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Art Original ArtworkArt Sketch CoversCBCS Original Art Program OAP

Original Art, Commissions, & Sketch Cover thread #317764

Collector Element_Lad private msg quote post Address this user
I had a couple pieces done in the past by Allan Goldman (all concepts were mine and I was the art director):

Mystical Library

Mystical Library Part 2

There was and still might be a Part 3 and 4 to this series
Post 51 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
2 pages by Mahmud Asrar - shadowland power-man #1

I have 1 more page on its way (I hope)

finally received the 3rd page. however compared to the other 2 it seems to be earlier in the process. question - any explanation?

Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector Element_Lad private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
Originally Posted by poka
2 pages by Mahmud Asrar - shadowland power-man #1

I have 1 more page on its way (I hope)

finally received the 3rd page. however compared to the other 2 it seems to be earlier in the process. question - any explanation?

The third one is in the pencil stage and final inks have not been applied and clean up has not been done yet.
Post 53 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Purchased from Tim Vigil.

Post 54 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Element_Lad
Originally Posted by poka
Originally Posted by poka
2 pages by Mahmud Asrar - shadowland power-man #1

I have 1 more page on its way (I hope)

finally received the 3rd page. however compared to the other 2 it seems to be earlier in the process. question - any explanation?

The third one is in the pencil stage and final inks have not been applied and clean up has not been done yet.

tks. does that mean that the same pages are available in diff stages? how likely is it that pages from the same issue are in diff stages?
Post 55 IP   flag post

Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
Originally Posted by Element_Lad
Originally Posted by poka
Originally Posted by poka
2 pages by Mahmud Asrar - shadowland power-man #1

I have 1 more page on its way (I hope)

finally received the 3rd page. however compared to the other 2 it seems to be earlier in the process. question - any explanation?

The third one is in the pencil stage and final inks have not been applied and clean up has not been done yet.

tks. does that mean that the same pages are available in diff stages? how likely is it that pages from the same issue are in diff stages?

It's possible. There could be a second one withe the inks out there somewhere. Or the could have done inks digitally. Hard to say
Post 56 IP   flag post
Collector Element_Lad private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka

tks. does that mean that the same pages are available in diff stages? how likely is it that pages from the same issue are in diff stages?

Judging from the signatures, the first two are inks over bluelines. The third is the original pencils. So yes there may be different versions of the same artwork (though not really the same). You have original inks and one original pencil by two different artist. There also may be a version with the colors from yet another artist. Then there may also be a production color guide version used for printing. Each has it's own value.

Hope you are enjoying them.
Post 57 IP   flag post
Collector Element_Lad private msg quote post Address this user
Ok here's the sitch, I commissioned Greg Fox to do a Sun Boy in Highland kilt and kit but he did two versions. One with Sun Boy's Legion uniform coloration and one he is calling traditional tartan. I love both versions! Is that a bad thing or do I need to pick one? My inner Daffy Duck wants both!

Wanted to do something different with the Legion characters and what they wear. Greg knows of another character I had another idea for but we have not executed that one yet. He seems to be of Celtic descent with the red hair and Morgna name seems right I went with it.

Post 58 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
If you can afford it and enjoy both, why not buy both?
Post 59 IP   flag post
Collector Element_Lad private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
If you can afford it and enjoy both, why not buy both?

Fingers crossed but I think I am.

Post 60 IP   flag post
I like bean sprouts. James42 private msg quote post Address this user
The thing is, I don't particularly like Batman. And I really am not a fan of Bob Kane. But my mother got this for me as a Christmas present one year.

I love this piece. And since McKelvie has transitioned to digital, it's not like there is going to be more production art from him.

Post 61 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
These are (fuzzy pics of) original design art for Disney pins, purchased from Mike Royer. I already have #8 & #9 of the "12 Days..." set. So far, I've only been able to find pins for #7 & #9, and a variation of #8.

Post 62 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
And a Kirby-style Machine man.

Post 63 IP   flag post
Collector Element_Lad private msg quote post Address this user
My commission of Doc Samson sketch cover by Ryan Santos at Granite State Comicon 2022

Post 64 IP   flag post
It gets old smelling it everytime I go outside my door. Nearmint67 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
tks. does that mean that the same pages are available in diff stages? how likely is it that pages from the same issue are in diff stages?

I highly doubt any professional inker is going to ink over original pencils.
The process is that copies of the pencils are provided to the inker to ink.
Last thing anyone want is an inker screw up the pencils with an oh snap moment with his inks.
Original pencils are preserved in original format.

Then copies of the inked work are provided to the colorist. Again, so the colorist doesn't have an oh snap moment with the colors and ruin the original inks.

So you will have three original pieces of art.
Original pencils.
Original inks over copied pencils.
And original colors over copied inks.
Post 65 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Nearmint67
Originally Posted by poka
tks. does that mean that the same pages are available in diff stages? how likely is it that pages from the same issue are in diff stages?

I highly doubt any professional inker is going to ink over original pencils.
The process is that copies of the pencils are provided to the inker to ink.
Last thing anyone want is an inker screw up the pencils with an oh snap moment with his inks.
Original pencils are preserved in original format.

Then copies of the inked work are provided to the colorist. Again, so the colorist doesn't have an oh snap moment with the colors and ruin the original inks.

So you will have three original pieces of art.
Original pencils.
Original inks over copied pencils.
And original colors over copied inks.

If I was ever going to have pieces inked it would be these 2...but 100% I don't want the pencils ruined!!

and Wally Wood

Post 66 IP   flag post
Collector loubot private msg quote post Address this user
Thanos and Death painting (8x10) I did a while back. For sale if anyone is interested!

Post 67 IP   flag post
Captain Accident the420bandito private msg quote post Address this user
Princess Mononoke commission by Greg Tocchini. Showed up from Brazil today!

and some WIP photos

Post 68 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@KatKomics I just provided a high quality scan for another artist to light box then finish

Post 69 IP   flag post
Collector Element_Lad private msg quote post Address this user
My acquisition of Shadow Lass by Diego Silveira

Post 70 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Finally getting better images of much of my OA collection. I may have posted these before, but if I did, they were probably a bit fuzzy and/or had lousy lighting.


KA-ZAR #3 pg18 & #4 pg11- DON HECK & MIKE ROYER
(Purchased from Greg Koudoulian)

PRIME #15 pg21 GEORGE PEREZ (signed)



Post 71 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user

"TEKNOPHAGE RED SONJA" (listed as a commission)








Post 72 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
I have a small (incomplete ) stack of art from the late Rich Buckler from when he was at NOW Comics. They did a story called The Big Bang and broke it up into 3-4 page chapters and spread them throughout their titles.

Chapter 1 pgs 1, 2, & 3

Post 73 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Chapter 2 pgs 1-4

Post 74 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Chapter 3 pgs 1-4

Post 75 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Chapter 4 pgs 1-3

Post 76 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Chapter 5 pgs 1-4

Post 77 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Chapter 6 pg 3

Post 78 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Chapter 7 pgs 1 & 3

Post 79 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Chapter 9 pgs 1 & 2

Post 80 IP   flag post
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