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CBCS Graded

Turnaround time 9.017631

Collector Petroman private msg quote post Address this user
I've been away from this board for a few months. I now see CBCS has added Express, Express Plus and Super Express tiers. Are the TATs legit for these? I know there is some guarantee for TAT, but are people seeing that their Express submissions are returned within a month's time? Also, I've seen many people on the CGC boards complaining about grading inconsistency, presumably due to new graders not knowing what they are doing. I'm wondering if CBCS grades are suffering similar inconsistencies as they too have had to hire new graders to meet higher volumes. Thanks in advance and apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.
Post 76 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Petroman
I now see CBCS has added Express, Express Plus and Super Express tiers. Are the TATs legit for these? I know there is some guarantee for TAT, but are people seeing that their Express submissions are returned within a month's time?

I haven't seen anyone post that they didn't. Several people have posted that they did. The faster tiers are guaranteed, so your grading would be free if they miss the TAT.

Originally Posted by Petroman
Also, I've seen many people on the CGC boards complaining about grading inconsistency, presumably due to new graders not knowing what they are doing. I'm wondering if CBCS grades are suffering similar inconsistencies as they too have had to hire new graders to meet higher volumes.

Someone always complains about a grade but I haven't seen anything systematic come up.
Post 77 IP   flag post
Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Petroman
I've been away from this board for a few months. I now see CBCS has added Express, Express Plus and Super Express tiers. Are the TATs legit for these? I know there is some guarantee for TAT, but are people seeing that their Express submissions are returned within a month's time? Also, I've seen many people on the CGC boards complaining about grading inconsistency, presumably due to new graders not knowing what they are doing. I'm wondering if CBCS grades are suffering similar inconsistencies as they too have had to hire new graders to meet higher volumes. Thanks in advance and apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.

Considering the standard tier TATs have skyrocketed, I'd say they're hitting their guaranteed TATs for the Express services. Now that it actually affects their bottom line and not just the customers, they're doing everything they can to meet them.

From all I've seen and heard, CBCS has only added a few new graders (and just lost one big one) so I wouldn't be concerned with grading inconsistencies. To their credit, the smartest thing they've done during the last two years is grow slowly and (presumably) train properly. Now if only they could realize they should have stopped taking submissions so that their current workforce could process last year's orders in a reasonable time, they'd have a huge advantage over CGC.
Post 78 IP   flag post
Collector Petroman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom
Now if only they could realize they should have stopped taking submissions so that their current workforce could process last year's orders in a reasonable time, they'd have a huge advantage over CGC.

Yes, it seems that both of the big grading companies have acted the same way: Raise prices a bit and add more expensive grading tiers/options which they prioritize over older submissions. There is major rage on the CGC boards over the fact that their ECONOMY tier books from last August remain ungraded. Yet the FAST TRACK books (at an extra $15/book) are being prioritized. I think we can all understand why the focus would be on books they are making more $$$ off, but penalizing people for submissions made before this change of focus doesn't seem right. I'm sure both companies would love to magically waive away their pile of low margin ungraded books, but as that's not possible they will just trickle though the grading of those low margin books while prioritizing the higher margin books.
Post 79 IP   flag post
I blame the forum gremlins. figment private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Petroman
There is major rage on the CGC boards over the fact that their ECONOMY tier books from last August remain ungraded.

True statement, I'm included in that group even if I don't constantly complain about it.
Post 80 IP   flag post

I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
They're working on it
Post 81 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
In fact, everything... literally everything that is sub-par and/or is completely unacceptable is being worked on by both companies.

I just need to be patient, because it's all being worked on.

I told my management after 2 years I'm working on it ... yknow the things you asked me to do for our customer base. He was surprisingly soooooo understanding after 2 years and trusting of me that I'm working on it. Words are so cool. Who needs a plan with actual actions?
Post 82 IP   flag post
Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Petroman
Originally Posted by Supertom
Now if only they could realize they should have stopped taking submissions so that their current workforce could process last year's orders in a reasonable time, they'd have a huge advantage over CGC.

Yes, it seems that both of the big grading companies have acted the same way: Raise prices a bit and add more expensive grading tiers/options which they prioritize over older submissions. There is major rage on the CGC boards over the fact that their ECONOMY tier books from last August remain ungraded. Yet the FAST TRACK books (at an extra $15/book) are being prioritized. I think we can all understand why the focus would be on books they are making more $$$ off, but penalizing people for submissions made before this change of focus doesn't seem right. I'm sure both companies would love to magically waive away their pile of low margin ungraded books, but as that's not possible they will just trickle though the grading of those low margin books while prioritizing the higher margin books.

It's basically the same scenario here. I could send in a Express order today, pay about double per book, and have it back before my Aug 2021 submission (which just finally hit "Heat Seal" on week 41.

