Turnaround time 9.017631
-Our Odin- Rest in Peace |
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Jtkist Ok. I reached out to a friend who works at CBCS. It is not written down anywhere. It's just been standard operating procedure for years now. |
Post 251 IP flag post |
-Our Odin- Rest in Peace |
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Kasperb991 Yes. TAT is calculated using business days. They do not count the weekend or any holidays. |
Post 252 IP flag post |
Collector | david75090 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Picked up my order from June 04 2021, yesterday, June 14 2022. My dashboard is showing that it's ready for pickup. Now I'm waiting on the last order I have from June 14 2021. It's showing that it's been "received". Of course by clicking on the order number it shows whatever is being pressed as being pressed. The rest is in limbo. "Processed". I suppose if I could've looked closer on the Doctor Strange movie I would've seen my order on one of those realms, somewhere. |
Post 253 IP flag post |
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers). Splotches is gettin old! |
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by david75090 Just hope and pray that it's not in that paint universe. |
Post 254 IP flag post |
Collector | Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Got the email that 3 of 4 books are graded using the express 14 day turn around. Still can't see the grade but that is at 7 full days from marked recieved | ||
Post 255 IP flag post |
Collector | Supertom private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Darryl_H This goes against what I was told back in November, in that our TAT estimates are based on when they arrive. Which for me was 17 weeks. I was also told at that time that they were actually closer to 25 weeks. Well I'm on 43, so.... It's incredibly frustrating to hear the one thing that actually had some sliver of accuracy is no longer something we should reference when trying to figure out when we'll get our books back. If the TAT is an ever moving target then why estimate it at all? |
Post 256 IP flag post |
I blame the forum gremlins. | figment private msg quote post Address this user | |
For "slow tier" vintage orders received in September of 2021, Economy and Expanded, CBCS is now faster than CGC. My CBCS Expanded order received 9/6/2021 is now complete. My CGC Economy order received on 9/7/2021 is still at "Scheduled for Grading". |
Post 257 IP flag post |
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers). Splotches is gettin old! |
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Supertom After getting many more gray hairs, losing hair, aggravation, frustration since the CBCS marketing push in april, I have finally come to just accept they are not who they used to be. It's sorta like when someone dies.... sorrow, anger, then acceptance. (Not sure if I was ever at the sorrow stage though... lol). They are catering to, and are all about the Express services. Because that means lost money if not honored. To think that correct information will be provided for standard tier submissions related to books submitted long ago with falsely published TATs, well - that's just not them anymore. It's a transformed company. The King is dead, long live the King |
Post 258 IP flag post |
Collector | Bige private msg quote post Address this user | |
So we are now on day 8 of CBCS saying that my submissions was completed and ready to ship. Still has not shipped. Wtf is going on. I sent 5 messages to cbcs support and no reply. Calling no longer has people on the end other end, I will now have to go to the other company when I go to a comic con | ||
Post 259 IP flag post |
Collector | etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by etapi65 Received today. They sent the express on it's own (fine with). The slab only hasn't hit the system yet. |
Post 260 IP flag post |
Collector | tylerindo private msg quote post Address this user | |
submitted sept 28 2021. nothing. sent off 5 cgc orders since then and all have been returned. is this a joke company, or is it a legit business? I can't tell. Seriously. Anyone? Asking for a friend. Omg. I'd like to say something nice so they don't fuck with my order but I cannot. Yall suck. | ||
Post 261 IP flag post |
Collector | Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user | |
@tylerindo can't speak to the Canadian branch but the USA Texas based has a good TAT with express orders from what I have seen but on the plus side for you cgc is quicker I know people thst are waiting over a year now on cgc orders | ||
Post 262 IP flag post |
Collector | tylerindo private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Kasperb991 express orders? Im talking regular orders. Cgc is down to 3 months or less. Like I said, I've had 5 orders come back from cgc in the time my books have been with cbcs. But yeah, keep shilling that cbcs is faster than cgc and maybe one day it will come true! bahahahahahaha | ||
Post 263 IP flag post |
Collector | tylerindo private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Kasperb991 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah | ||
Post 264 IP flag post |
Masculinity takes a holiday. | EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by tylerindo Quote: Originally Posted by Kasperb991 So...one of these statements is "shilling" but not the other? Which is which? |
Post 265 IP flag post |
Collector | Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user | |
@tylerindo again bud I sent off 4 books on a express because let's face it it's the best option for both compaines.companies.. 3 of the 4 books graded already. 7 days on a 14 day tat.. I have books sent with fast pass to cgc that are still not graded from my local lcs.. | ||
Post 266 IP flag post |
