posts here are not PSA's in any way shape or form. You attack CBCS at every opportunity so please, cut the crap.
Post 18 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Poked the bear?? Get a grip and bring yourself down a few pegs! lol!
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user
Now in fairness and full transparency, Greg Lindbergh is a BILLIONAIRE WITH A CAPITAL B .

However , you don’t become a BILLIONAIRE AMD get thrown away n jail for bribery if your goal is to “protect the hobby” and own CBCS a company whose only purpose is to show complete integrity and non-partiality as a third party grader.

Would you do business if Richard Nixon was the CEO OF PSA OR CGC - would their brand be hurt or helped by that?
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user

JOW MANY. OOKS YOU HRADE THIS YEAR , oh none ? Listen you Neophyte, people want to hear what is going on from non employees of CBCS .

I have over $250,000 in CBCS SLABS and I NEED CBCS to get their shit together and not go out of business or file bankruptcy or my slabs are worth half of that !!!

In a way - I AM A STOCK OWNWR AND YOUR VEIL threats are diminished by your lack of understanding of the hobby and how important CBCS IS to the HOBBY !

I Feel bad for the direction of CBCS OF Your THE MOUTHPIECE LF THEM ANS ALLOWED TO SPOUT YOUR $0 investment gibberish
Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user

3 MORE UPVOTES - you have not disputed any of the facts and have brought to the forum ? I wonder why ? Because they are all factual. That’s why no one is listening to you and at this point you are damaging your own credibility.

I’m a paying customer
You are paid to protect CBCS -

Post 22 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
@Happyfacecomics are you typing with your left foot?
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user

Babysitting 3 kids and trying to type fast and get them to sleep -

So yes my apologies for the terrible text.
Post 24 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Happyfacecomics

JOW MANY. OOKS YOU HRADE THIS YEAR , oh none ? Listen you Neophyte, people want to hear what is going on from non employees of CBCS .

I have over $250,000 in CBCS SLABS and I NEED CBCS to get their shit together and not go out of business or file bankruptcy or my slabs are worth half of that !!!

In a way - I AM A STOCK OWNWR AND YOUR VEIL threats are diminished by your lack of understanding of the hobby and how important CBCS IS to the HOBBY !

I Feel bad for the direction of CBCS OF Your THE MOUTHPIECE LF THEM ANS ALLOWED TO SPOUT YOUR $0 investment gibberish

whoa buddy - take it down a notch
Post 25 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
@Happyfacecomics I respect peoples right to have opinions and voice them. But a forum that is owned by CBCS is not an appropriate venue for this crusade. I don't respect that people should have access to any venue of their choosing for their free speech and opinions. However, if the moderators choose to let the crusade continue on a forum that is built and paid for by CBCS, intended to be an asset to be it.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector RRO private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KatKomics
Originally Posted by RRO
Is there a correlation to a simple beginning with superb customer service and easily understood workings of the company's operation, and the unsatisfactory present pathetic customer service and a seemingly chaotic operation?

Change in ownership (beckett) and original founder left the business??

Steve Borock WAS the reason I threw my--limited--lot in with CBCS. It seems likely that him leaving will prompt me to do so too. This is not how I envisioned CBCS evolving. My own personal gripe is primarily the apparent disregard towards me as a loyal customer.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Collector Happyfacecomics private msg quote post Address this user
My apologies to the forum - but @GAC HAS BEEN poking my post and stepping on my opinions which are appreciated by others and obviously not by him . I don’t say anything about his post or have never attacked him.

However , I’m open for discussion if he wants to reach out and discuss how to make CBCS better working environment (better pay) and a better system of communicating with their customers .
Post 28 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EbayMafia
@Happyfacecomics I respect peoples right to have opinions and voice them. But a forum that is owned by CBCS is not an appropriate venue for this crusade. I don't respect that people should have access to any venue of their choosing for their free speech and opinions. However, if the moderators choose to let the crusade continue on a forum that is built and paid for by CBCS, intended to be an asset to be it.

Exactly!! And for me, I have alot more tolerance for people who complain but also obviously support or have positive things to say as well...which is most of us.

When there's a huge imbalance leaning towards negativity...I question the motives
Post 29 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Happyfacecomics
My apologies to the forum - but @GAC HAS BEEN poking my post and stepping on my opinions which are appreciated by others and obviously not by him . I don’t say anything about his post or have never attacked him.

However , I’m open for discussion if he wants to reach out and discuss how to make CBCS better working environment (better pay) and a better system of communicating with their customers .

Every one of your posts are either an attack on CBCS or in support of an attack on CBCS. No other contribution that I've seen. I'm just challenging that.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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