I actually like the whole concept of the Express tiers and guaranteed TATs are great, given that new submitters are made well aware of what they're in for with a standard submission. But we were all bamboozled by this. They should have held off until they were at least through 2021 orders.
Post 83 IP   flag post
Collector Rio_d private msg quote post Address this user
I'm hopeful that I will see my stuff in a month or less. My friends brother who submitted his books a day before mine in August received them last week. My friend who submitted at the same time is currently in heat seal like me. I can't imagine that there is THAT much of a discrepancy in TAT between 1 day or even 1 order.
Post 84 IP   flag post
Collector Bige private msg quote post Address this user
I'm not sure what is going on, my submission from Jul 21 2021 has been in heat seal for months. I'm not sure how long a heat seal takes. but also my books from October 8th from NYCC is still in billing and same comic con the books didn't go into the system until Dec 8th. I think those books missed the bus and had to be walked to Texas. This is getting crazy
Post 85 IP   flag post
Collector Petroman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom
But we were all bamboozled by this. They should have held off until they were at least through 2021 orders.

I'm very glad I'm not in your camp, but I've wondered why both of these companies don't at least offer those who have been waiting so long for their books a discounted "fast track" to immediately move them to the front of the queue. Maybe make it 1/2 the extra cost for the current express service over regular service. I'm not sure many would take them up on this, and others may even find it insulting, but it would at least offer some way to get these older submissions back in a very near timeframe. Just a thought.
Post 86 IP   flag post
Collector Supertom private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Petroman
Originally Posted by Supertom
But we were all bamboozled by this. They should have held off until they were at least through 2021 orders.

I'm very glad I'm not in your camp, but I've wondered why both of these companies don't at least offer those who have been waiting so long for their books a discounted "fast track" to immediately move them to the front of the queue. Maybe make it 1/2 the extra cost for the current express service over regular service. I'm not sure many would take them up on this, and others may even find it insulting, but it would at least offer some way to get these older submissions back in a very near timeframe. Just a thought.

Or even a simple automated email telling us that we should expect over double the "estimated" TAT and offering to return our books and refund our money. Or even account credit towards a future submission. I'm sure many of us would have gladly taken our books back last fall, and resubitted them in the Express tiers, using that same credit. I would have much rather waited 10 months with my books in my hands. But again, something like that would only benefit us.

I'm curious what will happen when their Express service gets bombarded with submissions. I can't imagine a lot of people are knowingly signing up for a year + TAT just to save $20. Soon enough they'll get overloaded again and then what?
Post 87 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Supertom
But again, something like that would only benefit us.

This exactly.
Post 88 IP   flag post
Collector ChuckyG private msg quote post Address this user
So if I send something in Express Plus today, what's about the complete turn around time I would get it back?
Post 89 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@ChuckyG there's a 5 business day TAT for express plus. So say you mail it on a Monday. Maybe it gets to CBCS on Wednesday, they open the box on Thursday. They have until the next Thursday to ship it to you. Maybe it takes an extra day to get to you because of the weekend, so you get it on Monday. If there's a holiday or slow shipping, add on a day.
Post 90 IP   flag post
Collector El_Dub13 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Petroman

Yes, it seems that both of the big grading companies have acted the same way: Raise prices a bit and add more expensive grading tiers/options which they prioritize over older submissions. There is major rage on the CGC boards over the fact that their ECONOMY tier books from last August remain ungraded. Yet the FAST TRACK books (at an extra $15/book) are being prioritized. I think we can all understand why the focus would be on books they are making more $$$ off, but penalizing people for submissions made before this change of focus doesn't seem right. I'm sure both companies would love to magically waive away their pile of low margin ungraded books, but as that's not possible they will just trickle though the grading of those low margin books while prioritizing the higher margin books.

This is weird. I submitted an order to CGC on 2/28, an it was received in their system 3/7. It was done and shipped on 5/21, and I just got it back today. All in all, it was there for 54 business days. 🤷‍♂️
It was not fast tracked.
Post 91 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by El_Dub13
Originally Posted by Petroman

Yes, it seems that both of the big grading companies have acted the same way: Raise prices a bit and add more expensive grading tiers/options which they prioritize over older submissions. There is major rage on the CGC boards over the fact that their ECONOMY tier books from last August remain ungraded. Yet the FAST TRACK books (at an extra $15/book) are being prioritized. I think we can all understand why the focus would be on books they are making more $$$ off, but penalizing people for submissions made before this change of focus doesn't seem right. I'm sure both companies would love to magically waive away their pile of low margin ungraded books, but as that's not possible they will just trickle though the grading of those low margin books while prioritizing the higher margin books.