Collector | etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Just got the notice today via e-mail on my non-pressing Orlando Megacon 2021 submission stating"... is graded and now it is time to get the comics into a CBCS case! Your tier has entered the production area of the company and will only be here a short time before it ships out!" It's been listed as in heatseal for about 4 weeks, but I'm assuming it's headed my way very soon. August 18, 2021 would be official "received" date. It hit labels 3/16ish 2022, heat seal between May 19th and 23rd. Sitting at 43 weeks. I also know they mentioned that June -August were the heaviest months of the massive upticks in submissions. So if they're getting through the summer, non-press submissions I'm guessing the TAT will start coming down. |
Post 267 IP flag post |
Collector | Supertom private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111 Yep, sad but true. The current standard TAT of 224 means I should be getting my books back July 15th which based on the (apparently loose) status on my invoice makes sense. So 11 frikin' months. Nearly 3x what I paid for. Mind you 3 of these books, I paid for 2 day modern, but they stealthily changed their policy on splitting orders (even though their FAQ still says otherwise). It's clear that 224 number was carefully calculated to allow them to focus on the Express tiers. So while it may have been possible to get our 2021 orders out sooner, as soon as they launched the Express tiers, they just set them on the even slower track. I'm curious what their plan is when people see how miserable their Standard service is, and everyone starts using the Express tiers exclusively. It may be great for business at first but it's going to put them right back in this same situation, only instead of just screwing over Standard shlubs like us, it will actually affect their bottom line. They've created a sort of ironic business model, in that if they get another huge surge of business, it's actually going to negatively impact them. Either that or they drop the Guaranteed TATs and increase prices again. |
Post 268 IP flag post |
Collector | Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Got the email 3 of my 4 books are ready to ship I would assume they wait to ship the whole group together is that correct? Jiat looked at it and they say shipping on all 4 books however I never got an email about the grade on the 4th book. Either way we are at 9 days from the date the books were dropped off on a 14 day TAT fast pass |
Post 269 IP flag post |
Collector | The_IronJedi private msg quote post Address this user | |
So, if my submission of Modern, 2-day Modern and Expanded occured before the new tiers and pricing, where do I stand in terms of TATS? My order has been received and in "processing" for over 80 days and when I submitted (March 2022), I think TATS were less than the current 224 days. More than anything, I'm just curious. | ||
Post 270 IP flag post |
Collector | Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user | |
@The_IronJedi valid question buddy hope you get an answer but in the forums I dunno where to tell you but I would reach out to rhe C.S. team in the contact us now page they helped me out when I had a pressing issue from them | ||
Post 271 IP flag post |
It gets old smelling it everytime I go outside my door. | Nearmint67 private msg quote post Address this user | |
So I live in Super Sunny & Flippin hot Florida. If I plant an orange tree, will I have eatable oranges before I get back my June 9th "received" submission? Wonder.... | ||
Post 272 IP flag post |
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? | Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by The_IronJedi @The_IronJedi - if that was one submission that contained all 3 tiers, you are on the slowest boat which would be either the Modern or the Expanded. The estimated TAT on 2-day Mod is nullified by the other two. |
Post 273 IP flag post |
Have I told you about the time I dropped off 3,000 comics at SDCC? | Scifinator private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Nearmint67 @Nearmint67 - No |
Post 274 IP flag post |
Collector | semperfi_ny private msg quote post Address this user | |
What is "pre-grade"? | ||
Post 275 IP flag post |
Collector | Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user | |
@semperfi_ny if I understand your question it might be the screening option like hey if this booknisnt at least a 9.4 don't grade and slab it.. but I kinda need to know where you got the info from | ||
Post 276 IP flag post |
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. | xkonk private msg quote post Address this user | |
@semperfi_ny if you got an email or something saying that your order's status is "pre-grade", it just means it's waiting through the TAT to be graded. | ||
Post 277 IP flag post |
I blame the forum gremlins. | figment private msg quote post Address this user | |
Orders from September 2021 CBCS Expanded 1) Delivered 8/10/21, Entered 10/15/21, Grading 2/18/22, Labels 3/1/22, Complete 5/6/22 (268 total days) 2) Delivered 9/07/21, Entered 11/04/21, Grading 5/19/22, Labels 6/4/22, Complete 6/15/22 (281 total days) 3) Delivered 9/07/21, Entered 11/04/21, Grading 5/19/22, Labels 6/4/22 4) Delivered 9/08/21, Entered 11/08/21, Grading 6/03/22, Labels 6/8/22 5) Delivered 9/17/21, Entered 11/12/21, Grading 5/19/22 6) Delivered 9/20/21, Entered 11/11/21 A little out of order, we'll see how the rest of it goes. It is worth noting that submission size does seem to have an effect, with larger submissions taking longer than smaller ones. CGC Economy 1) Delivered 9/09/21, Entered 9/14/21 2) Delivered 9/24/21, Entered 10/21/21 |
Post 278 IP flag post |
Collector | semperfi_ny private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Kasperb991 sorry I was super vague...I got an email response today from an email I sent 2 weeks ago. They said my order from 09/21 and 10/21 are in "pregrade". 2 orders, 5 comics each...economy. No rush, no press, just grade them and get them back to me. | ||
Post 279 IP flag post |
Collector | Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user | |
@semperfi_ny yeah then basically it's jiat waiting to he graded from what u understand | ||
Post 280 IP flag post |