This is weird. I submitted an order to CGC on 2/28, an it was received in their system 3/7. It was done and shipped on 5/21, and I just got it back today. All in all, it was there for 54 business days. 🤷‍♂️
It was not fast tracked.

CGC is strange I have a lcs here that sends books off all the time to them all fast passed etc.. and sometimes it's a 3 to 4 weeks others 3 to 4 months he sent off a book for me once then the next week sent off another shipment and got the 2nd shipment back before the first.. all fast pass no pressing etc.. they are strange but st the end of the day if you do the math to bet the same price at cgc that you pay at cbcs 40 for express you need to send off at least 10 books to cgc THEN cgc doesn't have the NEW money back guarantee for the TAT (don't grt me wrong I understand that the money back is new etc but still I'm not talking about old submissions)
Post 92 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by xkonk
@ChuckyG there's a 5 business day TAT for express plus. So say you mail it on a Monday. Maybe it gets to CBCS on Wednesday, they open the box on Thursday. They have until the next Thursday to ship it to you. Maybe it takes an extra day to get to you because of the weekend, so you get it on Monday. If there's a holiday or slow shipping, add on a day.

That's the theory hopefully it works because I an working on sole issues I will say this for all the problems people have once you grt ahold of someone they work with you to make it right!
The pressing option tiers were taken away recently to help get caught up I'm assuming makes sense good idea. Well I don't want to wait over a year for a express plus book to get pressed then graded so they split the order amd are crediting me the money spent for my next submission and mailing it ungraded back. That was one of my suggestions. So yeah they do help you out but currently use a 3rd party presser or wait over a year
Post 93 IP   flag post
Collector ChuckyG private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by xkonk
@ChuckyG there's a 5 business day TAT for express plus. So say you mail it on a Monday. Maybe it gets to CBCS on Wednesday, they open the box on Thursday. They have until the next Thursday to ship it to you. Maybe it takes an extra day to get to you because of the weekend, so you get it on Monday. If there's a holiday or slow shipping, add on a day.

So its processed faster as well? It jumps the cue?
That's awesome!
Post 94 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ChuckyG
Originally Posted by xkonk
@ChuckyG there's a 5 business day TAT for express plus. So say you mail it on a Monday. Maybe it gets to CBCS on Wednesday, they open the box on Thursday. They have until the next Thursday to ship it to you. Maybe it takes an extra day to get to you because of the weekend, so you get it on Monday. If there's a holiday or slow shipping, add on a day.

So its processed faster as well? It jumps the cue?
That's awesome!
basically they say we give you a money back guarantee of the 5 business day TAT from date recieved 75 dollars for modern books
14 business days for 40
Or 1 business day for 200
Sooooo it all depends on the $$$ you want to spend
Post 95 IP   flag post
Collector Silverado private msg quote post Address this user
@Nuffsaid111 Quote:
Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111
They're working on it

In regards to customer support, it seems that they might have actually been working on it. I had a few issues with some orders recently. I have also lobbied some complaints in the past about the unresponsiveness that CBCS customer support seemed to be well-known for in the forums. In the interests of fair play, I thought I would pop in to acknowledge that my past 2 interactions with customer service were as follows:

1st interaction: Responsive initially, lack of actual details given about the process but super quick action.

2nd interaction: Quick response, quick action, detailed response.

If that 2nd interaction is the new standard then customer service will have gone from completely absent to gold standard like... Bruce Banner turns into Hulk or
Clark Kent turns into Superman or
Cringer turns into Battlecat.

One of those.
Post 96 IP   flag post
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user
Since my remaining June 8th delivered Press submissions are near completion, and because I believe the TAT's on the Main page are still errantly inflated, in order to continue to give some intel on actual movement, I will post updates on my remaining Grade only submissions noted at the bottom for further intel

So you can get a rough ideas as to where things stand, below are status updates on my 11 Modern w/Press submissions that were delivered to CBCS on June 8th in two separate boxes. (All standard, w/out any FAST P's and one with VSP added).

5 of the 11 had press completed within 43wks,
1 of the 11 had press completed in 44wks,
1 of the 11 had press completed in 45wks,
1 of the 11 had press completed in 49wks,
1 of the 11 had press completed in <50wks.
2 still in pressing room (most likely completed, just not updated to grading yet)

May 28, 2021 21-1DA4D21 30 Comics - In HeatSeal 5/24, In Grading Room 5/23, Just under 50 wks In Pressing Room.

May 28, 2021 21-1DA3BBA 30 Comics - Ready for Pickup 4/20 = 45wk/217 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In Labels 4/18, 45 wks in Pressing Room.

May 28, 2021 21-1DA1FC5 30 Comics - In HeatSeal 5/24, In Grading Room 5/20, 49 wks in Pressing Room.

May 27, 2021 21-1D90B3E 60 Comics - In Pressing Room.

May 27, 2021 21-1D8FD6C 101 Comics - Ready for Pickup 5/13 = 48wk/237 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In Labels 5/10, In Grading Room 4/11, 44 wks in Pressing Room.

May 27, 2021 21-1D8DDAD 31 Comics - In HeatSeal 5/24, In Labels 5/20, In Grading Room 4/7, 43 wks in Pressing Room.

May 26, 2021 21-1D5943E 26 Comics - Ready for Pickup 4/19 = 45wk/216 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In Labels 4/11, In Grading Room 4/4, 43 wks in Pressing Room.

May 25, 2021 21-1D2905B 30 Comics - Shipped 4/14 = 44wk/213 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, 4/13 Shipping, In Labels 4/12, In Grading Room 4/4, 43 wks in Pressing Room.

May 25, 2021 21-1D27E7E 30 Comics - Shipped 4/27 = 46wk/222 Business day Combined Press & Grade TAT, In Shipping 4/22, In Labels 4/18, In Grading Room 4/4, 43 wks in Pressing Room

May 25, 2021 21-1D26C85 30 Comics - In HeatSeal 5/24, In Labels 5/20, In Grading Room 4/5, 43 wks in Pressing Room.

May 25, 2021 21-1D24259 30 Comics w/2 VSP - In Pressing Room.

The dates listed below are the actual dates delivered to CBCS, NOT the Invoice date as the invoice date has NO bearing on the estimated TAT's. TAT's start 1-2 business days after delivery. None of my submissions has any Fast Pass nor Fast Presses. Also note, the 3 late June submissions still show "Received", but based on commentary by Steve Ricketts, I suspect those may already be out of the Pressing Room and just have not been updated in the Dashboard.

Grade only submissions below UPDATED in Dashboard (Print Invoice hyperlink) 5/25:

Delivered to CBCS 9/20/21
#-----7374-MD - 8 comics - Received

Delivered to CBCS 2/24/22
#-----B5B6-MD - 14 comics - Received
Post 97 IP   flag post
Collector Petroman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by El_Dub13

This is weird. I submitted an order to CGC on 2/28, an it was received in their system 3/7. It was done and shipped on 5/21, and I just got it back today. All in all, it was there for 54 business days. 🤷‍♂️
It was not fast tracked.

I would guess that your submission was for the MODERN tier and not ECONOMY. MODERN is now processing in about 3 months. Maybe less. Fast track MODERN normally under a month. The woes are with the ECONOMY (pre-1975) tier where people are complaining about books from early August 2021 still not moving out of the "Scheduled for Grading" status. A status that means nada BTW.
Post 98 IP   flag post
Collector El_Dub13 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Petroman

I would guess that your submission was for the MODERN tier and not ECONOMY. MODERN is now processing in about 3 months. Maybe less. Fast track MODERN normally under a month. The woes are with the ECONOMY (pre-1975) tier where people are complaining about books from early August 2021 still not moving out of the "Scheduled for Grading" status. A status that means nada BTW.

You’re right. I was confusing Modern and Economy.
Post 99 IP   flag post
Collector 78pts private msg quote post Address this user
39 weeks and counting... according to new TOT it's gonna be another 60 days...
have now received my forth CGC submission back in the same time...
Post 100 IP   flag post
Collector SlayerRick710 private msg quote post Address this user
So I got this email actually in record timing I just barely sent it off and 5 min later I get this response so how much longer till the books are home?
Post 101 IP   flag post
I award you no points! stanley_1883 private msg quote post Address this user
my books are in shipping....hopefully I get them soon. fingers crossed
Post 102 IP   flag post
Collector los2863 private msg quote post Address this user
So how do all of the new tiers and express / express plus affect older Fast Pass / Fast Press submissions?

I have a Fast Pass / Fast Press submission (21-34160D1 in case someone from CBCS is looking) from Sept that hasn't received a single update since Sept 22nd. Can that order qualify for some sort of money back guarantee?

I understand the huge backlog, I understand TATs are only estimates. But when you pay up extra money for a service, the very least thing that a service provider can do is keep you accurately up to date or answer an email. Just provide some transparency and real expectations.
Post 103 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
@los2863 My November Fast Pass/Fast Press shows as in pressing - I would expect your September order to be somewhere in the Grading queue
Post 104 IP   flag post
Collector los2863 private msg quote post Address this user
@KatKomics Thank you for responding and providing something to gauge against, fingers crossed that you are right!

A lesson for CBCS, all @KatKomics did was respond with some sort of expectation and it gave me a little hope.
Post 105 IP   flag post
630282 999 30